Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, July 02, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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July 2, 1942.
I Co/. Shuman Is
Colonel's Column
and chariot races. The Brahmin
bulls and wild bucking horses will
offer daring cowboys plenty of
opportunity for winning cash
prizes, and in addition, there will
be many rodeo attractions. The
daily program starts at 10:30 a. m.
and the directors promise one of
the best shows ever staged in west­
ern Oregon.
No Military Secrets
Get Away From Fatty
“Serve in Silence.” “Keep Your
I.ip 7-ipped" and all the other war­
time mottoes designed to combat
loose talk mean something to Pri­
vate Fatty Gonda, of Cochran
Gield, Ga. The other day a visiting
captain observed Private Gonda at
work on an airplane motor. He
walked up and questioned the sol­
dier, asking him if he knew exactly
what makes an airplane run.
Private Gonda reckoned he did,
so the captain asked him for an
“You see this little cover sir?”
Private Gonda began, “Well, that
is the gas tank cover, Now please
follow me to the back of the engine,
sir. See that hole there? That’s
th« exhaust stack. And confiden­
tially. sir, what goes on between
those two holes is a military
'Rough Army' Cannot
Spoil Early Training
A new era in military politeness
apparently has been instituted at
Camp Berkeley, Tex. One up-and-
coming private, so the story goes,
was leading morning calisthenics
In a burst of conviviality came his
“Arms forward, raise, please
fellows!” The only comment, off­
ered by an interested but dubious
sergeant: "He forgot to thank
July 4 and 5 at
The Main Corner in Corvallis
C H l lì R A11
Meets Every
At The Corvallis
Moose Temple
Every Occasion
(Conttnnea Trom page 1)
He had a round of inspections cut
out for himself and his assistants
and is prepared to buckle down to
hard work as soon as the post hos­
pital is ready for occupancy.
Gifts and
Greeting Cards
To the Editor.
All the latest
styles to choose
>1.25 Weekly
Corl's Book Shop
Madison at Fifth
3rd & Jackson
WHERE you can still get a GOOD u.»ed car.
Initials set in a $
lovely stone and
“ —
gold mounting.
»1.25 Weekly
Horsemanship of All
Varieties Is on Bill
(Continued from page 2)
anywhere near there by airplane.
For Young and Old
You may have read, some half
I dozen years ago, of a dentist from
at the
la small Minnesota town, with three
.companions, who went there hunt-
| ing. were lost for five days in the
'timber, seeing nothing but inches
We have to have a few tents
of blue sky 600 feet above, until around or this wouldn’t be a camp.
days later they wandered into a
ranger’s cabin. Canada sent planes r
for searching parties which were
useless in that country.
Although I am not the same
political party as Governor Lang­
Dances each night, mounted
er. I have very much enjoyed the
parade each day. lots of wild
Associated Gas—Oil
interesting “picnic” speeches he
horses and Brahmin bulls,
made at Wahpeton and Lidger­
races and arena events.........
A Complete Stock Of
wood. North Dakota. But northern
Handsome cowboys and pret­
Alberta ... “a prairie state!”
ty cow girls ... Bring picnic
My brother has sent me a map
lunch if desired.
from “The Peace River Gazette,”
showing where this road will travel
and he also has had experience as
a construction engineer, and in his
opinion it is the logical road to
build. Not because of the wonder­
ful opportunity for the people of
that country to make a better liv­
ing. but because the road is just
inland from the coast far enough
to safeguard it .... and just far
enough east to make it the shortest
speediest route to build. Also
there is already some road built
through here which can be joined
up in conection with the road now
being built.
Also, don’t worry about the scenic
beauty for tourists. There's plenty.
Thrilling, too. Yeah, they are apt
to be speechless when passing over
that road in their cars ... and not
from scenery either. .., “Prairie
,, v >,AWWAW,%\W1\W.,.Y>\WA,.\\‘AWAYAY>'’.* ì
This now, is a hunter's paradise
—moose, deer, etc. Incidentally, I
have the head of a "killer moose”
mounted up there in a mountain
cabin waiting for me, and what is
more important to a good sports­
man, the distance between the two
antlers, tip to tip, measures exact­
ly 52 inches. It has only been wait­
ing there for me the past five
years. Why don’t I get it? Weil,
9th St ]
Patriotic Ceremony
Planned at Round-Up
Celebrations in western Oregon .
are scarce this year but the Caia- \
pooia Round-up will open its 26th I
annual program on July 4 st Craw- I
fordsville. A feature of this year's '
round-up will be the patriotic salute '
to Old Glory following the grand i
mounted parade at 1:40 p. m. Sev-'
eral hundred cowboys and cowgirls, i
together with the Lane county!
mount® guard and the governor'« .
posse from Salem will be massed
for this patriotic display.
Arena events promise plenty of .
thrills and there will be 10 racing ,
events each day, including Roman
there’s hope now, God speed the
“American Burma road.” Don’t
interfere. Help it along quickly.
Our boys in Alaska need it badly.
My moose head can wait, and for­
ever if need be. But help this
present road get going .... and
don't, please don’t, say either that
it's going through “central Can­
i New Medical Officer
Col. R. E. M. Desistete
»Written in bed.)
I skipped writing you last week
because of the need of having a
minor alteration of my innards—
—eliminating an
appendix, to be
exact. However,
you can’t keep a
good man down,
so I’m “on my
feet” again after
a short count. If
I duck at the
right time from
now on, it looks
like a cinch from
C*l. Dttlllett
here out.
All joking aside, tho’, it takes a
sickness or similar difficulty to
demonstrate the friendships one
has accumulated. In my case, I
was inundated with flowers from
everyone, books and cards, with
many happy get-well thoughts. Ali
these gave me much to think about
and caused me to be thankful for
my host of friends. They even
made me feel as though I'd better
get back home early so I could
respect the doctor’s order of “not
too many visitors.”
Anyhoo, it was good to be able
to lie there and think of one’s many
friends, and the many nice things
they had done at various times.
I want to take this opportunity
to thank all of you for your very
thoughtful cards, flowers, etc., and
to tell you that each and every one
was deeply appreciated.
We’re still vulnerable to careless
fires in the area, and we all must
be super-careful and super-watch­
ful. Of course, the best way is to
prevent fires starting — then you
never have to fight them. Only
recently there was a fire set among
some cantonment buildings in the
eastern section of the state, or
thereabouts. There was a total loss
of about 20 buildings—irreplace­
able lumber, hardware and equip­
ment gone up in flames. This is a
tough problem with priorities and
supply as they are. But think of
the lousy type of man who would
set a fire at a time when our coun­
try needs help as she does today!
That is a louse like those eight
the F.B.I picked up in the east
this week. That is the type of men
who, willing to disembowel this
country, should be shot to death
instantly upon being captured. No
mercy should be shown.
We don’t think we have any like
them on the job, but we can't ever
le sure of anything, so we must be
alert at all times for the safety of
our job from the demon FIRE,
Keep your eyes open for suspi-
cious persons.
Again, glad to be back — be
seeing you. In the mean time, keep
punching—somegody’s got to drop
if you keep punching!
Lt. Col., Corps of Engineers,
Area Engineer.
Tage Three'
Ix»vely carved
cameo in beautiful “W
engraved mounting
»1.25 Weekly
Matching heart« S •
in bracelet and
“ —
»1.25 Weekly
Open Evenings and Sunday.«
ro r snun
Salem'« leading
Jeweler« and Optician«
J ■