Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, July 16, 1942, Page 2, Image 2

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    July 16,1942.
Page Two
new outfit is here on patrol duty. SOME THINGS DONE WRONG
We asked Chief Devin if he would
Everybody makes mistakes. ...
, know it if such a thing were true. The Lord made Judas. Caesar
ia Isdspendeat weskly new «paper pub-
“If there were but one case made Cleopatra. Napoleon and
Uahed for the laboring and military per
•onnel of Camp Adair, Oregon, and its instead of 10, you bet we should Hitler made a march on Russia.
surrounding interests by the Camp Adair
know it,” Chief Devin said. “Cer­ Hirohito made a flight to Pearl
Sentry at Corvallis, Oregon.
Harbor and Fatty Arbuckle made
Mitor and Manager______ Don C. Wilton tain people would bounce down tin
F. O. Addraaa, Hex 347, Carrelli», Oregon. us hard if a case of rape were whoopee.
Phone 865 M
Some are just carelessness, when
even reported. I know of no ease
The Camp Adair Sentry ia circulated in Corvallis. We heard of an at­ the
perpetrator knows better.
free at Camp Adair and ia available to
•very workman employed there during tempted case out on the highway, Some are sincere mistakes in judg­
•on «true (ion. by persuasion of Lt. Col.
ment and some are actuated by
B. E. M ilea I«Jeta, C.S.A., area con­ but even that didn’t develop.”
struction engineer. Newa from the ramp
Spreading such rumors is close­ greed. Some mistakes are not mis­
area undergoes censorship prescribed by
area headquarters and ia available for ly akin to sabotage, since it is takes, but just pure cussedness.
Twenty-cent hamburgers, 10-cent
evident that it is meant to tear
flnbsrription by mail fl.50 a year or
down confidence and loyalty of a Coco Colas, 10-cent caddy bars and
for all months.
community. It is dangerous for 20-cent shoe shines for soldiers are
Advertising rates upon request.
Address all communications tt) “Camp the one who spreads the rumor, the latter but coupled with one or
Adair Sentry, CorraHia, Oregon.’*
too, since he might have a time more of the others. And they’re
backing it up.
In the same category is the Jew-
Don’t go glibly repeating such
In a few brief weeks, Camp rumors, any more than you would like gentile who whoops his rents,
Adair has been made ready to deliberately tell a military secret. ¡just because he mistakenly believes
receive part of its complement of
There may be cases of rape in he can get away with it. Has he
soldiers who will be with us here Corvallis and the other towns | ever heard about the old honker
during their training period, It around here. But they won't come who laid the precious metal? How
has l>een a fine accomplishment, in bunches of 10 and they will be long does he believe Uncle Sam
It continues to be fine work for so few and far between that pres­ and his army officers are going to
there is yet much to be done to ent percentages won’t be altered. sit idly by and take it? He’s a
complete the camp. But the first
The boys coming here to soldier I war profiteer just as completely
soldiers are here and we're glad for Uncle Sam are your boys and as if millions were involved.
Communities around Camp Adair
and proud that we have had a part my boys and they are just as mor­
in making the place ready for them. ally responsible as the boys who are clamoring for the business
Welcome to the soldiers. AU the come each year to the colleges in which will come to their merchants
effort and rain and heat and work our towns. They are the same boys. from camp workers and army offi­
and disagreeable mud and dust in
If our daughters are in danger, cers who bring their families along
construction here have pointed to we would better look to our daugh­ with them when they come here.
These communities would do well
the coming of the soldiers.
ters' background.
And if there is a case of rape to make a “survey” of their own
Workers may begin to feel the
side of the fence. It may need
pride in accomplishment because in your community, don't lay it to
some whitewash.
this forerunner of the vanguard the whole army. In a similar num­
lets us see over the top and com­ ber of men anywhere — even at a
We have a complaint from a
church convention — there will
pletion of the big job.
sergeant that all the rentals are
Here come the soldiers! God probably be a snack of dirt.
being held for officers. In his case,
bless 'em!
