Camp Adair Sentry Thursday. November 12,1942 troops had already taken Romagne and the Germans captured were so emaciated, exhausted and list­ less that we felt the end must be near. In fact there were so many rumors about an armistice that General Headquarters issued an or­ der to stop circulating them. But they persisted, anyhow, and there was much to indicate a collapse. “We saw very young boys, 16 and 17, and the Germans seemed i let down and glad to fall into our hands. They were half-starved and their clothing was worn out. Also the German artillery was getting 1 worse. They were using old shrap- ! nel and odd lots of stuff. Their ' supplies were alrfiost exhausted and they were shooting a lot of - duds. “I had been in bed for more than k*“ » • a week, when the armistice came, (Left) Tables are available out at the range so that soldiers may keep their rifles in condition for firing, (( enter) A bottle comes in handy when the infantryman and we all knew about it. After-11 want» to smoke up hi» sight so that there will be less gleam in the sunlight. (Right) Proper trigger release ia emphasized and men must learn not to flinch, and to fire o’clock that day all of the patients from any position. Here they fire prone. (These are Public Relations Photo».) who could walk were out in the streets celebrating as much as their had collected »even trial». This and we dined at Churchill», a res- had already been in France eight where we had trouble. There were Adair Vets of First company of men who had just fin­ taurant we had heard much about months. After the Armistice we orders out to place all Americans condition permitted. The cafes War Recall Armistice ished their guardhoune terms was and then joined the milling crowds started for Brest, expecting to go under arrest if they had passed were all filled and there was a kind (Continued From Page 1) unique in that it included soldiers on the sidewalk. A girl grabbed my home, and then were turned around beyond our lines. We managed to of a victory parade. I went out, but had to go easy, for I was still 11 o'clock that night. But we went from 32 states of the union and was hat and I chased her two blocks an