I Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, November 12, 1942 Active G. I. Grunt and Grc n Artists Camp Adair SPORTS Public Relations Section Camp Adair, Ore. SECOND GUESSING FIELD HOUSE SKED: J re-bruised an old knee injury. Both | should be in shape to make the I trip to California this weekend, commented Trainer Del Allman. SERVICE DELUXE If you want to give your package that Christmas touch and you don’t know just how to go about it—the Salem Recep­ tion Center does. Starting Nov. 14—Christmas paper and ribbons will lie on hand and hostesses will be at the center to wrap your gift and make it look like a Xmas package should. Just bring in your gift. The center will do the rest. The schedule of use for Field f House, for SCU and attached troops and also for troops at­ Il tached to division, has been re­ Men Strive and Upped Volleyball Tournament leased to the Sentry by Cpl. Jim Last Tuesday might have again By the QMs and Medics To Pick Camp Champs established Washington, D. (’., as ' Shackleford, athletic manager. Sunday will be the lone open the political capital of the nation, ( Besides handing out food, cloth­ day on the schedule, which fol­ Volleyball league play, to get but last Saturday’s collection of ing etc. and etc.—the QM of SCU lows : underway immediately, will be cli­ upsets on the gridiron clearly es­ is handing out promotions these Monday, Medics; Tuesday, maxed by a tournament to decide tablished that the capital of the days. But these promotions have •MP; Wednesday, Headquarters; the championship team of Camp football universe is located in the been given to their own men and Thursday, Quartermaster. Adair, and finishing by Dec. 15, state of Georgia. are not necessarily G. I. issue. So Friday, all troops attached to Athletic Officer, Capt. Frank C. Don’t take our word for it, which don ’t see your supply sergeant to­ divisions (hours by appoint­ Wimer, announced yesterday. you won’t anyway, but hark to the day about one for yourself. You'll ment through the Athletic Offic­ Most of the. elimination games sage voting of Associated Press make better bucking by giving your er, Capt. Frank Wimer); Satur­ will be held at Field House, though sportswriters, of whom there are I shoes an extra wipe in the morn- day, all troops attached to com­ a number will be scheduled for out­ ’Killer” Hourigan applies a combination scissors and arm lock on Pvt. van V aiKennurg no whomer when it comes to play­ pany headquarters (hours by ing. side courts, weather permitting, while Sgt. Gus Comuntzis hovers to tap lightly and politely. Both regulation boxing and wrestling ing all-American football from a appointment through Capt. rings of the Field House are kept occupied by devotees of the sports. Interested spectators watch­ Capt. W ’ imer said. Upped to T/ 3 was Clifford M. vital T-formation in the press box. C ing this match, in addition to Cant. Frank C. Wimer, Camp Athletic Officer, are Pfc. Pete DeGrasse, Wimer); Sunday, open time. Play between platoon teams will Hoffman — to Sgt., Herbert S. They’re good and admit it them­ post boxing instructor, and Pvts. Tanke, Lavalie, Walter Kindred and Joe Bloom. determine what men should play Breed, George J. Jensen and Wal­ selves, which settles all argument. The same day second-place Georgia first squad on company teams. I lace B. Knight—to T 4, Warren In any event the poll of the AP Conference Heads Call 'Blazin' ' Ben Hogan Matches will be decided under tour­ Timber Wolves Start H. Swigart. And to T/5, Francisco I keeps the University of Georgia | Tech and Alabama collide in a nament rules—two out of three Basketball, Swimming Dixie masterpiece. A. Buongiorno, Albert C. Krivan- Quits Golf for Air San Francisco Meeting Bulldogs on top for the fifth The standings of the teams (first games, 15 points. If a game is tied ek, George A. Pound, Jack Gold­ straight week and then adds to the ind I votes in parentheses, points up at 14 points, the