Camp Adair Sentry August 13,1942. Albany Entertaining 'Victory Unit' Group Program Today Spurs Sales of War Bonds Victory unit boasts the largest Hammond electric organ that has yet been constructed. Officials in charge promise a full and busy day for all those who attend and they have forwarded a special invitation to the soldiers of Camp Adair and vicinity who are able to visit Albany during the celebration. Albany is host today to the $25,. ¡Complete Kid RomOOCC ooo Traveling victory unit touring In Camp Adair Wedding the Pacific west under auspices of the United States treasury depart-1 At a pretty August wedding, ment for the promotion of War held last Sunday afternoon at 2 Bond sales. The unit, complete with o’clock in the Field Artillery entertainers, Chevronettes (beauti­ chapel. Miss Josephine Zabawa, ful sales girls to you), musicians, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Za­ magicians and oj^ier talented per­ bawa, Bremond, Texas, and Staff formers has created a real sensa­ Sergeant William Glasco, son of tion whenever shown and the Al­ Mrs. Mary Gorna and Mr. Bernard bany committee for the sale*of Glasco ■ of Bremond, Texas, were War Bonds has added local talent married. The ceremony, which and acts from civic organizations marks the conclusion of a child­ making the program a genuine hood romance, was performed by celebration. Chaplain Gerard Paul O’Keefe. The activities start with a parade | The bride wore a gown of white at 1 o’clock and go on through the satin, a veil of tulle and carried a day. winding up with a free (for bouquet of Valleys lillies and iris. men in uniform) street dance Miss Ann Griffin was maid of hon­ starting at 9 o’clock. or and Sergeant Albert R. Mazzeo The Victory unit will be stationed was best man. in Albany’s Victory center, in the Following a wedding trip to heart of the business district, and Portland, the couple will be at the election of Albany's Victory home in Corvallis. Girl and the choosing of the winner of the bathing beauty contest will Darling in the moonlight your be held on the large stage con­ teeth are like pearls. structed there. Mare than 25 civic Oh. indeed! And when were you clubs and organizations are partic­ in the moonlight with Pearl? ipating in the day’s events offering continuous entertainment. Doctor: “Shall I make an affi- Radio Station KWIL will broadcast davit to the fact that he is dead? >» some of their regular program Coroner: “No; merely state that features “on the spot” in addition you treated him.” to presenting soldier talent from Camp Adair, a Russian chorus, a Czech orchestra and an Hawaiian group of dancers all in native dress. Besides the Chevronettes, easily OLIVE DRAB — Army substi­ one of the main attractions, the tute for the seven year itch. Council Formed for Corvallis USO Work Outsiders to Assist In Remodeling Plans : - ------ ■ was named to discuss with the church directors the possibility of purchasing certain items of church furniture for use in the remodeled USO building. As contemplated at present, there will be no addition to the present building. The structure will be remodeled and is considered ideal after the alterations are made. No time has been set for the formal opening, but the committee has tentatively set November 1 as the date. A United Service Organization council has been named to start work this week in Corvallis. Pre­ liminary plans have been outlined for the occupation of the present Harper Soldier Center, which will GUARD HOUSE LAWYERS— be remodeled by federal and local Those who attend Officers School funds into what has been promised at the Guard House — or did 1 “one of the best USO centers on say that before? the Pacific coast.” The local USO council is headed by Mrs. W. M. Atwood, chairman, Sam Dolan, vice chairman, Mrs. Calvin Ingle, secretary, and S. E. Trask, treasurer. To aid with the plans of organi­ zation, Florence Boester, San Fran­ cisco, regional superintendent for the YWCA division of USO for the entire west coast, and Faber Stev­ enson, regional USO representative for the Pacific northwest, were present. The FSA together with the FWA is ready to start alterations at once. The structure will be remod­ eled and furnished by the FWA and 3rd & Monroe leased to the USO for operation. I Corvallis, Ore. The local board decided to install twenty cots for soldiers, all for emergency use. A sub committee MILITARY EQUIPMENT for Officers and Enlisted Men ARMY STORE For Quality Shoe Repairing We guarantee both work­ manship and materials Full line of polishes and shoe laces. 