Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, September 10, 1942, Image 1

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    Trust your cause.
Whatever is at­
tempted is never
well done unless
the doer breathes
himself into his
deed. - S. Parkes
Camp Adair Sentry <
Mounting Guard in and Around Camp Adair, Oregon
,’ol. 1, No. 21
Camp Adair, Oregon, September 10, 1942.
Be Activated Sept. 15
They \A/ill Head New Division
Maj. Gen. G. R. Cook Will Conduct
Simple But Impressive Ceremony
IT ,
A weekly journal
d e y o t e d to th«
W4iimette Vai ■
ley's share la
Uncle S a m 'a
great war effort.
$1.50 a Year by M úl
Post Dances to
Open This Week
Dedicating Two Post
Recreation Centers Is
Program Friday Night
The 104th Division—a new. World War II division
■ formed solely to fijjht—will be activated at Camp Adair on
w Tuesday. Sept. 15. with exercises so short Utat the ceremony
■will scarcely cause any break in the division’s preparations
for action in this war.
Simple, although impressive, will be this first formal
B*vent in the history of what probably will be known as the
Frontier division. It will consist of men from all parts of the
Kl'nited States. They will be trained to fight with the fierce-
pness of the timber wolf, that formidable beast being a di-
i visional pet. as is indicated by the shoulder patch.
Gala dances at both of the ne - ly-
completed Camp Adair serv .•«
clubs will mark the official open­
ing and formal dedication of the
two post recreation centers ton >r-
row night, Friday, September 11 it
8 o’clock. Service club No. 1 is lo­
cated at the north end of Club Ave­
nue, near 1st street North; and
club No. 2 is situated at the south
[ The activation address will be*
end of the avenue, near 1st struct
Hfnade by Maj. Gen. G. R. Cook, who
South. Both clubs are on the ist
Has recently as July 2 was ordered
side of Club Avenue.
■from Hawaii to Wash., D. C., and
■there given instructions to take
These clubs, and similar cl
■tommand of the new division. He
the country over, are operated jy
■proceeded to Ft. Leavenworth. Kan.,
the army for the men in serv ?e
■ where the nucleus of the cadre for
— and after tomorrow night’s open­
Former Lions Invited
■organization and activation was
ing, the welcome mat will be it
Front row, left to right: Maj. Gen. G. R. Cook; l.t. Col. C.
To Roar Friday Night
■formed, and on August 8 he opened
seven days a week from 7 a n.
T. Senay and Lt. Col. B. B. Wilkes. Back row. left to right: Col.
■ divisional headquarters in this
until 11 p. m. Principal Hoc is
Lions of Corvallis have arranged
■camp. Since then the cadre has
Margaret Blodgett will be
■been training here and soon the a
charge. Service club officer is ’,t.
■ troops to be trained in the division Lions who are officers stationed
Robert E. Mallonee and they < re
at Camp Adair. The invitation in­
■will arrive in force.
under the jurisdiction of the spe­
cludes both members and ex-mem­
cial services department. Jieadw.’
The activation program begins
bers of Lions clubs anywhere, the
Capt. Frank C. WimerJ
■ with band music aifd the invoca-
committee says.
