Camp Adair Sentry e______________ Thursday, November 19,1942 — ■ ' ———■ - . -. a week for 12 weeks. This is one of a series of classes sponsored by the U. S. Office of Education under the engineering, science and management war train­ ing program. The courses are of­ fered with the expectation that peo­ ple satisfactorily completing them will be qualified to take part in the war industrial program. Courses are conducted without cost to the student, except for text material and drawing equipment. Women who are eligible must be high school graduates or have equi­ valent training. ' Page SeveH tr» tion has been named the “Curie- one seeks violent conque. :.-. the 1 the law of war. Treatment by our ' gram.” other the relief of mankind. The antiseptic methods may preserve Pasteur. Peace and War one places a single life above all the lives of thousands of soldiers, Louis Pasteur, French chemist, victories, the other sacrifices hun- Which of these two laws will pre- proved that fermentation is the dreds of thousands of lives to the vail, God only knows. But of this result of minute organisms. He we may be sure—that science, in studied the cause of diseases of ambition of a single individual. “The law of which we are the obeying the law or humanity, will Hilarity and good fellowship key­ beer and wine «nd did much to noted the formal opening of the save the silk industry all over the instrument strives even through tho always labor to enlarge the front­ new officers’ club in Eugene last I world. He revolutionized the pro- camage to cure the wounds due to iers of life." Saturday. I duction of alcohol, established the - ----- — Those prominent in Eugene’s so­ germ theory, showed the history of cial and civic life were on hand to the fatal cattle scourge of anthrax make the officers from Adair con­ I and put ap end to chicken cholera. tented with their lot and a suffi­ T H. Huxley said that the money cient number of junior* hostesses ' value of Pasteur's discoveries was H* were there to satisfy the most ex­ I enough to cover the whole cost of /NV's/aie acting colonel. Late in the eve­ Dogs of War Added to • 1 A i the war indemnity paid by France ning, a musically gifted officer ■ i to Germany in 1870. Then study­ cOllAÍ Ti Camp Adair Personnel (name not obtained by our officer­ ing hydrophobia in man and rabies reporter) amazed everyone when he in dogs, he produced a bacillus (Continued From Page IF sat down at the piano. This resulted which could be used for inocula- Kimbly, its commanding officer, is­ I in an impromptu sing-fest in which tion. sued a call for patriotic citizens I— — everyone participated. The club Pasteur, preferring to remain | who possessed Dobermann-Pinsch- rooms, located in the Eugene hotel, poor, was a devout Catholic, and | ers and German police dogs to do­ are handsomely furnished with these were his words at the inau­ nate them to the army for the easy chairs, card tables, a juke box guration of the lnstitut Pasteur: experiment. The services of an ex­ 9 and other comforts. “Two opposing laws seem to me • V > Sponsors of the club request that pert dog-trainer were secured, and now in conflict. The one, a law post officers planning on visiting it was not long before these dogs of blood and death, opening out Eugene this week end phone the replaced 12 sentries in the regular Even in a photograph you can see that these pioneer women have a soothing bedside manner. each day new modes of destruction, Public Relations Officer, phone guard set-up. Sure they ( amp Adair They were about the “ are 1 pioneers— 7 pioneer nurses in ” * the large hospital at .. forces nations to be always ready The experiment was so success ­ SAY OFFICIARSI 2981. This will enable those in first to arrived. Left to right: Miss Antoinette Rinaldi, from New York City: Miss Sadie Whelass. BEFORE for battle. The other, a law of charge to provide junior hostesses ful and the reports so favorable, frMB South Carolina; Therman J. Weems, soldier, from Arkansas: and Miss Mary Matula. from In Military os well at Civilian life, you have fo have pence, work and health, whose on­ Naw York City. (Public Relaiions Photo) for