Faye Four July 30, 1942. Camp Adair Sentry on irksome details while waiting life for you. when you get your ( HURLEY'S LOTION camp built and equipped. to be placed in particular units. FROM AN “ I am wondering how you get For Poison Oak So far this isn't “my war,” in the OLD-TIMER = sense that the other was. I’m 25 your war news in camp. Perhaps it Over 5000 bottles sold. Guar­ anteed treatment for poison years older and I long for the old , is just as well if you don t, for the By H. B.—DEMI oak relief. 50c bottle by mail comrades. The young soldiers are news is pretty terrible this sum­ HURLEY'S DRUGS, Albany TIlliniilllllBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIlllllllllllllllllIlllliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiii; kind and agreeable, but some of mer. It weighs upon me day and night like a mill-stone, and bears Th* first time I saw Lavon and walked over to the lieutenant. them call me “Pop” and more and Zakanan I though he must be a Nothing happened, though, except more of them address me, with too me down in moods of dark depres­ I mirai.-». one of those non-existent more drill, and at the end of it I much respect for age, as “Mr. B—.” sion. But the turn must and will I f Bights that you think you see when told Zack that I knew I had no I look at them severely and say, come, for such preponderance of power as that represented by the you are crazy with the heat in a business calling out in ranks, and “Private B" to you, sir.” I desert. I was sorry. Later I told the lieu­ Like every old fogey, I find youth United States must in due time 1 have its effect. For us all, pacifists tenant that I ’ d been a bad soldier, less than perfect. Seems to me that It was, indeed, a hot day, and Associated Gas—Oil the boys are too keen about getting I and non-pacifists alike, there must several so-called companies of us and he said, "Forget it.” I was the more ashamed of my­ ahead, not enough concerned with I be the long-range view, and un­ A Complete Stock Of were packed in close together, sit­ Groceries ting on the ground, in the sun, self because I knew I was safe doing a job well. (But I think the conquerable fs«th in th< future. The difference between a dress- ready for a sex hygiene lecture. and would get no penalty. We old western lads are better in this I One company hadn't arrived, and soldiers tend to grow spoiled be- respect). Of course the young ones cause they go easy on us now, al- don’t feel the terrible urgency of tie and a noose is that one is worn we were waiting for it. FOR YOUR TRAILER though I resist the coddling all this war as I do. How could they ? without a collar. Suddenly, trudging through the I can. And we should set an example They are too young to know that dust and flickering like an early and lie on the side of authority. “the war is the military phase of movie in the heat waves across the Zack and I are good friends, I a world-wide revolt against civiliza­ field, there came into apparent view n apologetic-looking lot of I hope. I like his persistence and good tion,” to quote from a Harper’s soldier-, led by a Napoleonic figure nature, his refusal to hold a grudge. magazine article by Herbert Agar, one reprinted and distributed by wh< appeared to be under 5 feet lnci(lentally. he was captain of the Freedom House. They are too young 4 iricht -, and to weigh more than Dining Room Suites Bedroom Suites University of Maine football team to be aware, as thoughtful, older, 200 pounds, although it turned Swing Rockers Occasional Chairs out ctiat those really were nature’s in 1929, playing center, and be­ people are, that civilization has Simmons “Beautyrest” fore joining the army he was a been subtly disintegrating. As specifications, in his case. Spring-Filled Mattress — Box Spring to Match Agar wrote: This swarthy person, as unmili-'colun,nist and »Ports writer on the Baby Cribs and Mattresses “Barbarism always ends in a be- tary a sijrht as you’d ever see on I Armenian Mirror-Spectator, in New Floor Lamps Table Lamps lief in power for power's sake. It a drill field, was bellowing com­ York. His ancestry is Armenian. always, therefore, derides rules Many Other Wanted Things Now in Full Stock mande in the voice of the Bull of He hails from Portland. Me., and and promises—for if power is the Come and See Our Stocks Busbar and as a major, a captain now the army has get him down * end, and if power can be won by ami a flock of lieutenants looked near Portland, Ore. breaking rules and promises, why on ir amazement he somehow got | not break them?” his company into the right place* Now I have a notion that young Young soldiers keep asking me and ha :ed. Then it was seen that HARDWARE & FJJRNITURE people don't even know what Agar I about the other war, and whether In- wa> human, and a private. Second and Adams Corvallis is talking-about, because they have ' the army has changed. Usually I That was my first glimpse of never experienced that more whole ­ "Zack,* a would-be novelist who, | sidestep on it, because I don’t know. some