Camp Adair sentry. (Camp Adair, Or.) 1942-1944, July 02, 1942, Image 1

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Trust your causa.
Whatever is at­
tempted is never
well done unless
the doer breathes
himself into his
deed. - S. Parkes
Camp Adair Sentry
Mounting Guard in and Around Camp Adair, Oregon
Vol. 1, No. 11.
Saturday Shifts
To Work on 4th
Stores in Towns All
Around Camp to Close,
But Be Open Friday
Camp Adair, Oregon, July 2,1942.
Any Camp Adair employee
who will be vacating a house in
the area surrounding camp with­
in the next few days or weeks,
may assist authorities in their
work on the housing problem if
they will notify the chamber of
commerce in the town in w’hich
they have been living. The date
of vacating should be given.
There are many officers want­
ing accommodations for their
families and this matter of no­
tification will help the thing
along. You are asked to apply
the Golden Rule in case you are
going to vacate soon. Thanks.
Highway Labor
Crews Take Afternoon
Off While Camp Adair
Traffic Is Heaviest
i^Ukly journal
devoted to ths
Willamette Val­
ley’s share in
Uncle S a m ’•
great war effort.
$1.50 a Year by Mail
Although there will be excep­
tions, the general rule in the
towns around Camp Adair will
be closed stores. Most plan to
remain open late Friday night
for the accommodation of Camp
Adair workers, so stock up for
the double holiday Friday night.
It was impossible for The
Sentry to make a complete can.
vas of the territory, but it was
found that most stores have
agreed to close, Chamber of
commerce groups will all close.
Individualistic store owners,
probably in all of the towns,
will be open at least a part of
the day.
Col. Shuman Is
New Med.Off icer
Veteran of A.E.F. Is
Here to Assist Col.
MacCallum's Group
Lt. Col. John W. Shuman, Sr.,
Work is going forward on the
Fourth of July holiday will be
arrived at Camp Adair last week
highwaj’s on east and west sides
celebrated at Camp Adair by only j
from Camp Lockett, Calif., and will
of Camp Adair and some slowing
those who have completed their (
of traffic has been the result. Grad­
serve here as chief medical officer
week schedule of work, is the word .
ing is in progress at both jobs and
at the station hospital with Col.
from the office of Capt. J. C. Her­
MacCallum. Col. Shuman was post
there remains much more to be
ron, acting area engineer.
surgeon at Camp Lockett.
“There are no holidays any more
Col. Shuman’s experience as a
On the west side the crews are
for defense wprkers,” Capt. Herron
medico has been varied. It has been
working 11 hours a day. In order
told The Sentry on the telephone
interspersed with army service
to interfere as little as possible
Wednesday. With the camp needed
since he joined the Iowa Naitonal
with Camp Adair traffic, the shift
as soon as possible for troops and
Guard at the tender age of 15. He
is split at 4 o’clock in the after­
with much more work to be done
noon until 6 o’clock. Then the crews
.was born in Washington, la., in
until the buildings may be occu­
return and work until 9 o’clock,
1885 and got his early education
pied, every effort will be made to
leaving the highway clear of con­
in that state. He took an A. B.
carry through with every minute of
work from 4 to 6 o’clock
degree from Geneva college, and
work available.
Bride Is Daughter of struction
during the rush hour after shift at
was later given an honorary de­
Those off shift who desire re­
Legion Sponsor for
Camp Contractor
the camp.
gree of Dr. of Sc. at this college.
laxation will go to Independence,
Weekly Tuesday Card His medical education was at the
There have been at least two
Salem and to the Calapooia Round-
University of Pittsburg, where he
Up at Crawfordsville for program
Capt. J. C. Herron, acting area serious accidents along this stretch
celebrations in the neighborhood engineer at Camp Adair, was mar­ of construction work, caused, engi­
Professional wrestling for Cor­ participated in glee club, football,
of Camp Adair. Many will plan to ried Saturday to Miss Marian Mc­ neers say, by excessive speed. They vallis for the summer months was basketball and truck on the varsity
go to the famous Oregon beaches Dougall. daughter of Matt Mc­ ask that all driving the road use announced yesterday by John squads. His internship was served
for the week end, though it is ad­ Dougall. one of the contractors at due caution and care and forget Bauer, American Legion commit­ at the Presbyterian Alleghany Gen­
visable to have reservations in case Camp Adair. The ceremony was the hurry for a time.
teeman. The Corvallis Legion post eral hospital in Pittsburg.
