Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, December 03, 1942, Page 4, Image 4

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    Camp Adair Sen
Page Four
Thursday. December 3, 1942.
Maj. Josiah Osborn
Leaves for New Duty
Maj. Wm. Feldmiller to Head
SCB Until Successor Arrives
Major Josiah J. Osborn, since
August 24 the assistant command,
ant of the Camp Adair branch.
Cooks' and Bakers' School, on
Thanksgiving day departed on
ordei from the War Department,
to new duties at the Command and
General Staff School.
Three parties, for three
tions of the country, will be
given for soldiers and town
people ut Corvallis. Saturday ¡it
7:30 p. m. These neighborhood
parties, where a fellow can min.
gle with people who »peak his
language and have like idea-,
will I m * as follows:
Southwest, including Califor­
nia, Arizona. New Mexico. I'tah
and Nevada, ut USD, 5lh and
Madison streets.
North central, including Ohio.
Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and
Wisconsin, at Christian church,
Sixth and Madison street
Midwest, including Iowa,
braska, Minnesota and North
and South Dakota, at Methodist
church, Eleventh and Monroe
Hail and Farewell
Lf. Godfrey Tells
Pix Men Censorship
M. I. Officer Is Guest
Speaker at Club Meet
Military censorship with regard
to the publishing of news photo­
graphs or regular photographs
taken at Camp Adair was dis­
cussed in detail Monday night by
Lt. George H. Godfrey, post public
relations officer, when he spoke at
the regular weekly meeting of the
Camp Adair Camera Club held in
the library loft of Service Club 2.
Lt. Godfrey, who is assistant mil­
itary intelligences officer, outlined
the rules governing the taking of
pictures on this army post, and il­
lustrated each set rule with several
examples. He pointed out that
there are so many available sub­
jects that it is never a problem to
snap a good picture, yet a picture
which would not be of any benefit
to the enemy.
He encouraged the club members
to take pictures which would be of
news value, and which, if cleared
by the Public Relations Officer,
could be submitted for newspaper
or magazine publication. Any pic­
ture intended for publication, he
added, MUST be approved by the
PRO, and to save time and trouble,
he suggested that the person hav­
ing an idea for a picture or lay-
out first consult the PRO for ap-
proval “before you waste your film
and paper."
Later in the meeting. Pvt. Ron­
ald Selvester of the medics, and
.Major William H. Feldmiller, as.
i -tant director of training for
School of C ooks and Bakers, Ninth
Service Command, is here and has
a umed charge until the arrival
of Maj. Osborn’s successor, a month
or more hence. Major Feldmiller
will then return to headquarters,
at the Presidio, San Francisco.
(Editor's note: Just prior to his
departure ami while waiting orders
directing him to his new duties,
Maj. Osborn, whose urmy back­
ground is considerable, released
the following interview to a Sentry
For -everal years Maj. Josiah J. give a d—
Osborn has had a double-barreled
“Young man, you speak to th.
n ¡1 on to celebrate Armistice day. colonel.’’
Exchanging felicitations are (left) Maj Jo: ..ih J. Osborn who has
II.- was born November 11, 1898.
“Do you know to whom you
departed his post as assistant commandant, ( amp Adair School for
"The place,” he said, “was on speak?" came the quick reply
the ide of Osborn Mountain, in
“No, I can't say I have that | Cooks and Bakers to attend Command and G.neial i .if chool and |
Maj William II. Feldmiller, assistant direct, i of train!' r f foi Ninth
Washington. For sake of geograph­ pleasure.''
\t.. t n
Command, CBS. w ho has assumed char. ■■ heie until Maj.
Os i
ic orientation, though, you’d better
“Thank God for that,” and up
say it was adjacent to Mount went the receiver
Maj. Osborn's army cureer dates
to February, 1915, when he joined
I II Catholic mass, 0700;
the Canadian army, shipped over­
nt service for attached
sea» and arrived you guessed it—
0900; general Protestant
on his birthday, November II.
1000; Christian Science
"Then it took me three more
1100; daily mass, except
years to get that blanked wur
1715; Lutheran service,
On April IH, 191(1, Pvt. Osborn
got transferred to the American
army, soon rating corporal, then
I) and 3rd Street North
sergeant. After the Armistice he
returned to the United States in
Friday, December I
March, 1919, ami then, as we're
HH>0 Jewish service, t'pl, Bernard
Major General Gilbert II Cook
informed all good Seattle-Iles do,
will apeak at the dedication of
attended Washington State college Chapel No. 9, Av. C at 11th St..