state of society which has although a private without military Army outfits vary so much that you passed, for the time. They haven’t experience except in the R.O.T.C., can’t generalize. known the happier state of mind In the other war I belonged to an drilled his company and then was which did exist before “practical Ohio National Guard regiment of transferred to drill by company, self-interest,” rather than coopera­ until Ire companies were broken field artillery which had been de­ tion towards a common end, became veloped from cavalry just back up through transfers and special the accepted way. from training on the Mexicon bor­ assigrunenta. So your young soldier sees gold- Wtuie in the ranks, drilling un- der. Officers and non-coms knew bricking as something smart, in­ Have you had a good <'er Zack. I came closer to insub- one another well. Morale was high. stead of unsportsmanlike behavior picture made of your­ ordinir on that at any time in the We were volunteers and eager to in a community of comrades. other ar or this one. Somebody get into action. self for your mother I When we had a dinner which still out front was not in step and he or sweetheart? Soldiers who crave to be oriented, and Zack were having what wasn’t up to the prevailing stand­ sounded to me like an argument. ard nowadays we would shout in not psychologically, but geograph- Out | ..toon was confused about the unison: “Oh, what a damn good callv, should climb the partly bare pictures need not 8 cadi-ni», it seemed to me. so on meal!” And most of my comrades hill to the west of the northern end be expensive. impulse I shouted, "Let’s have a came from homes of refinement of Camp Adair. When there is no haze on the horizon you have a littli *ss argument and a little and of plenty. Your Buddies Will Tell You" fine view of the snowy peaks of nioiA : deuce.” But in this war I have not been Mount Hood, far to the northeast, Zack turned and said, "Shut up!" part of any such cohesive outfit. I said, “You shut up and drill us I’ve been with men of every social and of Mount Jefferson, to the instead of arguing.” Zack said, station and from all sections of and not so far away. I climbed the hill, late one “That's mutiny. Shut up, or I'll the country. Some volunteered, r< p< rl you to the lieutenant.” 1 said some were drafted. All of us have because I was lonesome for ( orvallis 455 Madison St. “Bunl Whereat Zack halted us been standing guard and working wife. On the heights 1 always feel closed toher, not only because then Ï I am closer to Heaven (Will New- i£ York papers please copy—she lives I there), but also because we have | climbed, together, many of the highest mountains in the East, as J well as some in Europe. Aside from the distant peaks I you can see, from this high hill, the i general layout of the camp, on a I plain surrounded by hills that lead 1 to mountain ridges. The viaw fits j in with the observations of my minister, the renowned Dr. John Haynes Holmes, of the Community church, in New York. Although he is a pacifist of the extreme type, and I, on the con­ trary. think that physical aggrez- sion always must be resisted with physical force, we are good friends, and I have been chairman of his Social Action committee. From Dr. I Lon* life, high speed tires mean a real saving when Holmes I now have a letter in you don t know when you can buy another tire. See which he has this to say about Ore­ gon: us when you get your order for a new tire. Special “It is exciting to know that you attention given trucks in government service. are there. You will enjoy it. I re­ member Oregon as one of the most thrilling experiences of my life. We have plenty of pre-war pure rubber truck The landscape seemed all built on a tires------9izes for any truck. giant scale. In general character and appearance. Oregon reminded me of Maine But the mountains were higher, the trees taller, the lakes bigger, the river wider.—even the ocean seemed grander. I felt in a way like Gulliver in Brobdignag “It certainly lifted the soul. I still like to think of how the early This ne» color pœter. which soon will be «een throughout pioneers must have felt when they North Second Street and City Limits, Corvallis, Ore. the United State» emphasites a «e» theme in the War Bond saw the mountains ami forests of > »a e» campii»« The present goal of the nationwide drive is to Phone 1054» Oregon after their endless weeks on I per-jade all citiiens to invest I* per cent of income in oar bond« the prairies Well, it will be a great | ae«1 «tamps £HIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItll!llll||||||tl||||||||||||||ll!lllllllllllllllllllll1lllllllllllflllllt± SNARLS 9th St. Grocery BUTANE GAS -BUY NOW- While Our Stock Is Complete ROESER’S Hello Soldier: ? HOWELLS STUDIO War Bonds Guard Home Front PRE-WAR TIRES We have access to the largest stock of Pre-War Tires in Oregon. Tough, real rubber tires........... .. not reclaimed or synthetic rubber! Will you give at least IOX of your pay in War Bonds? EMMA’S SERVICE STATION, INC.