Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, July 09, 1942, Image 1

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Trust your cause.
Whatever is at­
tempted is never
well done unless
the doer breathes
himself into his
deed. - S. Parkes
Camp Adair Sentry
Mounting Guard in and Around Camp Adair, Oregon
Vol. 1, No. 12.
Camp Adair, Oregon, July 9, 1942.
Col. G. H. McCoy!
Is In Command
He Commands
Artillery Officer Is
Grad, of Annapolis and
Veteran World War I
¡Salem Prepares
For Recreation
devoted to the
Willamette Val­
ley's share in
''title S a m 'a
great war effort.
$1.50 a Year by Mail
Major General and* Aide Here
Government Agency to
Publish Guide Used
To Find Way Around
Col. Gordon H. McCoy, artillery
Service men in Salem will soon
officer, is here in command of
Camp Adair. He is a graduate of
have a recreation center, now being
the Naval, academy at Annapolis, a
set up by the War Services ilivi-
veteran officer of World War I,
’ sion of the Works Progress admin­
has made the army his career and
istration. It will be planned ex­
is now in his fifties. His experi­
clusively for use of soldiers and
ence as an artillery officer covers
their convenience, according to Miss
a large portion of the world and
he conies to Camp Adair with a
1 Rachael B. Yocom who is in charge.
background of service in many
The building has been secured
but must be remodeled and reno­
Decorated with the Medal of
vated, and soldier recreation must
Military Merit by the Mexican gov­
be carried on outside of the center,
ernment. Col. McCoy served with
at least, for the coming week. For
distinction as military attache in
that reason, the office is publishing
Mexico City for three years ending
a service men’s garde to Salem, in
in January of this year. Since that
which will be given a list of places
time and until his assignment to
to see and things to do, with their
Camp Adair June 2, he served on
addresses and telephone numbers,
the P -.rd of Economic Warfare
in addition to other material.
in Washington. D. C.
“In the meantime,” Miss Yocom
A native of the Shenandoah val­
says, “Salem theaters offer you
ley in Virginia, Col. McCoy has
special prices, golf courses offer
been an artillery officer through­
free golf (with the exception of
out his army career. Since the
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)
World War I. in which he served as
with club rentals at 25 cents a day.
a captain and then as major, he
“Leslie, Olinger and the Y. M
—Photo Army Engineers
has been graduated from the Field
C. A. swimming pools offer you
Artillery school at Ft. Sill, the
free swimming. Both Leslie and
Command and General Staff school eran artillery officer who is in Olinger are open every day from
at Leavenworth and the Army War
ill o’clock in the morning until
was recently military attache*
college at Washington. D. C.
9 in the evening.
In France with the 91st division,
"Special parties may be arranged,
composed of troops from the north­
with or without girls between 9
west find California. Col. McCoy
and 10 o’clock in the evening by
saw front line service. During this
calling 63. The “Y” pool is avail­
—Photo Army Engineers
service, he became acquainted with
able at all times when classes are
Major General James L. Bradley (left) who is here to com­
Dr. J. N. Shaw of Corvallis, now
. not being held.”
mand 96th division during its sojourn at Camp Adair. With him is
head of veterinary medicine at
Any further information desired
Col. Hammond M. Monroe, chief of staff. The picture was taken
Oregon State college, when Dr.
by service men at present or after
at the administration building following a call on Col. lies Islets.
Shaw was veterinarian for the regi­
Chamber Will File All the bulletin ’a issued, can be ob­
ment to which Col. McCoy be­
tained by calling Miss Yocom at
Important Facilities
Salem 6311 or in the event of her Two Camp Teams Win
absence que stions will be answered
With Spanish at his command,
In Corvallis League
. .
Using mimeographed forms for by staff members, Miss Yocom
the colonel has seen service in the
Philippine Islands and the Panama the various classifications of ac­ says.
Cana) zone during peace time, in commodations, the Salem chamber
In two of the slowest and slop­
addition to his diplomatic assign­ of commerce has begun a system­ Albany Pool Free to
piest games of the present «< a-on
atic and detailed survey of ail the
ment at Mexico City.
