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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1884-1892 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1887)
XII C 0HF.30N GTATJ33I.IAN: FRIDAY. T3ECTCT.I13n R. OO. V UXITEILSITY 50TES. lectors a maa Wednesday at 3 p. m. TLe Miaae Mdfi and Carm Royal viU spend their holiday! with their par enU a Dallas, Or., ; The members of Co. A have procured SCYerai gUD8 suIU uvw tcwnuig wo manual of anrs at odd times. A few of th5 boys have been somewhat cader the weather daring the week, bat ail were improving Thursday. .. ,- Prof. Ed. Benaett, of Snblimity, waa la Salem last Saturday, getting ready lot Chrirtmai. Ed. la looking wed. ' Miss Ida Sanders, of Molalla. came up Wednesday and after visiting W. U. and many friend, returned yeeterday. Miss Lottie French, of Jefferson, who . , . i . t i gradoatea irom too teacuera cuunw uut year, spent last Sabbath ia Salem. . JIajTO Mc Kinney and Misa Minnie Jlonkert were both in the capital last atarday, Retting ready for the holidays. Gilbert Bobbins, a last year's business graduate visited hia brother Herbert, who is taking the same coorae, Wednes day. win. Iletzler gave a food declamation at chapel Monday, and John Jensen read an onginal poem on the Garden of Eden Tnesday. Mias Mattie Russell goes to Portland to-day and will return this evening. Her : Sabbath school class remembered her wiui a nw urcseni. Re. T. F. Royal cond acted chapel ex- wMoAttl Ttinrartav fit Kmthr f iaa Mary Rsynolds, Miss Ida Handera, Rev. Win. Rollins, and Mr. Robertson, were all present. Tba members of tbe physiology class witnessed the circulation of the blood in ft frog's foot Tuesday. Clinton Cooke kiruils- mamirMilalml th frrwr uul tha mWramni fnr thmn. tbe streets last Saturday, fie is teaching liliy pupiia at i uetuanu, uu una wdw kered op so his most intimate acquaint ances scarcely recognize him. Mr. L. M. Eashor, of Brooks, spent a good part of the day, Tuesday and Wed nesday, looking through the building and witnessing recitations, chapel exercises, 'etc He will enter school immediately alter the holidays. Owiog to the many entertainments daring the week and the fact that many students were getting ready to go home. tbe entertainment given by the ladies of k w it uriu.).. in; was not so wen auenaea as n ae eerved to be or as it would have been under more favorable circumstances. In order to give all the students an op portunity to spend the holidays at home, school closed Thursday, at 3 p. m , and will not open again till Tuesday morning. -Jan. 3, 188$. A good attendance and good work characterized the year 18S7, and it is hoped that even a larger attend ance and better work may be recorded for the year 1SS8. Prof. F. II. GruHbs, A. M.f who grad uated from Willamette in 1863 and who afterwards taught in his alma mater for several years, is spending the winter in Boston, Ma , and enjoying the ad- ; vantages of that center of learning and culture. His daughter Ethel is taking a -course in the New England conservatory of music. The ttrofessor expects to re turn to Oregon about the middle of next reoruary. Bill STEEPLE-l'HASISU. While we were camped on the edge of a little Nebraska town a man came over and sat down on the watroo-tongoe and began to praise up the place, mentioning among other improvements a new steeple that was going up on a church near at hand. 