Page Two Camp Adair Sent Thursday, October 22. 1942. -------- ■ !L ■ ■ ■ ■ Anyone interested should corj Each nation did Its share. But dinner last Saturday evening, given Britain remembers that nearly a tact Muss Martin of the languagj iq honor of Mrs. John Daly, wife million of her best manhood died department immediately. Call Ort. of Col. Daly of Camp Adair. Mrs. m the last war ... Use your head gon State college, extension 60. Duly is visiting in Corvallis from Notes From a Soldier's Sketch Book before you sound off and remem­ San Antonio, Texas. Friend* from AMP PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ber how long the British held Hit­ th- cantonment and rqtrrounding OMMANDER’S A weekly newspaper published for the military and civilian per­ To make a battleship of 35,000 ler off without help from anyone.” municipalities were among sonnel of Camp Adair, Oregon, and circulated free to afficen, soldiers OLUMN tons takes 26 million man hours guests. and civilians by written permission of the camp commander. ______ r i and food from 43,000 acres of land If You Wanna Speak SCU 1911 Published by the Camp Adair Sentry, publisher. Box 347, Cor­ Non-Coms W ives at Luncheon vallis. Oregon. News matter pertaining to Camp Adair, furnished by Members of the Non-Commis- Spie, Call Miss Martin the Camp Public relations Office, is available for general release. sioned Officers Club held a waffle Camp Adair, practically Editor and manager Don C. Wilson . luncheon a week ago last Tuesday r P. O. Address, Box 347. Corvallis, Oregon. Phone 865-M. The Oregon State College Exten­ I completed, is one of Oregon’s thriv­ afternoon in the Recreation Hall sion series is now offering a course ing bustling communities. It has Subscription by mail 11.50 a year or Í1 for six month«. of the Federated Churches. Mrs. its own churches, post exchange in beginner's Spanish, a foreign Advertising rates upon request. Thomas Davee was chef and was stores, laundry, theaters, and all language which has become in- Address all communications to “Camp Adair Sentry, Box 347, assisted by Mrs. James Octhel, other facilities found in cities. It !creasingly important during war Corvallis, Oregon.” Mrs. James Bellchambers and Mrs. has streeta and avenues, water time because of the use of the John Cummens. systems, power and recreational language in military and naval af- News contributors to this issue: Lt. George H. Godfrey, This week, on Tuesday, the club facilities. j fairs. Public Relations officer; Sgt. E. A. Brown, associate director; members enjoyed a theater party The course, prepared by the lan­ The citizens of Camp Adair are Sgt. R. L. Black, CpI. Henry Beckett, CpI. Raoul Mound, T 5 in Corvallis. They assembled at just like those of any other Oregon guage department of Oregon State Raymond Johnson, Pfc. John J. Gubelman, T 5 Bert Shandler. the home of Mrs. Homer Jeffries, municipality, except that here all, college, is offered in three terms of I ... available at this 761 Harrison -street. except a few nurses and hostesses, JI weeks each, at the cost of $5 price ONLY at Army THE FEAR OF FEAR At the luncheon party were the are men. The Camp differs in an­ per term. Classes are held each i I post* and Naval and guest of the day, Mrs. J. W. Weth. other respect, since here all have Wednesday evening from 1915 to i Back when this country was in the depth of depression, erell, who is visiting in Oregon a single aim, that of training 2115 and enlisted men and officers Marin* Corp* bases. President Roosevelt assured the nation that the “only thing from Texas and is the mother of troops to help win tjie war. All stationed at Camp Adair are par­ to fear is fear.” That is more