Page Eight CAGE SEASON OPENS Timber Wolves Meet O.C E.Monday Night SPORTS Public Relations Section Big Tilt at Corvallis High Gym Will Start at 7:30 P. M in the first of 20 games to be played on their winter schedule, the basketball squad of the Timber Wolf Division will on Monday night clash with the Oregon Col- lege of Education. The game will be played at the Corvallis high school gym, starting nt 7:30 p. ni.. Athletic Officer Lt. Jos. Quin, said yesterday. Scrimmagi' for the big game, for which the teuni has lieen practicing several weeks, will be held tomor­ row evening at Monmouth. An admission charge for Monday night's game will be 50 cents for officers and civilian* and 15 cents for EM, the Timber Wolf A.O. stated, proceeds of the game going to the division athletic fund. As matters stood yesterday a 10. man squad will he on deck and the full two teams will probably get action during the game. Starting line-up will see — at guard, Sam Koster, 6-foot 2-inch former W eat Point player and Lt. Quin, 6' 1", who played ut Seton Hull college, South Orange, N. J.; center Lt. Herbert Brown, former Indiana player; forwards — G. Iladgley, ex-lowa U. star, und Lor­ en Garrett, Missouri. Tallest man on the squad is Lt. Boh Duffy, tl-feet 3-inches, former University of California basket­ ball player. Sgt. ('lurk Brown played at lowu; Bob McElmurry, Oklahoma; Lyod Evanaon, North Dakota, and Al iiurink, Seattle. Burink is 5’ 0", as are two other »quad likelies, Reumi mid Li- Guori. Mileage of a new lire can be ex­ tended from 1(10,000 to 17,000 mile* by reducing average speed from 40 miles an hour to 25 miles uii hour. Its The Rhythm of AL. BENNING'S 10-Piece Orchestra for an enjoyable evening at TUMBLE INN 2 Mi. N. of Albany on Hwy. 99 EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT SHRIIKIN6 SNflKSI ( amp Adair, Ore. HELLO BILL! This is a special invitation to men in uniform. The Elks Purple Ball, an an­ nual charity shindig staged by the BPOE of Corvallis, will be held tonight (Thursday, in the Elks Temple, Corvallis. Music by Al Benning’s orchestra and impromptu entertainment by any given number of Elks. Tick­ ets are a dollar ten a couple, but all the proceeds go to churity. SECOND GUESSING with Sgt. E, A. Brown ■I Dec. 16, Set as Date Of Field House Fights *' J Navy’s defeat of Army last Sat­ urday put a final "whacky” touch to a "whacky” season. On paper and in the minds of experts, Army was slated to win going away, as we say at the track. It was a trackmeet at that, the soldiers did everything but run the Midship­ men out of the park in winning 14 to 0. But what we started out to say was that regardless of who won, the traditions of the two service schools curried on. Let’s mellow a t. Let’s turn back the pages. At the army's military academy on the Hudson is an inscription known to every West Pointer: Pvt. Bettina, Lightheavy, Among Fighter Galaxy Now Training Noise in the Night It will be “Fight Night” at Field If you hear noises apart from House. Wednesday, December 16. the usual at the Post this eve­ “And a real fight night," CpI. I ning, be not alarmed. Jim Shackleton promised yesterday Some tactical demonstration in making the announcement. “But in night noises, which may in­ we’ve got the talent coming in now. clude firing and the use of flares, is planned by 3rd Bn., Some plenty good boy*. Any box­ 382nd Inf. ers are invited to a meeting to com­ plete matching ’em up 7:30 p. m. Friday ut Field House.” Top of the list who have reported in for training is none other than "Upon the fields of friendly the brother of the former light­ strife heavy champion Mello Bettina. Are sown the seeds lie's Pvt. Joe Bettina, a smooth, Slated Dec. 10-14 on That upon other fields, on fast 185-pounder of the 156th F. A., other days, 14th Med. Det. 'Lorenz' Title Court Will bear the fruits of victory.” Bettina hails from Beacon, N. Y., An open singles handball tour­ A fellow named MacArthur wrote stands 5 feet 8'._. inches. A "con­ that General Douglas MacArthur. verted” southpaw, like his famous nament — for any and all players And it goes for all branches of the brother, Bettina fought amateur. at Camp Adair, including civilian service. And that's why Satur- He lost by decision to Leo Senter personnel — will be played on the i day's 43rd Army-Navy football in semi-finals at Madison Square Lorenz championship court, the In 1939 he deciaioned evenings of Dec. 10, 11, 12 and (if j game meant something more to this Garden. I