♦ ’amp Adairjfentry Thur^dny, Reptmher 24. 1942. Those Dallas Girls Like to Entertain You May Have Letter From ’Her' in Bunch OUR CHOICE Food, Fun and Dances On Varied Programs Buy War Bonds and Stamps at your camp post office. MRS. MORGAN’S SUPER ICE CREAM SHOP Monmouth Super Made Ice Cream Fountain Delicious Sandwiches I | i Welcome Church of Christ (Not Christian Church) 730 E. 5th St. ALBANY. OREGON s 3 3 Bible Class .10:00 A. M Preaching ..11:00 A. M. Communion .11:45 A. M. Preaching .. . 8:00 P.M 2 Soldier’s Invitation to Worship - Claude A. Guild, Minister s The following is a list of per­ s sons having mail at the Camp Adair Post Office which ¡4 undeliverable a due to insufficient address. 3 If your name appears in the fol­ lowing list, call in person at the Camp Adair Post Office (1st bldg. East of Divisional H.Q.) for your mail, and leave your correct mili­ tary address. (Name, grade. A.S.N., organization). The Time Is NOW! The President put his finger on the single most important factor in our whole war effort when he said: "Lost ground can al­ ways be regained. Last time—never!" Your Navy needs ships and planes— Now Your army needs planes, guns, tanks— Now. Help your governmerfM Help yourself Sign your Pay Roll Savings Plan pledge Mack M. Abbott. Fay 1. Allen. F. W. A til son. C. Z. Alexander. F W Allyn D. A. Armstrong. Arthur R. Arnold. Carl card Today. G. Anderson. Robert F Burn«. Walter Berger. William Blunk. Clifton Baker, John A. Berry. Jr.. Ollie T Barbary. Alfred Berg. Eugene Boyd. Elmer O. Berg, B. Brown. Carl R. Byers. Clifton Raker, John Bruno, Parker Bridge«. Emesh Bartolatta. Harvey S. Browne. R A. Broberg, Robert M. Bretn- n>er. R. H. Bitter. Dean Bogan. A. E. Barry. G. E. Bean. Win. Myron Rears Briaaelton. HAT? U. S. War Bonds. Paying Interest. Homer Cheek. Idwin Collier, John Cun HEN? Now, tomorrow, this week, next ningham. R. E. Carr. Herbert Clark. Ed win Campbell, Jimmy Coons. Elmer Clark. month. Frank Cook. Thoma« L. Clnre. Joseph Cooper. Harold (’ole, James M Congdon HY? Savings. Interest. Security. Morris ( lalMirn. HERE? From War Bond Officer in Your Robert Cranfill. Nelie P. Garland. Ben ('amphell. Pete Cohen. Howard Contes section. F J. Caldarola. Eldridge H Cox. Dean T. Daniston, Odell C. Du< kett. 1 HO? Anyone, everyone. C. Dreoee. Howard Dixon. Wra. Dubrow. Murry Davis. J. P. Donnovin, J. R SEE WAR BOND OFFICER, CAMP ADAIR Deare. G. D. Earley. Jr.. James H. Edward«. Marion Engbarth. Frederirk Eagle. J. W. Freeman. George Freeman. LaVerti Frette. Harry Fogel, John Fortner, Rich ard Ferdinand. Frank Einch. J. M. Greene. Norman Garrison, Ralph : ■nilllllllllllt lllllllllllllllllllllllHIHHIIHIIIIHIIIIIHIIIIIIIllllHIHllllllllHlillU« Greenup, Harland Griswold \dolph Grey ' neski, Alfred Golden. L. Gorden. Laval •> Gasser. Hobart Giayeir. W. F. Gelbert. W. P. Grace. E. Goodman. If You Really Want Camp Comedian Tells Morris Hinion. W. P. Hurd. Jr.. Lei mar Harrington, Nea! C. Hackaday. B. T To Hike, Soldier, Cast Houston. Lloyd Hamhai. Dean L. Howell, These Jokes to Staid .lame« L. Harrison, Paul Hooey, Odin Your Eyes on This Gem Handley, Carl Helm. R. M Hanson, Major College Faculty Folk Hall. Walter Helm. Frank Hawkins. Mar vin W Henning. Donald C Hartwell, R M Herbert, Rev. T M. Hicks, Dean L The army is giving the enlisted Howell. If you get around a lot and nt- Homer E. Jensen, Albert T Johnston. tend camp talent shows you may be man with post office experience a G E Jackson. Lewis C. Joae«. Theodore James. George Jenkins, Willie Jackson. familiar with gags that Pvt. Henry real mailman's holiday. Enlisted Irvin B. Judd, Harold F. Johnson, Capt. Schafer, wit and wag of the Medics, men are encouraged to submit ap­ Johnson, Jay