Before the other war, Col. Shu­
of an overnight trip.
read at St. Mary’s cathedral in
will sponsor the program and El­
practiced medicine in Sioux
At Independence there is planned Portland.
ton Owen of Eugene will tie pro­
an old-fashioned celebration, with
Capt. Herron was assigned to
moter. Some of the world’s out­ City, la., specializing in internal
parades, speeches, athletic events Camp Adair about May 1 as con­
standing light heavy-weight wrest­ medicine and consultation until he
with prizes and the Browning sultant on mechanical engineering
lers are promised for the cards to was commissioned a captain June
Amusement company, carnival rides features of construction. He was
15, 1917. He served overseas a year
and attractions.
formerly connected with the en­
I The first card will be Tuesday during which time he was promoted
At Salem, the program will be at gineering department of the Ore­
night, July 7, at 8:30 o’clock. The to majrf Hv had front line service
Evening Run to Carry ' i main
the fair grounds, beginning with a gon state highway commission and
event will be between Ernie in the Vimy sector for six weeks,
big soldier dance Friday night.
more recently engineered * Oregon
Army Men Into Town ! Piluso and Buck Davidson, the including some valuable experience
The Calapooia Round-Up will of­ hydro-electric projects. He was on
1 semi-final will be Jackson vs. in surgery.
fer three days of old west with the engineering staffs during the
Following the war, during 1922-3,
Changes in bus schedules from ’ Hager, and a curtain-raiser between further overseas service saw Col.
wild steers, bucking apd roping, construction of the Sellwood and
races and special patriotic events. Broadway bridges in Portland. His (Corvallis to Camp Adair are con­
The Corvallis boxing commis­ Shuman as professor of medicine at
Crawfordsville, scene of this cele­ experience as a civilian include templated including elimination of sion will run the programs.
the University of Beirut, Seria.
bration, is west and somewhat power and heat engineering in some runs and addition of others
He retained membership in the
south of Camp Adair. To reach it mines and public buildings and fed­ to accommodate evening “liberty”
medical reserve corps of the U. S.
most easily, take the Albany-Eu- eral steel erection including towers for soldiers now at the camp. Dean Griffin Wins Another
army and upon his return to the
gene highway south from Albany
B.mnevUle“elec- Dorsey, owner of the Dorsey Bus For 4 Builders Club
States, he practiced in Ix»s An­
and turn east at Halsey through] tricity. His professional training service said yesterday.
geles. where he has resided until
The 7:55 morning run will be
Brownsville and on up the beauti- was at the University of Washing­
Fopr Builders held their edge the present cal).
tuken off after Friday of this week. last night in the nightcap when
ful river to the grounds.
At the College of Medical Evan­
ton and Columbia university.
This run has not been used ex­ they beat the Engineers 5
Stores in all the towns around
Los Angeles, Col. Shuman
Capt. Herron has been area en­
Camp Adair plan to close Satur- gineer during the hospitalization of tensively and those using it have Street’s score, after two stolen was associate professor of medi­
day. This is not a complete report. Col. R. E. M. Dea Islets, who sub- been notified of the change. It was bases and a hit, was the first cine. He was also senior attending
a run established by the Oregon earned run off Griffin in three I physician at the Los Angeles coun­
since some stores will remain open, mitted
to an apendectomy last
stages, and has not been popular games of league play. Griffin ty hospital and medical consultant
The Sentry finds, but the towns week.
from the start, Mr. Dorsey says.
generally will be closed. Most of
struck out 19 in last night’s fracas at the U. S. Veterans' hospital
Mrs. Herron has been known
Evening run to and from the to a capacity crowd.
them will be open late Friday
there He was promoted to Lt. Col.
about Camp Adair as a member of
camp will continue. The evening
night, to accommodate Camp Adair
in the Medical Reserve in 1932, and
the Matt McDougall family and
bus will leave Corvallis at 4 o'clock Peters’ three-bagger off Griffin in having kept up his reserve corps
her brother. Jack, is associated with
and leave the camp at 6 o’clock. the sixth, but he had no chance contacts, was called into active
his father in the job here. She has
This bus will go to the tent camp to score.
service September 22, 1941, and or­
a record in the northwest as a
of the soldiers to pick up those
The Soldiers whipped up to lieat dered to Ft. Ord.
golfer, having won the northwest
who want to go into Corvallis for
There are three children in the
the Lumbermen 14 to 2 in the
championship five times and the
the evening. The time of the return
Shuman family. Jeanne, only
opening game of the evening.
