Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, July 02, 1942, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page Four
July 2, 1942.
Eugene Engineer Here
On Water System Work
Walter Moore, water board en­
gineer of Eugene, is assisting
with the construction of the Camp
Adair water system.
Hydraulics engineers from Ore­
gon State college have also been
brought in to help in this work.
Corvallis Canvassing
Town in U.S.O. Drive
The Corvalilis U.S.O. drive for
funds has been launched in the
city by Sydney E. Trask, chairman
and his committeemen. The Cor­
vallis quota is $4000.
An effort will be made to con­
tact Camp Adair workers, Mr.
Trask said, as soon as 'the city
drive is over.
For Sale
The Sampson electric fan pro­
vides healthy atmosphere for
your rooms in the warmest
weather. The large blades in­
sure good circulation, a solid
base will prevent its toppling
and the heavy guard around
the blades guarantees safe
Buy Yourself
Some Breeze
DeMoss* Britt
Funeral Home
(Formerly Hollingsworth)
Madison St. at Sth.
Ph. 45
__________ _________ J
The above map of Oregon
shows the
War Sailors, Marines and Airmen are on every front.
i Bond quotas, by counties, for the month of July, They are giving 100 percent for their country.
1342. Total War Bond quota for the state is
SR.865.000. With the National quota total placed
at a billion dollars, the nation goes into high gear
in its support of the War financing and to give our
fighting forces adequate implements of war which
will bring ultimate Victory. American Soldiers,
Power Company Holds
Election of Officers
At a meeting of the board of
directors of the Mountain States
Power company held June 25, at
the offices of the company in
Albany, the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year:
Z. E. Merrill, president; W. L.
Fitzpatrick, vice president and sec­
retary; A. W. Trimble, vice presi­
dent and treasurer; John Ford, as-
What are we doing here on the home front? Are
we lending at least ten percent of income to help
them? It's very little. But to fight this war suc­
cessfully our country needs a billion dollars in
War Bonds every month from us—the People.
Let's Go, America.
U.S. Ircuarf
distant secretary; J. J. Madden,
assistant secretary; B. E. Lee, as­
sistant treasurer; P. A. Lehmkuhl,
assistant treasurer.
The following directors were
present for the meeting:
E. R. Bryson, Eugene; Ben F.
Dorris, Springfield; N. E. Irvine,
Lebanon; W. D. Johnston, Casper,
Wyoming; Z. E. Merrill, Albany;
Fred C. Kellogg, Madison, Wiscon­
sin; E. W. Williamson, Albany.
Due to illness, B. E. Lee, vice
president and treasurer of the com-
Frasier Hunt (left), wer correspondent, and Carmin Campanella,
blind war worker.
OW the blind are helping to win come to us tn barrels and we sepa­
the war waa the stirring aub- rate them into tbelr varioua typee
*je«t aa told to rmster Hunt, noted
and ataea It la because blind people
■war <orrwopoadent and CBS nowa have such sensitive Angers that
analyiat. by Carwin Campanella, a they are able to do this work better
young man who waa born blind than a man who can see.
i suipanella ta pictured above sort
"Women at the blind headquar­
ing rivets foe bombers aa Craalor ters are doing their share In knit­
Hunt looks on at the l-ighthouoe. ting for the soldiers." said Cam­
New York Aaooetatlon for the Blind panella. "Many of them are taking
I These rivets were formerly courses In Bist aid. Blind men are
sweeptnno tn airplane factories, but also working in aircraft plants
now due to the ebortage of slumi where they operate bearing and
' n>-m they are collecled and shipped slotting machines." continued Cam­
' to the Blind Headquarters tor sort panella. "there are blind men All­
ing Navy contrasts aa cable strip­
There are about ?<>•Odd rivets ping and cable covering operators
«sed la the manufacture of a single and there are also dictaphone
bomber.'* said Campanella, "and secretaries working tn a sound­
there are about Afty sisee and detecting manufacturing company
types. These swept up rivet, which and in a company making aeachtpo
beep been dropped by wort mea. I gun parts"
pany since April, 1940, tendered his
resignation to the above office sub­
ject to the pleasure of the board
of directors. In accepting Mr. Lee's
resignation, the board elected A.
W. Trimble, assistant treasurer, to
the office of vice president and
treasurer, and also retained Mr.
Lee as assistant treasurer.
Eyes Examined
Glasses Fitted
By Appointment
Phone 470 or 440-J
Corvallis — Ball Bldg.
Appliance Co.
Our new * location, e 219 S. 2nd.
Managing for Victory
Is College Offering
An adult education class with i
discussions centering in ways in
which homemakers can patriotical­
ly manage their households, is to
be opened soon for the women of
Corvallis and surrounding towns
The first meeting will be held on
Tuesday, July 7, and the classes
will continue each Tuesday and
Thursday afternoon until July 2:1.
The time is from 2 to 3:30 o’clock
and the place is room 122 of the
home economics building on the
Oregon State college campus. Mrs.
Mildred Wrigley Wood of Phoenix.
Arix., nationally known in adult
education, will lead the group.
Reserve a place for yourself in
this class by calling College 620,
Campus 122, between the hours of j
8 to 12 or 1 to 4 o'clock.
Come and be a “Victory Plan­
to get the best service
from your Electrical Appliances
M»a» Electrical Dealers in this territory maintain
efficient service departments . . . skilled techni­
cians ... to keep "Electrical Servants" in proper
working order. So. despite shortages of new appli­
ances. Electrical Dealers are helping every home­
First Church of Christ. Scientist
Van Buren and Sixteenth Streets
Services are held every Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock, and Wed­
nesday evening at 8 o'clock. The !
Wednesday evening meeting in- i
eludes testimonies of healing in |
Christian Science. Sunday School
convenes at 9:30. The reading room
is located at 232 South Second St­
and is open week days from 10
to 5.
For Poison Oak
maker save work, time, food, money and health . • •
by keeping their present equipment in iBcisfactory
Of coarse. Electrical Appliances are
prvessson made and seldom oaed rw
But when they do. Electrical
Dealers are prepared to serve you weU.
M ountain S tates P ower C omfany
Over 5000 bottles sold. Guar­
anteed treatment for poison
oak relief. 50c bottle by mail
Hl'RLET*S naves. Albany
A Self-Supporting, Tax-Paying. Private Enterprise
rectal dUaedera aaeceeafuüy
treated the ambulant way.
Plmem 414-W
"e serve the cities and rural territory
surrounding Camp Adair.