winning team Untii Saturday the Rose Bowl | “Blazing Ben” Hogan, thrice berg, Cosmas A. Panzarella, Wil­ glory of the home of peaches i__ The “Timber Wolves” are pre­ ----- J . I , „ ------ . ‘ ..... l-A- -U —J figured on 10-9-8-7, etc., basis): ( must get two points ahead of jtH situation was a comparatively ! Vardon trophy winner and top mon­ liam F. Straub. Ty Cobb by placing the Georgia | First ten—Georgia (85), 1088; opponent. paring to go into their athletics hot simple matter, then the University] ey player of golfing, is changing I i The Medics handed out some just Tech engineers in second place, a and heavy, both in basketball and Georgia Tech (14), 988; Boston col-1 scant 100 points behind. That is a swimming, according to an an­ of Oregon fixed that at Eugene, his game. He has enrolled in the desserts, too. New sergeants there climb of one position, as h week lege (io), 819.5; Notre Dame (i), Oregon Webfoots to nouncement yesterday by Lt. Louis along with the erstwhile unbeaten Spartan school of aeronautics, a are John A. Schaefer and William * T • KI Uclans of Westwood, near Los An­ report from Tulsa, Okla., reveals, C. Hill. ago they were third behind Wiscon- 772; Alabama, 418.6; Michigan, aa J. Allenanti IL 349; Wisconsin, 208 «; Texas, 207 «; /V’eei » rO/OOS Next as a civilian student pilot. geles. sin. The Badgers, upended by Tulsa (1), 205.5; Ohio State (1), I The divisional basketball league Hogan, 30, is too old to qualify So the Pacific Coast Conference Iowa, skidded all the way to sev- University of Oregon’s surpris­ will get underway Tutsday. 204.6. Rose Bowl committee has been as a combat pilot, but hopes to get I ¿lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllh enth. | Second ten 11, Tennessee, 84.6; ing Webfoot griddeni Saturday Swimmers will soon begin train­ called into session. Moguls will I a rating as flying instructor with­ Boston College Climbs play their second Los Angeles op­ ing. arrangements having been com­ 12, Iowa, 68.1; 13, Illinois, 50; 14, meet Sunday in San Francisco “to in six months. “I’ve always been Boston college continued its Washington State. 43.1; 15, Wil- ponent in two weeks, this time on pleted to make use of the facili­ consider matters in connection with interested in flying. I'm through climb, finishing third, with Notre the Coliseum field at Los An ­ ties at the Oregon State College the New Year’s game,” it was ex­ with golf until we get this war lia mand Mary, 34; 16, Minnesota, Dame (where have we heard that .21; 17, Penn, 18.1; 18, University geles, when they tangle with the pool, on Monday, Wednesday and plained yesterday at Corvallis by done,” the little golf wizard said. name before) fourth. Alabama, j 1 of California at Loa Angeles, 17; U.S.C. Trojans. Friday nights, 7:30 to 8:30 o’clock. Percy Locey. chairman and manag­ which has run up and down the 19, Hardin-Simmons, 12; 20, Wil-i j Coach John Warren, with little I (Not Christian Church) = er of athletics at Oregon State t ladder like our own Camp Adair | time to prepure the Webfoots for 730 E. 5th St. college. firemen on drill, is now on the llama, 11. Travelled Pfc Subs : ALBANY, OREGON = | Also runs—Missouri. 7.1; Santa the tussle, Tuesday sent the team Locey sits on a committee of sev­ fifth rung. The first three weeks through a long practice session, Letters for Skiing MOOSE HALL en who largely handle the destiny of the season they were in second Clara, 7; Southern California, Mia- | with a scrimmage against the fresh­ You’ll Find a Friendly 2nd St., Corvallis E of the Pacific Coast conference. place. Then u poke in the nose by sissippi State and Louisiana State, men highlighting the affair. 