P;.ge Six Camp Adair Sentry September 10, 1942 r ant division commander of the Soldiers Loving Wives _ ~L v 104th division here, who was a stu- u in troops and field riave One Loevly Time dent observer exercises of the German army, I Enlisted men who have their lov­ says that “at the end of the first ’ ing wives nearby had themselves By H. B. By Appointment year of training the German soldier a whale of a time at a gathering Evenings si ¡iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; is toughened to endure unprece­ held Tuesday evening in the New­ ■Editor’s Note: Readers will be conquered nor resisted. For dented marches,” and that he man club of Corvallis. Bang up Phone 470 or 440-J ar • e that “Snarls” is the wrong where a courier could scarce have marches 35 miles with light pack I entertainment was m.c.’d by Sgt. DR. A. W. MARKER W< I for the line of this-and-that been supposed to come in many and gas mask. ' Bob Sieving and featured Sgt. OPTOMETRIST W ’ h the Old Timer hands out. He days, Caesar was seen with his With our , superior _ _, . , ,, ;, . food and . care Spence Shoemaker and . Cpl. Bob « Corvallis — Ball Bldg. ¡’I snarl. He merely mutters, whole army, ravaging the country, we should be able to beat whatever ,, . , , _ ... v , , . .. . , 1 Holzhauer. A loving wife, Maybeth 1 week to week, in his harmless destroying the castles, storming the they can do, if we care enough and ... . . , , a domestic . J , , ’ , I Jeffries, furnished note V.. So we’ve changed the head.) cities.” try. It happens that my work is j I at the piano. After the entertain- ‘ .......... ■ men and their wives f One Winter I lived in a shanty on such that I . . may , not , have . to do . ...... was a soldier, General Sher- Monte Mario, outside of Rome. It much marching, but I like it and merit the strutted their stuff on the dance who said, "War is hell.” It was right on the Triumphal Way- am open to invitations from out­ »1 : floor. vi­ our own War Dept, which re- over which Caesar’s Legions fits other than my own. So right A committee of loving wives who ce ' V put out a pamphlet saying inarched and just at the point where now I’m crawling way out on the arranged the gala affair was It : "the use of force, historically they caught their first glimpse end of a limb in saying that if headed up by Dorothy Dreffer— th. „cans of settling disputes, must of the Eternal City, on returning there are any good hikes coming i who had the help of Mesdames La ade less and less feasible on victorious from those marvellous want to go along. Lt Pearl Petsch, Helen Ochtel and t.- - . until it finally becomes im- campaigns in Gaul. I used to won­ Complete Banking Dorothy Sieving. As special guests I“ ’ ible.” der at their endurance and to try the Mrs. Jeffries, McAllister, Stev ­ Service fact, the case against war is to account for the stamina of all Pseudo Naturalists enson and Gault of Corvallis did a rung, in our country, that I, of the olden armies, marching down Stop at Nothing to Safe Deposit Boxes handsome job in handling the in­ V. iteer in a second world conflict, the corridors of time from the days Beautify Landscape tro's and laying out the welcome X, ay with some truth that Amer- of Sesostris in angient Egypt. Vi. mat at Newman hall. go to war because they hate Somehow, without rails or mo­ Post Hdq. Co., alias DEML, rico- wa They hate it as a means of tors, his 600,000 foot soldiers sub- chetted to the front this week as „„ething and they f.uht jdued Ethiopia anf) got to Tartary> an organization of landscape art­ Browning Carnival in gel lied use they know of no other Thrace, Arabia, Lybia, and as far ists without peer in the camp. An West Salem This Week j-, tical way of dealing w.th a as the Ganges. [alter the vast 1 expedition of naturalists sent out m ' n that picks on other nations. armies of Cyrus the Great ranged Browning Bros, carnival, which by 1st Sgt. Atkins returned with ■ t even the visionaries wno will widely and after that forces of specimens so rare that nobody played Albany last week, is play­ h: t nothing to do with war, in-1 Alexander the Great triumphed in could name them and few were ing this week in West Salem. Sales and Service g that they “don’t believe in such distant places that he sighed willing to plant them. This show is native Oregonian, Modern Shop — Best w. (whatever that means), ad­ because there were no more worlds the home office being in Salem. Mechanics Picked details, picked on the n mit ci rtain virtues are fostered (o conquer. And all of that conquer- <1 ig a military struggle. Al-¡ing Al- ing was was done done on on the the feet feet of of horses horses “you and you and you” basis, soon MESS — An appropriate name attended to that and now the Hdq. ti i e! Ralph Waldo Emerson, most all(| ,,f men. for the place we eat. (See Chow). Phone 43, 2nd & Jackson A l'ican of philosophers, wrote , Nowadays it's different, but we Co. headquarters building is so I nearly surrounded by a young )< ago that “war is on its lust must not exaggerate the difference, and that “war to sane men Although we think of elephants grove that you can’t even see it 1< e present day begins to look when the exploit of Hannibal cross­ unless you open your eyes. an epidemic insanity," he still ing the Alps is mentioned, most of Robert Scovell, who is a botan* I his forces marched on foot and so ist and explorer (as far as i Van- it is today, when we hear much couver), besides being an Indian far educates the of planes over sea and desert and chief of the Tillamooks, identifies 111 action the will ( tanks crashing through the battle­ the trees outside headquarters as e that we’re going to do • j • I belong to had a taste of it the he murmurs something about mili­ deal of marching around here other night. It was announced as tary secrets and points vaguely to that many of you soldiers will a 10-mile hike, partly with gas the western hills and the general to learn to walk as you never i gas masks, but it wasn't more than direction of the nursery near Ue 1 aesar, who is said to have the livelier lads tried to slip up on b.. a pretty g.aai soldier If you a young heifer in a field and the »va. "Plutarch’s Lives" you’ll find healthy laughter of soldier spec­ BIJTTER and th*! n< was subject to violent head- tators would have delighted any ICE CREAM officer responsible for morale. act < ami epileptic fits and that he (Higgest Variety ”s- ght in war a remedy for his Hearty laughter over an incident