Page Eight Camp Adair Sentry1 Thursday, N’ovemhef- S, 1942. SS » Army Angler Time for Skull Practice; Checker Tcurney to Begin "Sugar” Robinson I ights The rough and rugged Har­ lem welterweight Ray Robinson will attempt to take the meas­ ure of Vic Dellicurti in a 10- round affair scheduled in Madi­ son Square Garden tomorrow night. Broadcast of the fight, an­ other in Gillette’s Cavalcade of Sports, will la* heard over KW IL starting at 7 p. ni. Because of the fight broadcast, "Detail at Seven," the Camp Adair radio show, will be heard at 6:30. Red Sox, 270 points to 24b. GordJ formerly played with Jeffersj high school and with the Univel sity of Oregon. For the season hl batted .321; fielded spectacularlj and helped the Yankee» come with: in six of their own record of 19^ double plays, which he helped sei in the 1941 season. Draw out the old crack* r ba rel champions will be decided; then folks, and git set for some siltin'. those of the regiments; then the di-* A checker tournament to deter­ visional—and finally the champion mine the best "draught*‘-nian” in of Camp Adair. Camp Adair is to start imm* di- How the company champs will lick and Libbee would la* ubel to ately. Every man jack is eligible be picked is more or less up to the participate in practice this week • SECOND GUESSING to compete and whether you've ever company. Some already have guys and would be in shape for the Mon. tried the old Scottish game or not who claim to be so good they can with tana game. is no drawback. Sgt. E. A. Brown beat anybody else in their company Others have Checkers is like the man said without thinking. FREE DUCATS about writing: "Anybody who can men who play the same way with­ As a general rub* the powers Joe Gordon Selected Despite 13-0 Licking at the think, can write” (and no cracks, out beating anybody. There are 1,000 free tickets that be in the boxing game stagger please). But anybody can learn 'Huskies Met a Team' to Saturday's Oregon State- around in shorter circles than the But it’» all clean fun and the Most Valuable Player the rudiments in one easy lesson. suggested means are either the lad­ M on tana game in Corvallis to fighters they claim they are pro­ 7 Miles East of Albany What is learned after that is just der system or elimination methods Two Oregon-bred athletes ent- lie distributed among enlisted Coach Lon Stincr and his thrice- tecting, but every so often—prob­ on Santiam Highway like what happened to the girl who of tournament. The last-named is cred baseball’s Hall of Fame with featuring men here at camp. After these ably just to keep us all confused — defeated Oregon State football sat down to the piano to play; no­ perhaps faster. Players, it was J the announcement Tuesday that are gone there will la* fifty cent they do come out with something team returned to Corvallis Sunday body seems to know. worthwhile. tickets available for officers and suggested, can sign up at the day Joe (Flash) Gordon of the New from their 13-0 defeat at the hands So, if you think you’d like to get room if interested in entering a York Yankees was voted most enlisted men in the South of the University of Washington Not the least of these ull too ft w into big-time checkers in a good- tournament. Those of known talent | valuable player in the American stands. This is well protected I about faces is the announcement Huskies for a week of intensive and DOROTHY EVANS ■ time way, here’s the prospectus as can be seeded at opposite ends of | league and Johnny Peska of the from rain. drill for the Montana game on by the National Boxing Associa­ Corporal Van Hendricks of This dance is jointly spon­ unfolded to the Sentry yesterday: post fig. Co., went along as the pairings, to offer a better guar- i Boston Red Sox rated third, in the sored by the Albany and Dad's day this week end. The Mon­ tion that boxing titles would be Sorry, but Holdicrs cun not "striker” for a group of offi­ A championship trophy for the antee that the top-notchers will annual poll of 24 members of the- Lebanon posts of the tana contest is generally looked bring their wives, sweethearts, "frozen” for the duration. This cer« on a fishing trip to the American Legion winner will be personally donated meet at the play-off and the real Baseball Writer's Association. means that champions in uniform upon as the only thing resembling or even girl friends in on either upper Deschutes. In his spare by