Saturday. December 5
1900 ( atholic confession
for two years.
North, on Sunday. De. (I, nt 2 :o
But the military idea had him. p. in. Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Frank
Sunday, December t>
1923 he joined up with the J. Worthington, divisional i-haplnin 0800 Catholic Mass
famed 15th Infantry and shipped to 104th Division, will make the ad­ 0900 Episcopal Communion
China for three years service. Re­ dress of dedication and speaker» 1000 Protestant service
turning he went, as a corporal, will represent Catholics, I'lotest
1 1 1 5 Latter Day Saints, Pfc. Alma
with the Seventh Infantry to Alas­ ants mid Jews. Special music ar
N ielxen
kan service. There he was later ranged by Mrs. Florence Guard) 1900 Bible class
Merriam. Service Club hostess 1
During 1929 ami 1939 he “built Everyone invited
toads for the Bureau of Public
Roads, then returned to Seattle and
Christian Science Churches
Chapel No. 3
Muss 0700. 0830,
"Go<| the Only Cause and ( rea 1130 confession Saturday 1500-
opened a restaurant."
This went on until 1934, when tor'k will be the subject of th< 1700, 1800-2000.
he returned to active duty as a Lesson-Sei mon in all Churches of 1830 except Wednesday.
lieutenant, junior officer with the Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Dei 0
Chapel No. I Mass 0045,
The Golden Text will be "All na 11.10. Confessions Saturday from
CCC. A year later he was given
command of a camp, remaining un. tions whom thou hast made shall 1900.
til March I, 1941. Then he went to come arili Worship before thee, O
Daily mass at 1800
active duty with the then Ninth laird; and shall glorify thy name.
Sorrowful Mother Novena
Corps Area, School for Rakers and For thou are great, and doest won day at 1900.
drous things: thou ate Gisi alone"
Chapel No. 5
Mass 0800, 1130.
\\ lien you are singing your next (Rs. 88:9),
Confession Saturday 1 RIM)-1900.
The Lesson-Sermon will also in
Barrucks ILxni Ballad un the sub­
Chapel No. 5
Mass 0700, 0745.
ject of mess, peg these words of elude the following correlative I 100 Confession Saturday 1800-
Maj. Osborn, who has been around passages from the Christian Sci 1900.
enee textlxiok» "Science and Health
< Hough to know:
Chapel No. fi Ma»» 0700, 11 If.
"There*» no doubt ours is the with Key to the Scripture»" by Confessions Saturday from 1800.
b< ( fed army in the world
and Mary Baker Eddy: "There is but
there's no job in the army with one creator and one creation Thu
Chapel No. 2 9:15, Ch. Thomp­
such dll<ct bearing on health, wel.
fure and morale. A good kitchen of spiritual ideas and their iden
Chapel No. 3 9:30. 10:30, Ch.
force can make or break a com-
infinite Mind and fon ici reflected" Patrick. Bible clas- Wednesday,
p in. Choir, Thursday, 7 p. m
Maj Osborn had prefaced this (|>. 502).
Chapel No. 4 8:00, 8:45,
by saying: "In the other war 1 hail
oral, <rvice 9:45. Lutheran
a < bailie to see how they fed the
vice 7:00, evening service Bible
By S. L. Gihuoii
Brtti-h, French and even the Ger­
of course I'd bought som. VIIII class Tuesday and \\ vdtlvsday at
man armies. We oecaaionally had
7:00 p. m.
.. chanc. to eat food the Germans And gathered metal scraps
Chapel No. 5 i 9:00, Communion
had lu-t prepared,” said he with a And worn out rubber hos. mid (according to "Hook
of Common
tw inkle.
Prayer"); 10:00, general service,
i Although hi- home is in Seattle, To help destroy the Jap«;
Cli Jack»! >n; 10:45, Holy Commun
while on duty here, Maj. Osborn And then I'd done -om< other ion; 8: 30- 7:30 p m.. registration
t.-ide- with his wife in Corvallis.)
for I.uthe ran communion; 7:00 p.
His hobbies hunting and fish- Toward building ships and planes
ran communion.
