Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, July 23, 1942, Image 1

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Trust your cause.
Whatever is at­
tempted is never
well done unless
the doer breathes
himself into his
deed. - S. Parkes
Cam p Adair Sentry
Mounting Guard in and Around Camp Adair, Oregon
Vol- l.No. 14.
Corvallis Gets
Soldier Center
Down Town Church I
To Be Remodeled for
Recreational Activity
Camp Adair, Oregon, July 23,1942.
United States Band
To Appear in Concert
A United States army band of
about 30 pieces will visit Cor­
vallis and play a concert for the
citizens on the court house lawn
at 7:30 Friday evening, July
24. This concert has been ar­
ranged by Mayor H. W. Hand,
through the cooperation of the
commander of the troops sta­
tioned in the vicinity, and as an
expression of appreciation on
the part of the troops for the
friendship and hospitality that
has been extended to them by
the citizens of Corvallis.
Camp Command
Is Now on Post
Headquarters Offices
Are Established Here
In Permanent Homes
devoted to tha
Willamette Val­
leys share in
V r. c 1 e S a m 's
great w'ar effort.
$1.50 a Year by Mail
If you have a fellow-work­
man who is not getting his Camp
Adair Sentry regularly, let him
know that there is one printed
for everyone and that he prob­
ably can get one at his time
office, any of the canteens, or
in the reception room at the
Administration building.
Salem Soldier
Office Opened
Hostess Leaque and
U.S.O. Provide New
Information Center
If his time office does not
Vacating the third floor of the have the Sentry, anyone there
The Madison Street Methodist
Combining related activit' ;< of
church building, Fifth and Madison
Elks Temple, Corvallis, where tem­ can get copies necessary by ask­ the U.S.O. and the Hostess league,
streets, Corvallis, has been pur­
porary quarters have been occupied ing for them. Or address Box Salem has opened an office and
chased and will be remodeled im­
for several weeks. Camp» Adair 347, Corvallis.
information center for soldier« in
mediately for a recreational center
headquarters are now established on
the down-town business district for
for soldiers. It is the location in
the post. Headquarters of the {With i
the convenience of soldier visitors.
which “Harper Soldier center” is
division were established here last
The room is in the Senator Hotel
now operating. This basement
building, at 212 High street^ Mrs,
room has ben popular with the
Camp Adair headquarters, under
William Phillips is chairman of
soldiers, but will be closed dur­
command of Col. Gordon H. McCoy,
home hospitality and Mrs. Lowell
ing the remodeling operations on
I includes the service command as-
Kern is in charge of the H ><tess
the building.
I signed permanently to the camp.
lea gue.
Roy Zahren, Seattle, from the
This includes the various service
Comforts for Men in
Rufus Holman Is On
Mrs. James T Brand has accept­
regional office of the Federal
groups for the camp such as the
ed the responsibility of providing
Works agency, was in Corvallis
hospital, quartermaster corps, and
entertainment for officers' wives
Wednesday ironing out technicali­
Camp Adair Exchange. Other de­
who will come into the community
ties and obstacles incident to the
independence has opened a new to live.
Rufus Holman, junior U. S. sen­ partments include public relations,
purchase of the building and its re­ ator for Oregon, was a visitor at special services, intelligence, and soldiers’ recreation center. It is
Dances, parties, home enUr'ain-
modeling. The purchase, although Camp Adair Tuesday. He is on an heads of post activities such as the­ located just west of the telephone
ment and receptions arc planned
not entirely completed, is in the inspection trip here and said he aters, recreational activities and office and is being furnished and
by the organizations and the office
process of completion. Mr. Zahren would confer with camp authori­ all the life of the post outside regu­ fitted out for many kinds of recrc-
is now registering homes who will
said, and will include the property ties with a view to assisting them lar work hours.
ation for men in uniform. The invite soldiers out to dinner and
and its remodeling for recreational in any way he can. He believes in
same room accommodates the of- home functions, Soldiers will be
Telephone lines ail come through
use. Mr. Zahren's agency builds or getting his information first hand,
fice of the city service department
buys buildings for the purpose and he said, and was conducted through the camp exchange now and dial of the Independence chamber of invited through amp authorities.
acccpta/-4 for
| Rules in gen
system phones have been installed
then turns them over to the Fed- Camp Adair on his inspection.
commerce E. L. Gray, coordinator.
hdsteabur are
throughout the camp.
the registcrin
eral Securities agency which, in
Senator Holman was the speaker
A full time hostess will be in hPjng fo|V.w<
n §ahmi. Kiri« in
turn, passes them along to the at a chamber of commerce lunch-j C
in charge of the wide (.haI.g,.'(’,f the'
sot,n ami sol-'
list- wifi At avail­
I this member
’./s* mav*
operating agency.
eon in Corvallis before his visit to ' vni-iafv«
variety of ronin
camp l life
may nntr
now be
wj ... |j . we • ](.onu. at anv time
partner/ at. regu-
The operating agency for the Cor­ Camp Adair. He reported on his ' found on duty in offices at the j|r Qray saj<|- Writing facilities
dflnces, ifrhich will
vallis recreation building will be work in the senate and told how he camp headquai ters.