6; Navy, 5; Army, 3; Penn State, When the Webfeet toppled the Georgia knocked them all the way Drop a tear for Pfc. John Bible Class .10:00 A. M Game Held Toaaup Fresno State and Marquette, 2; Bruins, 1 1-7, Washington State was to eighth. FIRST BAPTIST The Trojans and Webfoots, Strauss, skiing enthusiast who has Oregon und Texas Christian, 1. Preaching ..11:00 A.M. projected into the saddle. But the Michigan, Texas and Tulsa hop­ tossed about rather rudely in the learned that the trails on Mt. Hood CHURCH conference is this year proving a ped out of the second ten to train Communion . 11:45 A. M Pacific Coast conference until last will not be plowed this season. Hav­ Fifth & Lyon. Albany mighty skittish nag. Oregon U. sixth, eighth and ninth spots in Encouraged, Beavers week, when they rose to smite down ing enjoyed winter sports in the Preaching ...8:00P.M. Edgar B. Luther, Pastor the hit parade, while Ohio State, California and UCLA, respectively, Alps for years, John is nearly meets University of Southern Cali­ Point for Palo Alto fornia at Los Angeles, Saturday out to prove that nothing succeeds will be at even odds Saturday. heart-broken. He is a hunter and [Sunday like success, sank from sixth to Tommy Roblin sparked the prac­ fisherman, but right now is hunt­ The Beavers play Stanford at Palo 9:45 Sunday School Visibly encouraged by his team's to Worship Alto. tenth although they crushed Pitts­ tice Tuesday. He will open at full­ ing for a place to ski. Suggestions 11:00 Morning Worship burgh flatter than u GI flapjack performance against Montana Sat­ back against USC. The remainder will be welcomed. Soldier’s Invitation urday, Coach Lon Stiner this week JOBS OPEN 6:30 Youth Services 5» to 19. of the backfield will be composed John still corresponds with a sent his charges through intensive Additional men to work Il is the fourth consecutive week 7:45 Evening Gospel of either Len Surles or Hay Bletch­ gal he met in Cuba when he visited in which the Bostonians have vault­ drill against Stanford tactics prior ley at quarterback and Boh Rey­ the island years back. Their let­ cafeteria of Service Club Hour Claude A. Guild, Minister needed. Get in touch with ed two notches, and they are now | to departure for Palo Alto, where nolds and Roy Dyer at halfbacks. ters to one another are always cen ­ KWIL —8-9 P.M. Mi-s Reedy or Miss Harper, cafe­ directly behind the dubs with whom the Beavers and Indians will clash sored, but that restful smile on teria hostesses at Extension 2480 they have been linked as probable this weekend, Big exclamation John’s face when he scans the let­ if you are interested in coining Post Boxing Matches point around the Corvallis campus opponents in the Sugar bowl. It ters leads us to believe that there is the performance of Stiner ’ s new some extra spending money! Await Training Grind was there that they defeated a fa­ is still plenty of uncensored halfback find, J o h n Beauchamp, - — ■ ■ — I I UM two IWW ,» years « «» • vored Tennessee club “oomph” left in the letters. John ched by Frank i w * ” ‘ HC,,ro *l ,w " touchdowns and A billion and a quarter pounds ago, while still cone “It’s only fair to give the men also has a picture of th<» señorita I passed to two others in the game of sardines were caught by Amer­ Leahy, now at Notre Dame. time to train and get in better — and si. si, señor. ican fishermen in 1941-42. Dennis Myers now is a' the helm ; last weekend. condition" — but soon, probably I Beauchamp, playing extensively and he has welded a team that has within three weeks, a series of pro collected 158 points in six games at the left half post for the first grams of boxing and some wrest (¡as Rationing Postponed and permitted the opposition only 1 time, was the spearhead of the ling matches will be staged at 13. One of the rivals to score was Orange attack, despite his lack of Field House. Registration for gasoline ration cards will begin on the North Carolina Pre-flight ag- i Pl-yin» experience at the backfield An announcement of definite November 18 and continue through November 20. and the gregation, which suffered Its lone ' Potion, lie was shifted hack from dates will be made as soon as the place to go in Camp Adair is