Page Eight Camp Adair Sentry September 3, 1942. Camp Corporal Sings His Way Io New Wife Gal Couldn't Take It When Told of Wedding I.ove’s old sweet song, as sung by Corporal Lyle B. Heitz at a mil­ itary wedding here, carried all the way to San Francisco. Just as he hit the last note of “O Promise Me,” at the wedding of Second Lieut. George F. Bishop of the 96th division and Miss Gloria Wallace, of Chickasha, Okla., he was called to the telephone. It was Miss Rosemary Renegar calling to say that she would fly to Vancouver and if the corporal would meet her there they could be married right away. His letter about the other wedding had made up her mind. The lieutenant’s wedding was the first in the Field Artillery chapel here, and it took place at 2 p.m., with Chaplain Howard H. Patrick officiating. The corporal’s wedding took place at 2 am, (the following morning), before a justice of the peace. The lieutenant’s bride wore a white chiffon gown fashioned with a high neck and trimmed with lace, and a finger-tip length veil of tulle, and she carried a white Bible and orchids. She was given in mar­ riage by Major John P. Daley, com­ manding officer of the lieutenant's battalion. The bride of the corporal, who would be enjoying a music schol­ arship at Columbia university, Neu- York city, except for this war, was in a military Huit of cadet blue, with gold shoulder straps and a matching cap of blue trimmed with gold. She carried a bridal bouquet of red and white roses. Jew, will cherish the gift as a sign 1 of the patriotic feeling in this sec­ tion. Pvt. Duboff was a general insurance broker in New York and is now engaged in the camp war bond campaign. Corvallis Lions Plan Party for Camp Lions Lions who wish to attend should call Capt. F. J. Smith at the camp quartermaster’s office who will let tiie committee know the number Inviting all members of Lions to expect. clubs who are now stationed at Camp Adair, the Corvallis Lions club is giving a stag party Friday Officers Start Club Soft Lights—Sweet Music night. Dinner will be served at 7 In Battalion of 96th o'clock at the Hotel Corvallis. Swell Time—at program has been arranged Officers of a Field Artillery bat- Matt Mathes, Corvallis florist. talion in the 96th division have ' 2 Mi. N. of Albany on Hi. 99 formed a club for social purposes and ‘‘to mutually discover each Enjoy others' strengths and weaknesses AL. BENNING ’S so that we may increase the former ’ WHERE EVERYONE HAS 10-Pieee Orchestra and guard the latter.” A GOOD TIME The officers of the officers’ club | Dorothy Evans Every include Lt. Col. Roliert L. Lewis, Bill Murphy Wednesday president; Major Robert Jamieson, Friday entertainment committee chairman; Saturday Capt. Peter J. Van Loben Seis, Central Willamette Valley’s GROVE’S BARN DANCE treasurer; Lt. Raymond M. Mur­ Finest Union Music 18th & Elm — Albany phy, secretary. ROLLER SKATING 8:00 P. M. TUMBLE INN Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday DANCE SKATEWAY Roller Rink 7th & Montgomery Albany, Oregon Mid-Willamette Valley’s Top-Flight Roller Rink Jewish Soldier Has Testament for Gift While Pvt. Samuel Duboff «trolling in Salem he was proached by an old man, who held I out a little book and begged him to accept it as a souvenir and token of regard. The old man, Gomer Olson, 87, explained that he was in the habit of making such gifts to soldiers and would consider it a favor if Duboff would take the book. It was a New Testament, in a binding of I him rd s — real wooden boards that the old gentleman fashioned himself. On the fly-leaf he had written, “A souvenir to one of our defenders.” Pvt. Duboff, a CORVALLIS Thurs.. Fri., Sat. CABOT I - V 1 F STARTING SUNDAY BING FRED < CROSBY* ASTAIRE * r