Athletic Officer, Capt. Frank champ go on to bigger fields. •Gordon, his wife and their two lime hr landed this 16-inch a “breather" on the state schedule, the free ducats or the fifty cent will not have their titles appropri­ rainbow trout. What the offi­ Wimer, who claims to have won ated by self-declared champions or but the Grizzlies are conceded a tickets. A match, for company play-off, children live in Eugene. Peska r cers landed remains a military the checker title at West Virginia should be best two out of three hails from Portland. I by dictum of any individual athlet- fair chance of staging an upset. secret. (Public relations pho­ I University a few years ago, but games. To eliminate mayhem *iit It was one of the closest votes i ic commission. to.) Commenting briefly on the Sounds Like May Pole I says that doesn’t mean he will stick the start and to complete the play in history. The star second base­ ALBANY After getting this bit of busi­ Washington game. Stiner remarked his neck out and challenge the in good season, a player must move man of the league winners edged ness out of the way, the NBA Marty Servo, navy; Jackie Wilson, that the Beavers played good ball Dance; But We'// Try Camp Champion. (according to all tournament play­ out slugger Ted Williams of the Now Playing through its president, Abe J. army. throughout the encounter. He also Anything in This Army If others are in a mellow mood ing rules) within two minutes after Lightweights: Champion, Sammy Green, solemnly announced that har Winter, athletic officer and Fire also , Albany, Oregon warned Wednesday. tition up to Tanii Muuriello, who yesseneil by two fast-moving three- in top-flight fashion on the top­ Chief A. L. Sherk;* who served as “ TIMBER ” Major-General James I. Muir, slapped down Lee Savold last Fri­ rounders, refereed by Cpl. Jim flight Lorenz court, with three MC. Scorer was A. E. Rosenberg Mid-Willamette Valley's LEO CARRILLO CORVALLIS Shackleton. Fort Lewis, Wush., in a letter to day night. sparkling exhibition matches, Sun­ of Portland, long prominent A.A.U. Top-Flight Roller Rink ANDY DEVINE Thum., Fri., Sat., Owep said ho hnd requested civil hn Mhrrti 'official. One Change A 22-yenr-old 160-poundrr with day afternoon. authorities to prevent any hunter Manucal Ortiz, whose victory a real punch. Pvt. Emerson Sol- As a fitting prelude to coming armed with a shotgun approaching over Lou Salica has been recog­ vey, indicated possibilities by out- tournaments, a smart brand of within 500 yards of any military nized by the NBA. was ranked the pointing Pvt. Kenneth Widmer in class A ball was dished out for a installation and to bar all hunters No. 1 bantamweight for the only a slam-bang set-to. well-filled g/illery. armed with a rifle, pistol or re­ change in title classifications in The second bout was more strict­ The Portland Fire Department volver from entry within one mile the new ratings. Henry Armstrong, ly exhibition, but boxing instructor Johns, Wanner and Metcalf, showed the old "perpetual motion” special­ Pete DeGrasse gave all hands an of any military installation. why they are the champs in their Officials of the Oregon state ist, came back to gain fourth slot idea how he was able to weather bailiwick. Coming from behind af­ police and state game commission among the NBA-ranked welter­ ten rounds with "Hurricane Hen­ ter a ragged start, they turned said they would enforce the edict weights, coming behind Freddie ry" Armstrong, by decisioning Pvt. back the stars from Jewish Com­ in all hunting areas of Oregon Cochrane, Ray Robinson and Frit- Rudy Silva. munity Center, Rudy Weiss and M. where military or naval establish­ zie Zivic, This is a bit confusing Sussman, in a garrison finish. The inasmuch as Aimstrong recently ments are located. defeated Zivic in San Francisco in i Wanna Sokum Yokums? scores were 13-21, 21-11 and 21-20. Although he displayed a keen HOLIDAY CHANT. I read in the most significant step of an Quintet Wins 3 Games court strategy and had his youth­ amazing comeback campaign. the Sentry that we’re going to have ful opponent on the run for most The Ratings: Here’s a Camp Adair basketball a swell Thanksgiving chow. Oh, Heavyweight»: Champion, Louis, team which claims to be the "tur­ of the first game, Lt. Col. R E M. nuts! I sure ho|u* I don ’ t get in ­ Starting Sunday I>e» Islets wasn't quite able to vited out to some pretty girl’s