'lnt that steepie just a little liiuh for the sice cf the church?" asked Briar. "There, struck it the first wbsck! told 'em that a as the way it would go .Now, I'll tell you.V he went on connden tially, M 'bout that steeple. It's a Tisco pal church ; they put It np 'boat a year ago with jes' an ord'nary steeple stickin' upon it. Then what did tbe Baptists do out up an' buim a cntm n over here an t'ar up a steeple on theirs ten feet higher! This nat'rally galled the 'Piscopals some, an' this spring np they socked their stee- Jle ufteen feet higher! It run along till oly, an all the time the Baptists were getting hotter 'n' hotter, an' one day jes' alter the fourth what should they do but put some carpenters to work on their steeple an' shove her op 'nother ten feett Then they went round steppin' high, an the 'Piscopals began to swear again. It run along till day before yes- teraay, amen they seen the Baptists, an' are goin' 'em ten feet better ! An do you 1. w Ml a n a a . a now. him snaaea u l aon oeueve the Baptists '11 raiw 'era fore winter Oh, we're game in this town everv time f . "Er well, which one do you belong to ? Briar inquired. "Neither, I'm a Methodist. Tliat's oar church over there on the hill." well, you're getting left entirely, aren roa no steeple at alii" S s-li! Thit's all right we know ocr play I We let on we don 1 'lie ve in stee ples, an' go 'round blowiarihout our big oeu an- m scouopert shingles on the. side attim buiMin. About next June roa'll ee tnese tsapmts' and 'ttacopala' stee ple bkrw over, an' then jes' watch as Methodists shack to the front, an r'ar a tang, slim steeple op into tbe air so high that they'll be too sick to ever build a Methodwts may be lagidn' a ln.U jes at present, but vow wait till tbe f jvyer uroe comes an' we U make sonis of these light-weight denominatt-w.s think tw brak -ourt house has tell on 'em ! f Chicago Tribune. WANTS THE EARTH. WantedLodgings by B. A. , Adver tiser wants it clearly understood that rne need apply who object on principle to fall in with his not excessive reqmre trsenta, which include: First punctual ity in serving meals; second moderate p;ftin house; third dry toast thrice fourth joints to be roasted (not r.S.Sedi. and rhnna aiiJ trta.Va t L. t .u'vwnai; nun (te free nee of a latch krj, and sixth the absence of a cu Advertisement in the Manchester, Lnxland, Times. Smoke will certainly play an important part in the warfare of the future, says the St. James Gazette. Last year at Milford Haven and this year in Langstone Har bor it waa artificially : created in large quantities In order to form screens be hind which attacking forces might, un observed, approach within range of forts and batteries. On each occasion rafts laden with combustibles were set on fire and floated into positions from which the wind carried the smoke in a more or less dense cloud, is the direction of the de fense. On the other hand, ever since the introduction of modern ordnance and rapid rifle-fire, it has been felt that the huge volumes of smoke which would be belched forth daring a battle cf the pres ent day would probably prevent the use of big gttns to the best advantage. Smoke, ia fact, may, according to circumstances, be either a great aistanca or a grave im pediment is warfare. Tbe ideal state of things ia, of coarse, one in which tbe production of smoke shall be controlled, so that either a clear atmosphere or ft clouded one may, as need may arise, be created aronnd a battery or ship in action. This ideal haa now, to some extent, been attained. It ia found that smoke, as it issues from the muzzle of a heavy gun, can be almost instantly precipitated by means of a simple electrical apparatus. The invention is based upon the re searches of Prof. Tyndall. Lord Ravleigh and Prof. Lodge in the; action of elec tricity upon floating dost and vapor; and it should be of considerable military value. i CONFEDERATE STATI05EBY. Confederate stationery was a thing no less unique and characteristic than the other products of the time. "Die writing paper, of a dingy salmon color, rough and f uzzy, was ruled with heavy, glaring blue lines, doubtless on tbe principle that the plainness of the landmarks should be in proportion to the difficulty of the wsy. But with this pa per, such as it was, at $10 a qnire, and envelopes in proportion, it was resorted to only