true today than ever. This Mrs. James Fitzgibbons, Mrs. other activities of the post are ticularly invited to take part in 25< everywhere else Ralph Dreffer, Mrs. James Bell­ subordinate to this. war we are in, desperate as it is and deadly as it is, can this important study course. chambers. Mrs. John Cummens, not frighten us unless we are afraid of the very thing we The people who live in this' mili- Mrs. Gale Russell, Mrs. Lawrence tary city arc drawn from all parts are fighting for—freedom. Brown, Mrs. Thomas Davee, Mrs. of the United States, but they dif*- All of us know instinctively that we do not fear for Janies Fitzgibbons, Mrs. James fer in no way from the sons and the future of our country .... that when we win the war Octhel and Mrs. Edward Petch. brothers of the citizens of other | from the axis, we will not be under the heel of an even worse Before an altar banked with au­ Oregon communities. They are a tyrant or tyrants. We know, or should know, by this time tumn flowers, in the Corvallis fine lot of men, average or above ------- Episcopal church last Sunday aft­ in intelligence and behavior, who that the effort to fill us with fear is the work of the most ernoon, one of the most beautiful have given up the comforts and high-powered propaganda machine in all history. A machine weddings of the fall season took luxuries of civil life and thrown f End of Day—Now t.iat the wgsh is up. settle buck and ha»e jyerfected ten years ago to spread fear rumors in this and another look at that letter. place when Miss Barbara Monroe, themselves wholeheartedly and other countries that are now open enemies of Hitler and daughter of Colonel and Mrs. Ham­ completely into the war effort. —WHERE YOU’LL FIND THE MOST WAR all he stands for. mond McD. Monroe of Corvallis Camp Adair wants to be consid- I COMPLETE STOCKS OF NATIONALLY became the bride of Robert Stone cred by other cities as a city. The •Said Hitler in 1933 .... “Artillery preparation for attack My harp and lute are dumb how shall I sing, Morrisson, son of Mr. and Mrs. men who live here want to associ­ ADVERTISED QUALITY MERCHAN­ will be replaced in the future war by psychological dislocation When you require a song? (ns those of old) Norman J. Morrisson of Chevy ate with the citizens of the other No music ever heard or made could fit of the enemy through revolutionary propaganda. The enertiy DISE— Chase, Md. cities, and within military limits. ’ The Idare, blast, blaze and boom of global War. must be demoralized and driven to passivity. Our strategy want to receive friends us visitors 1 The ceremony was conducted by What would you of the lyre? Tis out of tune, is to destroy the enemy from within, to conquer him through Chaplain Phil W. Rolx-rts of Camp to this post. There is no more of harmony on earth; himself. Mental confusion, contradictions of feelings, in­ Naturally, establishment of Camp Adair assisted by the Rev. D. Vin­ Vibrations echo round the globe, and all WOMEN'S decisions, panic—these are our weapons.” Adair, adjacent to a number of cent Gray. Mrs. Arthur von Lehe The atmosphere with terror is a-treinble .... READY-TO-WEAR played the wedding music on the other communities, makes consid­ ii One would think it was pretty silly of Hitler to tell us We scan the waves of turbulence and strife. eration of some special problems organ and Lt. Henry H. Bach was But see no bird of peace, no flutt’ring form, what he intended to do when war came, but those of us who necessary. Men from Camp Adair soloist. Hearing up olive leaf, with promise rife, pass on wild rumors after he has told us he was going to MEN'S will want to visit the other cities, The bride was given in marriage But thunders roll, presaging stress and storm. start them, are the silly ones. CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS and will tax their hotel and other ! by her father, and wore a shell pink None can distinguish none cun e’er portray Give that some thought the next time you hear a ridicu­ accommodations to the utmost. 