»’aiN’Rix ' ( amp Adair Sentry' Saunders. The decorating commit­ tee was composed of LL Frank Warrant Officers Now Ligon, Lt. Raymond La Porte, Lt. W. V. Gray, Lt. C. B. Bryan and Lt. M. D. Caussman. In charge of By Adele Adair refreshments was Lt. E. P. Shar- With Thanksgiving Day and the traditional ceremonies in mind, the retts. social swirl has picked up in swiftness and Camp Adair is, socially speaking, taking on a holiday air. There have been several pre­ I Divisional lAanee Listed : The Timber Wolf Dance, which Thanksgiving weddings, the announcement of engagements, as well as parties in the nearby Willamette Valley towns. Socially the camp was to be held last /tight, was ad­ is in tune with this harvest sea-on, and the Service Club dances on vanced one week and will be held Friday evening at the two elubs, will be festive and a Thanksgiving next Wednesday night, December 2, at Service Club No. 1. The SCU Eve Talent Show has an important place on the social calendar. Band under the direction of S 'Sgt. Tomorrow, many of the enlisted ♦------------------------------- -r— f •"■" Bob Black will play for dancing, men and officer personnel of the Notes from the Black Book: camp will be guests at dinner in The Male Chorus, rehearsing un­ and it should be mentioned at this the surrounding municipalities .... der the direction of Mrs. Florence time that the affair is open QNLY Corvallis, Salem, Albany, Independ­ Merriam over at Club 2 where sh«' to members of the Timber Wolf ence, Monmouth, Dailus anil all the is social and recreational hostess, Division. rest, For those who may be far got off to a splendid start last from their own homes, the resi- week, and another r«-hearsal is Let's Be Considerate: The Special Services office, and dents of the cantonment vicinity scheduled tonight, and again to- have graciously opened their homes ■ morrow night, from 6:30 until 8 the service club hostesses have ex- in an earnest attempt to simulate p. m. Twenty-five soldiers have | pressed strong disfavor over the the Thanksgiving conditions these signed for the choral work and rudeness that has been witnessed men have , known in peace times. Chaplain Leslie Thompson is send­ at the Service Club dances. Those For those who femain in camp, a ing his Chapel Choir to augment I soldiers not dancing art requested special Thanksgiving dinner, with the group. Several of those who I to remain behind the posts and all the “fixin’s,” has been prepared. have sirred were unable to attend I leave the ballroom open for those So, by all rights, tomorrow should last wi'<-k's rehearsal, but it is ex-1 who have dancing partners and be a day of “Thanksgiving.” peeled that they will show up this | want to dance. Unless full co- is . I "Perat*on on this score ia evidenced week. Pvt. George E. Weker -------- — I next dance night, it will be neces- Given their oath by Capt. R. R. Pease, these 18 men were on Friday promoted to rank of War­ Dances Planned chairman of the group. rant Officers, of the Timber Wolf division, in ceremony at hq. bldg: .Ig.