after every available bit of paper, overy page of old account books, whether already written on one side or not, and even the fly-leaves of printed volumes, bad been ferretted out and exhausted. Envelopes were made of scraps of wall paper and from tbe pictorial pages of old books the white side out stuck to gether in some cases with tbe gum that exudes from peach trees. Ink had almost as many substitutes as coffee, and with nearly as great a variety of results. Sumac berries, pokeberries, "oak balls," and green persimmons set with rusty nails were often est used in concocting the fluids with which we blot ted paper. We found that black gum roots made fair corks. One of the very few things, if not the sole thing, that could be achieved with a dime was to post a letter. Tbe ten-cent stamps, which were small and blue, bore a pro file to all appearances a compromise be tween those of the rival presidents. THE WINTER SOLSTICE. The -sun graze the topric of Capricorn to-day, and the 'astronomical winter com mences. The event is known as the winter solstice. The pagan nations ' of antiquity, who looked upon tile sun as the visible manifestation of the Deity, observed the winter solstice as the season of sacred festivities. The Romans cele brated their Saturnalia. The Scandina vians built huge fires, in which yule logs blazed in honor of Odin and Thor. The Druids gathered the L sacred mistle toe and made human sacrifices to the savage divinities whom they worshiped, Feasting and rejoicing filled the passing hours ; tbe dwellings were decked with branches of evergreen and wreaths of laurel; presents were exchanged and universal merriment was the order of the day. The sun, the embodiment of power and strength, was coming back It whs the return of life and happiness to their rude natures, and their most sacred religious rites and dearest social pleas ores clustered closely around the winter I The early teachers of Christianity could not induce their converts to give up these heathen festivities and endeavored to change them to Christian festivals. En grafted upon the Pagan rites and amal gamated with them we have the strange medley of Christian and Pagan customs that make Christmas and New Year, all over the civilized world, the season f jo-ful thanksgiving to tbe great Creator of the son, and the blessedness of his returning beams. S. F. Bulletin. MR. PULLMAN ON THE TARIFF. Cincinnati Enquirer: "Mr. Pullman, what is yoof opinion of the new depart ure of Cleveland on whittling down pro tection r "That depends on bow they do it. do not believe that the United States will become a mere customer nation. Tbe manafacturing genius is too general here and too much of a necessity for the agricultural perflation. I :egard the general shout of acclamation from the i'ritisn press on tbe reception of Mr. Cleveland's message as settling tbe ques tion in this country. ' Where they are so glad there will be a panse on this side of the water. I wui give yoo one Instance of how our tariff system brines both in rinstrv and ranita! to tbe United Statea. The Pullman company has paid one con cern at Manchester, Kkoll & , about $2,000,000 for upholstery goods. . They are about moving to the town of Pullman from Manchester to manufacture, con sidering that a location on -this continent coincident with our revenue laws would be wise business policy. Many such ex amples are taking place, and many took place long before. Indeed, ft great part of oar manufacturing system was directly imported in the quantity and the capital from the other side, like the silk business and the thread business, which have btnlt op such towns as Patterson." - Wood will be taken in exchange for photographs at Catterlin & Hick' photo graph gallery, 169 State street, Salem, Oregon. 