Camp Adair Sentry Thursday, October 1,1942. Winners Announced in Big Fish Story Contest; Three Bucks Money Winners SPORTS KWIL Station It's all over but the shouting— in helping me to help keep the ' and the passing out of the old would-be fishermen of Independ­ Camp Adair, Or». do-re-me. ence in their proper place.” The Sentry’s great, sensational, collosa), gigantic, stupifying fish- I collosal, j SECOND GUESSING story contest ha« been decided. The Robinson-Lamotta I ............................................................................. . ............... I winner and Camp Adair’s most Fisticuffs on Air with Sgt. E. A. Brown ilustrious fabricator of fish yarns ______________________________ fa Pvt. Ira Brook . Hq. Co., S< r “Sugar Ray" Robinson, said by Did you get one of those free) 1911. He gets a sawbuck (|10). many who should know to be the ducats to the game at Corvallis Pvt. Lawrence Saatzer, 96th divi- un-crowned king of the welter­ next Saturday, or are you going sion, who drew a cartoon to go weight division, goes to the fistic The New York Yankee« began right where they left off last fall to be on guard, too?_____________ | with his story, also drew a red wars again Friday night. This time by slugging out a 7 to 4 victory over the fighting St. Louis Cardinals in Anyway, it will be the defending I herring beneath the sensitive noses his opponent will be one Jack La­ the opening of the World Series yesterday, but only after the Cards had Rose Bowl winning football team | of the august judges to cop second metta. about whom our Operative against the club that most experts I place. Give the man six silver dol­ 60<; has practically no data. put up one of the moat thrilling pick to win the Pacific Coast Con­ lars. finishes in the history of the clas­ A blow by blow description of ference championship title this sic to score all of their runs after Pvt. Howard Johnson, of the this eolossal may be heard over year (which would automatically medics at the station hospital, ran your radio station KWIL, starting two were out in the ninth. make them Rose Bowl contestants Red Ruffing, 38-year-old right­ a close third and hit the jackpot at 1900 o'clock (all right, 7 p. mJ. next New Year’s day, providing hander for the Yankees, wax on for four bucks. That’s all of the Camp Adair’s own program, “De­ there is a Rose Bowl game). Com- the verge of pitching one of the i money involved, but honorable tail at Seven” will be moved up to plicated, isn’t it? Let's begin ail greatest games of World Series mention (try and trade it in on a 6:15 over the same station. over by simply stating that next history when the Redbird« fell on sandwich) goes to Pvts. Glenn R Saturday afternoon at approxi­ him in the final frumc, drove him mately 1400, or 2 p. m., Oregon Stu ver, Myron M. Modín and Lewis No More Worries for from the mound under a terrific State meets the University of Cali­ F. Labom, all of Station hospital barrage of hits and pushed acres« and all past masters in the art of This CpI. (Oh, Yeah!) fornia at Corvallis. four runs. He was on his way to story telling. the showers when the final out The California Bears are re­ With acumen befitting better Corporal Glenn St. Marie. Field was made with his relief, Spud ported to have their best team since things, the unbiased and incorrupt­ Art...cry. 104 th Division, has been Chandler, on the mound. 1937 when they went through the Up to the time he wax relieved, season undefeated and then ible judges — CpI. F tiu I S. McCor­ forwarded a selective service card Ruffing hud already set a series smashed Alabama in the Rose Bow). mick and PvO- Benjamin Towski ■atifying him that he is no longer record by pitching xeven and two- (That was in the G. O. I) B. H.— ansi Robert Sewell held off making w class I-A but is now in class thirds innings of hitlexx bull. The Good old days before Hitler—when their deci-ion until pay day There­ -4-F Corporal Marie, who hails victory wus Redhead’s seventh in the Rose Bowl games were actual­ fore, while the heavy dough in­ ft»- IXiIuth. Minn., and who is in world series, constituting another ly played in the Rose Bowl and not volved is not nearly so mcortant exceil.wt health, was inducted into record. in South Carolina, but there I go. a.s it would have been a week ago. tj»<- army by the same board on fluffing’* team mates hammered the winners will receive it penntev 'Apr-1 2. 