Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, August 27, 1942, Page 4, Image 4

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    Camp Adair Sentry
Red Cross Services
Help in Emergency
Camp Adair
Contacrs With
With Fnmilv
ram ly
And Cash Loans Help
Public Relation» Section
needs have been made at the re-
' quest of commanding officers.
| No interest is charged on any
By Verl Lewis
loans —
■*“ by
u” the
’’— Red
D-J Gross­
The men wearing the ARC cut-
there is no charge for any service
outs and the insignia with
given by the organization.
red cross in a white circle are rep-
The services of the American Red
resentatives of the American
Cross at Camp Adair are available
Cross, the staff of the Camp Adair
to every soldier and every officer
field office. Their job is to make
in the area. They are offered, not
Red Cross services available to the
enlisted men and officers stationed as a charity, but as a service made
at Camp Adair and nearby points. available on the basis of the Con­
Almost any problem, if it concerns gressional charter establishing the
Red Cross, and as provided by army
the soldier, and particularly if it
regulations, particularly AR 850-75
concerns his family, may be taken
to the Red Cross. In most instances , and W. D. Cir. 179-8/23/11.
Camp Adair, Ore.
state league, and Pvt. Bill Beard,
Revenge Is O' So Sweet
Seattle Rainiers.
M.I.'s Beat Finance
Others from the far north, all
rated tops, are Sgt. Wunn Pintarell,
The Military Intelligence bowl­
Nebraska state league; PFC Billy
■ Scheske, Wisconsin state league; ing duo, Major Ralph E. Riordan
PFC Harvey Clutter, California and Lt. George H. Godfrey, tasted
Cash Prizes Given for state league; Pvt. Billy Sewell, sweet revenge on the Corvallis al­
Washington State college, and PFC leys Tuesday evening, when they
Bucks Who Tell 'em
came from behind in the final game
Schultz, Wisconsin state league.
The committee in charge, just by to defeat the Finance pair. Lt. Col.
How about it Buck? Is your
rt«ry for the Fish Story Contest way of going on record with a pure, Lee R. Woods and Captain Clinton
i vet? Remember there are three 100 per cent soldier recreation fund Bragan 871 to 850. The previous
r zes, $10, $6 and $4 for the best, benefit, announced that every adult week the Finance team had won the Red Cross can help.
The emergency loan of the Ameri­
I ze money is put up jointly by entering the ball park on Saturday by a 11 pin margin.
Col. Woods continued his assault can Red Cross, while only inci­
n Smith, Independence grocer night would be required to purchase
'io suggested the contest, and at least one 50 cent ticket, the reg- with his famed “nothing ball,” and dental to the other services offered,!
• Camp Adair Sentry. Take a ] ular admission price. This, the com­ ran up a total of 450 pins, with a is important to the soldier. Ixtans 1
k at the rules then let your mittee said, “includes ball players, top game of 165. Major Riordon can be made only in cases of emer­
managers, score-keepers, newspap­ hurled his sweeping curve for the gency and only at the request of a
lacience be your guide.
er men, soldiers and the committee- first two games, but deserted it for commanding officer.
♦ •
a “dead-eye delivery” the third
Private Doe received a wire from
many a red hot baseball bug, it game when he shot a 147 to pull his family stating that his mother
Contest clone» Saturday. Sept« in
will also include the umpires. The his side out of the hole. Godfrey was critically ill. At the request of
Her 19. 1912 No »toriea received
thereafter will be considered.
gatekeeper will be required to pay slipped a little the first game, with i his commanding officer the Red
Stories must he .’•0 words or less.
I for the privilege of unlocking the 141, but came back in the second Cross field director wired the Red
Judgment will be made upon Ken
gate and the radio announcers will with 196 and in the third with 172. Cross chapter in the soldier’s home
and cleverneaa in presentation.
I have to pay for their participation.” Captain Bragan opened with 161 town for verification. The reply
Three judge* will be announced
In short, there will be no ducats, and totalled an even 400 for the stated that the doctor recommend­
Their derlaion will be final.
Addies* all atoriea to
ed that the soldier come home, and
according to those in charge.