9 :4tw TOPICS C7 THE TECS. Saixx has ber stocking hung no for a government postofSce building. Christ mas gift I ' Tax StatkkxajT respectfully tenders to Santa Claoa the assurance of its most dis tinguished consideration. A STSMCATK has been formed in Paris to corner the copper market. In other words, they will "copper" the copper. JirrmM mntTT is in deht over $100.- 000, and the county tax alone ia twenty a wi a a a . a. mius. new. Ana suu mat county ex pects to boom.' C.n-w-M ia th wa iKo Vm York WorM spells the pigtails the Chinese wear. It didn't get its cue from the dictionary, However. Tna Great Eastern has at last been sold to be broken up. Tbe largest vessel in the world has never paid for her build ing, and her construction, is now long oat of date. - Two lady school teachers in New Jersey invested fifty dollars in poultry. Tbe first year their profits were $1000, tbe second they were $3000. Go tboa and do likewise. The connection of California and Ore gon by rail is tbe best achievement of the railroad service since the completion of the first transcontinental read. S. F. Argonaut. Thebs is but one Mitchell in the senate of the Fiftieth congress, oar own Mitchell of Oregon. Pennsylvania's Mitchell this year is Senator Matthew Stanley Quay. "Or bill" is S. B. 21, and we have our eyes on it. It is just tbe right age on the calendar to vote, and we believe in a free ballot and a full count. Trot it out and give it a chance. The New Year's Statesman will con tain sixteen pages chuck fall of interest ing matter, and interesting illustrations. Advertisements should be in within the tbe next three or four days. The Statesvas receives the Congress ional Record every day, and keeps them on file for several days. Any of oar pa trons are welcome to come to the editorial rooms and look over them. Texas has a band of fanatics called Sanctificationists, whose belief is based upon dreams. A diet of cheese and pie must be very effective in awakening the spiritual condition of converts. Eastebu dudes are kicking against the green stamp. They dont like the color. It is another case of the pot calling the kettle black. They are both green. Bat everybody licks the green stamp. Memphis Avalakche; "About one hundred and seventy-five thousand peo- Ele beard Evangelist Mcody in Pittsburg, nt the demand there for a high tariff on pig iron is as strenuous as ever." Now that election time draws near, we suppose there will be several blackmail sheets start up in different parts of tbe state, by parties who are vet out of the penitentiary, the asylum, and the poor house. Obegos is not all wool, but she is more than a yard wide. Grover Cleveland wi II find out that the voters of Oregon, who lie imagined were spring lambs, will be full grown sheep next year. And they will be good butters. . A xrx ber of papers throuzhout the state have exhibited commendable enter prise this week in issuing an extra holi day edition. The "extra" was printed in 1 ortund, all at once, and sent oat at a slight advance over the cost of the blank paper. Snoruitlie tobacco tax not be re pealed this winter, it is asserted that nothing can prevent the state of Virgin nia and North Carolina from instructing their electors to cast their votes for the republican presidential nominees next year. t,x. Lew Wallace, the author of "Ben liar," says that he hnnted, fished and ran wild until h was eighteen and then became a student, and he would advocate that training to others. It is sensible. If adopted we would have fewer flat heads and flat chests. Sehator Dolph made a strong speech aunng me session ot mat body on Wed nesday, in which hi said if the sporo priations for the improvement of rivers and harbors and coast defenses were properly kept up, there wonld be no X. V . . M . MM . . . irourwe aoounne surplus, ine trouble is Hall street wants all the surplus. Am analysis of the Crown Prince's blood Will he made to learn if tlient ia Inn mtvh sugar in hia blood. If