Page Six Camp Adair Sen Uy lnuraday, ?■■ v ember lb, 1942 Adair Camera Club Makes Future Plans T representatives of 'the CorvallU I USO namely Mrs. Olive Warren, of the recreational unit, and Miss Eleanor McFall, USO president— ’ and plans were discussed whereby the residents of Corvallis will in­ vite the soldiers stationed at Camp Adair over for dinner on Thanks- I giving. In order to get an idea of the | number of men who would desire to | K°> Miss Elizabeth Rogers, director i °f Service Club 2 where the meet- , *nF was held, suggests that you l,'ave your name with her, or with Mrs. Merriam, social and recrea­ tional hostess at Club 2, or with Mrs. Margaret Blodgett, director, or Miss Venola Gibson, social and recreational hostess over at Club 1. Thanksgiving is one week away. Better sign up now if you want to go. Reservations should be made in person. General Martin Tries Army Chow Distinguished Rookies See Modern Tactics Woman Is Honorary Timber Wolf Member ’ ion on food carries weight. She ■ wrote: “Chow in an enlisted men’s mess hall, served in army style, found the ‘soldiers for a day,’ hungry. It was well cooked, wholesome food. The mess hall was spotless as was the kitchen, which attracted the special attention of General Mar- tin. It was the sort of food men needed to prepare for what was ahead.” (Continued From Page 1) CINCINNATI - Mrs. Irene Papin- the only feminine “inductee” and au filed a $15,000 damage suit to Lt. J. S. Smith went the honor Program Arranged Newspaper Writer Is against her landlord charging that of presenting Miss Aaron’s classi­ a folding bed unfolded so quickly At Initial Meet Sister of Lt. Col. Here fication questions. it knocked her down. Five Program Phases Organization as a club and the Miss Louise Aaron was the only discussion of future plans were The balance of “inductees day” woman to receive a “certificate” as accomplished during the first was divided into five phases: an honorary member of the Timber formal meeting of the Camp Adair Number one was an hour-long Wolf Division, at last week’s Camera club held Tuesday evening condensation of the things a soldier "streamlined induction show” for UNIFORMS ... INSIGNIA ... SUPPLIES in the balcony of Service Club No. must first learn in the army, dem­ civilian guests of distinction. L. T. Chellis 1520 Jefferson St, Corvallis 2 from 7:30 until 9. More than a onstrated from the stage of a bat­ She is the sister of Lt. Col. dozen camera enthusiasts turned talion hall in a series of ten Thomas R. Aaron, of the division, out and signed the roster as char­ smoothly - presented “dramatiza­ Take advantage of new LOW RATES for bodily injury and and was here to cover the event for ter members. property damage: tions.” The Oregon Journal of Portland, Annual Cost Insurance A general plan of club activities These embraced demonstration and Adair is the third camp where Class A—Estimated annual mileage 3,000 ........... $12.75 Was formulated from suggestions of motor aptitude tests in which she had attended an “open house” Class B—Estimated annual mileage 7,500 ........... $13.50 made by the members. One is to Class C—All others .......... $14.50 Gov. Sprague, incidentally, came affair. present, at each meeting, some of­ Named driver policy, no mileage limit ................................ $10.80 through with flying colors; army The first was at Camp Lee, Va., Rates based on $5,000 $10,000 bodily injury—$5,000 ficer or enlisted man experienced organization; semaphor; first aid; near her home city of Petersburg, property damage. Increased limits slightly higher. in some phase of photography, who »For $1,000 $5,000 bodily injury and $1,000 property manual of arms; rifle nomencla­ and it was the camp’s first social Will talk briefly on that phase and Sgt. Dear: Bum Steer. damage, reduce above rates 20 per cent. ture; a "yard-bird” lesson in man­ function of the kind. She covered discuss it with the club. Lt. George For complete insurance coverage of all kinds, see the ual of arms; military discipline; that camp as a reporter and saw H. Godfrey, post public relations I've Seen Dizzy Dean care of clothing. The “ rookies ” the processing of a soldier and was officer, will discuss military cen­ Is He, I Mean?