St«.iv Contest, Public Relation*
One reason for the M.I. victory, an emergency furlough was grant­
i Another feature, and one that
Section, Camp Adair, Orcgou '
(Storiea may
brought to Pub
might well pack any man’s major I according to the team members, ed. Private Dw was broke and at
lie Relations Office.)
theater, will be an all-soldier, all- was the fact that they were relieved his C.O.’s request the field di­
<'«sh prizes will be awarded ns
Firat. $10; Second. $<>
big-time vaudeville show, in­ of any anxiety concerning keep­ rector made him a loan for his round
Third. *1
Winner* will be an--
troducing a galaxy of new Camp ing of the score, since the score­
non need in The Sentry and checks
will be mailed as soon niter Sep 1
Adair talent in a one-hour rapid keeper, Miss Irene Hemphill, sec­
teinher 19, aa judge» limy reach1
a derision.
fire performance. This event will retary in the Personnel section, was
take place just before the com­ trictly neutral.
mencing of the ball game and will
F\ Lewis Sends
be presented from an especially Albany Will Be Host
constructed stage between home
Ball Team Here
To Girls State Meet
plate and the pitcher’s box.
(Continued From Page 1)
Albany will be host to the state
P.’«’. semi-pro, amateur or back lot, and baseball will start promptly at tournament for girls’ softball when
i the entire country, ft is nun- 8 o’clock at the ball park with a teams from three towns will vie in
u'-d by Private Morris Amovich, band concert by the Camp Adair preliminaries Friday night on Cen­
v ho has played ball with Philad 4- military band. This will be preceded tral field.
Madison at Fifith
(>' a, Cincinnati. New York Giants by a down town parade routed to
Winners will play a curtain rais­
r " ’ other big league aggregations. Central field and led by the army er for the men’s state tournament ■'
The Lewis quintet of pitchers is band.
championship in Corvallis Thursday-
! ■ ided by Pvt. Cy Greenlaw, who
evening of next week.
I ’» taken leave from the Boston Camp Team to Play in
r <1 Sox until America wins the Albany Park Tonight
AWOL—1. That which you areg
V ir. Other hurlers include St. Sgt.
when you ain’t—in by curfew.
1 d Smith. Kansas City Monarchs;
The “Quartermaster Giants,”
2. A wolf on the loose.
I C Joe Albanese. Yakima star, camp colored baseball team, will
I Dbn M.vmer, formerly of the play the Albany Colts under lights dier’s law. A bit of reading which
< lifornia state league. The team tonight at 8:30 o'clock in the Al­ makes any dull evening duller.
) ists three crack catchers, inelud- bany park.
C.O. — A great guy to have pull
g Sgt. Reulmn Litzenberger,
The Albany Colts are youngsters I with. This post is usually held by
I rtland; Pvt. Al Full, Minnesota tutored by Al Fortier.
an officer.
Fish Story Contest
Now in Second Week
Greeting Cards
Office Supplies
Corl's Book Shop
Hist. No. 3
Sun. 1 00
Aug 80
Dist. No. 10
Dist. No. 1
Sun 2:15
A uk . 30
Sun. 3:30
Aug >0
Portland No. 3
Grants Pass» or
Klamath Falls
Portland Na. 1
Dist. No. 12
or Bend
Dist. No. 11
Hood River
Dist. No. 7
Mon. 8:00
Wed 8:00
Salem or
(Rye) bist. No. 2—Portland 2—Mon. 9:90
Thurs. 8:00
(Bye) Dist. No. 4—Astoria — Tues. 8:00
bist. No. 8
Sun. 8 00
Aug 30
Dist. No. 6
Oregon City
Wed 9:30
Sun. 9 30
Aug. 30
Dist. No. 13
Dist. No. 5
(Bye) Dist No. 9—Cottage Grove
trip ticket and expenses enroute.
A number of soldiers were red-
lined at their former station be­
cause of the transfer to Camp
Adair. Some of them arrived broke
and needed money for laundry,
ber of *- small
loans etc.,
to and
meet a th
Sales and Service
Modern Shop — Best
Wilson Motors
Phone 43, 2nd & Jackson
PETSI-C0U 1» mJ« «Uy Uy
Pspa-Csh C m ^ m ?, Leaf Idaad City, M. T5
t)HM tecdb by:
Pepsi Cola Bottling Co.
of Corvallis