- Tournament, which The B i h I, . ---- -------- , ------- - Mary to r,’P‘’ off the 'lancing area Thanksgiving motives will fea­ Front row, left to right) — .M/Sgl. Crank W. Banks. T Sgt. William R. Foster, 1st Sgt. Albert J. rounded out its first month last | aKa,n’ L, t Frick, M Sgt. Roy E. Johns, M Sgt. Francis P. I.ique. Cpl. Charles P. Crowley, S Sgt. Tony O. Davis, ture the decorations at the service night, is “going strong.” It’s held T/Sgt. Adolph R. Lugo, M/Sgt. Cedric Wilday. (back row, left to right)—Cpl. Henry P. Mulvaney, clubs for Friday night’s dances, M Sgt. I'loyd II. Reynolds, Sgt. Carl II. Bote. M Sgt. Comer D. Watson, S/Sgt. Earl F. Cramer, every Tue-duy night, starting ut 8, Attends Meeting: United States S Sgt. Arnold M. Severson, T3/Sgt. Walter O. Cox, M/Sgt. Freddie M. Williams. M Sgt. Donald S. Major N. George De Dakis. Tim­ and emphasis is being placed on in the balcony of Club 2, reserve«! Jones. ber Wolf Special Services officer, the intermission numbers planned. for the purpo e. Women from the was among those attending the The same bands, the SCU Swing surrounding towns attend an«! are Frankfort is one of Germany’s He Drafted Himself— Prizes ___ are"awanled'hiih I •’’’"'I«’» officers meeting partners. _____ ________ Band directed by Sgt. Bob Black, oldest cities. It is more than 1,200 held at Fort Lewis, Washington, and low scorers. That's What Happens and the Field Artillery Band now years old. Th«- Camera Club changed its last week. Officers from the entire To 'Boardsmen Now! stationed here, will play at Club- milting night from Tuesday to 9th Corps attended. «1*42 at DOT N 1 and 2, respectively. At Club 2, by Monilav. in I v ‘ .Il il meet in’ • i > every » “i y week, V» a « i», i »LOVHKTI If you've got a story that falls balcony of Club 2. Furniture Rearranged: popular demand, Miss Illa Schwei at 7:15 in the _____ ,_ Pvt. Newill Married under the heading of “tie this,” z«r will appeur during the enter­ Enlisted nun who ure REALLY] Service Club 2 is even mor«' try to wrap it around the one pos­ In Vancouver, Wash. tainment portion of the program intel ' (■ d in photography are urged “clubby” looking now. The furni­ sessed by Cpl. Jim Shackleford, ture has been grouped, the writing mid sing several popular relec- ami invited t" attend the inevtings T/oni At a pretty pre-Thanksgiving majordomo at Field House gym. MOUNTAIN STATES tables arranged and when the ball- tions. Cpl. Nick Sansonia, that and become dub members. r SCRAP METAL Cpl. Shackleton is probably the wedding held Sunday afternoon, Tin' Latin - Ameriean duncing <_____ „. I rootn Boor is not being used for a POWER COMPANY genial master of ceremonies and t9»to 7fa 7,'ght ' ' ’ * like “ real November 22, in the Emanuel Bap­ only selective service soldier at - ’• P ' lace Iook right hand man at Club 2, will da. . . conducted on Tuesday ,lance ( amp Adair who gave himself his tist church, Vancouver, Wash., Miss A Self-Supporting, Tax-Paying, Complete Banking handle the show and present some n.ght in the “salon de danse" of KcntlemBn’s club. Drop r December wedding ; pastor, at a candlelight service at his selective turn came “and I and did his usually fine job. A tiers’ chi' CS start promptly at 7 was to take it like I had dished r'•a,, in Mayflower chapel, 3 p.m. similar show will be presented this (and vou are asked to be punctual) 40 The bride, who was given in mar­ it out,” Cpl. Jim had tried to twice and Lutin-American dances for ad- Mis " Ervilla Hollenbeck, «laughter week at Club 1. riage by Mr. Brooks X. Jamieson enlist but was rejected for a phy­ But did you notice the new effect van...I pupils start ut 8:45 p. m. of Mr' and Mr" W P- Hollenbeck, of Vancouver, wore a gown of sical condition since completely re­ Thire is till room for more “ pu- W,H becom e the brlde ° f Sergeant of both orchestras ? It must be white lace over taffeta cut Prin- medied by the Medics of Camp | those two brand new baby grand pils,” «> ff interest.'