Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, September 17, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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    ^amP Adair Sentry
Page Th re«
Sepember 17, 1942
— j .- j ;
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By H. B.
',l"1 >i >>i in 111 h min ilium (l| KI iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii 11 numi M|iu jimiii iiiniiiii in
Col. Ferch Speaker
At Corvallis Legion
Adm. Officer Tells 'em
At ( rater Lake, Oregon’s blue
“And the earth was without
Must Woke Up to Wot
water, a soldier may see the peace form, and void; and darkness was
| Demi-tasse will replace the present
which has followed a war of fire upon the face of the deep. And the
The need for the people of Cor­
and ice—a war that wrecked a Spirit of God moved upon the face
coffee mug and tea as well as
vallis to become aware of the seri­
mountain said to have been loftier of the waters.” . . . “The waters are
table spoons will soon grace our
ousness of the present world con­
and more massive than any now' hid as with a stone, and the face
flict was cited by Col. George C.
existing on this continent.
I Rumor that “Pop” whipped up
of the deep is frozen.”
Ferch, executive officer of Camp
I saw it last week. For the first
the now infamous S.O.S. breakfast
While we looked, hoping for a
Adair, when he addressed members
time, since arriving here in June, change, the mists parted, exposing
special is of a malicious nature and
of American Legion Post No. 11
I passed a night away from camp, a patch of sky, and suddenly I saw
. has no basis in fact.
last Friday night.
staying in a cabin on a plateau of that one corner of the lake was
Only one person in 10 in Corval-
the Cascades, and seeing a little more blue than I had ever supposed
lis. in the colonel's opinion, is real- Sgt. JOOS \jreen ShrVPS,
girl chase a bear to take his pic­ than any blue could be. Later, as
ly fully aware that there is a war , JurPS Green V/lth EHVy
ture, and dropping in on the 36 the sky cleared, the water in its
on and he said that a concrete ■
Adair men who are tearing apart ever-varied expanse was all shades
example of this is the property j I M Sgt. Gillis Narramore-called
a C.C.C. camp between Ft. Klam­ of blue—turquoise, cobalt, ultra-
owners who have property to rvnt. at the Hdq. to. orderly room to
ath and the lake.
| marine, sapphire, azure, indigo—
Colonel Ferch pointed out that sign the payroll. (Sure, even mas-
As one who has climbed Mt. and the margin of Wizard Island,
it is the patriotic duty of veteran ter sergeants do that). He puffed
Vesuvius and crossed Death Valley the volcanic mountain rising with­
organizations, such as the Ameri­ up the steps, wide-eyed over the
and seen the glaciers of the Alps in the huge hole in the mightier
can Legion, to impress upon the sight of the rose bush in bloom,
and looked on Niagara Falls and mountain, was that magical green
public mind the seriousness of the the green trees and shrubs, and
down into the Grand Canyon I wish which Leonardo da Vinci chose
present war.
to say that Crater laike is a won­ for his skies.
1 the tiny blades of gruss coming
In an effort to dispell the idea out of the ground. Then, having
The Crater Lake blue, that fair
der spot of our earth and to ex­
that the soldiers stationed at Camp caught his breath, after such ex­
press a hope that many of us will reach of water in its mountain
Adair are merely a bunch of “gun­ ertion. he remarked:
manage to go there during our bowl, with a setting of peaks and
ners,” the officer reported that ( “Where did you ever get all of
stay in this section.
canyons spread in awesome silence
The guest of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd under the sky, is a perfect sign
they are a fine group of men. The t __
he • trees and beautiful things?”
troops are entitled to some fun ! "From a nursery.” replied 1st
Fisher, of Corvallis, I was taken of the peace which came to a moun­
to the rim in an hour when mists tain after unimaginable masses of
while off duty, and he said that Sgt. Ray Atkins, always willing
hid the surface of the lake. It was. ice and fire clashed there and shat­
they are no more difficult to han­ to help a fellow needing a lift, or
on that morning, not at all like the tered it.
dle than college students after a a push.
picture cards that we have been
big football game and are less | “Fine,” said Sgt. Narramore.
