ARY OREGON Trust your causa. Whatever is at­ tempted is never well done unless the doer breathes himself into his deed. - S. Parkes Cadman. Camp Adair Sentry Mounting Guard in and Around Camp Adair, Oregon Camp Adair, Oregon. July 30, 1942. Vol. 1., No. 15. Center Opened In Independence SENTRY WANTS NEW SOLDIER REPORTERS ¡4M journal devoted to th« Willamette Val­ ley's share in V n c 1 e S i tn 's great war effort. $1.50 a Year by Mail Local Firm Has ■ New 99-W Work At Home Away From Home The Camp Adair Sentry wants i contributors from your outfit, reporters to tell what is going on and who’s who in your bar­ Camp Representatives racks. Time deadlines are neces­ Hall-Compton Firm is sary and contributions must be Help in Dedication of censored. If you are interested, Chosen to Build New ; New Place for Soldiers turn in your name and qualifica­ Highway to Monmouth tions to the Public Relations Section, Headquarters, Camp Independence and Camp Adair Adair. Bids were let this week for high­ together celebrated the opening way improvement north of Camp Sunday evening of the new soldier Adair to Monmouth, which, upon recreation center in Independence, completion, will make a 22-foot when Lt. Col. R. E. M. Des Islets, pavement with six-foot shoulders area engineer, accepted the center for 10 miles both north and south for the army. It was presented by on Highway 99-W. E. C. Hall and Dr. M. J. Butler, mayor of In­ J. C. Compton, contracting firm dependence. which has six grading and paving Mrs. Des Islets was also a guest, Col. McCoy Bespeaks contracts in this vicinity, including as were Lt. Col. John W. (Jack) those at the new Corvallis air base Help From City Dads Shuman and Mrs. Shuman, and and the highway contract south of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. (Sven) John­ camp to Corvallis, was the success­ son, from Camp Adair. Col. Shu­ The Four County Cantonment ful bidder. —Photo by Ball. Corvallis man is chief medical officer at the council held its regular monthly When some of these colored troops looked lonesome in The state highway commission camp hospital and Mr. Johnson is I meeting at the Lebanon hotel cof- Corvallis recently. John Wagner, restaurant man. had an idea he has been trying to let the work for coordinator. These guests of In-[fee shoppe Monday evening, Mayor thought might help. After making arrangements «ith "Public some weeks. Bids were scarce with Relations,” he brought out enough watermelons for the whole dependence were also dinner guests I J. C. Zimbrick acting as host. The of Dr. and Mrs. Butler before the council was honored by the pres- | troop. Flashing smiles shooed appreciation, hut they're mostly i all other construction work, and covered up in this picture. , readjustments in plans for the road dedicatory ceremonies, and Col. ence of Col. Gordon H. McCoy,. were necessary. Shuman was on the program. camp commanding officer, and Col. I The new contract, work, which G. C. Ferch, both of whom gave Music was furnished from the Col­ ! has already begun, starts vhere interesting talks with highlights I lege of Education at Monmouth. the present highway curves into Opening a twilight baseball game on army life in its present stage . the oak grove just north of Suver. with a Salem team, Col. Des Islets at Camp Adair. Col. McCoy stressed I From that point it will follow an hit the first ball pitched by Dr. the importance of cooperation on almost straight line its entire Butler. The colonel got a hit. He the part of all mayors and their i length, will cut out the trouble­ Families Soldiered hit a three-bagger and probably best efforts toward aiding him in some curves north of Suver, th« could have stretched it to a homer the work now necessary through­ Together in Islands Site Selected, Money bad crossing and curves at Hel­ were it not for the fact that he out the training period, asking that was operated on recently for ap­ they do all possible to maintain Raised foe Providing , mick park, and the loop around the cemetery hill south of Monmouth. pendicitis and must still be care­ order, cleanliness and a happy and An interesting coincidence which congenial atmosphere in their cities, Service Entertainment, The Hall and Compton crews are ful in his exercise. recalls the old saying about the The new center is located next especially in places of amusement world being small after all. was working seven days a week now to the telephone office on C street. for the soldiers. evidenced in Monmouth recently, Continuing the drive in Mon­ wherever possible in order to get H. C. (Sven) Johnson, coordina ­ It has been renovated and equipped when Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. mouth for money to finance the excavating and grading work done tor, gave his monthly report, stat­ largely through donations and is i . A. B. Wilson from Spartansburg, recreation center for soldiers, F J. la-fore fall rains. Approximately ing in particular that the housing * 1 1 *' well furnished for rest and games, f South Carolina, arrived in Mon­ Hill, chairman, reports that ap­ 500 men are now in the firm’« situation was becoming more acute There is a bar for light drinks and While conversing with C. C. proximately $1000 will be aggre p ­ j employ and Mr. Hall is general and urging the further attention mouth. ' sandwiches and other light refresh­ Powell, local banker, they learned gated by the end of this week when ! superintendent in charge of alt the of all members toward the solution ments will be served to soldiers his brother and sister-in-law all rural districts will have been work. The six contracts held by of this phase, also the rent-ceil- that ' from time to time. The room con- ing situation and exhorbitant prices were Captain and Mrs. Herbert contacted. Local enthusiasm is high the firm are all within a stretch tains the office of E. L. Gray, being charged in some places, not Powell, who had been in Honolulu over the prospects for immediate of 25 mile«, from the Corvallis air Independence chamber of com- only for rent, but food, he stated, while the Wilsons were there and I base, to Camp Adair and now, on action in