«!, you kni)W Arthur Erickson of Camp Adam cess style with bouffant skirt and Adair. “From the Medics I cer-1 what to do! The ceremon y •■ to be an event pianos delivered to the Service of Friday evening. December 4, and carried a sheaf of white chrysan­ tainly received excellent treat­ Thursday, November 26— Friday, November 27— Clubs last week. will be read at eight o’clis-k. Miss themums. Her net veil, which had ment,” said Shackleford. "I’ll al­ Despite last Friday nigh t's New Housemother: • SPRINGTIME IN THE ROC KIES • WILDCAT Hollenbeck is a graduate of Ore­ been bunded down through the ways have a kind word to put in “showers,” both clubs were jammed Guest House 1 has a new house­ (Richard Arlen-Buster Crabbe) (Betty Grable-John Payne) Newill family, fell from a tiara I for them.” gon State college. to the ears with enlisted men who mother. She is Mrs. Ran Hail, THE JAPOTEURS SOUTH AMERICAN SPORTS of mother-of-pearl orange blos­ Although born in Lincoln, Neb., MOVIETONE NEWS THE HEP CAT wanted to dance. In an effort t» wife of S Sgt. Paul Hall, now with soms. INFORMATION PLEASE August 14, 1906, the corporal I reduce the overwhelming crowds, the armed forces serving overseas. License Issued Miss Ada McNary, niece of Sen­ should be as dyed-in-the-wool New A marriage license has been is­ Saturday, November 28— the Special Services office intro­ She was formerly at Fort Ord, Sunday-Monday, November 29-30— sue«! in Vancouver, Washington, to ator Charles McNary, was maid of Jersian as any of the many who duced a ticket scheme, which nd- Calif., , ami Fort Lewis, Wash., anti • OMAHA TRAIL mittedly did not accomplish its | Ims had wide experience in duties Joseph Polston, Jr., of Camp Adnir, honor and wore a gown of pale ar«' here. He moved there at three • THE NAVY COMES THROUGH (James Craig-Pamela Blake) (Pat O’Brien-Jane Wyatt) purpose. The dances, Irrespective of ( this nature. She is assisted by and Miss Dela Merritt of Corvallis. yellow net over pink taffeta. Sh«> jsears of age. wore a headpiece of yellow min­ • BOWERY AT MIDNIGHT ODDITIES In civilian days he was pretty of the overcrowded conditions, were Mrs. Ruth Luce, wife of S,Sgt. MOVIETONE NEWS (Bela Lugosi) iature 'mums and carried a sheaf | active about Newark. Once he ran Officers' Wives at Tea grand and everyone had n swell Norman Luce of this post. Seventy-five wives of officers of giant yellow mums. Miss Su- 1 for sheriff (they say they really time. The bands sounded wonderful Wednesday, December 2— Tuesday, December 1— of the Timber Wolf Division at sanne Silver was flower girl. needed ’em back there), but was . . . well, they were “top«," as , • Timberwobea Dance: Sgt. Raymond C. Johnson, of i defeated after a hot political bat­ Camp Adair were guests at th«' • WHO DONE IT • EYES IN THE NIGHT usual. Against a striking background regular Friday afternoon ten for Camp Adair, was best man and j tle. (Abbott and Costello) (Edward Arnold-Ann Harding) of the flag of the United States, wives of officers sponsored by the Mrs. Aldrich, the pastor’s wife. I I MARCH OF TIME COMMUNITY SING -------------------------- ÍIIIIIIIIHIIIHIIHIIHHIIIIHI'iHH’llllllll; created from red. white ami blue Federated Churches. TROTTING KINGS MOVIETONE NEWS sung “I Love You Truly,” accom-1 «•rep«' paper by the Timber Wolves’ Mrs. W. M. Adrion, the church panted by Mrs. Jamieson, who al-; Stamp Collectors of officers, a gain divisional dance hostess, was present