■ tion by Major F. J. Worthington,
Dance tunes for the LNj
The party is to be at the Hotel
■ divisional chaplain. War Dept, or-
vice club will be furni-gij
Corvallis at 7 o'clock. A fine dinner
I ders of. activation will be .read by
Station Compliment SCIJ
Civil, Military Autos chestra and the orchestra,
I Lt. Col. A. M. Button, adjutant t i will be supplemented by a program
Maj. Elson, Chaplain
' general, and then Brigadier Gen­ arranged by Matt Mathes, Corval-
ent attached to the 96th
ew epeed limits have ben an­ will play at Club No. 2. Augm
From Salt Lake, Guest •
eral H. F. Kramer, assistant com­ Uis florist, and the Lion* will really
nounced by Co. McCoy for Camp
manding officer, will pi-esent to
Preacher at Ceremony Adair drivers. The limits will ap­ ing the programs will be specialty
| General Cook a history of the di- , If you are an oficer at camp
numbers by Pfc. Nick Sanso i,
ply to all army vehicles, private
| vision and its component units. Next I who belongs or has belonged to a
piano and accordion; Pfc. J r n
I General Cook will speak and pre- Lions club, and want to accept the
The 11 chapels of Camn Adair cars of military personnel. and pri­ Walsh, operatic baritone who ■ 11
|«ent the colors. Chaplain (Capt.) Corvallis invitation, telephone to were dedicated Sunday with an ad­ vate cars of civilian employes of be accompanied at the piano y
| Capt. F. J. Smith. QM office, Camp dress hv Major Edward L. R. El­ the post. The limits:
L. T. Jenks will pronounce the bene-
Pfc. James Mantinband; Pfc. A t
Speed limit for all vehicles on all gelo Calbrese, who will emc»«
I diction and the National Anthem 2936. This call will facilitate ar- son, executive chaplain of the ninth
roads on the post is 20 mph.
rangements for the number to be
I will be played.
affair; Pfc. Andy Dahl, banjo:
| ing their democratic character re­
While passing marching troops Pvt. Henry Shafer, commedian
During this ceremony the troops. expected.
marked that “the engineer of the in formation the limit is 10 mph.
Pvt. Jack Sheen, tap dancer.
I after being marched to the field,
I United States army is the largest
On Highway 99W from hospital
Some of the most attractive J
will he formed facing the speaker’s As if We Don't Know
I builder of churches in the world
area to point opposite north end I ior Hostesses in the entire Will­
stand. They will be called to at­ The USO Is Where to Go
speed limit ette valley hailing form Corva!
“In a few months." said Chaplain of cantonment area the
tention by the blowing of a trumpet
is 20 mph.
{ and General Kramer will command
Salem. Albany and Monmout
On Highway 99W 1 from north end will be on hand as will the Sen
The public spirited citizens of Fort Douglas, Utah, for this event,
them and formally present the
, troops, marching in mass formation, Salem are keeping long hours these “German airmen destroyed be- of cantonment area to north houu- Hostesses, who will chaperone th*
. days .soldier. And it's all for you. tween 300 and 400 churches in the dary of reservation I on east side affair and assist Hostess Blodg tt.
J2 abreast.
1 The U.S.O. at this friendly town British Isles. For each church de­ of 99W the speed limit is 30 mph.
These dances are the first n-
The activation ceremony takes I will now he open from 10 a. m. to stroyed by German aircraft, the
On that part of Independence
1 place at 10 o’clock in the morning 11 p. m. seven days the week.
U. S army engineers erected two highway traversing the r< servation listed men’s affairs to be held at
. this new cantonment, and the n-
chapels in army cantonments as
I and at night there will be a recep­
the speed limit is 20 mph.
Remember the address, 695 Che-
i listed personnel from the 10P.h
tion and dance at the 104th recrea­ mekata street. And remember to challenging replacements to con­
On all public highways, except
front our adversary,
division, the 96th division and "!i«
tion center.
those mentioned above, and within Station Compliment, SCU 1911 ill
make the U.S.O. your stopping and
“At a cost of more than $14.000.-
The new division really had its j meeting point in Salem. They’ve got
000. the gift of a bénéficient peo­ city limits the speed limit is: ve-
beginning shortly after the end , a lot of parties and entertainment ple to its men in the army, the hicles 1*4 ton or heavier 25 mph; attend. Similar dances will be held
I of the other war. as a reserve divi­ i they want you to go to.
engineer of the army has erected, vehicles lighter than 1’A ton, 40
A word about dress since white
sion, the early units including the I
or has under construction, more mph.
tie and tails arc definitely “out"
386th F.A. and the 329th engineers. ■
than 800 such chapels. Here stand
All vehicles will obey local city
for the duration, as far as the ->1-
Headquarters were at Salt Lake , Identification Pix
the churches in the midst of the traffic regulations.
dier is concerned—the suntan uni­
garrison— symbols of truth of
I City. In 1924 the officers request- For Officers Ready
Speed may be increased in case
righteousness, and God’s persistent i of an emergency and as authorized form, or the O.D. uniform, worn
I ed that the division might be offi-
Officer who had their pictures concern for man.”
| «-tally named the Frontier division,
'for tactical training under direction WITH dress blouse, will be the c-
Chaplain Elson said that the
cepted mode of attire.
