Camp Adair Sentry 1 July 9, 1942. "■ Page Five Pro. Wrestling Has Debut in Ite Arena bers of the Corvallis post of the food and medical and dental treat­ American Legion took care of the ment provided by the government. business end of the show. Under the terms of the bill, the corps may be expanded to a total ’ of 150,000 women, if and when So/em Eagles Stage I necessary. General enrollment will 'Camp Adair' Night not begin until after an officer $100 Battle Royal Is and non-commissioned officer cadre I The fraternal order of Eagles has been trained, a matter of ap- I Booked for Next Week in Salem have set aside Tuesday Good tools carry a good maker’s name, such as Disston, proximately three months. Forma- j I night, July 14, as Camp Adah- tion of this officer cadre began at Adkins. Stanley, Lufkin. Zenith, Irwin, etc. That’s the More than 250 enthusiastic fans nigh‘ in honor of the new and old once. members now working on the can ­ saw three exciting professional The procedure of application and kind you get at— wrestling matches Wednesday night tonment. All members who can selection is as follows: at the Kirkham ice coliseum in come are asked to be there as it Officer candidates must be citi- I Corvallis, when Elton Owen, pro­ promises to be a large evening. zens of the United States, between I moter, brought the sport to Cor­ Besides the regular order of busi­ the ages of 21 and 45. They may be j vallis for the first time in several ness they are going to have a stag married or single. They must have I 330 West 1st St Albany, Ore. years. Mr. Owen refereed the show there from Portland. Those had at least a high school educa­ ( who have seen this show say it is matches. tion, be in good health and of ex- . Jim Lawson, local representative, the best yet. cellent character. This is an evening you can’t told the crowd that the new arena In order to secure a representa­ would be prettied up a little more afford to miss, so don’t forget the tive group of women from the en­ date — Tuesday, July 14. hereafter. He said work would be tire United States, recruiting is to , done on the parking grounds as be on a regional or corps area On a street car a man gave a basis. No applications sent to well as the accommodations inside, A battle royal, the winner of woman a seat. She fainted. On Washington can be given consider- which will rceive a $100 victory recovering, she thanked him. Then ation. bond, was announced as part of he fainted. Applications must be obtained. I in person, from the local recruit­ the card next Tuesday night. Per Roll of 8 Pictures ing station and when properly In the curtain-raiser. Kaiser and Women Will Be Part filled out, must be returned, in Olsen staged a fast, clever and Qf ^ rm rmy y Organization One-I)av Service Free Enlargement person of by mail, to the appro­ scientific match to a draw, each , * — • • • taking one fall and each fall taking j Organization of the Women’s priate main recruiting station. the same time, 12 minutes. The Army Auxiliary, which was author­ remaining six minutes was with-'¡zed when President Roosevelt out a fall. Olsen was announced as signed the bill for its creation. Pacific coast champion at 168 introduced by Representative Edith Opposite The Banks Funeral Home pounds. He made a statement be- Nourse Rogers of Mass., was be­ Corvallis. Oregon (Formerly Hollingsworth) tween falls that he was proud of gun immediately. The purpose of Corvallis Madison St. at Sth. Ph. 45 his title and would do all he could the corps, the first of its kind in to keep the game clean and out of | American military history, is to ■ V ♦ '■ ’................. "" a the alley fight class. “X. enlist women volunteers for mili- Bulldog Jackson, veteran of localjtary service with the army to re­ ring fights and well-known here place, and release for combat ser­ f and in Portland for years, took the vice enlisted men who are now per­ second match with two hammer­ forming certain non - combatant locks after his opponent. Tex Hag­ duties. er, took the first fall with a flying The corps, while not a component toe hold. Jackson showed his tra­ part of the army, is the only ditional not-in-the-rule-book tricks, women’s organization, except the among which he brought up a Army Nurse corps, authorized by handfull of dirt from the floor law to serve with the armed forces. after taking a dive out of the Units of the corps may be called ring. He smeared the dirt in Hag- upon to serve in zones of opera­ er’s eyes and face, leaving a mark tions. as well as in the continental like sandpaper. He was as un- United States; but only in non­ popular as ever. combat duties. It will not be used Ernie Piluso and Buck Davidson to replace the civil service staged the main bout at 180 pounds, ployees now working for the with Piluso taking the match after department. Davidson had taken the first fall Ultimately the corps will take with a Boston crab. Piluso was over the major part of the air- the favorite with Davidson show­ craft warning service, numerous ing a disposition to play outside army administrative duties and whatever other suitable tasks its the rules. An excellent card was promised members can fulfill. It will be for next Tuesday night, with the under military discipline, with uni­ battle royal as a feature. Mem- forms and insignia, living quarters, A GOOD JOB CALL FOR GOOD TOOLS WARNER HARDWARE CO Photo Finishing BERMAN'S DRUG STORE DeMoss-Britt ALL'THE Keep up with the world! Angel of the Rubber Drive • Foreign • National • Local • Sport All the news occurring up until 3 o'clock every afternoon appears in the Gazette-Times through Associated Press news coverage ... Local news. too. Stories about Camp Adair, the latest sport news—All in the Gazette- Times. ONLY 50* MONTH CORVALLIS Gazette-Times 3rd and Jefferson i Phone 391 *