Page Eight Ct’.fnp Adair Sentry Thursday, November 19,1942 “----------------------------- ~--------------------- r——— SECOND GUESSING with Sgt. E. A. Brown YOKl'MS SOKEM'ED The Yokums, who challenged the basketball world of Camp Adair recently and got off to a good start, have been “skonked.” Oregon-Oregon Stale Clash Game of Week was given Tuesday by the western I | there's Sgts. Joe Medena, 6 feet 2 inches of Muskegon, Mich., ath­ lete and Sgt. Leonard Hoffman, Red Cloud, Nebr. Victor Garcia, former forward at Argentine high school, Kansas City, was also Golden Gloves box­ ing champion in the Kafisas tour­ nament. He competed in the Chi­ cago Tribune tourney at Chicago stadium and is hailed as a likely for the Camp Adair boxing team. Cheer leader is “Chatter-box” Edmund Muniz, from New Or­ leans. The Volts and Jolts are ready to out-jolt any post team that wants to tackle them. Contact their AO, through Field House. defense command. Almost every- j thing else concerning it at this early j date, is strictly unofficial, but— The football public out here wants Georgia. The grapevine says Georgia will be here provided it doesn't bog down against Georgia Tech in Athens November 28. If it does, the rambling wrecks from I Atlanta will be equally welcome. There is the further attraction of a $100,000 plus purse as one-third of the receipts. Cougars Lead Coast The western team will be the champion, or a reasonable fac- simile, of the Pacific Coast con- ference. Right now the Washing ton | State Cougars arc leading the pa­ rade with five victories and one de­ feat. with the UCLA Bruins and Southern California’s Trojans in pursuit. The winner may not be determined until December 12 when UCLA and USC meet here in Memorial coliseum. Long before that date however, something is going to be done about getting an opponent for the Paci­ fic champion. Lately the Rose Bowl game, richest prize of them all, hasn’t been getting the best of the eastern or southern champions. Reason: Outstanding teams with­ out official invitations wouldn’t) wait until the west coast champion­ ship was decided. They grubbed offers elsewhere before or as soon as their schedule was compliited. The undefeated eligible» are t Georgia, Georgia Tech, Boston col­ lege and Tulsa. The first two, if they haven’t been sounded out, know they are wanted. • A Place to Meet • A Place to Eat Salem’s Only Sandwich Shop Court Street WE TAILOR On<- nice thing about writing a OFFICERS' They lost the other night to Corvallis Gridiron column like this only once a week, UNIFORMS a Divisional Headquarters team, in addition to having six days of Scene of Sat. Fray 33-22. The Hq. artists also fur ­ leisure in whnrh to cut Petty draw, In Our Own Shop thered their cause over the En­ ings out of somebody's new Es­ Ax far as Coach John Warren and PORTLAND, ORE gineers, 2*1-4, last Friday night. quire, is that no one remembers the University of Oregon football The Yokums have been eating what you said that far back. For team are concerned they can end some more "tarnip preserves” ‘ the season successfully with a vic­ that matter, we can’t remember and want a come-back. »Military either, so we're all starting even. Basketball Names tory over Oregon State at Cor­ and other matters permitting, For instance, we can’t remem­ vallis Saturday. Are Most Confusing they'll got it tomorrow, or Sat­ And that’s just what the Web­ ber if we predicted that both Ore­ urday, Sgt. Burdette Owen of f. foots are aiming to do- beat Ore­ gon football teams would lose by Athletes of the Timber Wolf Di­ Hqs. reported. gon State. Still in high spirits de­ vision have gone full blast into overwhelming xcort-s last Satur- . I spite last week’s loss to Southern their basketball program, with