country of ours than forward Steve Cuzak, New Jersey A. A. U. entry list demands) 13, it was an­ pusses i and twenty yard off-tackle champion. In .36 fights Bettina nounced yesterday. All handball players, either nov­ plays, It recalled such former KO’d 18 opponents, won 16 de- greats as Lieutenant Slade Cutter, I ciaions. lost twice by decision. He'll ice or experienced, are invited to Right now he’s on a submarine ' probably fight a heavy in the Field compete. The match play as ath­ letic officer, ( apt. Frank Wimer somewhere in the Pacific and doing | House Fight Night. quite a job. Remember that fel­ I A sterling heavyweight opponent pointed out, is sort of a get-ac­ low who dropped hack to kick that finally looms for Pfc. Earle Beebe, quainted tourney for handball en­ field goal to beat Army 3 to 0 hack QM. in Pat A. B. Riley, colored and thusiasts of the post. The entries, containing informa­ in 1934? That was Slade Cutter. rugged 195-pounder of Co. ('., 246 Qm. Bn. tion requested below, must be Rear-Admiral Brown Another sizzling Vnuteh virtually mailed or telephoned to Field House Rear-Admiral J. II. Brown is another ex-midshipman now on ac­ clinched will pit two middleweights (2897) or sports editor, The Sentry, Pvt. Emmett C. Jackson, 150, Public Relations office not later tive duty in the Pacific. In 1913 he was Bab* Brown and he scored another colored fighter of Co. C., than 5 p. m. Tuesday. 246 Qm. Bn., and Pvt. Andy Dolak, Pairings and playing time will Winifred Leals (nboie) has u nil of Navy’s nine points in Army’s 383 Inf., 96th Div. Jackson, a dy­ be announced in next Thursday’s 22-9 victory in 1913. Two years hobby of ‘‘queening." She's been queen of lettuce, oranges, gladioli, before he booted two field goals tn namite puncher with either hand, Sentry. has had five years us un amateur. I Information requested: Name and motor-boating and no» is queen of trounce the Cadets 6 to 0. hobby i*ts. The last heard of Major J. H. Dolak fought professionally as Kid Rate, Address, previous handball Trupnell, he was «till in Bataan and Dolak and boasts wins over Tommy played if any, can you play all College Cadet Band still wearing u D. S. C. for a little Meacham in eight rounds at Wind­ tournament evenings, after 6 p. m. Lorenz Court is situated at Ave. job of burning a bridge that slowed sor, Canada, and George Buckley. In Concert Sunday Cream of the crop now working F. and 1st St., N., by Fire House down the Philippines. Sixteen years No. 1. The annual fall term concert of ago Trap Trupnell was the passing out includes, to list a few: Pvt. Julian J. Reyes, 115, 383rd. sharpshooter who helped pitch the Oregon State ROTC cadet band Co. A und I’vt. John F. Viliulvoos, will la* given Sunday afternoon, Army to a 21 tn 21 tie with Navy 120. 332nd Qm, both of the 96th before u tremendou» 120.000 crowd December tl, at 3:30 in the men's I Div.; Pvt. Sye Huddleanston, 129. in Soldiers Field, Chicago. Major gym on the Oregon State campus. The concert is free to all ami serv­ Conrad F. Necrason. The I). F. C. | *’“• B. 383rd Inf., 96th; Pvt. Willard . is on his breast. In one day, in 1 Burke, 130, Co. A, 321st Eng., 96th; ice men are cordially invited. I Pvt Richard D. Davidson, 125. Hq. The band, consisting of approxi­ that scuffle in the Celebes, he and Co . 96th; CpI. Phillip Duvaldi. 140. another flier sank a transport, shot Inspired Stiner-Men in mately 110 pieces, will present a | 156th FA. 44th Div., and I’vt Wil­ program of novelty, classical, down seven of 15 Jsp planes, scat­ 'Balls o' Fire' Finish lis Owens, 145-pounder of Co. ('., mandi and Christmas number*. Bo­ tered the other eight and beat off 382nd Bn., 96th. an assault on an American bomber loiata wdl be Thoma* McClellan, ! It is probable boxing instructor The Oregon State Beavers—who cornet, Benjamin Bates, cornet, base. Nick Nicrason was the pow­ I’ete DeGia »»e will give away a few rose from a bulky season lieginning erhouse in the Army line of 1934- and Reginald Fifer, trumpet. pounds to take on Pvt. Rudy Silva, to reach some kind of heights when Captain Harry L. Beard has 36. That '35 team, you recall, tied the straight-jabbing 142-pounder of they toppled Oregon U. two weeks Notre Dame, Idanked Harvard and been conductor of the bund for 37 336 Qm.. the 96th Div. ago, 39-2, and preserved their pelts sank Navy. 28 to 6. yearn. Vice-Admiral William F Halsey MOI’NDBM AN Lt. Joseph Jr. lie's the hero of Guadalcanal; Quinn. division Hq. pitched for the the