Oregon championship several times.
run tc camp has not been settled
daughter, is the fiancee of an army
Bridesmaids at the wedding were
u yet. but Mr. Dorsey says it will
officer who is now in an eastern
Miss Elizabeth Finn, of Seattle,
be on a schedule to provide getting Corvallis Softball
camp. John W. Shuman, Jr., is
Will Ask for 200 to
the boys back to camp by their League Standing Given
flight surgeon as a first lienten-
law. Capt Herron’s brother, Lee
dead line.
Be at Fair Pavilion
ant with the U. S. army now in
Herron, was best man.
India. Richard D. Shuman, is a cap­
league Standings
The Herrons are established in
W. L. Pct. tain in the Veterinary corps arid ia
Salem will entertain the soldiers the Paul house on Country Club Work Starts on New
5 1 .833 stationed at Reno, Nev. He was
again at a big dance Friday night. Way near Corvallis. Capt. Herron
Laundries ................
4 3 .571 formerly director of the laboratory
under the direction of the hospital­ expects to continue his responsi­ Air Base Buildings
■ SHW Builders
4 3 .571 of the Oregon Bureau of Animal
ity committee of which Dr. Harry bility as area engineer until Col.
2 3 .400 Industry and worked here from
E Morris is chairman.
Des Islets is able to again assume
4 -3X3 1938 until his call into the service
Work started this week on build­ Soldiers
The dance will be held in the his duties.
4 .200 May 15, 1941,
ings at the Corvallis air base. ac- Lumber Co.
dance pavilion on the state fair
M«nda> Night's Resalt»
Mrs. Shuman lives at Santa Mon­
cording to Donald Hout, Corvallis |
grounds, and Dr. Morris said he
Rubber Drive Dates
ica. Calif. Although Col. Shuman
Laundries 10, Soldiers 9.
city councilman, who has headed
was going to ask Col. Ferch for
has not yet located a house, he has
Pepsi-Col« ». SHW Builders 4.
Include 10 Days More
the city’s committee in promoting
200 soldier» from Camp Adair.
The second round of softball be­ wired Mrs. Shuman that she may
the project.
"We have been having dances
The drive for scrap rubber ha«
Much of the building went to Mr. gan last night with two whirlwind coms on up here if she wishes, be­
for months for soldiers quartered
in Salem and those going through.’' been extended to include 10 days Lovering, of the Camp Adair firm contests played before a large cause he has room for her in his
Dr. Morns said, "and we have al­ more, by order of President Roose­ of Halvaraen. Lovering and Sift- crowd and culminating in victories quarters st the Hotel Benton in
ways had more girls in attendance velt. thus making it carry' on ten, Mr. Hout said.
I by the Pepsi-Cola team over the Corvallis. Both the colonel end Mrs.
than soldiers. Our girls are turn- through July 10.
A branch identification office Smith-Hoffman-Wright outfit by a Shuman do not require much in the
The extension was mad«* neees- for laborers at the air base has 9 to 4 score and the loundrymen wsy of living quarters, now that
ing out in fine shape and are hav­
l«ary to allow some communities t-t ' been established. It is manned by overt he hard fighting Soldier team the family is grown up. Col. Shu­
ing a good time doing it-"
In addition to the 200 soldiers ( complete their quotas The drive so members of the Camp Adair U. 8. by a 10 to 9 score. Both games man says.
Col. Shuman plur ged immediate-
invited from Camp Adair, there far had not brought in the ex-1 Guards under Sergeant Sams, and were fast, free-scoring affair«
will be a number at the dance from pected amount of scrap rubber, it is in operation near the highway which served the spectator* with ly into his duties at Camp Adair,
much action.
Continued on page 2.)
quarters in Salem. Dr. Morris said, was announced.
south of Corvallis
Capi. J. C. Herron
Married Saturday
Pro. Wrestling on
Corvallis Program
Bus Schedule Change
To Benefit Soldiers
Salem Invites Army
Men to Friday Party