A. Junn. Louis Kachinske. Larry Kayske. Fran­ springs on the unsuspecting popu­ plications to attend the Officer’s cis J. Koely, Ray Knoll, Felix Kelurn, M Clayton Keiser. E. (’. Kinsey, Thomas T. lace in refined college towns, al- Candidate School for the Army Kilday, BGernard Owen Kearns. postal service. ceed in getting by the M.P. at Kenneth B. Larsen. Ralph Larson. | ways getting a big laugh. Here Those who are classified under Knott Legato, Jeffrey Lewi«. Kenneth ( are samples, anyhow: Westgate. Lewis. Mark .J. Ludlow, Doc LaMar. John occupational specification serial Harry went to the dentist to L. Lueas, Paul Lenneaux. Paul B. Lee. J. No. 056 (experience as postmaster, P. Landauer. Stanley E. Larsen, Milton T. Loeffler, Gordon R. Ley, Lt. Col. Little. have his teeth upholstered and postal clerk, letter carrier, railway Keep Wed. and Sat. Stewart F. Miller. Herman L. Moaea. since he had only a dollar the den­ Clurav Mayul, P. McNeill. Sol Merlo, Dick mail clerk, or mailing clerk in any Mulfred, Alfred Moore. Ernest Martinek. tist gave him buck teeth. Nights Open, Soldier large business organization) may Fred Marvin. Oscar Minor Roy W. Merritt. Joe was standing on the corner very well have the proper qualifi- Joseph E. Murphy. Mervin Matthew«. Lenard Mears. Sgt. McCurdy, Bill Marsh, whtm a young lady approached and Wallace McClure, Win. McKee, Henry All soldiers here are invited to McC’laron, J. E. MacDonald, Frank L said, “Will you please tell me where I cations. If you’re not so classified but dances at Independence on Wednes­ Miller. David H. Meldrutn, Floyd R. Mar the comfort station is located?” have not less than one year’s ex- tin.. Opal Mulkey. days and Saturdays from 9 o’clock B. R. Nagelma«). John G. Novak. Sain Nelson. Robert D. Niles, S. M. Nexsen. Joe replied, “Just around the cor- : perience as a civilian employee of to 1 o’clock it* the morning, it is N. Oran Odom, Peter Ortega. Lester A. ner, like prosperity.” She looked the post office department you O'Rourke. Harris W. Ilson, Elvis P. announced by Pvt. Donald Henry, him up and down, and said, “Never may be the right man too. Ozment, Lt. O’Biley 96th Division. Pvt. Henry lived at Christian J. Pfoff. Sgt. Patterson, Pearce. Johnnie Porter. Gao. mind that depression stuff. What Independence and cooperates with Ernest Pappajohn. Bill Powell, L. H. Parson«. I want is relief.” Frank Campbell, bowling alley pro­ D. .trker. Major oak, R. Poppi, Robert Camp People Invited to Themas J. Panage«. • A lady was walking the street prietor ,i narranging these affairs. Peyton. C. B. Qnalheim. College Museum with her dress up over her head, in Robert H. Richelson. Wheeler Raymond. Ray M Ronald. Mathew Ronish. Alvin F. a pouring rain. “You’ll get your Rohlfs. Harold Rostad. J. T. Rush. Edwin One of the points of interest in F. Ryden, Thomas II. H. Radcliffe. Win. legs wet,” a passing soldier re­ rv>toi*uv*w, w. •>. Rhoade«. .Abraham Abraham Ruum. Rubin. W. J, z*iv Rich marked. J. MADE TO ORDER “The dickens with the Corvallis is the College Museum mond. F. D. Radabauifh, John R. Roas. Richard ~ Sager. F. legs,” said the lady. “They’re 40 (Horner Museum), on the State Clarence " Sager. „ Strilla, Karl A. Salskov, ’ . W. E. Handera, Edwin L. Sibert, George K. Schroth, years old, but the hat’s new.” college campus. The public is in­ Thoma* G. Shurett, Howard Swan n, vited to see the exhibits, and a Lorens H. Spence, Peter A. Schwab, George Smith, Jo*. L. Schearer, , John special invitation is extended to 115 N. 16th, Corvallis, Phone 1494 Schwab, Geo. Stepehn. J D. Spickt. Here Are the Words; •lamps Salmond. Patrick Smith. Brozalia the men of Camp Adair. You Sneeze the Tune A Spencer, Benny Sarobinski, Hu forti 1. The museum