to welcome so |duycd the traditional wedding Post Are Invited to w.is held Inst Saturday night. No­ the guests. Mrs. II. J. Clinton and marches. vember 21, ut the Timber Wolf Mrs. W. B. Bollen presided, with Following the ceremony, a wed­ Meeting in Corvallis Officer Club. The highlight of the Mrs. W. E. Milne and Mrs. I). D ding supper was served at tlie Thursday, November 26— Friday-Saturday, November 27-28— evening was the intrisluction of the Hill assisting. Officers’ wives aid­ Jamieson residence in Vancouver, | Stamp collectors of Camp Adair, I = • WILDCAT • SPRINGTIME IN THE ROCKIES Division’: new theme song. “Rally ing them were Mrs. Vasilake. Mrs after which the couple left for a of whom there appear to b«> quite a (Richard Arlen-Buster Crabbe) (Bettv Grable-John Payne) number, are cordially invite«! to at- the Pack." written by S Sgt. Aus­ Nails, Mrs. House and Mrs. Olson. wedding trip in Portland. SOUTH AMERICAN SPORTS THE JAPOTEURS temi meetings of the Corvallis 1 tin Everard and played by the Tim­ THE HEP CAT They plan to make their home in ; Stamp club. Current meeting was | MOVIETONE NEWS Officers' wives residing in Cor ber Wolf Hund under the direction vallis ar«1 invited to these informal Corvallis. INFORM VT1ON PLEASE to be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday j of Sgt. llob Black. teas, given every Friday afternoon Monday, November 30— I night (Nov. 25), at the Benton | t imiriiit.il of th«- committee mak­ from two to five o'clock. Sunday, November 29— ATTENTION ALL OFFICERS | hotel. • OMAHA TRAIL ing arrangements was Lt. Roliert SCU • EYES IN THE NIGHT (James Craig-Pamela Blake) . w It’s a “come one. come all" in- I ----------------------------- . Soldiers' Wives at Tea. Too , (Edward Arnold-Ann Harding) War Department Bulletin No. 52, vite. according to Secretary Wil- • BOWERY AT MIDNIGHT COMMUNITY SING N.C.O. members were entertaineil dated Oct. 22. 1942, authorizes pay l fred L. Estill, whether you are old I The \rmy Wants to Buy Your TROTTING KINGS (Bela Lugosi) Tuesday afternoon at n tea at the ami allowances of higher grade hands, amateur collectors or simply i home of Mrs. Homer Jeffries, 701 from date of promotion instead of ] interested in learning what others Tuesday-Wednesday, December 1-2— Harrison street, by a quartet of from date of acceptance as hereto­ have found so fascinating in this fore. Any officer of SCU who was international hobby. four Oregon State college men. • THE NAVY COMES THROUGH N Authorized Purchasing Agent y (Pat O'Brien-Jane Wyatt) Mr«. James Hellchamlier was act­ promoted after Dec. 7. 1911 and ac­ The Corvallis Stamp club has I ODDITIES ing hostess, and tea and cakes were cepted same at a later date is en­ been meeting for 10 years ami its 11 MOVIETONE NEWS titled to difference in pay and serv«*«l after th«> social hour. Headquarters for should notify Officers’ Personnel members include U.S., meter, pre- I Regulation Corvallis Women Aid Bay Room« Section. Headquarters. Camp cancel, cover and World enthu- I 115 North 16th. t orr sills. Ore. s lasts. I The members of the Corvallis Adair, as soon as practicable. Woman’s Club will gather Tuesday evening in the Red Cross work Thursday-Friday, November 26-27— Saturday, November 28— for every branch room where they will give their • THE FOREST RANGERS of the service. • EYES IN THE NIGHT time to the task of making drapes (Frod MacMurray-Paulette Goddard) (Edwarii Arnold-Ann Harding) W»•dnesday, Nov. 25 "H 2-0 and U" ... variety