Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, September 03, 1942, Image 1

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- Camp Adair Sentry
Trust your
tempted Ayt
well dane< u
the d
himself into
deed. - S. Parkes
Mounting Guard in and Around Canif) Adair, Oregon
Vol. 1, No. 20
Will Dedicate
Chapels Sunday
Camp Adair, Oregon, September 3, 1942.
Camp Chaplain
Want to Reform the Army?
'jk’^eekly journal
devoted to the
Willamette Val­
ley’s share in
Uncle S a m *s
great war effort.
$1.50 a Year by Mail
Dallas to Open
Service Center
All right, here’s your chance.
Write it out, if you have any
specific criticism or suggestion,
and mail your pretty thought to
the Camp Adair Sentry, Some
soldier really may have an idea
Music Will Be Feature
Four Builders Team
Col. McCoy to Accept
that will be accepted and will
Of Plans; Salt Lake
In Semi-Finals Last
Men's Club for Camp
Major Guest Speaker
There must be a better, way­
Night With Astoria
At Ceremony Tonight
to pick men for K.P. There may
be a way to penalize one soldier
With the championship game
Post Chapel No. 1, the official
Dallas will open its arms to
for something that he does,
chapel of the station complement,
Camp Adair soldiers tonight, when
field, the state softball tournament
as well as the first of Camp Adair’s
Mayor Leif S. Finseth will present
fit. Possibly there’s some trick
■ went into the semi-finals last night.
chapels, will be opened with cere­
for promoting military courtesy the Dallas Service Men’s club to
Butler & Son, Portland, was to
mony on Sunday by officers and
between non-coms and privates. Colonel Gordon H. McCoy who will
meet Grimshaw Tires, Portland, in
enlisted men, and "a little child
And how about table manners? officially accept it on behalf of the
the first game and Four Builders,
shall lead them.”
If you can make a better men of Camp Adair.
Camp Adair, locked with the As­
An open house and inspection of
The child, Beverly McCoy, 10-
than the other fel­
Capt. Lloyd V. Harmon, camp toria club. Winners of Wednesday
year-old daughter of Col. Gordon
low, the world will beat a path the club will be held tonight. Thurs­
night’s games will meet tonight
H. McCoy, post commander, will I chaplain, who has completed plans
to your door. If you have better day, September 3, 1942, from 7 to
for the state title.
cut a blue ribbon stretched across
claptrap, it may get published ■ 8 o’clock. The program will tie held
The series .which began in Cor-
the doorway, • as a sign that the Sunday.
in The Sentry. If you’re a cow­ at the entrance of the armory and
vallis Sunday afternoon, has seen
doors are “open to all faiths,” as
ard, be anonymous. But do will begin at 8 o’clock.
some real ball, with two no-hit,
proclaimed by her father, and then
The entertainment will include
write, do.
no-run games already chalked up
officers and soldiers of the camp
the Dallas band, selections by Jose,
and several shut-outs.
will enter and the formal service of
is a limit. No sense suggesting phine Albert Spaulding, soprano,
Harvey Griffin, Four Builders
dedication will begin.
that K.P. be abolished or Reveil­ and then Angelo Calabrese will
sensational twirler, backed up by
take the master of ceremony spot
le postponed to 9 o'clock.)
Before that, however, Pvt. John
Sgt. Grimshaw, were booked to go
I and continue with feature acts
Walsh of station hospital will sing
into a duel last night with the ace
Microfilm Is Used to
| from the Camp Adair special ser-
the National Anthem, outside the
Astoria pitchers, Sam Steinliock
vice branch.
