Leiter From Alaska Hints at Good News Vivid Contrast Between Old and New Featured During Rubber Campaign Col. Des Islets Home From Portland Hospital >■ Col. R. E. M. Des Islets is at home recuperating from an ap­ pendectomy performed last week at St. Vincent’s hospital in Port­ land. Col. Des Islets hopes to be back | on the job at camp within a few i days. Fother of Boy Is on Job of Comp Adair Th« following letter, giv-n to for publication by a man whose identity must lie kept secret, obvi­ ously, is both interesting and heart­ ening. It is a letter from a son to a father. The son is in the service in Alaska, and the father is em­ ployed here at Camp Adair, June 20,1942. Dear Jim:— Am till "down the line” from my former residence where our gang “slipped the rough end of the cob” to the fanatic followers of Hirohito. Col. ■■ personally shoved it in, ably assisted by the rest of his “gang,” I personally have no doubts whatevr r as to the immunity of North America—Northwest Amer­ ica, at least—from any aggressive moves of the Jap. They paid dearly for what little damage they did perform at Dutch Harbor. They’re still wondering just “where in the hell we came from!” Am very glad you saw the Cadles and hope you see them often (A. R. Cadle family of Dallas, whose son was among the missing). Dean Cadle is in my memory, one of my closest nnd most highly regarded friends, lie has been missing for three weeks and is in all probabil­ ity, lost. Your letter sounded as though his family was in total ig­ norance of that information. (I purposely omitted telling my son of their notice- father.) You know, we didn’t exactly have a tea-party up h ere. Some of our best men were lost. All the news broad­ casts 1 heard seemed very authen tic. so you must have some pictui of the goings on. When I see you, of course I’ll be able to tell you a little more of that information. I think I’ve given you most of the information I have at hand now. Losing my best friend was quite a blow to me, but one has to face those things along with the brighter events of life, and particu­ larly now, without losing .stride. I will write Mr. Cadle soon. Keep the “home front" well etered - may see you in a months, One Irishman here marked, "I didn’t realise damned much I did want to live. ’til I aw those tracer bullets com­ ing at me.” Not bad, eh? George. Camp Adair Sentry July 2, 1942. Paye Six Naval Regulations Sent Coast Cities Regulations governing the dim- out of Oregon's coast, ordered by the navy, were sent today by the state defense council to all coastal county defense councils. The regulations said that if a HERMAN'S MEN S STORE For Your Convenience Open Friday Nite (July 3rd) HERMAN'S MEN'S STORE Corvallis The First National Bank of Monmouth Complete Banking Service Safe Deposit Boxes A GOOD JOB The drive for old rubber to help win the war hai attracted many curious contributions This picture features the vivid contrast of the old end the new in rubber tires, with Adele Roberts coasting up to a giant eeven-foot “earth mover’’ tiro at a service station participating in the great driva. Contributions of all kinds have gone to make this ont al the greatest collections in the history of the country. person can see the sea at night from any light source, then the light also is visible from the sea, and must be dimmed or extin- guished. Street and highway lights visible from the sea must be shielded so that no light is directed upwards, while the same rule applies to ad­ vertising signs, commercial flood­ lighting, display lighting amusement places. A CALL FOR GOOD TOOLS Good tools carry a good maker’s name, such as Disston, Adkins. Stanley, Lufkin, Zenith, Irwin, etc. That’s the kind you get at— r WARNER HARDWARE CO 330 West 1st St. Albany, Ore, To you- who want a better car than the one that you now own, come to Rickard's Garage 2nd & Van Buren, Corvallis, Ore We have some very nice late model cars, all in top condition and ready to go. 1940 1940 1937 1937 1937 1934 1937 1938 COMMANDANT Buick Special Sedan—Heater ............. «985.00 Buick Super Sedan—Heater. Radio «1065.00 Buick Special Sedan—Heater. Radio «585.00 Eord 60 Tudor Sedan .......................... «345.00 Nash-I^fayette Sedan—Heater. Radio «545.00 Studebaker 6 Sedan ..... • «225.00 Willys Sedan—A REAL BUY ............ «245.00 Willys Coupe .. «335.00 ALL THESE CARS HAVE 80'. AND BETTER TIRES Colonel I ton C. Faith, Infan­ try, «ho » ill direct the traininc of women officers at Fort Dea Maine«, ia a native of Indiana ■ nd entered the Army in 1*17. He ha« seen service in China and the Philippine« and ha« «ide ex­ perience a* plans and training officer. He leave» the |>oat of executive officer at the opera­ tions division af the Service« of Snpplv in Washington to take up hia work with the Women’s Army Aaxibarv Corps. Photo Finishing c Per Roll of 8 Pictures Ere* Enlargement One-Day Service BERMAN S DRUG STORE Opposite The Hanks ('orvaUK Oregon HOGG BROS for Quality Furniture and Appliances At Moderate Prices Terms 260 State St. Salem