contains some Shepard. L. S. Shorn. Harry E. Scott, wru. riitir-j, r>. i Shaw. Bill ” ” Smith. E. R. Geo. Schafer. twelve thousand articles of wido Alvin Sessions, O. W. Sehoech. H. K Stewart, Ed Starbridge. H. V. Smith The gas house quartet, wearing variety, appropriately grouped in Willis D. Tennant, Franklin T.lley. James Tame«. Steve Thompson. Jo«t*pll gas masks of course, is learning the following divisions: Historical, Turowtki, James C. Th .. west t. David “The Crossed Retorts Rampant.” a Antique, Indian, Art and Oriental, Thompson. Capt. Teitelbaum. Louis N. Velaaco, Emil Vonyi, William novel service song, with music and Biological, Geological, Guns and Vinyard. D. S. \Mallace, Leonard E. W5*«. words by Col. Walter P. Burn, War Trophies, Curios, etc. Of par­ Thoinaa Wood. Philipp Wallace, Jake Chemical Warfare Service. ticular interest Is the collection of -----F- Wagstaff Fred Wendolsky. T Wiaiieeew Complete Banking ski. Francis WaCfoner, Wilbur Whode. As published in the so-called | florescent minerals. Thene ure C. Walker, Boyd F. Walker. William Wil­ son, E. A. White, Ray Whittier. fletas E News Letter of the service the 1 shown in a dark room, under ultra­ Service Wagner. Jo*. L. Whittaker, (’ape Wise usual musical symbols are drawn violet light, which penetrates the man. Capt. Wilson. Safe Deposit Boxes Alexander D. Young to suggest retorts, chemical mor- i minerals—excites them and causes W. M. Zimmerman. w BUY WAR ANY OFFICER or non-com who | wants to maintain a nice, quiet room in Corvallis with private bath, lots of hot water, and plenty of furnace heat, should call at 461 Tyler St., or phone The PFC standing ahead of us Corvallis 865-M. in the chow line swears it actually happened in the Portland induc- MODERN 8-ROOM house with oil i tion center. furnace and automatic gas wat­ The man standing ahead of this er heater. $50. Phone Salem 4932. man who tells the story (this is becoming slightly involved) in the FOR SALE OR RENT — Large induction line was asked by the modern farm house. Electric officer filling out his papers who lights, hot and cold water, gar­ would always know his permanent den and orchard. Inquire W. I.. address. Starr, 3 miles west of Hubbard The inductee was stumped. His Station on school bus route or parents were dead, he said. He 'a mi. from grade school. had no brothers or sisters and he wasn’t married. The officer insist­ ed there must be someone. The inductee thought hard for a mo­ ment and then brightened. “Sure.” he said, “the finance company.” JODLebjc, Buck's 'Next of Kin' Takes on Commercial Turn When Facts Told Buy Wur Bonds and Stamps at your camp post office. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ten cents per line per insert leu. Count 5 words to line. Cash must «• company copy with order. N O T I C E : Soldiers placing classified ads in this column which requin« answer to your location, must have answers go through Camp Public Rela­ tions office. No outfit designa­ tions may be printed in these columns. Public Relations of­ fice will forward answers to your address. Here's How to Locate Doctor in Emergency Mother and .Dad • It would like to get the Camp Adair Sentry regularly by mail 6 months for a $1 Bill Camp Adair Sentry Box 347 Corvallis. Oregon a Full Year If you needed a doctor in a hur­ ry, either because of an unforeseen accident or some other necessity which required immediate medical attention, would you know what to do? Here, then, is the answer to your problem. To call a doctor, dial ex­ tension 422>‘ on any Camp Adair phone. This will connect you with the Station Hospital dispensary and will suffice to obtain a doctor or ambulance 24 hours a day. P. S. This service applies only to