there is, they snouid turn mm over to Ulans preckles, and we'll bet he will get the sugar out. If Snzar in the blocd ia what niakmt th average Salem girl so popular, it is not S ia a m aavisanie 10 lei uie iact get out. Mt. Powdeklv is m little bit ant to t off his nest, so to sneak, in a nmnt rather screamy letter he says that to the Knights of Labor belongs the credit o' first calling attention to the land frands in this country. Staff and nonsense. We suppose next thing be will claim the Knights first discovered America. S. F. Alta. Sexato Tvepte, of Indiana, is a lin guist. He ha- been known to make a stump speech in German to a crowd in Lafayette and next night in French to the members of tbe French colony of Allen county. If Ingalls tackles him he will go for the Ksnsan in at least three languages and swamp him. Ingalls speaks only two languages English and profane. The New York Herald daily quotes col nmns of comments of thepreftsCespecially the democratic press) of the country commending Cleveland for bis bold stand on demanding tariff reduction, the re moval of the wool tariff, etc. The presi dent made a issue without knowing it. He was simply aiming to feed Wall street some taffy, and tbe country thought be was in earnest. He bonded more foolish ly and dangerously than be knew. He wants to crawl out of hia hole now. but it is too late. Tbe issue is made. Tits utterances of Mr. Blaine on the subject matter com prising the president's message will have the effect of centering and crystalizing republican sentiment on the tariff, if indeed the message itself had not already decided republicans to lay aside the small differences which mav possibly have existed on this subject, ft may be remarked in at upon do tssoe which has arisen in these latter years has so many republican leader expressed such a unanimity of sentiment. HOW TO COOK AST cuss A COOK. It was only Cm ether day, again, when a cook was"handled craeVbuAall . V the same in r ; . making fires uieyuseuw coal oil fuel. It's handy, y'knew, to poor it on when all tha w e o d i a ablaze, and stove and all are blown ia air to erva th is stupid erase. With clothes on fire aad tortured limbs a cook la cooked in deed, but a certain core' ia such a ease is the real friend in need. For burns and scalds and blisters too, it cures them to perfection, but be sure to use it every time in accordance with direction. Yea, strictly in accordance with directional . .Scores of people daily brought in con tact with beat, steam, boiling water and combustibles are hourly injured by some niiohap la the natar of bam or scald, and thousands have been cured of such by the best known remedy for tbe cure ot pnia. Tha principle of how it works ex plains itself. It acts as a counter-irritant on tbe surface injured, gently drawing out tho heat caused by tbe burn, while it soothes the pain, helping nature in the healing process, and a cure follows. It is a fpetifie for pains of this kind and should bd kept handy where fire sad steam are. Bat as a precaution to its use where tstrions barns or scalds occur, and that raOVring may not be intensified through ignorance, read carefully directions for its ue accompanying ercTy bottle. Thtu ton (Is wbe testify to being cured of boms and scalds have been so guided, and praise without stint its virtues by which they have been cured. "Gilbertrille, Black hawk county, Ix, Feb. 11, 1887. Dear Sir: I have nsed yoar St. Jacobs Oil for barns and bruises, and I can say it does its work as recommended to da I always keep it in tbe bouse and recommend it to my neighbors. Yours truly, W. H. Schroeder." Tainuonnt, Nebt, Feb. 7, 1687. We find St. Jacobs Oil as good for burns or scalds as for bitea" "Wexford, Allegheny county. Pa, Feb. 7, 1837. Have been using 8. Jacobs Oil for many years for barns and iind it a good house doctor." Very truly yours, A. Maskey. THE