Mount Mazama, the scientists
sending home. Instead of being a say, may have risen to a height
trouble than adults attending a -|,ut I too, have a nursery.”
fantasy in vivid hues, the lake and of 18,000 feet above sea level, or
“Sure,” Sgt. Atkins acknowl-
its so-called crater were a chaos of nearly 12,000 feet above the level
Colonel Ferch is a past com- (a, “you mean the M.P. bar­
grays and whites, with no more of the present lake. On the sum-
mander of both the American Le­ racks, but although your plants
than a hint of color, in pastel mit and far down the slopes, snow
gion and Veterans of Foreign Wars are green, they won’t grow.”
shades, when »he mists shifted to fell, through thousands of years,
reveal part of a thousand-foot and became ice, which accumu­
Darleen Griffin (above), 21.
cliff, a broken crag, the worn ribs lated until the vast bulk of the
of the mountain, or the uncertain mountain was burdened with a a war worker employed in an Chow Hounds Concoct
aircraft plant at Los Angeles,
outline of a shore, far below.
frozen sea a mile deep.
was chosen by the National Exquisite Dreams as
Special Rates
Height, depth and contour were
Meanwhile, within the mountain
20th annual conven-
confused. I thought not of the gor­ and far below’, colossal fires raged,
Highest Quality
geous picture cards but of those pushing upward and melting the tion at Los Angeles as its “vic-
Headquarters company agreed,
tory venus.' She beat out sev-
sombrely, imaginative engravings rock, until weight and pressure
eral hundred other competing
in toto. Consensus, with much sa­
in the old Family Bible, the ones were too much for even mighty beauties.
gacious nodding of noggins, was
depicting the Creation, the Ark on Mazama to sustain.
that “he got his just desserts.”
the Flood, the Tower of Babel.
Then ice and fire met. The upper 1,000 to 2.000 feet above the sur-
Occasion was the announcement
Lines from Genesis and Job came
mountain of ice fell into the lower face.
on Friday of the promotion of
to mind:
From points all around the rim, Mess Sgt. Lester W. Bowman to
mountain of fire. Glacier toppled
into volcano. Tremendous rocks, visitors look on rocks ground by the grade of staff sergeant. “Pop",
themselves small mountains, ancient rivers of ice. on huge cones as S Sgt. Bowman is more famil­
dropped into seething lakes of of cinder and slag, distant • lava iarly known, came to Camp Adair
flame and were consumed or the fields and farther away the tower­ from Ft. Lewis, before the tall, tall
spray of them (as it is called) was ing crests which still support gla­ grass of Tent city was trampled
hurled hundreds, even thousands, ciers and are white with everlast­ by marching feet. In other words,
of miles away. Then avalanches ing snow. And as they see frag­
At The
swept down the steep miles to the ments of a mountain that exploded,
plain, and the sound of them must the imagination strains to conceive
have surpassed the noise of all of that gigantic shape that ghost
For Poison Oak
the guns that men have fired since mountain—which once rose in this
Third and Monroe
5000 bottles sold. Guar­
the discovery of gunpowder. Also
Corvallis, Oregon
anteed treatment for poison
rock and ---------
embers ------------
remaftt. , now, as
520 State St - Ground Floot
gigantic streams of lava rose far,-------------
oak relief. 50c bottle bv mail.
into the sky, along with cinders | the last reminders of the catastro-
Phone 5722
and ashes that darkened land and phe and these remnants of an awe­
some past, a disaster deep in the
ocean over enormous distances.
Today a blue water, presumably mystery of time, are today mere
melted snows and rain, has risen items in the setting of Crater Lake.
in the immense hollow which
As if on sentry duty, guarding ,
formed when the mountain fell in the lake from any harsh encounter
on itself and was partly scattered with forces which destroy, gnarled
in gas and in the mingled debris white-barked pine hold the heights
of volcano and glacier. The blue about the serene water and detach­
When you buy automobile or
lake fills a bowl six miles across ments of Alpine pine and Douglas
truck inaurane«
and in places 2,000 feet deep.
fir are on patrol around the rim
From the water loom sheer walls itself. Pressing down the ridges,
You Want
and bluffs, making a rim that is filling the mountain valleys and
Complete protection
marching in green array all down
Real service
the vast slopes, is a formidable
Cess cost
army of cedar, spruce and hemlock.
We Have It
Dist. Mgr.. Phone 844
221 W. Ist, Albany, Or.
The First
National Bank
of Monmouth
Complete Banking
Safe Deposit Boxes
_____ _
Instead of the dazzling snow and
glittering ice and lurid flames that
were the colors of ruthless warfare
in a period long gone, we see today
the quiet shades of leaf and fern
moss, in dells of green twilight,
and we note the ruddy hue of
pumice desert and the constant
rocks, in pale lavender, fawn, sil-
ver gray and ashes of roses, and
flowers of an exquisite
For nature, as with us, warfare
sometimes may be the way to true
peace. Cataclysmic might and vio­
lence incredible, by human stand­
ards, precede the serenity of moun­
tain and lake that we hold dear.
Cosmic upheavals in the ocean lied
bring into being those glamorous
islands that adorn the sea.
This, surely, is the lesson of
Crater Lake, especially for today’s
soldier as he enters a war so stu­
pendous that it may take the best
years of his life and carry him to
some remote region of a globe
whirling incessantly on its hazard­
ous path among the stars.