all. that the War Department accepted •nop and polish I ly aim is to deliver man from the the offer of Dogs for Defense, spot without moving. This com- . be free of worms. He must not run dated, that she made her solitary calamities which beset him. The EASY AND QUICK V Inc., an offer to supply dogs for mand is: STAY, preceded by the Adair Sergeant Has away. He must be unafraid of ‘ rounds at night, lamp in hand, to The Self Adjusting SPIFFY Collar Stay it easy to put on the United States army. Up to dog’s name. The dog should as­ —takes just a few seconds, and assures you of a crisp, noises. Great emphasis must be (relieve suffering if possible, and $2000 in War Bonds November of 1942, 125.000 dogs sume an alert sitting position. The* fresh appearance. placed on his attitude toward | that she had 10,000 men in her CLASSIFIED have been requested by the army, COSTS ONLY A FEW CENTS charge and general superinten­ Sergeant Joel Swank, of the Tim­ and it is understood that most of dog’s response must be instantan­ strangers. ADVERTISING eous, but the dog’s attitude must The dog who has lived in a ken­ dence of all hospitals on the Bos­ ber Wolf division, is believed to be ON SALE AT ARMY AND PX STORES Ten cents per line rer insertion. these dogs have been procured. be one of compliance. The dog will nel is of more value than is one phorus. She fought the red tape of Count 5 words to line. Cash uniat ac­ the most patriotic soldier now sta­ company copy wttn order. Dogs for war are no novelty. not learn this lesson as long as he who has lived in a home. Likewise, the commissarit and through ang­ tioned at Camp Adair. Sgt. Swank has to his credit $2.000 in United They have been used extensively in resents the restraint. the dog who has lived in the coun­ er, will and compassion managed to NOTICE: Soldiers placing States war bonds and plans to buy warfare since early history. Han­ INVISIBLE COLLAR STAY It takes three weeks of daily try may he more valuable than one change the situation so that in less classified ads in this column more. nibal used them; so did Ghengis two-hour sessions before a dog who has lived in the city. than five months of 1854 the hos- This all started when Swank was Khan, and also Napoleon. Benja­ which require answer to your will learn to “STAY.” He is gently Russia Used 20,000 pital death rate dropped from 42 forced to sell a 1942 Chevrolet truck location, must have answers min Franklin laid down a plan prodded into position as the com ­ Russia used 20.000 dogs in her percent to 2 percent. in order to prepare for army duty. go through Camp Public Rela­ He turned the cash into war bonds. for the training of large and fierce mand is uttered. If he moves he is army during last winter’s fighting. What Reed Did for Us tions office. No outfit designa­ In civilian life he was and still dogs. The British used them in restrained. They carried spare rifles, machine tions may be printed in these Walter Reed, bacteriologist, en­ is deputy sheriff for Lake City, the Crimea war to carry light Must Build Morale guns, and even demounted 20 mm. columns. Public Relations of­ Colorado. He was a member of the equipment to the front. In World The trainer must constantly cannon. They helper! to locate tered the United States army medi­ fice will forward answers to cal corps in 1874. Then in 1898 he city council and owned and operated War I, 75,000 saw military service. build up the morale of the dog by wounded men before they froze to a tourist camp. He attended Nor­ Through No-man’s-land they car­ praise and stroking as long the dog your address. was chairman of a committee to death. Russian war dogs have even mal college. He was known in his ried dispatch pouches, medical kits, remains quiet. Care must be taker, been taught to drop with para­ investigate the causation a n d Foil SALE community as being quite a hunter. mode of propagation of typhoid fe- Many times he acted as a guide to 1 even emergency rations and extra not to tire the dog. When he is re­ troops, and to go into battle with ves, an epidemic of which had ACREAGE, farms. Large selec­ i ammunition. They dragged tele- leased, he