OUHADLE CUIiZD ! HonnWlLU, Ky, Veto. Ji, WT. Oaatlttma Sot jraan ago a mm UtJ oped on my mo tram a Sewer aail watch. I tried a tew timplm rMirti, bm th morm woakt aot rMd. I grww wont wry year (or nm jemn. ataay thoasht I had acaa cer. Over a rear ao I nm wi taktac a S. B-, and two doaaa botUa aUmlj eared me. Whca I bfaa with Swiff SpaeiSa 1 waa la my mar health, aad coald hardly drac aooaL Aftar I had Salahcd thaaowr of a a S. I waa atroas aad baoyaat, and had a rood nnccHa, I reward to aa a atsat TaJuaiie madjciM for Udiss la wqpjLdell rata health. It la a hooaehokt iadh?m with MM. Yuan rrapartf U7. Mm B. W. Woaoa. SrAXTursrao, 8. CL, April X m Oatlemea For twvntr ycara 1 hava had imoia; tort eaaefc. It had rradoallT I arowlu mtn Tha aiaar tbyatcteaa whoan I had enoeulted were osaMa to do maaai aslna i ay rl. Last fall a year tn r 8. a a AtSrat K Inflamed t 1 oeraa tha aora, aad it became mora Ttraleat thaa aver i eo much eo. Indeed, that my family Instated UM I ahoald leave off tha medicine. I per aiated m ala tha S a S. At tha end of two month the aora wea eatlrely heeled. Think Ina that the evil waa oat of my eonaUtuttoa, I toft OS th medicine bat la Kovember. tea month after, a very alight break tor out appeared. I at once beaaa acala oa a S. 8 , and now that la alao dtsappeartBc. I have every faith la a a a It baa done ma more gond than all the doctnra and ptber ancdi cuwa 1 took. Toura truly, A.fL8aajrML Wnwtoa, . C, Aprfl U. WCT. , OentleuiaB Two or three yean aco a caa cer cam oa my face. It an rtvw to be quit aarga. It wore oa me, aad my general health waa very poor. LM September I began a eouiae of B. a a, which I have oob tinued 11 the preaeat Urns with the happleM result. The eaaoer haa rwtlrel cUaaftpeared. there being no evidence or aymptom of a raaeeroua character left. My gi-aerel health I Rood now, aad my appetite better than It haa been la year. I an, fa year old. aad today J am working ta tbe fleld piaatlu corn. Your truly. ioaaa Lotaaaca. Oenflemen I had n aora an myapperHp for eight yeara. seven different doctors at tempted In vain to beat It. One gav m a (mail vtal for II ve doll are, which waaa "cer. talaeare.,a It Is aeedleae to aay that H did me ao good. A boot two year ago I became quite aaeaay, as people thouaht I had a can cer, and I took a course of eighteen bottle of a S a Tn result haa been a complete cure. Tbe nicer orcanocr baid beauiiful ly. lea vtng acaroely a percept ibl sear. From that day I have been In exoellent health, the Spcrtflc having parMed my bipod thorough ly. Increased my appetite and perfected my dlgestina. In a word, I feel tike a new woman, and, beat of all, th eight year Blear I gone entirely. Yonre sineereiy, Mas. W. P. CAJraoaL Trenton, Todd CoKy., Feb. 35, ifki Treads on Plnod and Skta Disease ataOed tree. Tan Swift Sparine Oa, drawer A, Atlanta, ten. 0F IHTERE8T TO LIEU JTsnly Vigor, Weak-nra or Loe of Vemory pert nauwnUyreetored br th nse of aa entirely new remedy. Tbe Yeraw Santa from Spain, fcpan. ih Trochees never fail. Oar illustrated, 82 page book and temimntitala, (arm sealer. Kvery Btaa shook read It. VOJI KftAFP TliOCHJCat A -. V Park inat, w lawk. rTtt TYLERDESKCO ST. LOUIS, HO. auvrawfQUKS HX. COVI fc(JT3 ftOTxgyygaTwc r. cornea nrrxaaa; SeatVark Lsvaatriaea Osmlca,Tlnsat Onaranteed. MOa. IaasTd t pran-rlhe and faQya. aors tug ti as th niy apeel fie tor th cariala car of thtl dlweahs. O.U.LKiRAHAht.nT. D tam.rdim. Jt. t! VT har old Ma- a tor aaany yiiara, aad rt baa IX K. DTCTflE A CTV Cntrngaviil, tlvSO. ftttd by Dings!. Ta Port Drag Cob. ageitta. BEMOYED ! C H. Walker bat re moved hia rani re trim ming ahop to the bonding vest et V. Levy tore, next door to i U. oryth. state street, Salem. Oref on. lie keep on hand borry tops, bngry and wam eoshiaa. storm s proas sad alt kind of carriage trimming matt rial. Bag. f y top mad to order and