■1 Builders won from the Soldiers
Col. McCoy was in Mexico City housing facilities offered in the Soldiers; 10c Others
17 to 9, and Smith-Hoffman and
Major Gen« ral Jame« L. Bradley
for a short time last month to see capital city. The data so collected
Wright beat the Lumbermen 17
wh<> is to command the 96’h In­
to the shipment of his personal and will be available at the chamber
The municipal swimming poo] in to R. The nightcap lasted until 11 fantry division at Camp Adair ar­
household goods. He arrived here office at all times to any who are Albany is free to soldiers, it was o’clock, straight up.
rived in Corvallis vesterdav.
for duty last week.
interested, C. C. Cochran, manager announced yesterday by H. C.
The Soldier team was a new one I He was born in Missouri in 1691.
He is accompanied here by Mrs. of the chamber, said.
(Sven) Johnson, coordinator, if to the league, a change having After attending the usual grade
McCoy and Beverly, daughter aged
Houses, flats, apartments, sleep­ they will bring their own towels been made in the area over last and high schools, he was at the
10. They are temporarily located ing rooms, house-keeping rooms. ’ and suit,
University of Missouri one year. He
at present and Col. McCoy says cottages, and board and room ac-
But a handful of spectators re­ then went to West Point where he
There is a charge of 10 cents to
graduated in 1914 living assigned
he has a home picked out in Cor­
(Continued on page 6.)
all civilians.
mained for the final out.
to the infantry.
vallis to be occupied when his ship­
He has had foreign service In
ment arrives from Mexico City.
Hawaii, Mexico and Puerto Rico.
Col. McCoy’s command here has
His domestic stations included the
been designated as the Corps Area
Texas border, Arizona, Montana,
Service command No. 1911. Thia
Illinois, New York, Georgia and
TAKE THOSE SALT TABLETS—Take t horse salt tablets several times a dav. Every
unit consists of officers and sol­
C alifomia.
time you take a drink. When you take a tablet, drink plenty of water. BI T don't
diers on permanent assignment (as
He is a graduate of the Infantry
drink ice water. Yon might crush the tablet with your fingers before you take it.
school, the Army War college and
far as it can he permanent) to
This will help it to dissolve more readily and will not be so likely to lay in a lump
an honor graduate of the Command
Camp Adair. Their functions will
in your stomach and make you ill.
and General Staff school. He wax
be the administration and conduct
also secretary and instructor at
IF YOU FEEL DIZZY or nauseated, get out of the sun—come down off the scaffold
of the camp.
the Infantry school and an in­
and take it easy before you collapse—drink some water—not ICE WATER—and
Separate divisions will be quar­
structor at the Command and Gen­
tered here during their training
eral Staff school.
periods and will be under separate
Upon activation of the Fourth
IF YOU FEEL EXTREMELY HOT and your head a chew—get into the shade—rome
command. After training, they will
army. General Bradley, who was
down off the scaffold—run water over the back of your neck and on your wrists
G-3 (training and operation officer)
be moved wherever needed and new
and take it easy before you collapse.
of the Ninth Corps Area, became
ones are expected to come in for a
I G-3 of the army. He was afterwards
like training.
made Deputy Chief of Staff and
shade—disrobe him—get some water handv and SEND FOR THE AMBULANCE.
then Chief of Staff of the Fourth
Water Is Now Flowing
Army and Western Defense Com­
mand. holding the latter position
In Hospital System
he was given command of the
•6th Infantry division.
Water was turned into the mains
General Bradley is married and
of the hospital unit last week end.
has one daughter who has b*-on
The above iastrbctHsn« are .briefly, those for preventing and field treating HEAT EX­
The supply for this separate
HAUSTION and SUNSTROKE. Both of these renditions are dangerous and .hould not he treated
graduated from the University of
unit comes from springs and a
by any except experieswEd persona. We have a fine wrdiral set-ap here and they are prepared both
California He and Mrs Bradl* y
rs a e r voir located on the hill west
with xperienee and with equipment. DON’T GET IN THE WAY.
are living at Seventh ami Adams
of the hospital.
Salem to List Rental
Properties in Detail
Genera| RradlCY
Arrives Monday
For Army Duties