For other men to fly the skie»
No. «
9:00, general
And »ail the ocean lanes;
h Ormond; 10:00, Gen.
<01,0X11 II isvr EOI Nil OUT But today I gave my son.
h Churchill; 7:00 p.
An extension telephone at the So young, so strong and fine.
Orditalo. Works bulled. A cer­ He joined the U S Army rank’
Jew i»h
tain ■ idonei answered, "All right.” To fight for me and mine
Chapel No 5
Why in the Sam Hill haven't I had not made a »aerifico
l> m Fridays.
\ ou «ent the required reconi» to Unlit he said goodbye.
Chapel No •»
this office this morning ? " came the The war bad been «o far away
m Friday»
irritatisi voice of an enraged office But now it Mema so high
“I »wear I have a great 1 know that scrap ia vital
\bout That Insurant»
mind to come over there and pin To make a plane or gun.
Don't delay apply immediately
What do you Rut today I gave. In kakhi clad,
your ear» down,
for the new National Service Life
think you are, I'd like to know. My heart. my blood, my »on.
Insurance policiea.
holding the work» up like this?"
This ia urgently adviser! of of­
“Hold on. young man,** rame a
UH tl'EI SUtt |< H
ficer» and EM in a War Depart
d< ep, clear voice, “lio you know to
Sunday. Drcemher 8 1942
whom you «peak?"
Chapel 7 Epiacopal Holy toni m< nt communication which states
"No, and what'» more I don't niumon. 0700; Cathola Mass, 0800 that delay in applying now may
make it impossible to complete
and KMM); General Pmte«tant sei
these requests later.
vico», 0900 and litio liible atudy.
Notice» re panting application»
1500; »vening servire, 19«'
will be diaplayvd permanently on
Chapel 8
l.utheran «ervue.
organization bulletin boards, th«
0800; Catbolic Maoea. <>900 and
communication »ays.
1000; Brut »»tant -ervice, 1100;
For Quality Shoe
protettali! Ve»per« 18.10; dtetli»
sion club, IMO
Friends of T Sgt Robert Thomp-
We guarantee Ixith work­
Chapel 9 t athob, Masse«. • '«•■ «•"' of the Hq Rettery :187th F A
manship and materials.
and I00O; Prnt.-tant servire. <n*0v Bn . will lie sorry to lewrn of the
Full line of ¡xrliabea
l alberati aerviee, 1100; Cathol . •tenth of his father on Nov 28th
and »hoc laces.
I confeMHMi», 8aturday, 1800-19 le
— >.*'1 State St.. Salem — 991 Willamette. Eugene
Sgt Thompson, whnae home is in
Chapel IO
t atholsr Ma
118 S. 3rd St.. Corvallis
07«, 9HMI. 11« , Piote» tant
attend arrvicaa ther*
Open Evenings and Sundays
No Appointment Necessary
'vt. Herb Nir meth of the Mrs,
exhibited enlargement» they had
made and discussed the techniques
u«ed in obtaining the finished prod­
uct». Members are encouraged to
bring along their prints to the
meeting» for group criticism and
The club will convene again next
Monday night, at 7:15, in the upper
library of Club 2. Sgt. R. C. John­
son, acting-chairman, conducted the
meeting and introduced the guest
Quality Furniture
and Appliances
At Moderate Prices
In Minnesota, “mining” of city
dumps for scrap metal turned up
700 tons of metal at Winona, 000
tons at Sioux Falls, 400 tons at
260 State St
i - *
Things They
Need and Use
in Salem
Choose their gifts with care because every package that comes from
someone on the home-front is opened with excited anticipation and delight!
Make sure the gifts you send will accompany them from camp to camp
. . from base to base !
Strongly Hoven
khaki or navy
» aterproof monev belt
with zipper & pocket, »2.
Utility kits, various types,
12.95 up
Clothes Brush
Fancy Novelty
Very Serviceable
( lonely woven, snug,
khaki color gloves .. $l..><)
Regulation sleeveless slip­
over in khaki or navy $3.50
Sea forth
Shaving Sets
With Tablet and
Ideal for Men
Lotions and Shaving
a Place for
Officer'» robe in fine
$1.00 up
All Branches
Leather billfold with pic-
space. and mono-
91 •• up
Heavy fringed wool maf-
fler. in khaki or navy. .
11.25 api
Hundreds of Other Items - for Men Anywhere