soldier-talent for th«> day room they are ipon- DON Vl.D’S G tRDYN COMMl NITY SING show at Club 2 starting at 8. MOVIETONE NEWS soring at Camp Adair. Mrs. James TROTTING KINGS Mai«' Chorus, 6:30 to S P. M., Club 2 under Mrs. Merriam, J. Howard is acting as chairman ami Pvt. Weker. chairman. •••••• Sndav-Monday, November 29-30— of th«> social committee. Tuesday, December 1— I hur-dav. Nov. 26 Dancing classes. Club 2. Beginners at 7:30, • WHO DONE IT OMAHA TRAIL l-atin-American classes, 8:45. Pvt. Cecil Birnkrent. Takes Position Here (Abbott and Costello) (James Craig-Pamela Blgke) Impromptu entertainment at both clubs. M \RCH OF TIME Mise Harriet Schwendker, re­ BOWERY AT MIDNIGHT MOVIETONE NEWS Friday. Nov. 27 Service Club dances. Full uniform is requested.' cently of Bend, arrived in Corvallis Salem. Oregon l*i trict Mgr. Phone 1142 (Bela Lugosi) From 8 until 10:30. Sunday and ia to make her home in 215 Monroe St, Corvallis, Ore. Wednesday, December 2 — thia vicinity while employe»! with Saturday and Sunday. Nov. 28.29 — Open house at both clubs, IIIIlllllllilillllIlilllllllliliiiiiiillllliiG the telephone exchange at Camp \ isitors an«i friends of enlistiM men ami officers invited • THE MOON AND SIXPENCE Adair. Miss Schwendker has been to partake of club facilities. (George Sanders-Herbert Marshall) Take advantage of nrw 1.0W KATES for bodily injury and OUR LAST FRONTIER a member of the Berni telephone imperty damage: Monday. Nov 30- Camera Club. Club 2, at 7:15. New members A HULL OF A MESS nuuranre Annual Coat staff and was guest at a farewell sought Class A—Estimated annual mileage 3.IHM $12.75 party in her honor given by her C|*aa H Estimated annual mileage 7.500 $134** Tuesday. I've. I l-atin-American dances taught at Club 1 by former associates. Class C--All others Í14.M Pvt. Greene ... from 7:30 until 9 P. M. Named driver policy, no mileage limit $10.80 Game night at Club 2. with weekly bridge tournament Rates baaed on $5,000 $10,000 bodily injury $5,000 FOR CORVALLIS COM Ml TERM as a feature. property damage. Increase.! limits slightly higher. 1st performance 2nd Perf. Mat. Sunday IA Thomas Klein, who drives to •For $l.'*00 $5,000 bodily injury and $1,000 property Male chorus. Club 2. 6:30 P. M. caasp from Corvallis every mom- No. 1—Ave. CAS. 7th St. Phone 2243 ............. „1830_______ 2030....... 1400 damage, reduce above rates 20 per cent. Aside from these scheduh-d events, let ter-writing Cacilitiea, as For complete insurance coverage of all kinds, see the mg around eight and returns every No. 3—Ave. D A N. 7th St. Phone 3293 -.1800.. 1800 200**... (No Mat.) well as car«! games, darts, ping pong, etc., are available nightly evening around five, has room for No. 4—Theatre Ave. Ph. 2940 (Theater Officer)... 1845______ 2045 1400 at !«’th clubs. two or three passengers. Call him No. 5 — Ave. DAS. 5th St. Phone 2293 ..................... 1830 ________ 2030 ------ 1400 30$ Jefferson — Real Estate and lusuranc* — Phone 1W® on phone at 4104. SOCIAL SWIRL HOGG BROS. for Quality Furniture and Appliances "4 At Moderate Prices Terms Salem 260 State St UTS AU FIGHT! ßiUf WAR BONDS Miss Wolk Becomes Bride of Soldier The First National Bank of Monmouth VICTORY CAMP ADAIR THEATRES Weekly Progam for Theater No. 1 = ! Weekly Program for Theaters No. 3 and 4 I Bishop's TYPEWRITER Your Store in Salem tâche Weekly Progam for Theater No. 5 FIELD CAPS Service Club Date-Book $2.00 Bishop's | W. Guy Parker r THEATER LOCATIONS AND SHOW TIMES BARTON AGENCY i