Camp C.W.S. Admits
Getting Along Okey
The Chemical Warfare section of
SCU 1911 has finally come into its
own! It now boast« a total of five
enlisted men in it« complement, the
two latest additions being Privates
Joe Keneaily and Ray Salvano,
formerly of the old DEML section
and now Hq. Co. The remaining
men, all graduates of Edgewood
Arsenal. Maryland, are Sgt. Bob
Nastre, and Privates John McCor­
mick and Charlie Fabich.
However. Sgt. Naatre will soon
be returning to Exlgewood for the
Officer Candidate school and it
««ema that the CWS section will
never reach its full quota of six
carries on the Ball studio, started
by his father many years ago.
The camp studio is about ready
to open. Films and amateur work
are now accepted at any post ex­
change, and soldiers will meet Mr.
Ball in connection with his work
here in camp.
Camp Judge Advocate.
Lt. Arthur W. Kirschennian«,
who had served in that capacity
temporarily, has been reassigned
as ■ Assistant Camp Judge Advo­
Robert L. (Bob) Ball, eamp Capt. O'Shea Is New
photography concessioner and art­ Camp Judge Advocate
ist. has just received word of his
selection among 15 Master Photo­
Capt. John F. O'Shea, who re­
graphers of the nation. Selection
cently arrived here from Fort
was made by Charles Abel, pub­
Douglas, Utah, has been appointed
lisher of “The Professional Photo­
grapher,” and executive manager
of the Photographers' Association
of America.
Mr. Ball is humbly pleased with
Funeral Home
this section and says it is the
(Formerly Hollingsworth)
highest honor his profession could
C(lnfv|. Ht, has be,.u „ p„rtiaiture
Madison St. at 8th.
Ph. 45
artist jn Corvallis for years and x.
, —------------------------------------------------
he was one the scene long before
the self-styled "pioneers” of the
post arrived from the east.
Although S Sgt. Bowman was
not available for a direct state­
ment, or to receive the congratu-
lattions of the press, it is taken j
Local Man Honored by
Professional Artists
War Bonds
Star Exchange
Loan Office
311 N. Commercial Street
Non - Coms - Soldiers
Notice the many additions to your shopping list this week. New mer­
chandise is arriving daily. We are combing the markets for the new
things you will want as they come out.
Or better still — come into either of our stores—at Albany or Salem—
and go over the stocks with us.
□ Copper Button Boards
□ Wateproof Field Jacket
Regulation, Wool Lined
I ! Brushes, All Types
Garrison Caps
□ Military Jewelry
□ Shorts and Shirts
White Broadcloth
□ Brass Whistles
Elastique Caps
1 1 Piping for all Branches
100', Wool. Piping for All Branches
□ Suntan Caps
. I Polishing Rouge
□ Chevrons for All Grades
! 1 Uniform Buttons
Both (). D. and Suntan
□ Money Belts
Hash Marks
Both (). 1). und Suntan
I I Web Belts
Shoulder Patches
I ] Zipper Utility Kits
For All Cnmp Outfits
□ Web Belts, Brass Buckles
F ] Shoe Rags
Officers' Dress Gloves
I J Non Com Metal Polish
Garrison Cap Covers
I ] Matchless Liquid Rouge
□ Slippers - Packed in Kit
□ Suntan Slacks
□ "Aunt Lydia's" Thread
□ Suntan Shirts
□ Jersey 0. D. Gloves
□ "Spiffy" Collar Stays
Regulation Oxfords
□ Army Photo Albums
With Buckle
Garrison Shoes
□ "My Life in the Service"
( ] Athletic Supporter
Regulation Field Jackets
0. D. Laundry Bags
Ties, Suntan and Black
Metal Soap Boxes
; Garrison Cap, Pdr, Boxes
Regulation Wool Sox
□ Gun Cleaning Brushes
Military Dress Shoes
Brass Wire
All Types
Mountain States Power Company
Officers' Elastique Slacks
Army Wallets
□ Combs
Officers' Elastique Slacks
Folding and Barber Size
□ "Dyon Shine" Shoe Polish
Army Discharge Holders
□ Housewife Kits - Roll Up
Saddle Soap
□ Metal Trench Mirrors
For Waterproofing Jackets
□ Glastic Dog Chains
Sewing Kits
□ Fitted Inspection Kits
Army & Navy Goods Store
“A Self Rapportine, Ta«-Parme Privale Enterprise"
“Your Dollar's Worth Always”
We nerve the citie«* and rural territory
Surrounding Camp Adair.
> 2
1 0. D. Cotton Sox
206 W. Second St
233 N. ( ommercial