Cut Down Mail Weight and Ken. Bacon. Bacon, by the
building, which is at Av. D and
After the festivities outside, the
Third St., North, and then Colonel
way, is a soldier on duty near the
junior and senior hostesses will
McCoy will read his proclamation,
Special letter sheets are now coast city.
welcome the enlisted men and offi-
as follows:
available at Camp Adair post
The two Portland teams are
cers in reception rooms and con-
“The Constitution of the United 'offices for the "Victory Mail” whicH
evenly matched according to rec-
1 tinue the evening's program with
States guarantees religious liberty should be used in corresponding lords, and were expected to
put on
Big Gang Helps Farm dancing and refreshments.
to all. This is a vital part of the with soldiers overseas. Victory let- j a real battle for the spot
in the
Tonight the Motor corps of the
total liberty for which our fore­ ters are reproduced on rolls of finals,
Labor Shortage Here
Red Cross will provide transporta­
fathers gave their lives and for special microfilm which cuts down
Last night’s winners will vie for
tion from and to camp for 50 men.
which we are fighting today. It is letter weight to two per cent of an
the championship tonight begin-
Ry Pvt. John J. Gubelman
The caravan will leave the Special
something more precious, thaji life ordinary letter.
ning at 8:30 o’clock.
The M.P.’s of the 1911 Service Service building at 6:30.
Upon receipt of “Victory
The Service club of Dallas will
“This chapel about to be dedi- at destination a photographic posi-
Command like army beans—they
be open after tonight, Saturday
rated. will stand here a mute but tive is made which is forwarded to Sgt. Narramore Has
can’t get enough beans — their ¡and Sunday from 2 p. m. to 11 p. m.
powerful reminder to all who see the addressee. The original is kept
favorite fruit is BEANS. Natural­ and Monday through Thursday
it that our religious liberty still in post office files in this country
ly when a nearby farmer needed from 7 p. m. till 11 p. m. The peo­
until receipt is acknowledged from
A 19 year hitch in married life
Inside the sanctuary, Chaplain overseas. The original is then de­
help on his bean patch—farm labor ple of Dallas extend an invitation
is the record that Master Sergeant
Alf W. Jorgenson will pronounce stroyed.
scarce these days — the. to all to come and make full use
I Gillis Narramore of the Service
of their facilities.
the invocation and the formal pre­
In use of “Victory Mail” soldiers Command M.P.'s celebrated recent­ M.P.’s volunteered as one.
sentation of the chapel will follow, are cautioned to write legibly and
ly. Sgt. Narramore has been a
One hundred tiyenty-five of the I
with M. W. Lorenz, building con­ with a fairly large hand. If the
non-com for 22 years and not only more eager M.P.’s left Camp Adair Ft. Lewis Warriors
tractor; Lt. Col. R. E. M. Des soldier wishes to write more than
can throw the book at his M. P. Wednesday evening in six trucks Defeat Oregon Club
Islets, area engineer; Col. McCoy can be conveniently put down on
privates—but can quote it word for and arrived shortly at their patch
and Capt. Lloyd V. Harmon, camp one of the Victory sheets — an-
some four miles east of Adair. With
Doing their "bit” and more too
chaplain, all participating.
other separate sheet should be
The M. P. detachment gave the a shout they piled to when they for their army cousins at Camp
All 11 of the camp chapels will used. Enclosures within the folding
sergeant and his wife a set of 14 faw that practically all of the plant Adair, the Fort Lewis Warriors de­
be dedicated at this service and sheet are prohibited.
caret gold rimmed china service for supporting wires had fallen down. feated the Oregon All-Stars at Al­
the words of Chaplain Harmon will
“Victory Mail” centers are now eight, plus eight Fostoria drinking
Those beans must be saved—what­ bany last Saturday night in one of
be as follows:
established at Melbourne, Aus­ glasses. They picked ’em beautiful
the best baseball games seen around
ever the cost.
“We dedicate this chapel to the tralia, Union of South Africa. Bom­
so the Mrs. won’t be tempted to
And under the able leadership i here in many a day. The score was
training of men in faith and knowl­ bay, India, Cairo. Egypt, and Lon­
heave them at the sergeant. All of SGT. RYAN and Sgt. Paxton 2 to 0.
edge and to the summoning of don. England. Because of the de­
they want her to do is keep giving
A capacity crowd of close to 2000
the wires went up like magic. It
youth and age to a life of service mand-only three Victory forms
him orders for another 19 years! was a real experience for many saw the game and the entertain­
“We dedicate this chapel to the can be obtained at any one time
of the hardy bean lovers — for ment by army talent that preceded,
cure of souls that doubt and to the by any one soldier. “Victory Mail”
most happened to come from New Morrie “Chaplain” Arnovitch, for­
persuasion of those who have not is free to all service-men—can be College Frat. Invites
York City and their previous ex­ mer big league star and manager
yet believed: to the comfort of the sent at a cost of three cents by
Brothers to 'Fall In'
perience with beans had been con­ of the Ft. Ia-wis aggregation, led
discouraged, the relief of the dis­ civilians, Letters can be mailed
fined to chomping on same. One in the hitting with a home run and
tressed, the consecration of the from any post office that accepts
The Oregon State chapter of the
a two-bagger, which missed being
New Yorker swears he saw his
strong, the guidance of the bewild­ the everyday letter.
