■ ùsaa j amp AdairJSentry, December.^, 1SH2 "For The Men" - Tele Of 9 Handball Courts Gift of Contractors, Engineers; Lorenz to Be Championship Court DO YOU KNOW Sl'SIE? Susie is a definite brunette, with sparkling eyes. She's small, weighs about 90 pounds. And what an appetite! She ate 40 pancakes for breakfast Sunday; likes salads, i, fruits, vegetables, She doesn’t eat meat. Whether Susie, the little black bear I now proudly owned by Tech. ( pls. Harold W. Brad­ ley and Edmund H. Emeritz and housed at barraeks between D and E Sts., an 2nd Av., S., will in any manner officially suc­ ceed the lately present Car­ michael, is not known. What­ ever, she seems far more pleased with life in these parts than ( army was. But Susie has a shed built for her. She was picked up recently during exercises at Newport. Now seven months old, Susie was a bottle-fed baby. She's now waiting the WAACs. unteer workers knit them and they are distributed by the individual army camp directors. The sweaters, however, are issued only at the re­ quest of a commanding officer — and then proof must be shown that the sweaters will be put to good Company "B”«f the Umpty-Umpth use. Was waiting for this man, The Red Cross now makes sure And when he stepped down from that only soldiers who have defin­ the train ite need for the sweaters are issued He got a friendly hand. them. B ASIC TRAINING By Cpl. Charte« Bowden Willie was a rookie Who was sent to Camp Adair To receive that basic training— There was no time to spare. BIG DRINK TO GO BUY ! All fell out at crack of dawn. If each of the 31 million U.S. The sergeant whistled—shrill; i families bought one less can of First command was, “Dress right­ i canned goods per week, the steel dress,” saved would meet steel require- And much confused was Will. ' ments of 5,000 medium tanks, there The story of Camp Adair’s nine handball courts and how they came PEFSI-COU ii art* mly by to be is another tale that illus­ ftyd-Cd. Cww, Uat IM City, N. trates how you can take an idea, »-•id holly b>: sprinkle with enthusiasm, mix co­ operation ind soon start cookin’ So when the sergeant called the I would be tin for 3(50,000 75 mm. Pepsi Cola Bottling Ct with gas. Howitzers, rubber for 2.000 jeeps. roll of Corvallis Bark “when,” there were no He answered softly, “Here.” court.-. Bulk of construction work “Sound off!" the sergeant barked on Camp Adair was completed, right back— Those who had done it wanted to I In Willie ’s eye was fear. leave something for memory's ' sake; something Camp Ailair sol- ’’The first thing taken up today diets could use. Will be to make your bed. Spokesmen approached Col. R. Where and how to hang your E. M. Des Islets, area engineer. clothes—” Being a handball enthusiast dat­ A list for “shots" was read. ing his We-t Point days and know­ “All the barracks will be scrub­ ing the supeib recreational value bed, of the sport, the Colonel suggested Latrines will be just so. ha ml ba 11 courts lie built. The grounds policed get every­ It was like that - — first the wish, thing,” then the thought, then — »presto! The U. S. engineers furnished the That sergeant said, “Let's go!” materials. Contractors countered Willie had an awful day, by donating the labor. Eight dandy 'Twas hard to do things right. four wall courts were built at stra­ If Tootsie's Games Are His arm. that “shot,” it hurt like— tegic areas about the camp, All Cutely Rounded, Lisle well, arc regulation size; al) built of the He couldn't sleep that night. best material priorities would al- Okey—Song Expounded law at tune of const)action. At least one soldier on the post But Willie’s in there pitchin’, 1 . Chief A I. Siu > k had an- I heard his corporal say is appreciative1 of * the dimpled Ath< i thought. If there cimld be He’s got a soldier’s makins twinklings (feminine legs to you) one more court, built even more