!anrf gamea will be available and larly schedu
>e times
the national organization of the had promoted better protection for I Moves to occupy the camp build- any information about the lnilc-1 probably he
' a weak, begin
k. The
l .____________ *
- .«
Y.W.C.A., according to H. W. Hand, . the
northwest country.
He will Ings are considerably ahead
of the pendency neighborhood will be'
girls will also he available for oth­
mayor of Corvallis, and a crew will leave shortly for an inspection of original time schedule and con­ available at any time.
er kinds of parties and entertain­
be organized here August 1, when, ^laska and the Aleutian islands on tractors and workers were con­
the manager will be here, accord­ an assignment of the military af- gratulated last week by Gen. James
Soldiers who visit Salem from
ing to present plans.
fairs committee of which he is a L. Bradley, commander of the 96th Albany Beats Its Goal
Adair may call at the new
Mr. Zahren was unable to tell member.
division to come here for training
office in the Senator Hotel build­
when the remodeling will be com­
as the first body of combat troops
pleted and the building ready for Engineers Knock Over
Far exceeding its quota of war ing for information of any sort
assigned to Camp Adair. In a let­
occupancy, but said he is here now
ter to Col. R. E. M. Des Islets, area 'bonds and stamps during its c< le-, they require. A general directory
to get work started and it will be Nine of Four Builders
engineer in charge of construction. bration of American Heroes day of the city and its entertainment
rushed through as soon as possible.
The Great Griffin finally took Gen. Bradley promised complete last Friday, Albany was pleased possibilities will be available at all
The choice of the Madison Street one on the chin last night when the 1 cooperation with the builders dur- with its showing, according to Vin times, the organization announces.
Methodist church building for the Engineers won a hot one 3 to 1. ing the remaining coastruction at Hurley, president of the Albany
Corvallis soldier center is the con- Griffin got into trouble in the the camp, giving construction work chamber of commerce.
Might Be Rivalry in
sumation of efforts on the part of fourth when he loaded the bases first place in plans and operations.
With a quota for the day of
Troop Training Work
local committees who have been and an infield ground ball scored
Water for everything but drink- $5000, more than $16,000 was sub­
working for some months. The the second run.
I ing has been supplied in the mains
There may be no question in
total cost of the building including
The only score by the builders of the camp from a special well was all counted- More than $20.000 1 Medford, but there may be a ques­
the remodeling will be $45,006.
was Pete Krueger's homer off Sgt. dug for the purpose, pending com-
Members of the church have 1 Thompson. a new twirler for the pletion of the regular camp water direct result of the day's effort. Mr. I tion here at mut the following news
I story which was on the'Associated
sacrificed greatly, Mayor Hand I
Hurley believes.
I Press ticker Tuesday:
says, in making the building avail­
“Gen. Charles H. Gerhardt told
able within the purchase price
! a group of officers and men at
available. With other properties
(Camp White that he 'proposes to
considered, this location is thought
make this new 91st division the
to be the most desirable and the
best the United States has ever
building is a good one with great
seen'.” The speech was at a cere­
possibilities. Mr. Hand believes.
mony organizing the new division.
“With the completion of the pro­
posed remodeling on this building,
Corvallis will have a recreation cen­
Library Offers Books
ter for the soldiers second to none
To Soldiers of Camp
in the state," Mayor Hand said
yesterday. “Members of the church
With special hours and service
have done a marvelous thing in
for soldiers, the Corvallis public
making this building available with­
library announces the following
in the limits allowed for the Cor­
open schedule: 1:3(1 to 6:00 week­
vallis center. The building is un- i
day afternoons, 7 to 9 o'clock in
doubtedly worth much more than I
the evenings. Sunday hours 3 to
the negotiated price and Corvallis !
6 afternoon and 7 to 10 o'clock
and the soldiers will have the church
to thank for the fine center which
Soldiers are invited to Use the li­
will be developed.”
brary, Mi-s Evelyn Krueger, li­
Remodeling plans include level­
brarian, announces. They may Use
ing of the floor in the auditorium
the reading room’ for resiling and
and the installation of «bower heads
and may lake books out
and all manner of recreation rooms,
after completing a form furnished
when completed, the building will
at the library desk Service to
provide as much floor «pace as any ;
soldiers front Camp Adair has been
class A building being built for the
considered by the library board for
purpose, Mr. Hand said.
some time and is planned in future
months while the camp ia m cupii I.
Some of the tent-houses at the
Smith-Hoffman and Wright camp
The concrete stack in the hos­
have been taken down for ship-j
Shown above are Mr«. Sena Patton, one of the women welding trainees, and Ralph Brendle.
pital area has been carried up *o
ment to the next j«* They knock
in«trector. demonstrating the a«e of an ozvgen-acetslene automatic ratting machine. Thi« is a part
its full height. Finishing work
down flat and are loaded on rail-j of the training received at the Corvallis Welding school The first woman to complete training here
• ill leave foe the shipyards this week, while five other women are now in training.
road cars.
U. S. Senator Visits
Camp Adair Tuesday
.Independence Opens
New Soldier Center