director of that show. Back in Washington Senator* during sea­ 1902 Pudge Hulsey fullbacked the Navy eleven and whs awarded the son* 1939 and 1940. • ■ — Thompson trophy as the man who V contributed most to Navy athletics that year. That was the year, incidentally, I At going to press time there was pecially if the Uclana do what they ALBANY in which Pudge tangled with an ,, little to tie addt^i on the Rose Bowl haven’t missed doing for, lo! these Army player named Joe Stillwell, situation the University of Geor­ 18 years- and lose to USC. But Cougar hopes faded Satur­ a cadet halflmck. The Japs trying gia made a fast RSVP accepting day when held 0-0 by the Washing­ the bowl invitation to represent the to take China and Burma can tell you just how hard Lieutenant Gen­ east and UCLA ha* the inside ton Huskies and the dope-bucket- track for the Pacific Coast confer- eers now give them a chance only eral Joseph Stillwell hit*. I That same year. too. the student encc, dependent on outcome of in event VCLA should Iw defeated Start* Sunday manager of the army team was their Saturday game with South- by CSC, with the score tending to the lop sided. ern California. Doug MacArthur. Here are the Coast Conference Georgia'« win over a powerful Puss over a few year«, now. up standings: Georgia Tech team, 34-0, cinched to. »uy, 1926 one of Trap Trap- WRHÍR FIND YOU' neH'» year*. That wa.< quite a hall her invitation, for until Saturday club Army had swamped Notre "Jo-gahs" second best team was Dume 27 to 0 and knocked off Navy also rated number two in the na­ 10 to 3. In addition to Trap, there tion. Washington State may still rate were Moe Daly, the center and backbone of the line, quarterback an outside bid to Rose Bowl nomi­ ALBANY Chick Hat hng ami tackle Blomly nation, some observer* hold, es- I in that 7-7 tie with Michigan State Saturday at Lansing, are due hack at Corvallis today, with their 1942 football schedule now history. Saturday’« game, played in zero weather as a chill wind roved over Macklin Field, is the latest of an historic series on the Beavers’ east­ west post-season agenda. After 27 years and 20 intersec­ tional games with various teams the score now reads: Oregon State, won 10 games, lost 8, tied 2. Curiously enough it was 1915 when the Beavers last traveled east to meet the Spartans and in a spectacular upset toppled them, 20-0. More curiously, five of State’s eight defeats were at hands of Nebraska, Coach Lon Stiner’s Alma Mater. The story of Saturday’s game can be compactly told. The field was fast at start, turned slippery toward the finish. Michigan scored in the first quarter on a “slicker” play, then converted with a fake place kick. That slippery Beaver. Joe Day, did most of the packing, plunging over center for the final yard to j make Oregon's second - quarter i score. Ralph Harper converted. | The play that started the touch­ down march was the same so- called "bootleg diagonal” that had ( Lamfoozled Oregon U. Oregon State topped Michigan statistically but it all added to a game de­ scribed as "suspensefully close.”_ FINE PORTRAITS Reasonably Priced also Cameras-Supplies-Films Wilson Studio 135 S. 2nd ROLLER SKATING 8:00 P.M. Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday SKATEWAY Roller Rink 7th & Montgomery Albany, Oregon Mid-Willamette Valley’s Top-Flight Roller Rink Corvallis in Salem LEON'S All-Post Handball Tourney Scheduled Here’s for a Merry Xmas to you and yours ... Take it from one who is in a barracks ... (exactly like yours) there’s lots of “tough breaks” in the army ... this isn’t one of them ... Here’s “Beautiful Stuff and Things” ... “for that Gal back home . . GOWNS Say Soldier ... if you want to make a hit ... with that One and Only Gal . . . Send Her one of these . . . “Gorgeous Gowns” . ! ? ROBES That will make Her look and feel like a queen ... and we’ll bet Her heart will go “Pat, Pat” ... when she thinks of Her “Soldier Bov­ Beavers Back Today From Michigan Trip Georgia Gets Bowl Bid, But Cougar Tie Leaves UCLA Conference Bulge VENETIAN EŒEEÏSI Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, December 3,1912. KT* "SLIPS Soldier ! You just can’t go wrong ... if you give the Little Gal slips ... They are “Fril­ ly” and “Lovely” The kind she is sure to like. D ARIN«; VOI N«; M \N” JOE E BROWN al»o INTERN VHON \l SQI \I>ROV RUN II D RI M. \N Start* Sunday HAIJ WAY IX) SH XNl.HAI" IRFXt htM 111X111 I \ t I . . . and, Soldier . . . we have the kind she is sure to want.