1 bridal rotes with train, long sleeves The heights of triumpa, or the depths of loss; lous latrine rumor .... a report that “the United States will and sweetheart neckline. Her fin­ These men will also appreciate the j Extremes of seeming gain and of defeat, BOYS' WEAR ger-tip length veil fell from a halo opportunity for entertainment, and ! The crown and conq’ror, or the spear and cross, never be able to buy back the War Bonds" .... that “our above all, will want to meet people. of plaited net, and her bridal bou­ We try to mete the goal, — to cstimute country is losing 50 per cent of all troop transports, but the Officer» in charge of the camp quet was composed of white rose­ The staggering expanse of wreck and woe. government is keeping it a secret.” • CHILDREN'S and INFANTS' buds. bouvardia and white orchids. will cooperate in every way with In vain, the centuries shall surge and roll You know how ridiculous such a rumor is, but don’t Miss Martha Monroe was her sis­ other cities in solving problems. WEAR And man to child shall tell, and child repeat pass it on. If it is repeated often enough somebody will ter's attendant and wore a faille Housing and recreation are but Aguin to generations yet unborn taffeta gown of pale violet and two of the problems which cooper- | begin to believe it. Hitler thinks Americans are morons. The awful tale how Might arose-onc night. • MEN'S-WOMEN'S and curried an old fashioned nosegay of ation will help solve. The officers One quiet night, and filled a land of peace Help to prove him wrong. stand ready (o meet with any city pink rosebuds and bouvardia. With groans, tears, prayers and cries of agon, CHILDREN'S SHOES ajll lllllllllllll llllllllll Illi Illi II III II Illi III lliniilllii mi HIHIHI IIIIIIIIHHIIIIIIIIII Lt. Robert D. Kogers of Camp officials, civic groups or commit- 1 And yet —the tenth had never then been told . . . Adair was best man and the ushers, tees. “Sing then of Victory?" O who is she? Many of the officers at Camp . Headless and armloss one is drawing night also stationed at Camp Adair, were oo ^I • BLANKETS and DOMESTICS Lt. Webb Trimble and Lt. John Adair have moved their families to Who smells of trench, of fire, and battle smoke, this vicinity, and have located in ’ von Vul|>en. , Of warm. wet blood, from veins of brothers hed. By H. B. nearby cities. These officers and Army friends filled the church Her white robe torn to shreds, her tot-ring form • CURTAINS and DRAPERIES ^llllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllll' I? Is able only to proceed a space, for the ceremony and the reception their families will be residents ol’ Two men, Theodore Roosevelt Roosevelt those words were like Then, with the past and future coast appalled was held at the home of the bride’s this area, and as far as their mili- ! and Arturo Toscanini, probably, gospel to me, and meant so much • YARD GOODS Stand« — turned to stone a atatue for all nu n parents, Country C-luh Heights. The tary duties permit, they will he never paired thus before, have had that my faith in them whs sure To gale upon - that they who may read. bride cut the wedding cake with active in civic affairs in their com­ t my reverence and affection more mid has never been shaken, Here munities. “Ye pay the price for-warned, fore-armed, fore-doomed." her father’s .sabre. A COMPLETE DEPARTMENT STORE TO than any