repaired. LMt-dar-lm. MOJTET TO LOAX. BT THE STATTC IK arsae cosoatny of this ci!y for one, two, three, or St years, npna good. Improve! farm property located ta this eoaaty. r-ao-dv Sv TV - I w am m w .w . si as. WW 1 S sah I ' AJXmJAL Broken Suits in Clothing. W shall offer a great variety of clothing In broken gaits at prices sever before offered ia Salem. W har also on hand men's bays' nod youth' full suits ta treat variety, which will be sold at VERY LOW PBICES. The stuck is all new aad dasirabla. Plea call aad examine goods and price. Bale will commence Saturday, October 29th, and will coo tinaa from day to day until tha , ENTIRE STOCK IS CLOSED OUT. rnrnawra' store, la the New Rank block, t7 CosnnaTclaJ street JBalean. f'orstner, Tiffany & Co l3S-lm Genera' agents for the Uoaidian Assurance Company, ol London. Successors la Oregon tn Booth British and Kattooal Fire and Marine Insurance Company, oi London. MONTY to MAX o. APPROVED SECURITY Principal office, a Wsshinrtoo ttreet. DIBKCTOBS. J. lIcCaACKKK, T. E. Beach, F. M. Waix, F. Eoearr, F. K. AasoLD.H. L. Pittock. D. D.OuraAKT, J. K. Giu, J. LoawEKasao. OFFICEBS. F. E. BEACH, President J. MeCRACKEK. Vice-President. B. P. EAKH ART Secretary and Manager. J. LOE WES BERG Treasurer. E. EVEREIT AssUtant Manager. I ESTABLISHED BY NATIONAL ACTHOEITT.I THK . Capital aNATIONALBANK Of Salem, OreKOU. CAPITAL PAID CP, $7S.OOO. SUCPLLK, M.OOO. R 8 Wallace, H Cakfexter, J H Albert President; Vice President: Cashier DIRECTORS: WTORAY, W W MART1JS. J U MARTIN, R g WALLACK U CARPENTER. J H ALBERT. T. McF. PATTTOX -LOANS 9IADE- To farmers on wheat and other marrelablc produce, eonMgned, or in store,, cither In private Granaries or public warehouses. State and Connty Warrant bought at par. O OMME KCI A L. Paper discounted at reasonable rates. lrafn drawa direct oa Jiew York, Chicsro. San Fran elscA. Portland. London, Paris, Berlin. Hong Kong and Calcutta. NOTICE ! Simre we gave notice of cloning out onr woolen goods, we have been nnable to wait on all of oor coatornera. If onr ritv friends weald call as earlv in tbe mom- ing as convenient, we can give them more attention ; as many of onr coon try customers live at distant points, we are bnsy during the middle of tho day filling their orders. We have some choice goods at bargains. We are determined to close oat everything in, tariff or no tariff. We have) no confidence' in tle revenue tink ers. Bemetnher the place, 297 Commercial street. New Rank block, Halem. Oregon. ForstQer, Tiffany ; 4 Co. Ms the M ! EXO THE WEEKLY STATESMAN TO O friends in the East. Better than a letter. All the new of the week; f t per rear. nb- " wm. al,w iw uwwu wi kkw el the mammoth hoiidsy editioa. ftcvvvc, La CLJlireo. Tier an Colia, CoaghM, Croap, Whooping- Coorh, etc. We raaraataa Acker's Kn-iiv Eeraedy a" posiUva cttra. It saves hoars of anxious watcLia. . Sold by Go. E. Good, rrrturgfst. ' V OnCE. ALL INDEBTED TO ME PLEASE il call mmii aetfie fu. it., a... I If SUM aetllMl tntM f.yl .Di I cobbu that hare roa over tlx most. y) nttis street. Sslem. Oreroo. . 8. PARKER. U ' III j fJ A.. : " n I 2aV- Vr5 Ltazwlmw , - - - ' M cuhes all uu:.:ora3, from a eomaxai Blotama er CrertlSB, to tha vrorak Serolala. SSalt-r ateaan Fever area," taeaiy r staagh tsa Ua tn abort, all disease catued by bad blood are conquered by this powrrful. ptirlfrbvr. f4 InvsjrOTatlDV raedioin. Creat lvatiBT tvla rem rnpfaiJa beat under its benign fahiaeeea, fcepecsajrr aas N snajureetea jta ocosry xa urmsT. Tetter, It awe) it aaai. Iloila, Cavr sVaacIen, rw ye, 6rNlaatMrH anal Swclll aAp Joint 1 I -, aemissj eweiiiag irx - saica Neeauand sUsu-s;rl bland a. Bend tea cents In atantps for a larjw treatiaa, wah ooA. red plates, ool EkJn Daara. or tho am ma awnot rqc a treatise cab rxomwvnaAnccTrma, XkilS LAArUD IS TIIK TVwrxrtilV' cV-anae ttby using- ar streaa oldest Uealieal piaeovery, and