necessities! Not for that morn­ ing after head or tummy ache from those six cheeseburgers you decid­ ed to go to sleep on last night. For these ailments, the regular “sick call” report will continue to suffice. WHEN YOU'RE A LONG WAY FROM HOME Someone is missing you, remembering you. More than anything else they want your photograph, one that will do you justice. ! COME TO US for that portrait. By experi­ ence ami ability we can please you best. Send your picture home. BALL STUDIO CORVALLIS tars, gas masks and the benzine, brilliant colors to appear. All ring. Here are the words, and the visitors should see this exhibition, song is copyrighted: i and may do so by request at the You may talk about the Infantry, j office, And brag about the tanks; The museum is located on Jef. And motorized Artillery , ferson street, in a group of trees, And other modern pranks; I opposite the college armory; en- But give me the newest service trance on the east side of the j (It’s the one that makes you ner­ building. vous ) Visiting hours are 10 to 12 and With the Crossed Retorts Rampant. I 2 to 6 on regular week days; 2 to 5 on Sundays and holidays. Admis­ We breakfast on diphosgene, sion free. With bromacetone for lunch, Some like lewisite for dinner. Odd Quirks Come Out But chlorpicrin suits the bunch; In Soldiers' Living For desert a tasty custard Made of concentrated mustard Fills the Crossed Retorts Rampant. Just to coin a phrase, it take» Here and there on the score are all kinds of soldiers to make an the instructions “Sound cowbell,” army. “Sound gas rattle,” "Deep-toned This week we nominate as out­ triangle in double-time.” standing contestants for some sort Jolly song, isn’t it? of honors, two enlisted men who collect odd and unusual mementos. I Number one is Pfc. Albert Kri- Oregon State Pharmacy vanek, of Q.M, who has a stub of Assists Pill Shooters the first ticket sold at the opening i of the camp movie theater. Num- Two New York druggists, now ; her two, ia none other than Pvt. running the station hospital W. J. Brown of DEML, who cher­ pharmacy here, went to Oregon ishes a candle. Pvt. Brown carries State college at the request of this candle day and night. He only the 96th division sanitation offi­ lights it after midnight, however. cers, and fixed up a poison oak Ask him about it some time. ointment which ia said to work. They are Leo Kravitz and Jacob ÏI Finkle man, privates, who were classmates at Brooklyn College school of pharmacy, but didn't see one another after that until they met in ramp as recruits. By Appointment Evenings Their poison oak remedy may be circulated by the college, where Phone 470 or 440-J their stay was the more agreeable because the pharmacy dean there, DR. A. W. MARKER ia a close friend of their own Dean | OPTOMETRIST Hugo SchMffer, of the Brooklyn j Corvatti* — Ball Bldg. school. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted (Biggest Variety of Frozen Hara) Distrib­ utors for Green Valley Creamery Corvallis 3rd A Adams, Phone 363 I • ■ f you already __ own a fine watch, a good watch­ maker should look at it regularly to make »ure it will continue to serve ‘ you faithfully. Our expects will re- Mia VAI____________ precision built into it at th. ' n AlvilLTQN Wni. KONICK. Jeweler Hotel Corvallis Bldg., Corvallis Southern Pacific Watch Inspector .1 FOR SALE KENTUCKY SADDLE horse, pure bred with papers. 4 year., old. I Alsu broke to drive. Phone I 1283-J, Corvallis. R. M, Whit­ more. p MODERN 3 BEDROOM home, electric pump. Hns some garden, | lots of furniture. Boy’s bicycle. I About 4 miles east of Corvallis I on old Albany highway. Home I evenings except Sat. and Sun. I S. E. Myers. 