army. Logical contenders. Conn, nip presarves” of all cage quintets. handle the problem of a several- army: Pastor, New York. What they've l>een doing to their place for Thsuksgiving Light heavyweights: Champion, competition in early season should­ month comparative lay-off from Gus Lesnevich, Coast Guard. Logi­ n't happen to a dog-patcher, as his favorite sport. and bowed to cal contenders, Bivins and Ezzard “Miatuh Capp" might say — and Lt. William Rodgers in two Charles, Ohio. they've issued an open challenge to straight games. Scores were 21-10, Middleweight»: Champion, Tony any team in camp. 21-6. Zale, navy. Logical contenders, As nice a brand of singles ball They call themselves the Yokums George Abrams, navy; Tony Mar­ as will probably be seen for some and any A. O. who thinks Iff has tin, Coast liuard; Nate Bolden, Il­ while was turned in for the third some potential rivalry can arrange linois. match of the day. It was between a game by phoning 2397. Robinson l eader Frank Rihack of Portland, twice 3rd and Monn» St The Yokums, who claim to have i ltd weights: Champion, Coch­ running champion of the north­ rane, navy. Logical contender». Rob­ leased the name from the family of west and Lyle Hurt, singles king Phone 1180-J inson. New York; Zivic, Pennsyl­ comic strip fame, have already won of the Portland Y.M.C.A. vania ; Armstrong, California; three games. They edged out an Trouble is, nothing was decided. OFFICER«’ — ENLISTED infantry battalion team, 32-30, .MEN'S whipperl the HQ s of a di­ Both boys were fast, well condi­ vision. 30-19, and nipped one strong tioned. smooth. Each was equipped MILITARY EQI IPMENT with a deadly right hand kill and HURLEY'S LOTION QM squad, 29 26. Military Tailoring was able on recovery. Ribaek took ¿Wn coûta fou g For Poison Oak a thrilling first game. 21-20. Hurt Over 5000 bottles »old. Guar­ Six Lettermen Remain turned around to take the second. anteed treatment for poison oak relief 60c bottle bv mail. On U. of O. Hoop Squad 21-14. Then they decide*! to leave Ill RI.EY’S PRIGS, Albany it there. After a total of seven CORVALLIS Six lettermen and a wealth of games the floor had slicked too jllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. sophomore talent greeted Coach much for safe and sane going in Thum., Fri., Sat Howard Hobson as varsity basket­ a game that was paced at over­ AS EXCITING...AS DARING ball practice started at the Univer- drive from start to finish. Significantly, three of the men j ...AS THE OLD WIST ITMUI sity of Oregon. responsible for Camp Adair's hand­ Prospects for the Oregon hoop- sters are considered bright despite ball courts were on hand -Col. lies | f (Not Christian Church) the loss of three regulars on last = =. = year’s team. Missing are George 7.10 E. 5th St. I Andrews. Paul Jackson and Archie AI.RANY, OREGON Marshik, all three-year lettermen. CUI TNUNMKIOUD MOOSE HALI. You’ll Find a Friendly 2nd St.. Cor* allb Thrice-Sunk Beavers In Montana 'Breather' Armistice Night DANCE Wed., Nov. 11 Cottonwoods AL. BENNING'S 10-pc. Orchestra VENETIAN ROLLER SKATING GAY SISTERS" GRANADA Handball Debuts Here In Three Hot Matches Firemen Hot; Lt. Beats Col. and Riback-Hurt Tie in Sunday Tilts SKATEWAY Roller Rink CLAUDE RAINS Field Jackets Wool Shirts Trench Coats Mackinaws Field Caps Shoes Sleeping Bags Air Mattresses Cat Starring AHI INE JUDGE Welcome Church of Christ 1 I= Every Thing an Army Man Need»*. WE HAVE IT. Rible Class . 10:00 A. M. Preaching ..11:00A.M. Communion . 11:45 A. M. Preaching ... 8:00 P. M. The Mont Complete Army Store in the Northwest. to Worship Soldier's Invitation 3rd and Monroe Corvallis, Ore. Claude A. Guild. Minister SOLDIER! = Post Fire Department To Take on More Men : The Post Fire Department needs men to act as peat firefighters. Duty is 24 hours on. and 24 hwiA off Very probably many men who liv»- near the Camp have a small business or farm that can function on a day at home and a day away basis. If you’re one of these call Civil Service. Camp Adair If you know of anyone that might be interested | tell them to call. WELCOME FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Fifth A Lyon. Albany Edgar R Luther. Pastor ¡Sunday Sunday School Morning Worship Youth Services Evening Gospel Hour KWII_S-9 p. M 9:45 11:00 8:30 7:45 I ! I ■ I m as »»»v’i»«. ■ wm pay foe each Wenkei ordered. SMCIFT CO1O« WANTtg mtr CMO»ci »acoa* choki *>»“< «•OKU iTWWalj XT W ¥ f f