Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, August 20, 1942, Image 1

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Trust your causa.
Whatever is at­
tempted is never
well done unless
the doer breathes
himself into his
deed. - S. Parkes
Camp Adair Sentry
Mounting Guard in and Around Camp Adair, Oregon
A weekly journal
devotedto tha
Willamette Val­
ley s share in
Uncle S a m 's
great war effort.
Vol. 1, No. 18.
Camp Adair, Oregon. August 20, 1942.
Monmouth Will ■ Dallas Preparing lor 96th Division
Visitors From Camp
Real Army Unit
Have USO Center
Powers That Be are
Interested in Place
Offered for Service
Armory is Rennovated
As Service Men's Club
Activation Ceremony
Is Held Here Saturday
Without Big Fanfare
$1.50 a Year by Mai!
tWhat Buck Private Can Tell the Best
Fish Story? Question Will Be Settled
In Cash Prize Contest Announced Today
•------------------------------------------------ -
For Buck Privates only, The submitted. Ixicale may be any­
Sentry herewith announces a "Fish where from Florida to the parlot
Story Contest,” beginning immedi­ goldfish bowl. No limits. Let your
ately and closing Saturday night, imagination run wild, be funny if
September 19, 1942. Cash prizes of you can, but tell a whopper! Even
$10. $6 and $4 will be awarded to lie! If authors cannot vouch for
the first three winners in the con­ the authenticity of their stories, an
test as adjudged by a panel of effort will be made to get judges
three judges, two of whom will be who will do it.
army men from Camp Adair and | The Public Relations office will
the third, a civilian.
'not answer inquiries nor questions
The idea is that of Tom Smith, ' about the contest. Govern your-
Independence grocer, who says he selves by the rules as published
is tired of the fish stories told by an<|
sure your story gets to the
various Independence men. and who riKht place. Then plan what you
wants to show his hometow’n liars wj)] <jo with your prize.
that there are men at Camp Adair | The winning stories will be pub»
from the South, East, North or lished in The Sentry. Others dc-
West, who can tell bigger ones. Mr. serving honorable mention by tho
Smith offers the first prize of $10. judges may be included and all
The Camp Adair Sentry will dupli­ stories submitted may be used for
cate the amount for the other two publication at the discretion of the
Public Relations section.
"We want this contest for the
buck privates,” Mr. Smith said, in
outlining his idea. “I am not so
sure that my Independence friends 1.
«-I«»*«* Saturday, Septem­
ber 19. 194». \’o ntnrieM received
here can compete with the officers
thereafter will be considered
in any sucji contest, but I want to ». Stnrie» must ba 30 word* or le»»,
will be made upon
show them that there are privates ».
real interest, the idea pre4cntod
who can put them in the shade.”
and rlevrrneaa in presentation
As will be seen in the rules 4. Three jutlgeR will he announced
Their def-inion will be final.
herewith, stories must be confined 5. Addreaa all Morita tn “1’4*1»
Ktorjr Conte«f, I’ublia Relation*
to 50 words or less, fhey must be
.Section, (’amp Adair, Oregon.**
fish stories. And they must be
(Ht«iriea may be brought to Pub
lie Rclatwina Office.)
mailed nr taken to the camp Public
<’a»h prize* will be awarded a*
Relations Office to reach there by (
follow a: First, »10; Second. 16;
Third, 14, Winners will be an-
the deadline, September 19. Other­
a«nineed in Tha Sentry and che- k*
a til 4» mailed aa *t*n alter Sep
wise the aky is the limit.
twnbf-r 16. as judges may rraoh
Anything from tarpon to tad­
a decision.
poles may be the basis of the story
Members of the executive board
of the Dallas Service Men’s club
are making plans for the renova­
Faber Stevenson, Portland, re- tion and use of the armory as a
The first army division ever to
gional representative of the USO, new Service Men’s club. The arm­
be organized in the Willamette
and Robert Boardman, USO di­ ory is a two story brick building
valley became an active part of
rector for the Camp Adair area, with a large room upstairs com­
the army of the United States at
meeting with the local recreation plete with a fireplace which will
Camp Adair Saturday, when Major
center committee at Monmouth, be used as the main club room and
General James L. Rradley, com­
. indicated that the USO will help dance floor. Reading and writing
manding general, presented the
organize and finance a service cen­ rooms, showers and sleeping ac­
national colors to the senior officer
ter there if the . federal security commodations will occupy the first
of the line.
agency, whose representative is floor of the building.
The adjutant general of the 96th
Don Orput, Portland, will accept
At least one lady of the commit­ division read the activation order
responsibility for renovation and tee will be on hand at all times to
equipment of the building chosen assist with sewing, mending, press­ of the war department. The cere-
, mony marked the end of an organi­
by the committee.
ing and other needs of the service
No committment can be made men. The canteen of the club will zational period by the division’s
without approval of the national be open each evening and will be officer and non-commissioned offi­
USO on field operations, Steven­ amply stocked with home-made cer personnel, and the- beginning of
son explained, adding that he is cakes, cookies and other delicacies a period of intensive training with
the fillers who will arrive to bring
ready to recommend from the re­ for the visitors.
gional office that Monmouth should I The board ’is also planning a the unit to full strength.