1942. g- ’ting compln a ted again ) Box Score three Card hurlcrs for eleven hits La order to help the board keep New York AB R H o A E John The judges saggeatroa that it he The Bears are headed by in making their xeven runs and Rizzuto, xx 4 0 0 2 2 0 Ferguson. California’s leading can­ formally presented a: a banquet m uh,- r reeoeds i ? > straight, the cor­ played flawless ball in the field. Rolfe, 3b their honor and at the w-.nner» pora. has informed them of his 5 2 2 0 1 0 St. Louis players made four mis­ Cullenbine, rf . 3 1 1 1 0 0 didate for All-American honors at expense was promptly tabbed. rtcu» f address as per instruc- right end and the squad includes cues, most of them at crucial mo- Di.Muggio, cf f> 2 3 3 0 0 ten other letter men, plus a group Tom Smith. Independen^» grieer tuins appearing on the classifica- mentx. Keller, rf 4 0 0 4 0 0 who first dreamed up the eennest Bun art. Meanwhile he is wonder- 5 0 0 2 1 0 of outstanding sophomores. The and put up the pr.zc tuxtey ba Onur, riu v Gordon, 2b he will be re-classified Dickey, <■ 4 1 2 9 () 0 t.-am ha« been further atn-ngth- w..i •oiss l-.A and when he will be has been award«! the untevs if CpI Jim Shackleton eiied by the return to football of 4 1 2 5 1 0 Hassett, ll> »U- '.ed. 4 0 1 0 0 0 Jim Jurkovich, brilliant but brittle letters received in the eoesest. T mt Ruffing, p On Road to Recovefy And 0 0 0 1 0 0 left half. Jurkovich was declared will now have plenty to < huiuller. ii through last year because of a speculate on these fi ne ('pl. James II. Shackleton, camp 3M 7 11 27 5 0 head injury. However, he turned ningi. Totuls athletic manager, in hospital with In congratulating the winner«. u cyst, is comfortable and improv­ St. Louin AB R H O A E out for practice this fall and has been looking great. Tom Smith said: 2 ing rapidly and should be out in a Brown, 2I> 1 4 o 1 1 On the other hand, only three “For many years my business 4 0 2 1 0 0 week, r-ays a Station Hospital re­ T. Moore, cf 3 0 1 1 0 1 men in the Oregon Beaver line-up associates in Independence have Slaughter, rf port. 4 • 0 1 0 0 were first stringers last year. They taxed the patience of our honest Shackleton is it fellow who re­ Muxial, If W. Cooper, c 4 1 1 8 1 9 are George Zellick, left end; Lloyd and truthful citizens by insisting signed as chairman of Essex Coun­ 4 0 0 11 1 0 Wickett, left tackle, and Joe Day, that we listen to their tales of ex­ Hopp, lb ty (N. J J Draft Board No. 39 in Kurowski, 3b 3 n 0 1 0 (1 fullback. All of the other starters periences on fishing expeditions. order to be drafted. 0 1 0 0 0 0 with the exception of Ralph Harp­ Sanders, zz "For instance, Cliff Harden, our 4 1 1 3 2 0 er, sophomore quarterback, won Marion, ss barber, once came home with a ling 0 0 1 0 0 1 M. Cooper, p 2 There’s just ns much sense in their letters as alternates last cod he had bought in a meat mar­ 0 0 I) n 0 0 worryinK a* there is in advising Humbert, p ket ami swore he had caught it in ..... 1 • 0 II 0 0 year. Walker, z others not to. Lest thia sound too forlorn for the upper Luckiamute. He called 0 0 II 0 1 2 Lanier, p 0 (1 poor old Oregon State, we’ll pause it an eastern brook trout. 1 II 1 O'Dea. xzz 0 1 0 (1 0 0 right here to remind you that poor Crespl, zzzz “Bob Craven, of Craven’s con­ »— 1 old Oregon State managed to stag­ — fectionery, has never caught a fish 34 4 7 27 H 4 ger through a 32 to nothing victory Totals Funeral Home in his life, hut when it comes to over Idaho last Saturday. Lon (Formerly Hollingsworth) «—Batted fot Humbert in Mth. Corvallis Steiner, the Beaver coach, is a talking fishing, well— as —-Batted for Kurowski in 9th fine fellow and no doubt very good “Then there’s Doc Herly, our Madison St. at Rth. Ph. 45 X____________ _______________ s' dentist, and Elmer Addison of xzz— Batted for Lanier in 9th. to h«s folks and all that, but. my, zzzz Ran 'or O’Deu it 9th. how he likes to weep crocodile Addison’s Furniture store. I have noticed many times when they tears for the scribes. k In addition to the players men­ planned a fishing trip they always tioned, Suu Lonnie has such out­ included a few cans of sardines. CurvalliN "Glen Smith, our postmaster, is standing player* as Orville Zielas- It’s The Rhythm of kowski (what, no Lavon Zakar- ax