yooaS stt'eatlost a fair aattn. rt aplra ftta vital at ran g tlx, and awanciueaa 1 CwisaatmUwtt, wlU ba eatabUatsad. co::ciri:pr8o:j, which is Sera talons Dlactua el tns Lnnsrsv, is protnjHiy and certain ly arrested and cured by thw God-riven remedy, if taken before t be last staires ot the discaae are retained, Prom Its wonderful power over tbia terribly fatal disease, when flrvt offerinw this Dow oei ebrated remedy to tho public. Da, Prritca taourht aeriousJy of cal'in It his "Con sanaptlest Cm re, butalnadoncd ihatnama as too limited for a medicine which, from Its wonderful combination of ton to. or streorthea. ina, aRerative, or bkMdeanainc, aAU-bUsotsa, pectoral, and uutrttive propertiea. la unequaied, not only as a remedy xur txnstiiiipttoa of tb luiiTa, but for all CHRONIC DTSKA orra Liucr,DIoo),cjLun fit von t eeJ duTL tallow color of sain, or ytUowah-browa spoti on face or body, frequent headache or dizzi ness, bad taste in mouth, internal heat or ohUla, aRernattna with hot flashes, low spirits and rtoomy borebodlngs, irreriilar appetite, and coaled toc-tA. you are saifferirur rrnrn lasts "'"trappola.and Xorwtd Ursr, or Illlloaanea. .In many casta onlf part of ttcm gymptoras are experh-ncrd. A a rernedy for all such ease, lr. Iire,a Golsten nesUeavl atacvnr baa m equal. V or Weak Laara, Spltttnr of Bloo, tstrtatM at llreatla, liroaicaitls, Saver Cawafca. Comaaaspttoa and Ktodred affections, it tt a aovrrvtrn remedy. . bend tea cents la aUmna f.w Ir. Pierce 4 booaoaOooaumptsoa. poli. Vy Xra'(ita, PRICE $1.03, IT sU, tlij Czd sUtssUtiss, Prorvlators, ao l&ala 8t, Bcttalo,K.T. cvtcoTq little Q&Q nX1t TTTTTrr a a is s a oxoiVo pills. Arrn-ntoocTi ana catiiabtic. Sold by rBg-f lata, a osau a viai $500 REWARD ts offered try tbe leUM t of Dr. Batre's Catarrh Bemedy for acsae of calarrh which they cannot core. It you hgre a dlaoharra from the pose, offensive or other. Wlsa, part! loea of smell, taste. m OT bearing, weas; eyra, dull paia Of naurs tn head, vou have Oatarrn. Thou. sands of cea?a trrniinara fn consumption. Dr.Sanc'a Catarrh Rkmvdv cnire tbe worst earns of Catarrh, 4Coid In the Head" and Catarrhal Ileadacne. 60 cents REAL ESTATE, LOAN -AKO- INSURANCE AGEXCV. Alto offlce of the Salem Pottery Company, 1 am agent for the sale of all of the mm dee Mortfdre Co's. farms ia Marion and Polk coun- 4l5fU-wric' ve,rr 'i AUo val WATER POWERS at Kalem and elswhere. I am laring out In an addition all of J. L. Parrlsli's lanl east of ealem, about 100 acres. These lot will be offered for sale by me about December 20th, 18S7.- Also acre property in sixes to suit. The best of fruit and garden lands, city property of all kind, farms, stock ranchet and timber lands. Notary public Abstract made at fair rates. MONEY TO LOAN ox- Seal estate tw to Ave years, payable In in stallments If desired. - Office over Capital Ns UonaJ bank, with S. T. Richardson, attorney at Uw, ealem, Orecon. t4-dw-tm . 11. V. MATTUKWM. J- .A.. Rotan Is now carrying the largest stock of aU kinds of furniture ever brought to Marlon county Which he laaelllne al L. n.l. .1 . ' . . " . . www mill iuj body. Observe orae of tbe prices. Pin bed re bii salts, - . . ( . ' fee). NIc eottasr batead, - - y - fs so. ria dlalas chair, per set, - l . $4. All other foods la proportion. Call and xmln hi ataeb Krva v.ii.. la tha Opera House block on Court street, hs . vresoa. M2S-lm-dW J ONLS Sc WATSON, (Sitceeaaors to Geo. H. Jones.) REAL ESTATE OFFICE. ' -0M Commercial strrect ' We hare to? sale farms of all sixes and prices, on therairies aad la th bill, stock ranches In the loot falls. Timber lands tor mill men In food locations. S-24-dw LEO WILLIS,---- Fire Insurance, Real Estate, ' Brokerage, Abstracting Title. Ofie la Opera House, Court street. "'20 PIANOS AND ORG AXS WIIAX.E ic GALLmjjJU Sole acenta for Oreron lUrafrV THE BIGGEST stock: deaee solicited. lllli