A brief history of the division
’•«*• ¿’Friday night’dances\o‘r
the division of responsibility be­ the service men and have already and the story of Lt. Henry Rodney
tween the USO and FSA, he stated arranged the aid of Junior Host­ Adair, for whom the eamp was
that FSA is an agency of the esses, a sufficient number, to as­ named, preceded an address to the
federal government responsible for sure the men a good time. The officers and men by General Brad­
providing recreational buildings exact opening date is as yet un­ ley.
Activation of the 96th is the be­
and equipment in < communities depjjjpd
until that opening the
which face a need and cannot meet'^ of DalUs "’tend a cordial ginning of a new chapter in the
the financial problem alone. Orput. inviutjon u the wrvice men of history of the division. It was first
as FSA representative, has author. thv arrll to viiit their communit>.. bom, a war baby. September 5,
1918, with Major General Guy
ity to recommend approval of a I
Carlton commanding. The division
federal allotment for renovation _
, . .
was a square division with two
and equipment of the local build- , Graders Start Work
brigades of infantry, one of artil­
On Monmouth Highway lery, and attached units. The sign­
If this is done, the USO is re­
ing of the Armistice on November
sponsible for aid in helping the
Clearing and grading has begun 11, arrested the development of
local committee plan and conduct
I the division before it was complet-1
its recreational program. The USO on the west side highway north
ed, and on January 9, >919, it |
is a private, non-governmental from the camp to Monmouth.
The highway is relocated from ceased to exist.
agency, dependent on contributed
financial support from the citizens ¡the north boundary of camp to j In 1922, the 96th division was
Monmouth, requiring a new grade assigned to the organized reserves
Behind next to perfect pitching|
Major General Now in
of the United States.
a new bridge across the Lucki- and was located in Oregon and of The Great Griffin, the «-Build­
The conjectural probability is
(Continued on page 3.)
ers from Camp Adair won the Cor­
Command of 104th
that increasingly large numbers < >f amute river.
vallis City league title Wednesday
soldiers will continue to come to
night when they defeated the U. S. I
Monmouth. The enthusiasm and
i Engineers team 7 to 2. The win
Camp Adair was the scene of
initiative of the local committees
was their last hurdle toward the three important promotions thia
are convincing evidence that Mon­
state softball tournament to be
mouth is wholeheartedly behind
played in Corvallis this year. . I
the recreational center project all
Brigadier General Gilbert R.
The 4-Builders team was present­
of which contribute encouragement
ed with a big trophy, significant *
commanding general of the
to Boardman to come in with USO
104th infantry division, was ad-
of the league championship.
help here.
vanned tn the rank of major gen-
era). Colonel Claudius M. Easley
Executive Officer is
Those Engineers are
of the 96th infantry division was
promoted to brigadier general, and
Located in Monmouth
Capable of Doing the
Col. William C. Dunehell was pro»
Impossible, It Seems
moted to brigadier general in com­
Captain and Mrs. Avery W. Mas­
mand of field artillery of the 101th
ters, who are occupying the Leon­
That exceedingly clever fellow division.
ard Moore home on Jackson street,
who used to build ships inside of
came here from Fort Lewis where
General Cook, 52, a native of
beer bottles must have been in- Texarkana, Ark., waa graduated
he had been stationed for nearly I
ducted into the army. If not, some , in 1912 from West Point, where ho
three years.-He is executive officer
of his best students have been.
in a field artillery unit at Camp
won the army “A” in football and
Because some time last week, baseball. He served on the Mexican
between reveille and retreat while border with the 18th infantry from
Mrs. Masters is a former Salt
the boys in barracks T-404 were 1912 to 191C and saw action in the
Lake girl, and the captain's boy-
out drilling (question mark) a huge Aisen-Mame, St. M i h i e I, and
hood home was at Bingham Can-
boiler was delivered to the center Meuse-Argonne offensives during
yon, Utah. They have a young son,
of the first floor. The boiler, to the first world war.
Mrs. Masters says she
the naked eye at least, is too large
definitely likes Monmouth and I
He received the silver star dec­
to have come through doors or oration for gallantry in action near
hopes they may remain here for a I
windows—yet the barracks is still Chevillion on Joly 18, 1918, and
long stay.
intact. Maybe it was done with the oak leaf cluster for the silver
Corvallis Red Cross
star for gallantry in the Meuse-Ar­
gonne engagement. The French
Provides Recreation
government awarded him the Croix
Camp Talent is Used
Workers at the Red Cross head- f
de Guerre with gilt star. He waa
In Program at Albany i assistant commanding general of
quarters in Corvallis, corner of
an infantry division in Hawaii and
Jefferson and Fourth streets, have ;
Albany continues its weekly saw first action in this war in th«
provided games, magazines, writ­
[ "Victory Day” program in ita Linn Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
ing materials and refreshments for
I county bond and stamp sale«
The promotion of Colon. I Easley
1 campaign.
to the rank of brigadier general
The service is free and the doors '
Talent from the camp personnel was announced by Major (»encrai
Major General James L. Bradley, remmaadsag af fleer of
are open during daytimes. incit>d-|
has been assisting in the victory James L. Bradley, commanding g>n-
ing Sundays. Service men are wel- j the *6th divMaa, ahleh waa activated here Natarday la «impie
. eral of the 96th division.
ret smany. PabHe was not invited a* ing to caatleaed eanatraction center programs.
come, officers announce.
Four Builders Three New Generals
: Win City Title *imsl Wed”!dl"