I but the War Dept, does not give taken for identification cards can
United Nations are at war to re­ of the responsible officer.
Aside from the dance accom o-
I such names, preferring to let them now see the results. They must call
sist and defeat “a dark, diabolical,
dalions, the service clubs also ho<;««
I develop naturally among officers I > in person for their cards at Officers’ sinister, furitive power.” and that Big Bad, Bold M P 's
the camp libraries, cafeterias and
'section post headquarters.
' and men.
the chapels are “the visible signs
soda fountains, recreation rooms
It was back in 1924 that the j Any resemblance to a living per- of a spiritual and ideological values Defy All—at Checkers
loungues. At present, the li­
_______ w patch
____ ____
r___ ___ Al- son may be a mistake — but the
was ____
for which we contend in the pres­
Remember the last time an M.P. brary is consolidated in Club No.
ready familiar in this camp, it con- serial number card across the chest ent conflict.”
Sunday's service was held in almost threw the book at you when 2, with a librarian in attendance
sista of the head of a timber wolf will do the identifying, in case the
chapel No. 1, the official chapel he found you in town with your during open hour», but when the
'Continued on pace 2. column 3) picture doesn't.
of the station complement and the hands in your pockets? Remember 50O0 or more books arrive, both li-
first camp chapel opened. Col. Gor­ what you thought of MB’s in braries will be maintained. R«-ad-
don H. McCoy, post commander, general? Well Pvt John Flynn is ing rooms open off the library
read a proclamation that the chapel an M p. attached to the Service rooms for quiet mediation with 'ho
NEXT WEEK! The Camp Adair Sentry will
“will syand here a mute but power­
Command Unit at Camp Adair— bards.
appear in its new Fall style! Your camp newspaper is
ful reminder to all who see it that
and he offers to take on all comer».
The cafeteria and soda founts ■ «
going to keep up with the steady growth of the can­
our religious liberty still exists.”
But hold on—its checkers, not will be operating by tomorrow
The chapel« are designed «o that
tonment by coming out in standard size. Larger . . .
they can be use«! by the different swats, that Flynn is getting hard night, accordingto plans underway
Better . . . More complete. New features will be added
as successive service«, and about, Already the undisputed ' as we go to press. Additional fur
and old ones will be improved. The editors are grateful
in the words of Captain Lloyd V. champ of the M P '« Flynn is tired I turn and club equipment will
for the cooperation of readers and advertisers which
Harmon, camp rhaplain. all are of his easy victories He
1 challenges [ arriving meanwhile and before h
has made this step possible. They will try and recipro­
dedicated “to the training of men anyone and everyone e to two out ' the clubs will be swinging I
cate by doing their utmost to give you a newspaper
in faith and knowl«Mge and to of three games o' a series of 25 complete and fulltime duty.
second to none in its field. So thanks. Soldier and
the summoning of youth and ag to
rames. Interested soldiers who have [ But, to get the complete pict.
a life of service."
thanks. Advertiser. We’ll be seeing you next week—
an itch to take the cocky Pvt Flynn why not drop in one of the cb
and vou’ll be seeing us.
chapel was made by M. W Lorenz. can leave word at the M P. day­ • they are identical, by the w >
1 and have a look around.
(Continued on page 5, column 3) room.
Corvallis Lions to
Fete Camp Officers
Camp Chapels
Are Dedicated
New Speed Laws for
Camp Are Announced