Lambda Chi Alpha is interested in
another by inches.
ered and to the ennobling of this
including all army men who are
Sgt. Ford Smith was the winning
able as to what his reaction was.
life and to confidence in the life
Lambda Chis at Camp Adair in
hurler, allowing only four hits. His
some of their fall functions. Those
opponent on the mound, Roy Heiser,
“With deep gratitude for those To Help Service Men
officers and enlisted men who are too busy saving those beans to gave only six, but two of them
Who have made with this spiritual
interested may send a post can!
by the aforementioned Arnovitch,
adventure and with high hope for
Pvt. Mottelson achieved a mild spelled the difference. A share of
American Legion members at with their name and camp address
V those who shall walk this way in Lebanon are carrying on a cam­ written on the back to Mr. Theo­ sort of fame by eating just about
the gate was donated to the Camp
K d“-vs to come, we dedicate this paign for phonograph records for dore Cramer, 228 Twenty-eighth as many raw beans as he saved for Adair athletic fund.
■ chapel to the glory of God our service men. Leslie Wertz, com­ street .Corvallis, or phone Second a later more civilzed consumption.
■ Father, by whose favor it has been mander, will see that they are Lt. William J. Kenyon at Camp SGT. RYAN says Mot telson's pock-
J builded, in the honor of Jesus picked up if he is notified.
I ets were bulging on the return to Sgt. Young Needs Ride!
Adair 3247.
I Christ, the Son of the living God
camp( too.
The post is also sponsoring a
Who Wants to Help Out?
I our Lord and Saviour, to the praise , benefit dance September
_ ____ 12, for the
After about an hour and a half
M Sgt. Gordon Young has a
of the Holy Spirit, the source of ■ Lebanon naval relief fund.
of hard work it started to rain, and
J light and life.”
i hard too (although no one remem- wife and a home in Salem, but his
To Civilian Worker
The preacher will be Chaplain
bers a drop falling here at camp* place of business is Camp Adair.
Hospital Chaplain Is
I Major L. R. Elson, of the Ninth
Therefore it is quite understand­
John Berger, civilian worker at and the gallant M.P.'s were forced
] service command, who is coming Sent East to School
the Corvallis Air base, was fatally to beat a retreat back to camp. able why the sergeant wishes to
i from his post at Ft Douglas, Utah,
| injured Monday afternoon when he But the beans had l>e»n saved - arrange with someone for trans­
| for this event. There will be a
Even chaplains go to school. was run over by a truck. Investi- army chow will not be caught short portation practically every tnorn-
responsive reading conducted by Chaplain Victor E. Newman of gators reported that there was no ’ — and 1st Lt. Julius Hale's sturdy Sing and night. As an added induce -
[ Lieutenant Colonel Gail Cleland, station hospital has gone to the blame on anyone for the accident. men have yet arwther reason to j ment, Sgt. Young advises that
| 9(»th division chaplain, and prayer school for chaplains at Harvard
Tuesday newspapers reported the congratulate themselves. It is not, th< re is a small apartment for rent
by Chaplain Victor E Newman. university
accident as taking place at Camp recorded whether the farmer had: to r. soldier at his Salem address,
| Major Frank J. Worthington,
He will be back when he knows Adair. Berger lived at 211 N. E. a daughter in addition to a bean i 1135 N. 13th St. Call the sergeant
¡at his camp phone 239S.
(Continued on page 2.1
87th avenue in Portland.
Here Is Real Dope on
Overseas 'V' Letters
M. P. Bean-Eaters Get
Chance to Save Beans
• :---- —