Camp Adair Senfry Thursday, November 26,1942. ------- '■ - - - ------ " was on the way ’to a master’s degree when motherhood stopped Meet Miss Hemphill her. Mrs. Belcher was Miss Dorothy Elizabeth Reed, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Reed. As reg­ * _ —— ister of the university for 30 years, Mr. Reed is one of two *facuity Promotion for Belcher, Pay-Day members living on the campus. While a student. Col. Belcher liv­ Expert Who Came From Georgia ed in the famous dormority where ----- ♦ Alexander H. Stephens, first vice For a finance officer the Timber Gets Promotion president of the Confederacy and Wolf Division has a new colonel — Crawford W. Long, discoverer of one whose early activities equipped the use of anesthesia in operations, him, in curious fashion, for the had been roommates. Both are in things-he did later. 1 the Hall of Fame at Washington. He is Lt. Col. Leo W. Belcher, D.C. just promoted from major, and he The university was founded by eame here, by degrees, from Geor­ Abraham Baldwin, a graduate of gia. Yale University, and the ties be- As a boy he jumped fences, in tween the two universities always his home town of Bainbridge, Ga.. have been strong. because he couldn’t take time to Faithful Church Member open the gate. Later on he was a Col. Belcher was chosen by the track athlete, doing the hurdles, congregation of the First Baptist high and broad jump, and also run­ church in Athens as a deacon, and ning the 100 and 220-yard dash. considers the church the central As a boy, also, he broke colts for agency in his life. Before being his father, who had fine horses, and ordered to active duty he was sec­ later on he went into the cavalry. retary of the board of deacons. He When 19, and a college junior, he has been chairman of every com­ married a girl of 18, a sophomore, mittee of the Athens Rotary dub yet they both went on through and also the club’s president, and school. Since then the colonel has in 1940 he attended the national been a banker and has been con­ convention at Havana. He also has cerned with the finances of his . Col. Leo W. Belcher, divi- been chairman of the First Bap­ Alma Mater and of various organi­ finance officer, who was tist church troop of Boy Scouts and Miss Irene Hemphill has returned to her post as secretary to the zations. All that experience his promoted from 'major. He has taken part in the money drives t amp Commander after eight glamorous days in Los kngeles. Miss a banker, with a varied ca- led, indirectly, to his present post. Hemphill is one of the early pioneers of Camp \dair. She was here before his financial work. of the YMCA, the Salvation Army He is only 38. even before Tent City—way last March, to be specific. Public ltela- and other organizations. I Was Soldier at College tions photo. At present Col. and Mrs. Belcher Col. Belcher was born at Bain­ 1 officer for the new Timber Wolf and their two children, Leo W„ Jr., will be guests per invitation of citi­ bridge. Ga., attended high school Division. 15, and Dorothy Reed, 12. are liv- 1 'Camp Adair Beauty zens of neighboring communities. Aside from regular military j ing at Corvallis. Like his father, there and in 1925 received a degree But it is apparent that Camp Adair of Bachelor of Science in Com­ duty, Col. Belcher was active in the the boy has been active in the Boy Returns to Duty; Is is also taking care of its own, at merce, at the University of Geor­ Athens chapter of the Reserve Of­ Scouts and is a Life Scout and Happy To Be Back home.< gia, where also his military career ficers Association, being president would be an Eagle Scout if the began, in the ROTC. At graduation and attending many state conven­ family had not moved around so And there is one more suggestion M iss Irene Hemphill is back he was commissioned in cavalry. tions. there’ll l>e time to striven out a much. from her vacation. He wak made a first lieutenant in He is a cavalry swordsman, a Col. Belcher himself is one of 11 I Miss Hemphill, just as if you letter to the home folks. For them, that might be one added cause for 1928, a captain in 1933, and in 1937 mounted . pistol expert, and rifle children. His father, A. E. Belcher, didn’t know, is secretary to Colonel was transferred to finance, still as marksman. has his home at Bainbridge. One Gordon H. McCoy, post command­ — Thanksgiving. « captain. Incidentally, he had eu- brother of the colonel, Russell A. er, and adds more charm and beau­ Banker in Georgia joyed nine tours of duty with the Belcher, is a captain in the armored From 1925 to 19.37 he was with cavalry. A brother-in-law, Mat­ ty to headquarters than any given Ten Adair Officers cavalry, at Ft. Oglethorpe, Gr., and then with motorized cavalry at the Citizens and Southern National thew M. Byerley, is a captain at I number of officers, non-coms. Pit's Are Given Promotion Ft. Knox, Ky. In 1940 he was made Bank of Athens, Ga., one of the Ft. Knox, Ky. Also Charles C. or even WAACs. Of her furlougtt—(pardon, we a major and in 1941 went into ac­ biggest banks in that section, and Compton, Jr., a grand son-in-law of tive duty at Maxwell Field, Mont­ he was one of the original employ­ Mr. A. E. Belcher, is a first lieu­ mean vacation). Miss Hemphill re­ (Continued From Page 1) ports that it was spent in Califor­ es. Later he was assistant treasur­ tenant. gomery, Ala. Lt. Brazelton, commanding offi­ nia, Los Angeles and Hollywood to Thai was one of three air train- er of the University of Georgia and Both grandfathers were in the cer of the QM Detachment, is 35atter and music. Renie plays straight, sing, plays the saxophone. Hall includes violin, bicycle pump, trombone. Once with Paul Whiteman, teamed with his partner in England and they’ve done Europe. He was with Ed Wynn’s “Laugh Parade" on Broad­ way Vernon A Draper embellish their routine "with subtle comedy” (fashion note It won't have to be too subtle, chillun; the WAACs aren't in yet). The Taft Kretlow girls have done some big enough time — playing at Drake hptel in Chicago; Beverly Hills, Calif., Country Club; Club Royal, etc. USO-Camp Show Gets Into Adair Theatre urdays from 11 a. m. until 11:30 a. m. In 749 Michigan war plants 434,- 60tt workers ride to work in pri­ vate autos. ONE WEEK ONLY Orientation Course Gives Review of War (Continued From Page 1) matter, personal oratory and train­ ing films. These officers will be assisted by enlisted men and civilians whose positions in peace time have quali­ fied them as expert critics and war commentators. Lieutenant Colonel Gail Cleland, division chaplain, will formally open the course on Wednesday, De­ cember 2, when he will address the Camp Adair personnel over radio station KOAC at 5:45 p. n'.. Chap­ lain Cleland is eminently qualified for this work having lived at times in a number of foreign countries. He is also a veteran of World War I. The post Special Services office, which is the coordinating unit for the course, has announced that ns a special feature in keeping soldiers posted on the latest developments of American units both in this coun­ try and abroad, the official army magazine "Yank" will be distribut­ ed at the rate of $1.00 for 35 copies. Subscriptions may be made beginning some time next month through company first sergeants Corvallis VE TONE portrai in smari modern ease/fo/ders ai /ke reputar price the gift on lu g ou can give Sales and Service Modern Shop — Best Mechanics Wilson Motors Phone 43, 2nd & Jackson ASK FOR— reen Valle HUTTER and ICE CREAM (Biggest Variety of Frozen l.irs) Distrib­ utors for Green Valley Creamery Open Evenings and Sundays No Appointment Necessary 520 State St., Salem — 991 Willamette, Filitene Corvallis 3rd A Adams, Phone .363 Individual Company Christmas Party Souvenir Menu Artistically Printed on Souvenir Stock—with Complete Company Roster Company Commander should contact Corvallis Gazette Times Printing Dept, now. S|M*