other men of our time are h few excerpt«: The war we are in is an all-out The bridal couple went along the By Ida H. Waite. and except for them I might not* this war. and service men and citizens “The fundamental evil in Oregon coast for a wedding trip SERVE ALL YOUR NEEDS have enlisted last May, volunteer­ country 1« the lack of sufficiently and upon their return to Corvallis, must work together to win it. THIRD and MADISON ing, at 53, in a second war. general appreciation of the respon­ Mrs. Morrisson will remain with CORVALLIS This piece is ubout T.R. und sibility of < itiienship .... World her parents while Mr. Morrisson made at an attractive party last ' what he stands for today. Ilin pence must rest on the willingness goes to Washington, D. C., to re- Thursday evening at the home of By Adele Adair birthday falls on the 27th of llcto- of nations with courage, enol fore­ I ceive his orders for active duty as Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Taylor in | ter. and 1 ilropi>ed in at the Oregon sight and rendincs* for self-sacri- iui ensign in the Naval Reserve. Corvallis, when she w as compli- | Allhmigh the regularly scheduled Friday night dance- at the Mrs. Morrisson plans to join her mented by her cousin. Miss Jo Tay- - State college library to read again flee to defend the fabric of Inter­ Service Clute on the post were cancelled last week because of the husband at the post to which he is lor. Announcements were concealed j what hi- said before we entered national law .... I W'orlil War No. I am to see if 1 in party favors after an evening "Righteousness is the end, and Bombing Doinonstrations, the social swirl in and around Camp Adair assigned, aonic time next month. could be right in niy notion that peace a means to the end, and I kept moving with several weiMings, tens and parties spent playing court whist when " lv«u Honored «t Tea CpI. Dimitri Kitrina, QM. SCU prizes were awarded high scorers. he did say then, witl more sini- sometimes it is not pence but war One of the largest social events piicity and force, mu The wedding date is set for De­ which in the proper menus to . Mrs. E. N. 1911. needed a shave. He stepped , spokesmen of our sidt achieve the end .... It in a wicked of the past week was the W ednes­ W Neuburn. into the Y.M.C.A. at Salem and cember 4. I at pis-M-nt. Guest at the party included Airs. thing to lie neutral la-tween right day afternoon tea. given by the Mrs. Robert asked for a razor. He didn’t get it. lai* Amiga* Club of Albany for Keith Matthews. Mrs Marian Rob. "Fear God and Take Your Own and wrong. The only >ay »licceas. Brown, Mrs. He got a wife. >. L. A. Moor-’ The girl ut the desk that day inson. Mrs. John Hocken. Mrs. Jack Part" is the title of the lawk which fully to oppose wrong which in the wives of officers stationed nt Camp Adair, at the residence of holds the best of the article* which backed by might is to put over Hostess Ave. & 1st St. South Redcay. Mrs. was Miss Isabelle Schmierer, teach, Viclhauer, Mrs. Edna Averitt. Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt wrote in an «gainst it right which is backed Mrs. G. ('. Knodell. 808 Washing­ Dan S . Sanders, Jr. Mrs. James er ut Ix*banmi high school. Univer­ Ralph Torney. Mrs. John Birkes. ton street. Greeting the guests at Miller. attempt to make the American by might. rf ■ sity of Oregon graduate, artist, Mrs. Al Stalbey, Mrs. Adrian Trap­ people see thnt the other war was "Until as n nation we learn to the door welt- Mrs, Vincent Hur­ Mrs W R Leon Mrs. G. L. I and a volunteer worker at the "Y." man, Mrs. Dell Andrews. Mrs. Jack vui war. too. Most of them ap- put honor and duty alaivv safety, ley, Mrs. Edwin Fortmiller and Re ier. Mr> Paul \ Kam-. Mrs. I She saw that behind his whiskers Morrison of Portland. Mrs. Ted penrvd in the old Metropolitan and to encounter any hs^rd with Mrs. Knpdell, the hostess. G. 1. SHOES R. C. Bonnen, Mrs R L. Yu»t, Kitrina was a diamond in the Smiley, and Misses Dorothy Tex $4.25 Music was furnished during the Mrs. J J Hlaehyea, Mis \\ illiaiikl rough. ada, Margaret Olson, Girtha Price. 