Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, August 13, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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    Camp Adair Sentry
August 13,1942.
Colonel's Column
Col. R. E. M. Desistete
Another division has started to
Strive and we're glad to have you
With us. Welcome to your new
home, and a 11
that sort of
thing, If we can
do anything to
help you, over at
the U. S. Engi­
neer’s office, ask
us. Mostly, how­
ever, you’ll find
your problems
will be solved by
CoL Des Islet, the p<)gt £ngi.
—1795 — President Washington! n
I /Y
signs peace treaty with England. Dail I IdCCu UTI All
—1941—Atlantic Charter. Presi­
dent Roosevelt and Prime Minister
Churchill issue declaration of
peace aims evolved during series ■
of meetings aboard war vessels in I
Loose Correspondence
August 15, 1769 — Napoleon ‘
May Leak Information
Bonaparte born on the Island of
Corsica, in the Mediterranean.
Girls who brighten soldiers' days
—1855—The army cap is replaced
i with mail should expect none in
by the black felt hat. It is looped
return unless they are personally
on the right side and fastened with
acquainted with their soldier cor­
an eagle. Black feathers ornament
respondents, it was announced to­
the left side, three for field offi­
day at the headquarters of Major
cers, two for company officers and
General Kenyon A. Joyce, com­
one for enlisted men.
manding general of the Ninth ser­
—1913 — The Richardson high­ vice command, at Fort Douglas,
way, Alaska, becomes passable for Utah. Letters, snapshots, home­
light automobiles in summer time town newspapers are welcome as
... an important military develop- , excellent morale builders, but only
from people known to the recipi­
—1914 — Panama Canal opened I ents. Soldiers are forbidden to cor­
to traffic after ten years of toil.
1 respond with persons unknown to
—1935—Will Rogers and Wiley them.
Post killed when their plane
This rule is dictated by the fact
crashed in a fog 15 miles from that zoldiers’ mail inevitably eon-
Point Barrow, Alaska.
tains military information. “Cor­
respondence” or “pen” clubs make
| it possible for improper persons to
assemble that information.
Reiterations of the ban on pro­
miscuous correspondence follows
publicity of the formation of clubs
whose members were pledged to
write to soldiers, one of which
urged its members to obtain lists
of soldiers from newspapers. While
the good intentions of particular
organizations is net questioned, it
was suggested that members limit
their correspondence to members
of the armed forces who are rela­
The greatest liability and at the tives or friends.
Promisiuous Writing
neer, who is very cooperative, and
will undoubtedly do all in his au­
thority to do, to help you get com­
fortably settled.
We're sorry not to be “long gone”
out of your way—but we’re still
’way early in our completion rate,
and you people must remember that
it’s the cadre of an outfit that
“takes the beating” when going to
a new home.
It won’t be long till we’ll be all
settled in good shape.
In the meantime, our first divi­
sion is being activated as of this
coming Saturday, and are deserv­
ing of our congratulations for the
arrival of their birthday, which we
have long awaited.
Everyone knows that both divi­
sions are going to make a fine
showing—and will eventually write
history in the fight for freedom
now rampant in this world. We’re
all proud to have had a small hand
in preparing them for their su­
preme efforts. And we’re all look­
ing forward to the time when we
same time the greatest asset any
can say, “We knew them when ...”
nation can have is its Youth. The
Many of we construction people
army in order to keep faith with
are leaving—and might I say pub­
the nation must become a center
licly now—that I have never ex­
perienced such a pleasant surprise of spiritual and intellectual culture.
as thgt I had when I ran into such The welfare of the enlisted man
a super-congenial, super-coopera­ demands that he be kept plastic
tive group of contractors. They and enthusiastic in the pursuit of
made the job live—they made ft knowledge and activities that bring
tick—-. Thank God for people like proper moral and physical develop­
they, with sufficient Americanism ment. As officers charged with re­
in their souls to permit such whole- sponsibilities, we must see to it
souled cooperation in time of stress. that the soldier does not develop
Stay in there and keep punching. a craving for stimulation, excite­
ment and “thrills” that are degen­
I’ll be seeing you ...
erating in their influence.
