[to them, and later on the college1 and high school gymnasiums for basketball. Mrs. H. W. Morlan who heads the | junior hostess league here is re- ■ ■ cruiting and training young women t to assist in serving at the recreation | center, or at other local recrea-| tional functions for the soldiers, i Mrs. Morlan is also registering | / girls of Monmouth and its sur-| rounding communities who wish to • •¿M ìa attend local dances to be given for krtww ito*»». ■w»i the soldiers. The national USO I regulations govern this registra­ When other gifts have tion, admitting unmarried girls 18 been long discarded, or over, and excluding high school ! YOUR PHOTO­ girls. GRAPH will still be Church cooperation is active here also, with the Rev. Victor A. Bal- J treasured. lantyne, minister of the Evangeli­ cal church, as committee chairman. After all nothing is Mrs. F. E. Chambers is chairman so truly you as your of the recreation center project. photograph, especially Her assistants are Mrs. Paul Riley, Mrs. Clay Egleston, Roy Clarke, if it has been made in Ellis A. Stebbins, George Cooper our studio. and Clarence Grund. Residents of Monmouth wishing to entertain Let us help you sur­ soldiers in their homes will contact I Mrs. C. C. Powell, hospitality chair­ prise your friends at man. home. SUPPLIES MUST GO THRU is the watchword of the drivers bringing up food, water and ammunition The Elkins Woman’s club and ■or the troops in the desert battlelines. Enormous convoys of vehicles are needed for the job and tbey Farmers’ Union, Suver Community tore visible for miles from the air, but the British drivers proceed regardless of bombing. (This picture gives a driver’s-eye view of the bombing of a convoy. One bomb has just burst ahead and club, and other community organ­ others are whistling down behind and at the sides. If the driver stops for shelter, his truck becomes ton easier target and the supplies are delayed, if not destroyed. So, he zig-zags and keeps right oil izations have offered contributions. The Valley View Woman’s club which is disbanding because that Ball Bldg. be redecorated and furnished to committee heads here, offering area is absorbed by the cantonment, Corvallis meet USO requirements. The own­ helpful ways and means of coopera­ has offered its dishes to the Mon­ ers will donate one month’s rent tion with Monmouth in promoting mouth center. for cleaning, and retinting the the proposed local program. Monmouth’s Canteen corps has I walls. Formerly a high school athletic offered to equip the kitchen and A drive is on here to raise $500 coach in his native state, West Vir­ assist in serving whenever needed. for the local USO quota; and for an ginia, Captain Wimer believes that The Chamber of Commerce and additional $1500 to finance the pro­ basketball is the most played of Civic club are both contributing, I posed recreation center. Mrs. Clay all sports, and thought that many and other service organizations in Egelston who canvassed the busi­ recreation halls might well be town have expressed willingness ness section and Oregon College of turned into equipped basketball via their members to aid the proj­ Education last week reports col­ courts for soldiers. ect. Donations of furniture and _ lection of $500. Total figures on J. Alfred Cox, athletic coach at books, magazines and other equip- ‘ the residential and community con­ Oregon College of Education heads ment, offers of help in cleaning 'òhe Çi[t [ox Sex vice tributions has not been aggregated the physical activities’ committee and renovating the building, in fact yet, Fred J. Hill, chairman, said to­ of the recreation center here. He all sorts of promotional aid is , states that the Polk county fair­ coming in from all sectors of the s day. Friday night, July 17, Captain grounds located in Monmouth will city and community. Frank C. Wimer who heads the be available for softball, volleyball It might be of interest that Mon- j USO recreation and entertainment and similar games for soldiers’ par­ mouth with a population of 965 ’ setup at Camp Adair, spoke in­ ticipation; the college and high (1940 census) aided by its neigh­ formally to the recreation center school football fields will be opened boring section^ of farm population, sponsored a miscellaneous auction INCLUDI FEOEIAL TAX sale in 1918 for the Red Cross which PRICES 1 TME "YANKS’ IN IRELAND netted $2500 cash. Everything put ARE TEACHING! THE IRISH HO*w Wm. KONICK up for sale was donated by the TO MAKE JRISH STEW* people of this area, auctioneers Jeweler Est. 1913 donated their services; result was ' clear gain. When Monmouth folks Corner Second & Madison Sts. I get behind a project they're going Telephone 485, Corvallis j to put it over. They are anxious i to assist in every way possible to * make The soldiers' stay at Camp Adair a happy and profitable inter-