Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, August 06, 1942, Image 1

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Trust your causa.
Whatever is at­
tempted is never
well done unless
the doer breathes
himself into his
deed. - S. Parkes
Camp Adair Sentry)
Vol. 1, No. 16
Four Builders
Leave Big Fund
Mounting Guard in and Around Camp Adair, Oregon
Camp Adair, Oregon, August 6. 1942.
Lost, Strayed, Stolen,
And How! This Serious
Business for Soldier
Talent Found in
Colored Troops
$1.50 a Year by Mail
The Camp Adair Sentry wants
contributors from your outfit,
reporters to tell what is going
on and who's who in your bar­
racks. Time deadlines are neces­
sary and contributions must be
censored. If you are interested,
turn in your name and qualifica­
tions to the Public Relations
Section, Headquarters, Camp
A weekly journal
devoted to the
Willamette Val­
ley’s share in
Uncle S a m’a
grept war effort.
Soldiers Train
Lost—one upper plate in A-l
condition. Loser, Cpl. de Tonnan-
court, DEML. (Classified ad re­
Unit C.O.s Have InfoJ
Entertainers Already
Workers Give Money ceived but put here in sympathy.)
Slightly incoherent because of bis
Visit Several Towns
On Qualifications for
For Soldier Athletic
loss, Cpl. Tonnancourt an­
Sam Browne Hopefuls
With Male Quartet
Activity at Camp Adair grave
nounces that there will be a suit­
able reward for the set of nippers, i
Camp Adair has a new entertain-
Detailed information is now
Presentation of the Four Build­ and no questions asked — nor
available to all enlisted men and
ers’ athletic fund to Col. G. C. answered. Time, he says is an all- went group that is the talk of the
warrant officers concerning offi­
Ferch, representing Col. G. O. Mc­ important issue in recovery. (Not I " illamette valley, if the “rave”
notices from surrounding communi­
cers candidate schools, the branches
Coy, took place at the field house, G. I. issue.)
ties can be taken as a criterion.
of the service now open and the
corner of First St. South and “F”
This new — at least to Camp
physical, mental and character
street, at noon on Wednesday, Au-
Adair — group is the colored quar­
qualifications necessary to gain ad­
gust 5. Also in attendance and
tet from Company B of the QM
mission for officer training.
representing the service men was
section. Under the direction of Lt.
In a memorandum to all unit
Captain Frank C. Wimer, athletic
Robert L. Murch, the singers from
director of Camp Adair. Mr. R. M.
released August 4,
Sans Lights, Program
Company B entertained throughout
Robson, general superintendent of
Colonel G. O. McCoy, post com­
Ends in Dusk Finale
the past week. The itinerary in­
Four Builders, made the presenta­
mander. said. “AH warrant officers
Up-to-Minute News to cluded the Rotary club of Albany
and enlisted men who demonstrate
Show Progress of War at the Friday luncheon, the lawn Members of the Camp Adair sta­ capacity for leadership will be ac­
The fund amounts to the sum of
picnic for Lion’s club members and tion complement journeyed into tively encouraged to apply as
$700, and was accumulated by di­
rect personal contributions of all
Division officer candidates. Such men as are
Soldier and officer personnel their wives at the home of Mr. and the territory of the
the employees of Four Builders anxious to keep abreast of world Mrs. Cecil Blakely in Corvallis Fri­ last Thursday night and entertained of officer caliber .... will not be
who desired to leave behind them events will find a wealth of factual day evening and the morning and the men with a variety musical discouraged because their work is
a gift that would be used and information, maps and other perti­ evening services of the Methodist and comedy show which was both important or their replacement dif­
enjoyed by all the men stationed nent facts of the war contained in and Presbyterian churches in In­ well attended and enjoyed by offi- ficult. Commanders will study their
at Camp Adair.
cers and enlisted men alike.
men, seek out those who are poten­
the Newsmaps being distributed dependence on Sunday.
Staff Sgt. Johnson, who intro­
Pvt. A. Calabrese who MC’d the tial officer candidates, give them
“This is one of the finest dis- weekly to all day and orderly
plays of patriotic sportsmanship rooms, administration offices and duced the men at their various ap­ show, lowered his sights after his additional responsibility and oppor­
pearances, announced that there is opening blast, and did a fine job tunity for further development in
that has ever come to my notice,' »» meeting places on the post.
considerable talent in the line of in the presentation of the talent leadership and encourage them to
said Col. McCoy when informed of
Newsmaps are prepared each dancers, “hot jive” piano
| h .
players, , .wmen
which inviuucu
included <. Cpl.