And improves from day to day. strictly to every A.A.U. specifica­ about the post. Fearful lest the SLIPPERS SHE WIU proud possessors of the camp's tion for championship play than the rest to lie used constantly more shapely gams become too un­ Those Cold Cold M.P.'s LOVE FOR XMAS of course, blit likewise to be kept happy about the silk shortage he To Get Warm Sweaters in “tournament shape” every hour has penned these cheerful yet de­ termined lyrics. .May they help you of every day. If there could? The average soldier may or may Sherk found hi« man. It wm lassies to bear one of the grimmer Emil Lorenz, one of the four con­ war shortages. The lyrics should be not be glad to learn that Camp tractors. This contractor had built sung softly to the tune of “Smile Adair M. P.’s will be warm this Ladies we give you: winter as they walk their post. courts (they are surprisingly A While.” Adair Red Cross ol* lais have an­ LISLE A WHILE tricky things, they say, to build). He was willing to "give." So was I.isle a while and lick the Japanese, I nounced that they are gathering Rayon l»»rn Lorenz court, which may be Lisle's the style to wear on pretty | enough of the O. D. sleeveless sweaters to take care of all the knees. scene of plenty sizzling handball “Just what I wanted,” she’ll sav to these BLUE, RED of encounters of national champion­ Now that skirt- are worn so high, post M. P.'s. An infantry regiment has also applied and received offi­ ship i peed ere long. BLACK bootees with WHITE bunny fur,..or the RED, Lisle's the thing to catch the eye. cial OK for the issuance of the C< >rt i* regulado GREEN, PINK, BLUE or BLACK “scuff»” with fluffy Lovely legs look smart in cotton sweaters. sherling. Give either! mesh The sweaters are knitted to spe- liti’ !' Don't wear bloody silk next to c if ¡cations nusliuin and most your flesh: large size th - Until pence shall smile afresh. Red Cross a hand- \\ e w ill lisle a while. Corner Court & Liberty SALEM Red C i os - won at 21 CHRISTMAS 4 PARAMOUNT SHOE STORE k ntial station ftre- 1 court will be kept >« at all times, in­ sweeping, Flayer» for use of the court, Ml card at th> fir* ata­ ri' is also dressing ■ is Sneakers must ay. Otherwise, it's ca.se of obsi rve the rules, *. Handball ■ asna i* about Camp Adair. • Retreat 'Tis in th«' quiet of evening After megs that it comi* That mslarchidv feeling When duy is done. Whooos, My Dear; Big Bold Firemen Go in For Postels and Such What do firemen do when are waiting to put out fires, besides | shooting the breeze, playing hand- , luill. checker«, Acey-Deucy, poke r, deminos, Mick-gam mon and kt«'p- I ing the things ship-shape that they iput out fires with? Plenty. For instance, the lad* at No. 1 Station are just now finish nig up a job of painting in lovely past-1« («i-CCU material) their entlie plice. They've also installed I ruin acrvio the hills and valleys a st ream-litted kitdmn. < omes th* bugle'* clear, sweet call. I The example set at No. 1 under Aial isch loyal soul "ralh**," Capt. Arthur Kiel block will b* fol­ Cuaie* to ”Attention" one and all lowed non at the six fire house« throughout the post ’Tis “Rettvat" the" bugle proclaims It is Coxy, homelike. Still lack­ A» the flag comes drifting dawn, ing. though, i* a womans touch. And i agv-r hands reach to claim So far there ar* no port*«. Krr ita beauty touch th* ground. The men lik* it. admittedly. How I'heti with rev «went adoration much though, is a poaer It waa It i* carnal and laid away. suggested that, things twing cogy Rut it shall ever riae, loyal Mainai. maybe they wouldn’t even dare to 1« giesst aach dawning day. go home now wham off duty to their various renal« aces at *urh And m> «hen this hfe is aver. way points as Albany. Corvallin. And my Retn st « been played. lehunon. Ihdi-perxiencr, Dallas et J shall rest m Mie knowing al. The reply W« >a chorus