the Area Engineers building, defeat of the zeaaon, 7 to «, at reserve end only a week and a half complete athletic schedule is dove­ ago, and had never previously per ­ ('apt. Jean I). Lewis, in charge, announces that the office tailed. This was the word yester­ Boston. formed as a ball carrier. there will be open to both army and civilian personnel on day from t’pl. Jim Shackleton, who Fagle l.ine lough Also commended for performance said that a number nf boys are no* The Eagle line, anchored by the post from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., on the days mentioned. Center Fred Naumets and Tackle in the Montana fracas were Joe working out and that, from the He suggests that before visiting the office all persons Gil Bouley, has allowed the hacks Day, fullback, Boyd Clement, quar­ crop, some likely talent bids to de­ registering should fill out their certificates, because there terback, la 1 « Pearmine, John Man ­ velop. » from the six opposing teams to die anil Bob Proctor, end», Lloyd will lx> no facilities for that in the Area Engineers build­ Not a few hands are watching gain only a total of 157 yards while ing, which is on Ave. F, directly across from post head­ the performance of the 22-year-old the Boston ball carriers, headlined Wickett. tackle, anil Bill by Mike Holovak, have tip-toed center. Carrying the ball 14 times 150 pounder, Pvt Emerson Solvey. quarters. for a total of 143 yards, or twice The curley-head, ex-golden gloves through 1773 yards of space. Earlier. November 11 had lieen announced as the op­ the scrimmage gain of the entire boxer who recently out-pointed Pvt. Holovak has a personal total of ening date for registration. Now the actual rationing of Montana backfield, Day ranked Kenneth Widmer, is aggressive and 620 yards, or slightly less than motor fuel may not begin until some time in December, four times the amount garnered with Beauchamp as the outstanding packs a right-hand wallop. player of the afternoon, although according to Richard G. Montgomery, head of the OPA in by the entire opposition. On Saturday the Eagles, who he played in only about half of the Albany Hi Winner in Oregon. The change has l>een made to give more time for game Pearmine and Mundic, see play their entire schedule on the printing and for distribution of forms. home entertain Fordham. ing extensive action for the first Armistice Day Game time at the wing positions, both The time extension also applies to the order directing played aggressive ball while in the A litany high school beat Corval- motorists with more than five tires to surrender their ex­ contest, and showed promise of see­ lis Hi for the seventh year in a cess tires. ing a great deal of action in re­ row yesterday in the traditional maining games this season. Armistice day game in Corvallis CORVALLIS Only injuries of any consequence this year. The score was 26 to 18. Sal.-Sun.- Mon.-Tue«. Hoopin' It Up in Adair Field House as a result of the fracas were to Corvallis led during the first Bob Libber, who suffered a recur­ part of the game, scoring their BACHELORS rence of the hip injury that has three touchdowns in the first half. •IWAREI prevented his playing for the past but lost their grip at about the two weeks, and Choc Shelton, who half and it was all Albany there­ after. For the past two years Alltany has won with numerous lateral passes. Corvallis was tackling high to prevent a recurrence, and Al bany crosses! them up by forgetting laterals altogether with Sgt. E. A. Brown I | Welcome | ^Church of Christi SOLDIER! WELCOME ROLLER SKATING N:lla Oi 515 Fine .Cb VENETIAN ALBANY Now Playing "ACROSS THE PACIFIC" HUMPHREY BOGART MARY ASTOR Starts Sunday "ICELAND SONJA HENIE JOHN PAYNE GRANADA ALBANY Now Playi “OVERLAND TO DEADWOOD’’ CHARLES STARRETT also “YOU’RE IN THE ARMY NOW” JIMMY DURANTE PHIL SILVERS Starts Sunday “MEN OF TEXAS ROBERT STACK JACKIE COOPER also “NAVY BLUES ANN SHERIDAN JAQK OAKIE JACK HALEY