Lyle ur.n,
Heitz, apply.
the fund. “These defense workers
came through in splendid form ih week from data available for gen­ soloists and others in addition to j Pvts. Daniel Lifshitz, J. Mantin-
There are 18 officer candidate
getting the camp ready ahead of eral distribution by the Orientation the quartet among the colored band, A. Dahl, Nick Sansonia and schools now authorized for train­
troops now stationed in the camp. John Walsh. Pvt. L. Green was in
schedule and now dig down into
ing and while there are several
Arrangements for this talent can charge of the show.
their earnings to add to the enjoy­ and are posted shortly after print­
where specialized personnel is
be made through the office of the
Just to demonstrate that the needed, there are others which do
ment of the soldiers stationed in
barracks their toil has built.- I ble means of world orientation.-In coordinator, telephone camp 2856. boys had the "show must go on not require previous academic
commend them most heartily and addition to the large spread world and will be «riven consideration in spirit” they cut their routines, training. There are no require­
map, showing territories occupied order requested. It should be kept songs and patter to fit in with the
sincerely thank each one.”
ments for study in preparation for
tii __
mind ......
that it _ is _____
call light of the sun because, lo and
The Four Builders organization by allied, axis and neutral powers. in
attendance at schools. Colonel Mc-
has been progressive and coopera­ there are “blow-up” maps of the for and return the soldiers to camp, behold, when the troupe arrived at1 I Coy stated that the qualities of
the Recreation hall they found it1
tive in all camp activities during fighting fronts that have figured i
most prominently in the news of j DRAFT — Why should you care temporarily without light as they "leadership and character” were
the building period. Their softball
most important and would play u
now ?
wound tip in daylight.
team leads the Corvallis city league that particular week.
vita) part in the selection of appli­
and loyalty and hard work has
The reverse side of each map is
cants who could meet the other
been in evidence throughout their given to word and picture descrip­
qualifications of age, citizenship
entire personnel. Hal Vaughn, tions of soldiers and mechanized
status, length of service, physical
Four-Builders reporter, has con­ equipment of the various nations.
and educational requirements.
tributed to The Sentry each week, Showing currently is New.smap No.
Application for attendance to an
and the first two modest para­ 14 with succeeding issues to be
officer candidate school will lie sub.
graphs of this story were sent in posted at regular weekly intervals.
mitted by the applicant in letter
through regular channels. The
I form through his company, detach­
Four-Builders have been appreci­ 4 Builders, Engineers
ment, or similar unit commander
ated at Camp Adair.—Editor.
each applicant will indicate his
Win Wednesday Night
first choice of an »rm and a service
and at least one alternate of each.
"H. B." Knows From
Four Builders topped off their
Information concerning schools, as
History That Army
winning streak last night with an­
well as applicant requirements is
other win over Smith-Hoffman &
"Moves on Stomach"
also available.
asso »
• Wright, 4 to 1. The Great Griffin
Warrant officers and enlisted
Maybe this should be labeled was in good form and allowed but
men who sincerely believe they
“Snarls to an Oldtimer.” Anyway one hit. although he collected fewer
have the qualifications to merit
The Sentry is in receipt of several strike-outs than usual. Errors on
this spi-cialized training can get
the part of the SHW club were
Vox Pop letters from men in the
complete i «formation through their
DEML section, who know the mys­
commanding officer.
The Engineers, third Camp Adair
terious “H. B. - DEML Section,”
writer of a column elsewhere in team m thf Corvallis City league,
Girlie Show Planned
this publication, when they see him
hind Sgt. Thompson, their ace
With Talent of Camp
in the flesh.
These writers want to know if pitcher. The Engineers trailed 2 to
Pvt. L. Green, camp imprentario,
H.B. learned the most masterful of 1 until the fourth when they scored
that plana are under­
all military maneuvers in World
way for the production of a show
This is the final week in the
War I. The military tactic in
featuring a line, precision dancers,
which H.B. never fails — getting league schedule.
Play-off games will begin Mon­
pony and chorus-girls, bumpers,
at the head of the mess line for
grinders and all the rest. Of
breakfast, dinner and supper.
course, and here’s the damper, it
will be an all-male cast, but you
Kelley Kills 2 Birds
Camp Chaplains Boy
must admit the possibilities are
And Gathers no Moss
Is Officer, Married .
Try-out announcements will come
benefit of the “cail-boerd”
Lt. Harold M. Harmon, son of
Pvt. Richard T. Kelly. QM corps,
Effective August 5, the area indicated in
this map is dimmed out for the duration in for which you theatrical-minded
the Camp Adair Captain Chaplain, went to Port Angeles to testify at j
a regulation issued by the Western Defense men will have to substitute the
was married last week in Topeka. a trial concerning the custody of a
Command With a taboo on signs and ail daily bulletins.
Kan. The lieutenant has been a child. He excused himself from '
outside lighting, General John L IleWitt
Y.M.C.A. secretary.
the court room long enough to long
says the coast country will present "a less i When that announcement •P-
' pears, you soldiers who feel you
Highland Street Methodist distance telephone for a 24-hour •
distinct bombing target ”
! can measure up as a masculine
church. of Topeka, has put up a extension of his leave, and got it. ■
| counter-part of a Billy Rose “tall,
service roll and at the top are the
Reason: He wanted to get mar­
tan and terrific,” should get in
names of Chaplain Harmon and ried. and he did To a Port Angeles
touch, as directed, with the pro*
Martin Phillips, former state com- school teacher m the Episcopal j
mander of the American Legion. church.
Entertainers Put on
Show for 'Division'
Maps Will Assist in
Orientation Studies