getting the building reno­ merce coordinator. should be immediately corrected had attended the Wilsons' wedding vated. George W. Cooper is chair- | to Monmouth. The firm is supply­ There will be someone in at- before getting further out of there a number of years ago. Cap­ ing crushed rock from its plant on man of renovation work, and his tendance every evening at the new- bounds. tain Powell was born and reared assistants are Roy Clarke and Coffin butte, west of the camp, for center and a program of relaxation “The cordinator's office,” Mr. in Monmouth. ' Clarence Grund, who will look after surfacing work on the highway and recreation for service men has Johnson said, "is now working on The Wilsons have leased a house fuel, light and water needs. Farm­ contracts and also for the paving been planned. Local USO funds and an entirely different plane than on Monmouth avenue which for­ ers in this area will he given the contractor within the camp. organization helped to equip the when first initiated, rapidly chang­ merly served the Oregon College No estimate could be obtained opportunity to contribute wood for center. More than $300 for this ing every day with the incoming of Education as an infirmary and as to when the highway work, both heating the building as a definite work was realized from the benefit of the troops, there being evidenced is locally known as East house. north and south, would be finished Fourth of July celebration which more of a military demand for co­ Prior to its purchase by the state, part of their aid to the project, but the firm will continue to work according to Mrs. F. E. Chambers, the Independence community ordination on matters pertaining this building was a private resi­ chairman of the center committee. under a policy of allowing the staged. to the welfare and working of the ’ dence, built and occupied by the It is probable that M. R. Thomp­ least possible interference with “Independence wants the sol­ army forces than heretofore.” late Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Reming­ son. general chairman of all recre­ traffic. Most of the work north diers to come here for evenings ton. The Wilsons have three young ation and entertainment here, will will not interfere with traffic be­ recreation,” Mayor Butler said. sops who will attend school here. call a meeting of residents of Mon­ cause of the relocation «f the road. Salem Church Opens “This whole community is interest­ mouth and surrounding communi­ A minimum of traffic hold-ups haa ed in the soldiers, of course, and New Recreation Room ties in the near future to work out been maintained on the work be­ Hospital Builder is feels a responsibility to help take further details of the center cam­ tween camp and Corvallis and care of those who come here in The First Baptist church of Sa- Now Doing Other Jobs 1 paign plans. crews ha ve layed off during rush their off hours. This center may lem located at the corner of Liberty hours part of the time for Camp E. A. Stebbins is consulting with be their meeting place and w-e hope and Marion sjreet* invites service Mike Didier, general superin- Faber Stevenson, regional repre- Adair peak traffic loads. they will use it a lot," men to their recreation room every tendent for Smith-Hoffman and sentative of the VSO in Portland, Saturday evening beginning with Saturday evening. August 1, be­ Wright, was at Camp Adair last and hopes to have some concrete Camp Officer Families Griffin Pitches Ace week for a few days, He now lives information to give the committee tween the hours of 7 and 10. Find Monmouth Hornet No-Hit, No-Run Game workers very soon. The Christian service club which in Walla Walla, Wash. The Greaat Griffin was really is composed of mothers of boys Mr. Didier now has responsibil­ Another dance for soldiers was great Wednesday night in the Cor­ now in the service of their country ities of construction at m » v ersi held Tuesday night, July 28. and Lieutenant William Rettie of the vallis City league game with the are the sponsors of this recreation points throughout the west for his it is reported by Mrs. H. W Mor- medical administrative corps »1 soldiers when he pitched a no-hit, room, and will entertain with pro­ company. lan of the Junior Hostess league Camp Adair, with Mrs. Rettie and no-run seven innings in the night­ gram and refreshments. that a good attendance was present. their two young sons, have occu­ cap and won 1 to 0. No soldier Patrons and patronesses were Mr. pied the Elliott house on North State Guard Troops reached first base. and Mrs. F E. Chambers, Mr. and Broad street, Monmouth, for the S-H-W Foreman Leaves The game was tight as a fiddle Give Monmouth Drill Mrs. M. R Thompson and Mr and last five weeks, arid are now mov­ until the sixth when Smith for the For Walla Walla Job Mrs. O. C. Christensen. The final ing to the new house on Jackson soldiers filled his bases. Karamano*. A demonstration of cavalry drill dance of the summer will occur and Echols built by George W. league-leader in hitting, hit a twist­ Vno Ahlenius, carpenter foreman was given Sunday afternoon on Tuesday night. August 4, at Recre­ Cooper. ing ground ball to Eisman. soldier The Elliott home will tie occupier! shortstop, who muffed it and al­ for Smith-Hoffman and Wright. [ the Fairgrounds' field at Monmouth ation hall on the Oregon College of lowed the score Eisman played per- * I has been called to Walla Walla, | by three Oregon state guard Education campus. A* the student by Lieutenant Benjamin Frank of population will go home at close the quartermaster corps at Camp fact ball during all the rest of the " ■-*•>.. from the job at Camp I troops. Participating were Amity, Dal- of the summer session, dances will Adair. Mrs. Frank will arrive her« game. I ^dair. Griffin fanned 17 batters out of Mr. Ahlenius left for his new job ,las and Monmouth. Captain Alan not be given here again until soon with their young son and daughter. W right, troop commander, directed schools open, September 21 the 21 he faced. Wednesday. Administrators on Program at Lebanon Camp Officer Finds Friends in Monmouth Monmouth Plans Soldier Center I i