1 Magnxini'. riMiicinbered now mainly stern joy rather than fnil in our RAIN COATS $4.70 So they were married, on October Doris Masters. Johnnie Peterson. If la-cause of him. They appealed to obligation* to ourselves and to parly, from 3 until 5 o’clock. by Hewe», Mrs W E. ( onatser. Mrs. Mr*, l.yle M Bain, violinist, 3. at Portland, by a Greek Ortho ­ and WOOL SHIRTS $4.16 Kay Conlin, Edith Shearer. Rita | me *o deeply Unit on my one day other*, it is mere folly to talk of M Vick. Jr., in New York, just before sailing entering into leagues of world Mrs. Marshall B. Woodworth, pinn- W illiam A Harvey. Jr.. Mrs. dox priest. One novxkty of the Alhvorth. June Shoeher and Betty ( WOOL PANTS $5.46 for France, I teleph<>nc«l his office 1 peace or into any other movements Ist. Presiding at the tea urns were D. Gude, Mrs R L. McLaugh- wedding was "a best man by tele­ Ann Ochsncr. WOOL SCARFS $1.27 of like character .... I believe in Mrs. It. R W allace, past president to say farewell. Mr- J Kern Orman. Mrs. M phone.” and from Canada, at that Informal Tea Given To his secrvUiry I said, over the nationalism as the absolute pre­ of the club, and Mrs. Edward Sox. Mrs. Edward Mc- j Over the wire from Station Hos­ The recreation room of the Fed- pital. Ft. Smith, Canada. Kitrina ’ s Wire, that I hail iicvcu met the requisite to internationalism .. If current president. Assisting »«-re L Pennington, Mrs. themcas Caps—Vied.. Eng., Inf. SI. 50 good friend. Pfc. Louis Antonacci, | crated Churches in Corvallis was Colonel, our former I’rcsident. but we clamor for peace without say­ the -Misses Mmilinc Knodell. Doro the setting for an informal tea to 1 said the proper word) as witness Camp Adair Sweat Shirts, long sleeve >1.25 had been devoted to him for years ing that Belgium’« wrongs are to thy Roth, Jyrry McMahon and Kenagy, Mr*. and had found in his words my Iw rightist la-fore poMc can come, Mabel Pontius Assisting were Mr- Camp Adair Tea Shirts 70c Wam-n Den-, I to the ceremony. The maid of honor welcome the wives of Army lieu­ June Jossy. artist and tenants last Friday afternoon. A ehaf inspiration a* a aoldler Her we are false to every true stand­ J. K. Weatherford, Mr», I Konx< I- h Burr, Mrs I"“* T .es — Readt -tie 45r man. Mr*. Karl Fortmiller, Mrs. large group attended including the response was that lie was away on aril of international morality.” eorge |, I friend of the bride. 80r Four-in-hand No more space now, but next Wallaer Eakin. Mrs Dorothy Mil- a trip (ami he was*, and that shc W Erickson, j CpI and Mrs. Kitrina live in wives of lieutenants residing in Rockford Athletic Sox 25c ler. Mr* G. Hector. Mrs K Bloom, Would tell him, ami that she ua* week I hope to quote what T"R Mr* Ray ; Albany. His old home was at North town as well as members of the <>. I>. Dress Sox 30r new group. ; Hollywood, Calif., hers at Lebanon, sure lie would have been delighted said in praise of the Russian people Mrs. F M Xcott and Mrs. James Hathborn, Mr*. 35c On the receiving line were Mrs. Webb Belts—Solid Brass Buckle to talk with me. What a wise, ami about the way they would fight Jenkt. 