—Zilch were themselves subjected to test hostess for a day. The second place 308 Jefferson — Real Estate and Iusurance — Phone 1520 sorship and other photographic in the final demonstration, for was Camp Pickett, Va., where she Major-General Charles II. Martin, retired, ex-governor of phases at the next meeting set for Dear Sgt.: Well, chief, I don't radio aptitude. Oregon, a guest of the "Timber Wolf” division at Camp Adair attended an open house. Also she next Monday night, November 23, know how to explain this but I will during an “induction”, party staged for state and city dignitaries, Next, quite logically, came chow. accompanied medical troops on a in the balcony of Service Club 2, try and I guess I had better apol­ enjoyed the army beans served by Sergeant Frank Hedinger. It was GI and tasty, served at a hike and wrote about it. comer of Club Avenue and First ogize first. Since interviewing (Public Relations photo.) battalion mess hall by men under Street South. “But this camp,” she said on the Carmichael the bear I’ve wanted to Stevens & Son Mess Officer, Lt. Robert B. Miller range here,” has the most beautiful Contests Considered do something big besides looking If Your Name Is Here SHORT SHORT STORY and S/Sgt. Robert Karbowski, mess terrain of all that I have seen.” Camera and photo contests were all over the post for the type lice Capt. John F. O’Shea, post You Have Mail at PO sergeant. Miss Aaron’s story on Camp discussed at length and all mem­ you sent me after so when I got From mess the jeep convoy car­ Adair ended thus: bers were urged to be on the look­ your note that Ilizzy Dean was a judge advocate, has a short You can be assured of perfect diamonds at Ste­ overcoat which does not belong If your name appears in the fol­ ried the prominent rookie guests out for good “shots.” The current Pvt. at 332 Depot Company of QM “With Oregon’s beautiful moun­ vens; one she w 111 be to him. Capt. O’Shea does not lowing list, call in person at the directly to bleachers at the train­ tains providing an exquisite back- Rad Cross activities, contest rules I was hotter than a Pfc. digging a proud to wear. have a short overcoat which Camp Adair Post Office (1st bldg. ing field just north of 12th St. N. drop to this ‘theatre of operation,’ were read, and it is expected that ditch. does belong to him. Someone East of Divisional H.Q.) for your between Avenues B and C. There a thrilled and thoughtful group of Another scoop! entries in this contest will be sub- Jnitted by the members. I rushed over after noon chow inadvertently took the short mail, and leave your correct mili­ they witnessed demonstrations in men watched a portion of the army At every future meeting, the and asked some lads: “Is Dizzy overcoat belonging to Capt. tary address. (Name, grade, A.S.N., hand-to-hand combat, armed and in action, appreciating more the O'Shea from the officers’ club organization.) unarmed: mine planting and the work, the study, the training, the club as a group will take some Dean really here?” Anderson, Eugene; Ay#». Floyd; Ball, “Yah,” they said. “He's now Saturday night, leaving a short Howurd running of a mine field; running determination and the spirit of the phase of army life and develop it I Barham, Z.tdu L. Mrs.; Bey h n. Cornell; Bhekbettor, Alfred*; of the blitz and assault courses. men who carry the fight to the overcoat which does not belong Biasing, pictorially. A list of possible sub­ asleep in T17-458.” Exquisite diamonds and M Herman; Bono, Frank Dill; He was. Hast I wake him? Go to ('apt. O’Shea. In other words, Bronn, Carl Henry; Canfield, Richard Here, first-hand, was demonstrated enemy.” wedding rings. Modern jects will be prepared by next meet­ ».*; “ Chamberlain; Chapple, Odis; Col- designs in matching sets. ('apt. O’Shea would like to ex­ lins, Glenville A.*; Comstock, Louis F.; the tactics of comando fighting Miss Aaron’s authority in mili­ ing night by one of the club mem­ ahead, said the men sitting around ><>uwr, Karl*. after eating. If you are a reporter, change the short overcoat he Conner, tary affairs may be debatable, but bers. plus a glimpse of what chemical I _ ... Davenport, I) C ; Dayis, A. J.