Corvallis Organizes Recreation Activity Entertaining of 3000 Soldiers Is Goal Set Camp Adair Sentry July 23, 1942. Page Eight I engineered by Mrs. J. L. Gault, who has headed up the Hostess league activity. Girls belonging have passed all* necessary qualifi­ cations, have been passed on by i two committees, one of which is J. A. Cooper, long time employe secret, and have identification cards bearing their photograph, of the Corvallis office, is in charge of the Camp Adair main post office, j Mrs. Gault says. Corvallis branch, which is located in the center of the headquarters area, with hours from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Earl Leutin, recently of Ritz­ ville, Washington, is assistant. Lyle P. Davis of Tacoma, Washington, experienced with Fort Lewis mail matters, is in the central Corvallis Figures released from the local office to assist in camp mail de­ sugar rationing board show that tail. 4156 sugar certificates have been Every box in the Corvallis office issued in Benton county for a to­ lobby is rented, and Postmaster tal of 1.'12,273 pounds of sugar since Moses has applied for 100 more. the sugar rationing began. One window has been devoted Also, 824 persons have been granted the privilege of excess to special sale of bonds and stamps. sugar to the amount of 22,863 Recently one Camp Adair contrac­ pounds. Most of these applications tor too kout 500 applications on the have been made on spring canning, 10 per cent wage plan and another but a few' were made for the entire applied for 150 applications. In­ year. The average amount of suga- coming and outgoing mail is get­ granted each family for spring can­ ting heavier every day. ning was 30 pounds. Many Benton county auto owners The final day for applying for have not yet secured the $5 stamp spring canning will be Monday, federal tax for the coming year. August 3, the board said. No more Internal revenue notices have been will be granted until August 15 received saying arrests and convic- when fall canning begins. tions will be given to persons unable to produce stamps. 2 Cent First Class Postage to Camp Adair from Corvallis will be two cents an ounce Postage fo Camp Adair on regular first class mail, said Postmaster V. P. Moses today. Camp Adair is a branch of the lo­ cal office, hence local postage rates. All other rates are local including parcel post. Sugar Rationing Figures Released Corvallis is entertaining aoldiera who come into that city each eve­ ning, through two centers which have been available for some time to soldiers who are passing through or who are stationed there during patrol duty. The two places are Neuman hall, next to the Catholic church, and Harper Soldier center, in the basement of the Madison Street Methodist church, at the corner of Fifth and Madison street. The recreational committee of the civilian defense council for the area has elaborate plans for soldier entertainment during the coming months, according to Ralph Cole­ man, chairman. Mr. Coleman is baseball coach at Oregon State col­ lege, and is known to Camp Adair personally through his present coaching of the Four Builders’ softball team in the Corvallis city league. Mr. Coleman has assembled as­ Aunt Maria glanced up from her sistants from every organization knitting. in the city and a minute survey has "John, do you know that next been completed of all entertainment I Sunday will be the twenty-fifth facilities in the area. Churches, anniversary of our wedding?” lodges, patriotic organizations and “You don’t say, Maria! What service clubs have combined to pool about it?" their facilities for as many soldiers ' “Well, I was just thinking we as can be handled. ought to kill them two Rhode Leading the list of regular avail- I Island Red chickens." able entertainment for Camp Adair [ "Now, Maria, why blame them soldiers will be dances held regu­ for what happened twenty-five larly Tuesday and Friday nights, i years ago.” probably at the Women’s club and I the Elks Temple ball room. There I will be games of all sorts available in other halls and church base- ' ments. as well as writing facilities, CORVALLIS music, taffy pulls, snack suppers THl’RS. - FRI. & SAT. and various other get-together oc­ casions. The Corvallis Hostess league will participate in all these events, Mr. Coleman says, and sol­ diers W’ill meet the hostesses in all the various places under whole­ some conditions for the entire group. When the coordination of all these plans becomes effective, Mr. Coleman believes that Corvallis will be able to show a good time to from 2000 to 3000 soldiers in an evening. Dances held already have been onnonB —plus DANCE WHERE EVERYONE HAS A GOOD TIME Every Wednesday Friday Saturday GROVE’S BARN DANCE 18th & Elm—Albany r CORVALLIS Thursday-Friday-Saturday I k | j Soft Lights—Sweet Music- j i • Swell Time—at TUMBLE INN LAUGHS? You said a Mouthful! 2 Mi. N. of Albany on Hi. 99 Enjoy AL. BENNING S 10-Piece Orchestra Dorothy Evans Bill Murphy Central Willamette Valley's Finest Union Music wm hews JllWiy Off JITHOME ^ZENITH PORTABLE Never before has news . . . war bulle« tins . . . flashes . . . communiques . . . meant so much to Americans. No one knows how or when the next big news will break. But the biggest news is no further away than your Zenith . . . the portable that plays uh ere other portables fail. . . or your money back! ,v BUILT-IN MOVABLE WHITESIIIE MHIVAII.1% FINKftT TNKATRi: CORVALLIS U. S. PATENT NO. 2.1S4.251 Thursday-Friday-Saturday Six tubas, including rnctifinr and two davbin-purpota tubet. HUMPHREY Operates on trains, planes and boats. BOGART liadt that è OHlYtba law I«.- STARTING SUNDAY NO POWER BLACKOUT! •ione OßUMl« RADIO AMtRICA'S OIDÍST MANUFACTURO OF FINI RADIOS FOR THI HOMI AL0AMY ORE ! ! I !I • i