4r* Thomas F Ore. Among those officer*’ wives who W. M. Adrion and Mrs. K. Wilbur hindi» woman she must lime baenl for their country. O. I). Laundry Bags 5Oc B Bank*. Mrs. The Camp Adair Bridge Club Simmon*, who were assisted by the signed the guest book, and the club How nice of her to say * thing like 50e Jockey Shorts (and possibly tourney) gets under­ women of the church. Similar af­ members present were Mrs. Fn-d Uuil to a youiig fellow who fairly THRKK TIMI-: I.OSFK Guilford. ____ 30C Cotton Athletic Shirts way next Tuesday night. October K. Kohler. Mrs. R l> Colluis, Mrs J R Thoma fair* arc planned every Friday I Worshipped Teddy Roosevelt! Clarence IOC 90th Shoulder Patches 27, in Service Club 2. under direc ­ F. J Wallahsn. Mrs. Fn-deric >' I livan, Mrs M afternoon, between 3 and 5 o ’ clock, j In January. 191V. not quite two W dines, Once, when I »a» blind tion of assistant director. Mrs. F. for the officers' wives. Mulouf, Mr». 1‘etcr A. Martin. Mis E H Dim») . Mr i. I her S Gn 104th Shoulder Patches ......... L... IOC niontlis after the Armistice, a news­ Ami could not see C. Merriam. Six tables will be in i Joseph W. Powers, Mrs. John M Mrs Robert H Pv ter». Jr, paper correspondent whom I knew Service Men’s Sewing Kits 35c & Sl-00 The lips and aime play and those interested are urged I Guest House No. 2, which opened Mallory. visited our regiment ami our own J. Spancvr Lid. . Mr- I Pi-offered me. to contact Mr«. Merriam by phon- just a few days ar« is fast gaining txtlom-l look me along on a trip Once, when I met an Mrs. David K I.utkins. Mr* John McKinley. Mi H K Marx. ing Ex. 2480. Giris from the Mir- a reputation for its air of renuine to the undergrounds fort* of Ver­ R H Rebins i Faggi. Mr* Peter B Bradley. Mr«. I Alluring maid. rounding towns have barn invited j hospitality. In th« short time the dun It was a great treat, but for And I. the Fool. | J E. McDonakl. Mrs. R L. Brown. M D S Mr > H. J. as partner*. An instructor will be I Guest House has been in operation, " hitman's Asst'd. Chocolates, serv. pkg.. 1 lb 65r me the day w«> spoiled by « notice Mrs. Henry Caylg. Mrs James E Bettendorf. Drey teck afraid Hrasch, on hand to assist. Time: 8 p. m | the parents of at least 18 enlisted Hunter. Mrs. E C. Edwards. Mrs I Mrs William in « Y.M.C.A. hut reading, "Theo­ Then grew I Whitman's Fairhill Assortment 1 lb >1.05 Mrs H. « R< member, next Tuesday night. Oc- men have been caned for there, I. E Battling, Mrs. G K Yarbes. ! T Hooth. Mr* dor* Roosevelt is dead." Humble and meek Whitman's “ Sampler" 2 Ite >X-S0 mi . Mrs IfAar 27. Each father and mother was lavish That seems Jong, long ago. al­ When surne wench sighed Jr.. Mrs C II Moaty. Mrs. W. II C W. Casey, E »ra- in praising the work of Hostess most in amMher life, but on re­ Garner. Mr». G. H. Jon»». Mr». E i ! vrok "What poor teehr.iqui." Cori alii* Girl to Wed Nina B Mills, B Ellison, Mr». George I. lioff J i reading the RskCeevalt books I was Pvt. Andrew Galet. i l amp Adair M Sergeant amaxisl to find how perfectly In* M P Dept . St U 1911 man. i Buffet Dinner al i Home Mias Lila Allen of CorvaUu ba* “In the other war nearly a mil-1 Mrs. George 0. I'ruex, Mr». F. I ! Major and Mrs words apply today, in another »ar. Jenkins announced har engagement to lion Briton« died." • War Dept W Sholwr, Mrs, < W. Dovix Mrs. I I en tertanuxi a group of t’amp Ateir nod I r«.<>i I ls < «m> . oiivus -i The imputation of the I' X M Sgt a pieve llirke« of Camp guid- remind« the Amerwan s.d- I thnt I m ’.’. hi - c - i Hit <*!«•*«* < nlamt 88 pvIMIlt ll.llV. N K Neiman. Mi 1‘ I Gray, ••íín-er- .imi their wire at , taiffet Vtau Ite MMNUKeim-iit m H ,1 k I of t-utai “ A uh ik * l»»-l Mi.lHKl ’ If s A Great Life Digest NOW 150 to >orvice men NOLAN’S IN CORVALLIS (MUTTERINGS SOCIAL SWIRL CLOTHING For Enlisted Men Exchange No. 1 Q.M. ISSUE CLOTHING Boxed Candies ! Camp Mair Exchange