*; Davis, Terms Carl M . Dunagan, Thomas J *; Eiiiey. warfare means. as a lady from the South her opin- now has for his own. The group also discussed the pos­ they smiled, he won’t ‘‘IE. Ralph E • Esmond, Thomas: Fiddler, I begin to admit 1 am sibilities of camera trips in the Again guests were whisked in Charles, ph ; Fults, Colts, Dan; Dan; Foster, Arnold W.*; Goodman, John; Gat). Robert E.; Guereno, jeeps to another field. vicinity of Camp. Further discus­ mit.) Here Col. ing: By , Ki Kruel, E. . ; Kruzinka, John, mechanics of hasty field fortifica­ Jewelers about is really named Jerome. His Knoii Lunches loej; • - - - »«<»•>> iom, . Joe; iuv , 4 Lee. - ly he woke. LaBriola. Robert E. ; - Lille The meeting was called to order 339 Court St. gard, Clarence .. __ B. ; Lc Long, J. F D.. Lonien. tions, primarily vital in defensive I talked to Car- nick-name is Dizzy Denn. 1 AM Jack; I said, like THE WAFFLE SHOP "_____ , Arturo Lucero, Arturo; ; Ma<*ik, Willie J.; fighting. These ran the gamut— and presided over by acting chair­ Manna ma. Alfred ' ( .... Marsh, _ Bill*; Mil rnichacl. “Are you Mr. Pvt. Dizzy Dizzy Dean, right down to my brandt. Across from Albany Hotel I Leslie A A.; Mockiness, Milton ; one- and two-man fox-holes, “spid­ man Sgt. Raymond C. Johnson, Army papers. I met this other Mon tie th, Wayne; Dean? ” Mooring, J a m e ■ ; and among members present were er traps, ” a prone shelter, a 37- M ii Ji IeSilt n Ben Frank; Murphy, Father ; \ He said yes. I told him who I Dean in '27, the first year he Murphy, , ,, Frank; Myers, Jim. Privates Christian Hauge, Ronald mm. attack shelter (which the | R.; Navinik, Norman was and how I liked baseball. I pitched for the Cards. I am five I t .-' Nagletnan, ' . Bernard .. ............. H. Seivester, Stanley J. Karika, Robert A.; O’Toole. Thomas Germans have employed consider- I years old than he, though, being 43. L.*; OAidorf, Owens, George B.; Padgett, Elmer _____ ; , Julio N. Alcala, Myron Modin, Wil- got pretty enthused. I’atil; Peters, Arthur H.; Peterson, Pete; ably), standing heavy machine-gun “ I, ” continued Pvt. Dean, “ used I said: “How’s the ol’ arm, Diz?” iotrazewski. B. J.* Jeroy Murdock and Theron Peter- Ranta. Eugene; Rice, Joe; Robinson, emplacement for defensive action; He «aid pretty good and coming to handle polo ponies and thorough­ ■on. More club members are ih»- Felton; Scott, Everett ().: ___________ Stevenson, a light machine-gun emplacement I bred horses in niy civilian profes ­ more waked up answered several Howard \ ; Sullivan, George M.; Taggart, sired, it was announced. Farneat ; Taylor, N. * - L. — L. ; Tormey, P.; built so tanks will roll over with­ sion. That is perhaps why 1 am at question.. He said he’d been in the i Tortora, Eugene E.; Trainer. T.; Turner. army since July, coming here from 332 Depot Company of QM today. < 'rawford ; Twill, R. <', Vinson, Robert out destroying it; 81-mm. and 60- E ; Walah. William J. Wella. Bill: Will mm. mortar emplacements. I am very tired,” said Dean, “so i.iiu, Thanksgiving Feasts Ft. Riley about eight weeks ago. John, Wilson, Earl Wood. O. T.; i Young, Jim. On this field also was a complete g'hye now.” “ l>o you plan to play ball at * Tienotes newspaper, package, maga- Available for EM array of wire entanglements—the j „ envelope. Hoping this gives you some ex­ sine, or large Camp Adair?” Buyers. C. L. ~ double-apron fence, the goose-ber-1 “Yes, 1 guess so,” said Pvt. Dean. planation, I am, sincerely hoping Peter Cohan, Daisy Collins, Louis F. If «omeone came up to you and THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20 ry, concertina, hedgehog, high wire I Comatock, Menard Cunningham "When did you piny last? ” to remain on the staff, asked you to have dinner with him Paul Davis, Orval Dixon, Ward Doyle, entanglements and the French- I Pvt. A. Zilch. Jack Dureen. “Down home,” • NOW. VOYAGER • CAIRO on Thanksgiving day, what would Thomas J. Eastes. conceived cheval de Frise. (Bette Davis-Paul Henreid) “hi