HOUSING PROBLEM ACUTE himself and a buddy, another ser­
geant, want to live in the same
In the towns surrounding Camp house and they say they can afford
There is a part of the popula- ' Adair, housing is almost finished, to pay as much rent as an officer.
tions of the towns surrounding according to reports from men who
Camp Adair which has been dis­ have been house-hunting. There
Full speed ahead on the water
gustingly unpatriotic, to put it are still some accommodations system.
mildly, in its reception of the camp. available in Salem, it is understood,
These separate groups — and they and the chamber of commerce there
are in all the towns hereabouts—- is doing everything it can to list
have knocked the idea of the camp these properties. Landlords have
ami have looked toward the skies j been lax in listing their rental
and repeated, “it will wreck the properties.
In Independence there are six
morals of our youth and spoil our
fine residential towns,” or words new little homes rising. Ross Nel­
Cherry Pickers Much
son, Independence and Monmouth
to that effect.
Now comes a rumor in Corvallis theater man, is building them.
In Demand at Present
— and we’ll have to guess from They are being built under the
where it comes — that there were
Cherry pickers are much in de-
10 rape cases in the college town could not be built were it not for
, mand now as a result of weather
during the past few days. Since
conditions, according to J. D. Wil­
The Sentry happened upon the Independence. Other towns in the
son, farm placement representa­
rumor in more than one hearing,
tive at the local U. S. employment
an investigation was made. The could be learned, no new homes for
service office, announcing orders
Sentry branded the statement as a
for 90 pickers in yards adjacent
damnable lie upon hearing it, but Independence.
to Albany.
Camp Adair workers who will be
we made sure.
Transportation will be furnished
Chief Charles Devin of the Cor­ leaving and who know now their
for 30 pickers wanted in a cherry
vallis police is authority for the approximate date of leaving, would
orchard near here if they report to
statement that there has been no confer a favor on house-hunters if
the employment service office.
rape case reported in the city of they would list this data with the
First and Ferry, at 7:30 o'elock
Corvallis since the camp construc­ chamber of commerce in their re­ tCednesday morning. In addition,
tion was begun, not to mention the spective communities. Apply the
30 pickers are wanted Wednesday
past few days when soldiers have Golden Rule. In this case it will
morning for a North Albany or-
been arriving at camp and when a be easy.
chard one mile from the city,
Another grower, seven miles north
of here, will furnish transporta-
tion for 30 pickers on Thursday
morning, starting from the em­
ployment office at 7:30. The grow­
ers' association this year set the
cherry picking pay at two cents
a pound.
At least 50 more berry pickers
are wanted for the Tennessee sec-
tion where red raspberries, biack-
Camp Adair Sentry
Albany Farm Help Is
Reported Hard fo Get
caps, Youngberries and Boysen­
berries are being gathered. Trucks
will pick up pickers at 6 a. m. from
Ninth and Ferry, Ninth and Ells­
worth, the employment office,
Santiam and Main and the Dick­
son store.
Although the situation is fairly
well in hand, there is still some
demand for hay and harvest
hands, particularly for men who
can run tractors and combines and
for sack sewers, said Mr. Wilson.
When you buy automobile or
truck insurance—
You Want
• Complete protection
Real service
Less cost
Corvallis Hotel
We Have It ‘
Golden Pheasant
Food Shop
The most for your money
in rooms and Good Food.
inter INSURANCE ooum
Opposite Both Banks
DisL Mgr., Phone 844
221 W. 1st, Albany, Or.
------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- >
Morris Optical Co.
Pr *
’ if S'
Sunday or Evenings, by
Appointment, If Not
Convenient Otherwise
444 State St., Salem
Phone 5528
Dr. Harry E. Morris
Quality Furniture
and Appliances
At Moderate Prices
260 State St
Over 50 Styles
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Introductory Special!
During Sale 98c
Perfect Cutting
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Puzzle: Find Elmer
Diamond's Rival
New Creations
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Look like real
• Guaranteed 5 Years
On Sale Friday . . . Lovely
Arabian Marquise Gems
These Marquise Gems look like real diamonds .... *’**•
their fiery brilliance .... their blue white dasxlmg beau
«nd their fin« cutting. Bring your diamonds and comp*r*
In order to make th« deadline for Geo Bradiez and his Mth
too Cadre Elmer, the camp tramp, got up early in the morn­
ing. aa you can plainly aeo.