Our recreational program must
not be one of negation. We must
provide wholesome social and re­
This Week in
creational activities for these
Army History
thousands of young men'
The purpose of all traiaing is to
fit the individual for hit place in
August 10. 1915 — A military in­ human society without the creating
struction camp for business and of a mal adjustment. The gangster,
professional men established •Î thief and prostitute are people who
Plattsburg, N. Y.
do not fit into an orderly scheme
—1917 — General Pershing as- of society, therefor, they constitute
flumes personal command of the a social and military’ problem.
first army of the Marne, and makes
Education is an attempt to get
immediate preparations for the St. acquainted with the universe Al­
Mihiel operations.
mighty God has created and given
August 11, 1938 — The German to us. This knowledge inspires rev­
Focke-Wulf Condor plane lands at erence for the beautiful hills all
Floyd Bennett Field after non-stop about ua in Camp Adair, the trees
flight from Berlin in 24 hours, 59 that lift their verdant spires
toward heaven, the water that
August 12. 147« — King Phillip, holds before us a perfect mirror
the Indian chief, son of Masaasoit and the rocks that have stored
who had welcomed the Pilgrims of away in their seams the history of
the Mayflower, killed, by whites the ages. With such surroundings
under Captain Benjamin Church, as we have here, all soldiers should
one of the fiercest wars in New become lovers of God and all His
England colonial times.
—1899 — Peace protocol ending
the Spanish-American war signed
Camp Chapbin.
__ 1929 — The first successful
colored motion picture from the
air taken by Captain Albert U. Know Your C howl ine
Stevens, Air Corps.
And Your Chowtime
Page Three
We are trying to keep up with you!
Here is a shopping list for you to check.
It contains articles now in stock, and
more are arriving daily.
We are doing our utmost to get the merchandise you
demand. Sources of supply are being run down by
our special buying organization. We will have ail
the new things for you as they come out.
100% Wool Elastique Caps
(Piping for All Branches)
Suntan Caps
Chevrons for All Grades
(Both O. D. and Suntan)
Hash Marks
(Both O. D. and Suntan)
Division Shoulder Patches
Web Belts
1899 —
troop movements in Cuba cease
Jnat in case veteran “chow
with the news of the signing of the hounds” are blaming cooks and
peace protocol.
K P ’s for keeping them an extra
_]898_Manila falls to Ameri­ few minutes at the bead of the
line these days, we quote the fol­
can troops.
__UH—Further improvement of lowing official time for men« calls
the St. Michael Canal, Alaska. for SX.U. 1911.
Vital to America's defense plans,
Breakfast, 6:40 (not six-thirty)
completed under the direction of j dinner, noon (no change there ) and
supper. 17:30 (that's Five-thirty
U. S. Army Engineers.
August 14. 1775—Major General (and not fire). Bundays and holi­
Thomas Mifflin appointed first day. breakfast is at 7 and supper
| is at 5.
Quartermaster General.
(Brass Buckles)
Officers' Dress Gloves
Garrison Cap Covers
Suntan Slacks
Suntan Shirts
O. D. Cotton Sox
Open Evenings
, tm 8 PM.
520 Stato St - Ground Floot
Phone 5722
Regulation Buckle Oxfords
Garrison Shoes
Athletic Supporters
Regulation Field Jackets
Suntan and Black Ties
Regulation Wool Sox
Military Dress Shoes
(All Types)
Officers' Elastique Pink Slacks
Officers' Elastique Green Slacks
Dyan Shine" Shoe Polish
Saddle Soap
Por a perfect, a flaw les«
diamond, see Brown's and
get the most value for year
(For Waterproofing Jacket«)
Sewing Kits
“Your Dollar's Worth Alwayn**
Salea'* lading ( redit
Jeweler* and Oplkiana
233 N. Commercial
206 W. Second M.