Oklahoma?" (Jeanette MacDonald-Robert Young) Frauk Finch, Mrs. Wright 1). Fernley, be yopr answer? Or i« it tuking A Ferraro. The concluding phase carried | Movietone Nçws Song of Victory Now We’re Making "Time" “Naw," said the great bull play­ too much for granted to think that Robert L. Gaddis, Ines Garza, .Jimmie guests and their hosts to artillery i er. "Brownwood, Texas. Semi-pro.” John Gzolosi. y<»u would say “no?” This camp newspaper com­ Green, Donald C. Hartwell, Jiin Henderson, range number three. Here, Major 1 wondered: “Do you think you’ll SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 21 SUNDAY-MONDAY, NOV. 22-23 Yesterday, the good hostesses of Erling Henrikson, William H. Henry, pliments the magazine “Time” Herzog. Fielder P. Greer introduced a | Camp Adair got together with two ever pitch in the big leagues on its good judgment in pick­ Ernest • MOONLIGHT IN HAVANA Alvin Jackson. THE FOREST RANGERS again?" John S. Kelly, John Kinsler, ___ Pfc. demonstration which completely I (Allan Jones-Jane Frazee) ing up the interview In which Knippela. (Fred MacMurray-Paulette Goddard) Edward (>. Kroker. "I never did pitch in the big Edward Legg, . • STAND BY ALL NETWORKS .lohn E. Leonard, embraced work with light field Donald’s Garden Major Osborn, of Cooks and Dan William M Lynch. leagues,” said Dean. “Besides, I am weapons. (John Bi»al-Florence Rice) Movietone News 11 art.Id J Marsh, Thomas E. May, Bakers School, came out against a catcher, not a pitcher.” It first portrayed the primary William 1’ McGarry, _______ Johnnie . L McGill, K.P. ns a penalty. It ’ s been Rohrrt «1 Miller, Rafael Mora. Well, 1 knew better than that nyd training of artillery-men. This was | TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Karl Niemann. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 printed by newspapers all over, Mirhuel O'Day. said so, saying “Pish and tosh,” landscape target firing at 1,000- Walter Prrkuis, Henry A. Peterson, too. • MANILA CALLING like Carmichael. • SPRINGTIME IN THE ROCKIES Harrell Powell. inch range, shooting five rounds Leroy Rely ear, Raymond J Rickett. (Lloyd Nolan-Carole Landis) Then Pvt. Dean explained, say- (Betty Grahe-John Payne) John Bobers, Barnet L. Roaart. Jack T. from cover position with ,22-calibre Don't Lie The Japoteurs It Couldn't Happen Here? Rush. rifle- a highly-aecurate display hy Orville Shctnev, C T. Sluajf. Alfred Popular Science Movietone News Delivery Guaranteed They say responsible party at Smith, Charles E, Smith, C. S Smith, the squad under Sgt. Barney Dann. Robvr t E Smith. James Stiner. Light Weapons Demonstrated Aberdeen Proving Ground, Mil., i * Thanksgiving Samuel Tackett, Willis D Tennant. Richard ' If ford, Joseph Illidge. Followed then a demonstration running yet and taking • Birthdays Marvin 1 Warren, . Harland Watson, Henri Watson, G Weiss. Charlea C Wil- covering use of four principal in­ when he dares at the * Family Days ha, Ellworth Wilson, Edward Wisner. Clubs. fantry weapons, concentrated on • Sweetheart THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 19 By Appointment a standard 200-yard range objec­ FRIDAY-SATURDAY, NOV. 20-21 Anytime It appeared in the post ptiblica- CHIEF MOVES Evenings • CAIRO tion "Flaming Bomb.” Bonded Member F.T.D. Soon to move from Corvallis tive. All approaches were at crouch • NOW, VOYAGER I Phone 470 or 440-J (Jeanette MacDonald-Robcrt Young) Whether it was simply a typo- where he has lived since June, will run, firing from cover position. (Bette Davis-Paul Henreid) Song of Victory Prefaced in all instances by ex­ Movietone News graphical error or born of sonn be l amp Adair’s fire chief, A. L. DR. A. W. MARKER monstrous premeditation seems the Sherk. Chief Sherk, his wife and planatory remarks, guests then OPTOMETRIST SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 22 Next to Hotel Benton matter of debate. The article win two daughters will occupy the for­ saw the efficiency with which MONDAY. NOVEMBER 23 Phone 750 Corvallis Ball Bldg. about the food served at the Mess mer l onger residence on Suver American soldiers carry these light • MANILA CALLING Corvallis MOONLIGHT IN HAVANA weapons to action: Road, near Highway 98. Hells. _ , (Lloyd Nolan-Carole I-andis) (Allan Jones-Jane Frazee) The heavy machine-gun, a water- I ARMY CASH TAILORS AGENCY BARTON DIAMONDS $37.50 Stevens & Son CAMP ADAIR THEATRES Weekly Progam for Theater No. 1 Flowers! Wired Anywhere Today! Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Weekly Program for Theaters No. 3 and 4 RUSSELLS Photo Finishing 25«= By means of a “Class A Pay Reservation" Officers, Eidisted Men. and Civilians, may now set aside a portion of their salary towards the purchase of War Savings Bonds. The program for the sale of United States Govern ment War Bunds has five major objectives. Per Roll of 8 Pictures Free Enlargement One-Day Service 1. To help finance the war program, 2 To reduce the civilian use of articles and materials needed for military purposes. 3. To help in the fight against rising prices. BERMAN'S DRUG STORE 4. To build up a reserve of purchasing power Opposite The Banks Corvallis, Oregon to keep industry going and provide employ­ ment after the war. 5. To provide future financial security for all. Mrs. HOGG BROS. for Miss (Grade) (laist Name) (First Name) (Initial) (Regiment or Unit to which v>u are attached ) Quality Furniture and Appliances PLEDGE NOM' by signing vour name on the ABOVE DOTTED LINE. A War Bond representative in your section will contact you for further information, regarding this Savings Plan. At Moderate Prices Terms 260 State St. Mr. Salem IM) NOT FAIL TO TEAR OUT THIS CLIPPING AND FORWARD TO THE OFFICE OF THE WAR BOND OFFICER. POST HEADQUARTERS. CAMP ADAIR. OREGON. cooled, 52-pound piece, capable of firing 150 rounds per minute; the light machine gun, which is air- cooled; the M-l, or Garand rifles, admittedly the world’s finest small arms weapon and capable, for a limited time, of delivering a tre- mendous volume of fire power; the Browning rifle. Today's Browning is a mechanism vastly improver! over its daddy, born during World War I. Thus ended the demonstration in tactics of training for modern war. Postlude, at officers' mess that evening, was fitting. General Cook tn presenting the distinguished “rookies” with their certificates. admitted to keen pride in the men* of his command, and as comment on a significant day. of them said: “They are keenly interested in their profession — and fully aware of what they owe to you and their government.'' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Don t Lie Popular Science STAND BY ALL NETWORKS (John Beal-Florence Rice) TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY. NOV. 24-25 • THE FOREST RANGERS MacMurray-Paulette Goddard) Donald s Garden Movietone News f Weekly Progam for Theater Nc. 5 THURSDAY-FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19-20 SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 21 • THE GLASS KEY • MANILA CALLING (Brian Donlevy-Veronica Lake) The Dover Boys Movietone News (Lloyd Nolan-Carole Landis) Don't Lie Popular Science SUNDAY-MONDAY. NOVEMBER 22-23 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 • SPRINGTIME IN THE ROCKIES • MOONLIGHT IN HAVANA _ . (Betty Grabe-John Payne) The Japoteurs Movietone News 4 Frazee (Allan Jones-Jane ____ . ) • STAND BY ALL NETWORKS (John Beal-Florenee Rice) WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 25 • WILDCAT GET YOUR DANCE TICKETS Ticket« for the Friday night dance« at the two Service Club* will now be issued by the spe­ cial service officer» of the vari­ ous unit« in camp and in case« where there are no such officers the ticket» will be available at the orderly rooms. Tickets will be available on Thursday, the day before the dance. The purpose of this is to do away with the crowding at dances. (Richard Arlen-Buster Crabbe) South American Sports The Hep Cat Information Please THEATER LOCATIONS AND SHOW TIMES 1st performance 2nd Perf. Mat. Sunday No. 1—Ave. CAS. 7th St. Phone 2243 1830 2030 1400 No. 3—Ave. D A N. 7th St. Phone 3293 1800 2000 (No Mat.) No. 4—Theatre Ave. Ph. 2940 (Theater Officer) 1845 ....... 2045 1400 No. 5—Ave. DAS. 5th St. Phone 2293 1830 -2030......... 1400 I