2p ' WANTED SOLDIERS to represent their own outfits in the news column« of The Sentry. Turn your stuff in to the Camp Public Relations office, where it goes through censorship and is prepared for publication. FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE 3 Mi. N. of Cor­ vallis, $20. Water, electricity. Prefer lady for light work school days at house across road for rent. I am teacher. See George Gragg at Warehouse No. 1, Sec 3, Camp Adair. Ad. Corv. Rt. 1 Pho. 26-F-12. The First National Bank of Monmouth J BUTTER and ICE CREAM -ZW «4 taka a jCfâk BONDS RUBBER STAMPS V_________ ______________________ Or $1.50 3 3 If Your Name is Here Hie to Camp PO Now The social program for the en­ listed men of Camp Adair continued last Saturday evening, with a dance in the Dallas Service Men’s club. An informal evening of dancing and entertainmen was provided by the Junior Hostesses. . After the dance refreshments were served, consisting of a chocolate and cocoa- nut cake and many kinds of cook­ ies, all made by the “gals.” The Junior Hostesses who have been present to entertain and serve the buys at all times are as fol- ! lows: Beatrice Benge, Dorothy Wiebe, Frances Jo Greenwood, El­ sie McFetridge, Florence Pinkston. Miriam Price, Margaret Pick, Ce­ celia Balcaen. Laura Marsh, Edna I McMillan, Velma Schroeder, Doro­ thy Fredricks, Martha Jean Kurre. ' Grace Wahl, Ruby Peters, Emil.vn Brown, Bertha Miller, Irene Poisel, ' Roberta Slagle, Zelda Eggert, Edna > Lange and Patricia Erickson. Tlie entertainment committee an­ nounced that starting on the 30th of September and on every second and fourth Wednesday evenings thereafter the above hostesses will entertain with a dance in the club. , For the more bashful (?) but athletically inclined soldiers the basketball court of the armory is now open. Ping pong and bil­ liard tables are soon to be pro- j vided. A hospitable welcome is assured the men of Camp Adair when they visit Dallas. All are invited to make full use of the facilities of the club on Monday thru Thursday j nights from 1 till 11 o'clock and Hasn't she got beautiful eyes? on Saturday and Sundays from 2 Mary Marlin, voted by 1.600 pri­ till 11 o’clock. vates as the most likely to suc­ = I lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimillllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllll* MILITARY EQUIPMENT for Officers and Enlisted Men ARMY STORE 3rd & Monroe Corvallis, Ore. Photo Finishing c Per Roll of 8 Pictures Free Enlargement One-Day Service • • • • • • BERMAN'S DRUG STORE Opposite The Banks Corvallis, Oregon HOGG BROS for Quality Furniture and Appliances At Moderate Prices Terms 260 State St Salem o ROYAL PIVffSffNTS A NfW CLEANER FINEST QUALITY GREATER VALUE Attention Officers, Sergeants and Civilians of Camp Adair! Insure Your Car with the World’s largest Automobile Insurance Company ____ State _____ Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. wrote 22% of the total collision insurance written by (241) Stock and Mutual Casualty insurance combined in 1911. Legal Reserve — Non-Amenable Cleaim Service Through U. S. and Canada Free Atlas and Travel Bureau to Policyholder* STATE FARM INSURANCE CO. s Corvallis Office Money can’t buy a finer cyhndor typocloanor Boot ROY AL quality throughout Extram*- ly powerful, very <^.25 quiet, beautiful sign, oaey to u»o. turnt Complete with all 41LIWUCÍ cloaaing tools and rn rain «CCOMOIIM — ui CLIMI* E.W. HECKART Appliance Co. 219 S. 2nd St., Corvallis 4 Over Herman’» Drug Store — at Taaicab Stand, Open 9 A.M. to 7 P.M.—I’hone 718. Corvallis, Ore. STATE FARM INSURANCE CO.'s Salem Office 415 Masonic Building, Phono 3891 Office Open 9 A..M. to 7 I’. M. or C. C. CURRY in Albany—Rhone 529-R GEORGE KI RRE. Independent.—Phone 65 Fulton'* Service Station