Pa?e Eight Thursday, November 26, 1942. Beavers Duck Ducks Now Michigan-bound Camp Adair sands of supporters figure that they GOTTFRIED SCORES will eventually beat the Trojans T 5 Edwin Gottfried, the and it might as well be this year. demon mimeographer at post Johnny Beazley Honored headquarters, was about to buy Johnny Beazley, St. Louis Cardi­ a 50-cent ticket to Saturday’s nals' pitcher, who is now a private game when along came Col. in the air force, Monday was named Gordon H. McCoy, the camp’s the most valuable rookie of 1942 commanding officer. in a poll of the Chicago chapter “How would you like a free of the Baseball Writers Association ticket?” asked the colonel. of America. “Very’ much." replied Gott­ Beazley received 192 votes, draw­ fried, whose mother told him to ing 11 first place ballots, two sec ­ i SECOND GUESSING I always tell the truth. onds and one fourth. with Later Gottfried found himself Johnny Pesky of the Boston Red Sgt. E. A- Brown sitting next to Col. McCoy and Sox, named most valuable1 by the in a seat worth five times as I entire association recently andy President Roosevelt and force vallis gym, when the Timber | Dollack, 162; Pvt. James Moore, yards. Total yardage gained 444 commanders for exceptional gal­ Wolves scrimmaged with the Ore- j 1 165, a clever divisional battler, vs. to 88. gon State squad. lantry und bravery under fire. Pvt. Sandy Lehroff, 168, post Eastern Opponents I guards. HERE THEY COME! Now let's take a quick at the One lightweight working out has i The Vitamin B athlete* of Hat- East. There will be at least $100,000 been Pvt. Si Kuudleanston, 129. tery (' are thunking (imagine it) riding on that game Saturday be­ Other punchers ready for action their mess hull treatment for build­ tween Georgia and Georgia Tech. include Pvt. Ed. Kraft, 155 of an ing better biceps. After six weeks All Tech needs for a Rose Bowl anti-tank company, Pvt. Alex Pritz training the lads are now blossom­ invite and a century-grand share of her, Pvt. Robert E. Derrickson, 154 ing out in the various tourneys. The the Pasadena loot is a victory over i and Pvt. Willare Berks, engineers, "take a bow" men of mess hall are its state rival. Auburn showed the To be scheduled and dated will 135. Wanter (says CpI. Shackel- Engineers last week that Frankie Sgt. Paul Whitley, T Sgt. Pete Launched Dcceinb« r 7 with a t it It Jurovich and Corp. Ed. Kroiikow- against Oregon College of Educa­ be games, mostly "at home,” with ton), is the clever 150-pound Pvt. Sinkwdch and company can be had. ski. tion, at Monmouth, a 20 - game Willamette U., Fort Lewis, Oregon Emil Solvey, who looked good in Georgia’s defeat left Tech one of schedule of the Timber Wolf divi­ U., Oregon State, Linfield college, the informal opening bouts at Field the very few unbeaten teams. of 5 o ,( hki workers in an aircraft sional basketball squad was yester­ Portland U., Pacific U. and Port­ House recently. So, on paper at least, it would plant, 92 p* rcent get to work bj’ day announced by Lt. Joseph Quin. land Boilermakers. AOs anywhere on the post will look like Georgia Tech and South­ Added color has been invested in auto. Schedule will carry on through­ confer a favor if they've uncovcr- ern California on New Year’s day. out December and January, con­ snazzy green satin uniforms. ered any wrestling or boxing tal­ But it’s still three weeks until De­ cluding in February. ent by culling 2897 and informing cember 12. and UCLA and its thou- Eight games have now been card­ Boxers Are Readying him, says Cpl. Shackelton. ed, most of th« m away from home. For Field House Show Balance of the schedule will large­ ly embrace home tilts, to be played In the hour of need, whilst there Sgts. Brown and Black rithvr at Corvallis or Monmouth, is casting about for fightin' talent Have Staff Ratings Now I t. Quin said, also announcing that to ladater the coming boxing show for home games there will be ad­ at Field House, one divisional bat- Staff Sergeant ratings have ar­ JUDYGOES mission charge of 25 cent* for en­ tery comes in with four fast-im- rived for Sgt. A. E. Brown, so- BIG TIME listed men end 50 cents for offi­ proving prospects — including Pvt. called runner around headquarters IN A cers and civilians. Pn»ev t S«M*ational\ awaits you in shopping for Christmas presents for the whole family at Frager’s. We have set up our sales fo’ce to make this job a pleasure, and we will help you from the time you come into our store. BUY STAMPS FEDERAL TAX WITH THE INCLUDED DIFFERENCE UXAUT 17 I*well WAFFLES - ANY TIME " Steaka and Lunche* THE WAFFLE SHOP AcroM from Albany Hotel J^KOM the hard grind of training, a pleasant change BUY GOOD PRACTICAL THINGS With the saving* make in your chases here, you buy stamps and bonds. Stamps and bonds, themselves, make good, practical gifts for any member of the family. Don’t pass up this item. It is not exclusively Frager’s but may be purchased almost any­ where. There arc many things here which will carry the Christmas spirit to your home and yet, which are practical gifts that will last through­ out the years to come and continue to brighten that home w'hile you are away to the four corners of the earth in performance of your job. Frager's Christmas gift stock is regular merchandise of proven value, and not fancy tinsel holiday knickknacks just made to sell and look nice for a while. We will show you good, solid merchandise and at a price range to fit your needs. Our prices are lower than most. A TAKE PLENTY OF TIME IN SHOPPING ISLANDS I L rager s F urniture Store in Albany is a restful place to shop for Christmas gifts. Remember, we will help you in selections and you may look through three floors of stocks in a leisurely search for just the right things for your loved ones. maagic HART BIG DRINK TO GO BUT! ) "Tarzan —New York Adventure With Johnny We is mailer PkTSI COLA i> ft'A-Cob C«w«nf. UM I Wm. Konick Jeweler W c*7- " <• S. I*. Watch Inspector aMMkmlrW: Hotel Corvallis Bldg.. Corvallis Pepsi Cola Bottling Co of Corvallis I UCK Y MISSOURIAN - him FmH- llenwl (»b«w> of M. lotta. Me. «talon ta the «anehtne by a Le« Aaaete» pool