is rewarded with q lov­ specially fitted gas masks. tourists on elk hunting trips. broken out among the soldiers. He tion. Robinson Realty, Independ­ SA;ank has been in the army eight I phone wires across exposed ter- ing pat or a tidbit. Some dogs are The dog has always been the ence. pmo. months. After being inducted at : rain; they helped stretcher-bearers sensitive to criticism, some must best friend of a soldier, as well as submitted a report on typhoid fever Fort Bliss he took his basic train­ to find the dead and wounded dur­ be coaxed, but never given a chance man. His loyalty is unquestioned, in military camps, which helped to TURKEY TOMALES. 318 S. 7th ñ ing at Camp Barkeley, Texas, and ing midnight rescue missions. to fail. Some are thick-skinned, his silence on military secrets is put an end to the* scourge. Later he St., Pho. 354-W, Corvallis. 2p. from there was transferred to and can stand an occasional rebuff assured. He is dependable and investigated yellow fever, working Role Has Changed Camp Adair as a line sergeant. on the theory that the* parasite* The increased importance of to push them along. 1941 PLYMOUTH De luxe sedan, faithful, and knows always the The sergeant says that war bonds After learning the first two com­ highest call to devotion and duty. was carried only by mosquitos. Co­ good tires, good appearance, are the best investment he has | , production and the abandonment workers sacrificed their lives in $950. Write IL A. Peterson. Hdq. seen yet and he intends to keep I of trench warfare in World War II, mands. HEEL and STAY, the next experiments proving that he was Co. 2249, Camp Adair. putting his money to work as pay changed the role of the military command is: OUT. It means that ' dog. His strategic value now lies the dog must go in search, in the Four Hospital Streets right and since* then sanitary en­ days come. FOR RENT in guarding supply depots, vital direction indicated by the trainer. Perpetuate Names gineers have* eradicated yellow fe­ Be Not Tempted installations and encampments. ver from much of the* world. GOOD 8-ROOM house furnished Drawing and Lettering The next command is: COME, The properly trained animal can’t (Continued From Page 1) France, Curie* and Radium and equipped with 2 electric kit­ be bribed, and bears risk fearlessly. and the dog must respond to the other days belong to that France Course Open at O.S.C. Pierre Curie and Marie Curie, chens, 2 living rooms. Suitable Having better than human scent command in face of all obstacles. which rejoiced with the United his wife, were physicists, and are for families of 2 officers. Apply A class in elementary engineering I and hearing increases his efficien- A dog who might be tempted by States on November 11, 1918. They known chiefly for their work on L. A. Robinson. 352 No. Cattron Here’s the gift that pleases close friends and relatives drawing and lettering for women | cy to his master on sentry or patrol food in the hand of a prospective belonged to the France that Amer­ radio-activity, He was of Paris St., Monmouth. the most your photograph! And you will be pleased saboteur is a greater hazard on has been announced by Oregon I duty. A dog’s very presence on icans loved and wish to restore to and she came from Warsaw, in with our expert work. State college school of engineering. lonely foul’s of duty is a deep com­ duty than no dog at all. SALEM FURNISHED house, 5 or freedom. But to take the four 1898 they detained polonium and To sum all this up, the main les­ The class begins Tuesday evening, fort to the sentry. 