honest as honesty itself in busi­ ian?), Boyd Clement, Frank Park­ ness affairs, hut when he gets Starting Oct. 1, to Oct. 7 er, George Bain, Warren Perryman, wound up on the subject of fish Everett Smith and Lee Gustafson. and fishing, he has no sense of There’s a bunch of footballers reason at all. "L. C. Hover, of the Independ­ you’ll enjoy seeing in action Satur­ day. Oh. that’s right. I forgot. May­ vnee Hardware, an authority on for nn enjoyable be you’re on guard next Saturday fishing tackle, where to fish, when evening at Just for the information of to fish and how to fish, can go on those foolish enough to want facts for days telling how he landed a and figures before betting their 4H pound salmon with a No. 2-0 last cent on a football team, last single anel I hook and a light weight 2 Mi. N. of Albany on Hwy. 99 year’s game between the two fly rod. teams resulted in a six to zero vic­ EVERY SATURDAY "Harpole and Coon, who are part­ tory for Oregon. Day made the ners in business are also partners NIGHT winning touchdown in the fourth in telling fish stories. No mutter r quarter, after the Bears had held how big the story told by one. the the Beavers on eVen terms most of partner will swear it is the truth the game This year California is "Bert Keller, of Keller's Clean- stronger and (if you believe Stein­ ing, is really a fisherman. He ab­ er. which we don’t) Oregon is solutely won’t tel la lie but when VI.BAN'Y weaker. There you are soldier, you he spreads his hands apart, show­ put* down your i money and you ing you the site of his catch, you tMkvN your choice. ’laying cannot help but wonder how such We my Oregon State by twu Service Men in I niform a short man could have such long touchdown!*, but don’t quote UR. Prices — Matinee arms. Sgt. Scott Miller, Hq. Co., accord­ 27C. tax 3<*. total 3Oc "So you soldiers of Camp Adair G VRY <001’1 R ing to word received here from his Prices — Evening old drill grounds, Camp Claiborne, see why I started this contest. You 30r. lax l<*. total ■!<><• lui., was once one of the leading can see what a help you have been Startx Sunday golfers in the army. A southpaw •TALK OF THE with a drive down the fairway that rivaled that of Ben Hogan, he was TOWN” forced to give up the game because CARY <; r \ nT jean artih « of the shortage of golf halls nils \1 D < ol I M tx There is now a chance, however, (on allia that Sgt. Miller will have an oppor­ Wed.. Thur»«., Eri.. Sat. tunity to display his prowess lo­ Sept. .30-Oct. 1-2-3 cally Three women goiters in Sa­ ALBANY lem say they will supply the neces­ ACTION! ROMANCE! sary golf balls. They have turned 8:00 l in, between them, enough scrap P. M. ' rubber from old girdles, raincoats, i < te„ to replace the rubber waste in the golfballs the Sgt will no . doubt destroy. ZOT Monda* 'X esine »da* Speaking of former “champs lottiti Friday what has become of the M I. bow latita KEEP UP THE HOMES WE RE FIGHTING FOR55 Saturday "«•Ht” ' in* team of Major Ralph E. Riordan lAYKI and Lt. George H Godfrey? Fol­ Starts Sunday lowing their victory over the Fi­ NEMICI nance team in two out of three •TALI-ING DR. matches a month ago. they an­ GIIXE8PIE” 7th A Montgomery nounced themselves as willing to lloxii BAMTMORK —pi un­ u take on any and all would-be keg- ft l**o Albany, Oregon lera in the camp. What’a happened? -MOONTIDE” Mid Willamette Valley’» Starring Richard Travin ; Any bona fide challenge will b» JEAN CABIN Tap-Flieht Roller Kink IDA LUPINO | forwarded through thia depart- and Elizabeth Franar i ment. Public Relation« Section Yankees Slug Out 7-4 Win From St. Louis Cards in First Game broadcasts the WORLD Between The ST. LOUIS CARDINALS and the NEW YORK YANKEES Sponsored ßq Gillette SAFETY RAZOR CO. STAT,OH KWIL Sports Broadcasts 1240 On Your Dial invest IN HAPPINESS DeMoss-Britt Hundreds of Willamtte valley families have depended on FRAGER'S for years Whiteside One Week for their money's worth in modern, up - to - the - minute furniture values. It has paid! Here is another example AL. BENNING'S 10-Piece Orchestra TUMBLE INN too VENETIAN Sergeant York* Majestic GRANADA ROLLER SKATING See these new pieces Come into our store. Find others you're interested in but be sure to see these brand new items. Price is attractive, too SKATEWAY Roller Rink Busses Roar" REASONABLE TERMS AVAILABLE AT FRAGER'S