118 S. 3rd St., Corvallis Greetings —to the officers and men at Camp Adair. We at Rickard's Garage welcome you and want you to know that we are equipped to do work on any make of car .... Standard gas and oils. Rickard's Second and Van Buren Corvallis, Oregon BUICK. STUDEBAKER and CADILLAC DEALERS F ROYAL Southern Fried Chicken and PRESENTS Hot Biscuits A NEW CLEANER •s FINEST QUALITY GREATER VALUE OPEN UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT— We have taken over the lunch ruom at Third and Jeffer­ son,, Corvallis, known as Smith's Lunch, and will continue to operate it under that name. We now offer our friends and customers a wide selection of fine foods expertly prepared. Vignettes of Army Life------ Up — Joe KRATAVIL'S SHOE SHOP We Feature |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thumbs Page Five Rookie SMITH'S LUNCH By Pvt. R. C. Johnson Lenna Lord Typical soldier Joe Rookie is al­ on Aunt Minnie’s ginger cookies— ways the first guy to respond to they come almost as regularly as the Mail Call whistle—even if he the payments he used to make on has to break three or four arms his ’39 Chevy. Daisybelle, who is learning to and crush a half dozen toes to get to the front of that semicircular cook by mail, uses Joe’s stomach mass of humanity that nearly suf­ and nerves as a proving ground for focates the mail-clerk, like a swarm her new concoctions — but her packages have to be opened in of hornets. Rain or shine, he's out in front semi-seclusion — some things just -—even though he knows he has to can't be explained! Telegrams frighten Joe. They’ve wait from the “A’s” to the “R’s” wll, be ™ delivered never brought anything but un- before ,., his 9 .ewer» letters will from the precise hands of the clerk pleasant news. Daisybelle sent the last one he received—on the occa- into his own trembling fingers. Daisybelle, Joe’s girl, is faithful «•«" of his twenty-third birthday— he ------- never —she writes her Joey every day, f°r a few — moments ------------ — sometimes twice a day. Her en- dreamed he d be twenty-four. But velopes are baby-blue and smell of | his family knows better. So fear gardenias. Gee how Joe would like *s reduced to a minimum—and he to see Daisybelle! Mother- writes j warned Daisybelle again, So, noon and night, and once on her beloved weekly—twice a week if something spectacular happens Sundays, you 11 see Joe on hand at minutes back home; her steady, feminine | Mail ( all. _ For several rr.. he wants hand tells Joe the news L. ------- ' afterward Joe’s mind flees to far- ! off places as he reads. Mail Call is to hear—and sometimes slips an extra “buck” in the envelope. Fath- the pause that refreshes, mentally , . . ... , . ‘..«J onivif nal 1 v Vnu mn’t. hlamp er s business-like scrawl shows up , and spiritually. You can’t blame al^ foe for in ,in* perhaps once a month — i after ___ ___ Mother writes every week — but ; =======^ still he likes to assure Joe. man to man, that business is just fine I and remind Joe that he went through the same experiences in r- i By Appointment Joe’s pals back home and the j Evening» buddies he's met since he came in ( Phone 470 or 440-J the Army write frequently: Pete's in the Air Corps, Ralph has been DR. A. w. MARKER ferrying hopibers to Canada. Bill OPTOMETRIST Is training with the Coast Guard •nd “Mike" just got his eommis-' Corvallis — Ball Bldg. •Son. But there's another reason why I Joe is interested in Mai) Call. For, those weird-shaped, you-never-can- Funeral Home guess-what-it-is-until-you- open • it I (Fermerly HatHagvwaetii) parcels have the pleasant habit of i I popping up when Joe finds a luf!. Eyes Exomined Glasses Fitted DeMoss-Britt Madida SL at Sth. in hu life. He can always count | Ph <3 3rd V. í Jefferson Corvallis -Z Portrait of a Soldier Money can’t buy a finer cylinder type cleaner. Best ROYAL quality throughout. Extreme­ ly powerful, very RCQ CA quiet, beautiful de- sign, easy to use. LIIEtlt Complete with all MltWilCf cleaning tool» and fit risi accessories — IK CLUSES No appliance shortage at Heckart’s — Huge stock of new and used electric ranges, radios and small appliances — Shop Heck art’s today. E.W. HECKART Appliance Co. 219 S. 2nd St. Corvallis, Ore. Salem’s The most prized possession in any home .... It will lie more prized than ever if made right .... We know how to do it just that way. 15 per cent discount to all men in uniform. ★ ★ ★ Ball Studio Ball Bldg., Corvallis To avoid waiting, phone for an appointment. Golden Pheasant— Fine Foods Sensibly Priced Eastern Corn-fed Steer Beef by fast eapteaa fr«n one of the world’s big packing house» — individual shipment arrive» weekly for our menu». ROAST BEEF AU JUS AND LOIN STEAK SPECIALTIES THE GOLDEN PHEASANT "Salem's Distinguished Elating Place” On Liberty between Court and Chemeketa—Just Off Pacific Hiway (99) i .■ | (