7 rooms, G-E oil furnace, Orien­ Open from 1 I’. M. to 10 P. M. daily. radium from pitchblende* which names in order: The time necessary to train these son which a sentry dog learns is to Nov. 24, at 7 o’clock in Room 311 tal rugs, etc. 2 blocks from bus they had subjected to a very labor ­ Britain's Angel of Mercy Apperson hall on the college cam- dogs is about two months, and his give an alarm whenever he sees, line. Phone Mrs. Bradley, 3844 t Florence •Nightingale, hospital ious process. They did much work xus. and will meet three hours twice success as a sentry dog stems hears, or smells anybody. He may I Salem after 5 p. m. p. on the* properties of radium and reformer, was so moved by reports largely from the famous Obedience do this three ways: by coming to , of the suffering of soldiers in the the* Nobel prize for physics Was di­ WANTED Test of the American Kennel Club. attention, growling, or barking. After training, the dog is turned Crimean war that she requested vided between Curie* and He nri ' The gamut of sentry dog training SOLDIER'S WIFE experienced in over to one of the Training and permission to go to the Crimea Becquerel, who had discovered the is simplicity. housekeeping and child'care. Pri­ 1 and do whatever she could to im ­ radio-active* properties of uranium. He receives only four commands, Reception Centres of the Army vate room and bath. Call Mrs. Post Exchange No. 1, Main Bus Terminal, Phone 2904 plus the ability to growl a warn­ Quartermaster Corps. There is no prove conditions. Sidney Herbert, In 1911 Mme. Curie win awarded E. L. Barrett, 204, Albany. 2p British secretary at war. authoriz ­ the Nobel prize for chemistry. La ­ Christmas Cards partiality in selecting candidates ing, which he must master. The first command the dog must for training. Dogs of either Bex ed it and with a staff of 38 nurses ter the Sorbonne created a radium SOLDIERS to represent their own with your name acceptable, after meeting the I she went to a barrack hospital at institute and she was placed at the outfits in the news columns of learn is: HEEL. The dog must be are i imprinted—from I Scutari. heael of the research eiepartinent. requirements: under control at all times without following 1 The Sentry. Turn your stuff in It is on record that she stood She* also did much to establish a A dog must be between the age J a leash. He stays close to the left to the Camp Public Relations side of his handler. It is not nec­ of one and five. The dog must have duty 20 hours at a stretch to see rado-activity laboratory in War­ office, where it goes through essary for him to sit, automatical­ distemper inoculations. He must that the wounded were accommo- saw. During World War No. 1 she censorship and is prepared for organized valuable radiological ly, when his handler halts. Absolute publication. services in "hospitals and in 1921 Hurrell Girl steadiness is essential, rather than President Harding, on behalf of •' perfection of position. Stencil the women of the* United States, I Lesson number two of the sentry Duplicator Supplies presented her with a gram of I Madison at 5th dog begins at the end of the first week, after trainer and dog are radium in reconition of her great CT A Corvallis se ___ _ to _______ services science. _____ The _____ unit of ElXKSELO I ZKlx d well acquainted. The dog is taught to remain on guard at a certain measurement for radium emana- 411 Madison St., Corvallis Camp Officers Ok Eugene Club Might Not Be Too Bad—After All à 1 HOLDS COLLAR POINTS DOWN NEATNESS COUNTS SPIFFY GIVE YOUR PORTRAIT I THIS CHRISTMAS! I Order Now Caliber 24 for $1.00 up Corl's Book Shop ROBLEE Camp Adair OFFICERS Service Men Exchange Restaurant Extra thick soles are the "big guns" in men’s shoe styles. Double Sole LES NEWMAN'S in Salem Has What You Need in Extra Clothing—Equipment—Metal Insignia Now Serving From SERGE TROI SERS SI I l PING I! M.S BUTZ AIR MATTRESSES KITS OF ALL KINDS CHEVRONS FIELD JACKET» ZIPPER BAGS OVERSEAS CAP GARRISON CAI’S O. I), sox TIES GARRISON BEI.TS 8 a. m. to 8 p. m Ave. F and 1st Street South Across from Central Field House Heavy Single Sole .Many Other Items The square deal in moderate prices for excellent food Others from 1M.D5 plus snappy service, at our new location, is meeting with wide approval. LES NEWMAN’S Some equipment is still arriving, and our service will continue to improve daily.. George Harrell, «tdely known for ht» photograph« of Holl», beautie». 1« now in the army. A committee chose th»« photo of Actreaa Leslie Brook« a« the "Harrell Girl" for the daratioa Where Buddies Meet War Department Authorization AG-095 179 N. Commercial Street — Phone .*>.'»<)* — Salem, Ore. B uster B rown S hoes 1.16 S. 3rd Street I Corvallis, Ore