TJntu: U11EGON STATESMAN; FRIDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1867. THE REPUBLICANS. The National Clab Conrem tion in New York. A5 ENTHUSIASTIC SESSION JL Kesolatlon Protest In? A last the Appointment of Lamar to the Supreme Bench. New York, Dec 16. Whn the dele gates to the convention of the republi can clob began to file into Chickering Jhall to-day it was remarked that they -wore a more confident air thaa yesterday, -when the battalion were disordered and headless. The idea of the federation of Ioba centralized and obedient to the tooth of a directing hand was before every eye. They were now in shape to carry out the purpose of the convention. The committees appointed yesterday had been at work all last night, and rales of the order bad ben formed. Erarts had been nominated for permanent chair man ; other matters had been arranged by other committees and everything a a -1 ft A. t. A 1 1 L tioaid go smoouuy, dux cow ine mgu rlrita and turbulence of the members oald be held under restraint remained to be seen. Among the first to am re and take a place on the platform was tempo rary chairman Daniel J. Kyan. The members came in slowly. Three sessions have been decided on for a day's busi ness, mornine. afternoon and evening; the order of business is to be, the calling of the convention to order by toe tempo rary chairman and reports of committees, fter which the permanent chairman, Evarts, will take the chair and address the convention. ' The convention was called to order shortly before eleven o'clock. The first btwiness before the convention was tbe reports of committees. many of them suggestive of distinguished leaders of the party. The cheering was almoet con tin nous as tbe fotlowing names were repeated: John Sherman, U. 8. Grant, Chas. hammer, John JL Logan, Ben Wade, A. Lincoln, and James G. Blaine. The last name was greeted with tremendous cheering, but it was noticed that many delegates did not join in it. General Robinson, of the 4irant club, Binghamptoa, N. Y., offered 4he following resolution : "That it is the duty of the government to place our country in such a state of defense as will command the respect of Jill nations, and for this purpose a large portion of the surplus revenue should be devoted to fortifying our harborrs, build ing ships for our navy, and to the man ufacture of modern artillery for the proper Armament of the same." All resolutions offered were referred -without debate to the committee on reso lutions. LAMAR ARRAIGNED. "Groti verier, of Ohio, offered the follow ing resolution, which caused a sensation : Whereas, It is the opinion of this na tional convention of republican clubs that no man who at any time denounced Abraham Lincoln, while he was presi dent Of the United States, as a "buffoon sand down," or who ever declared from iis Meat in the United States senate that no man should denounce Jefferson Davis ax a traitor in his presence and go un rebuked by him, or in his official capacity -an secretary of the interior ordered that the flag of the t'ni ed States should be displayed at half-miint on the occasion of tU death of Jacob Thomon, or who as .a Henator of the United States many years after the war refused to vote that the tenth and fourteenth and fifteenth -airwrxlnvnts to the constitution are valid and binding, ought to be apiointed to, Or hold the hih office of justice of the supreme court of the United States; therefore, Resolved, That L. J. G. Lamar ought not to have been apointed a juntice of tmt'ul court. KASTIIKX. aOMMITTKK ON fcLKCTIOXH. ITiry IN-HW to Take lp the Kentucky Kir r I ion Content. Wvmusutos, Iec. 15. The house committee on elections organized and beW its firtt meeting to-day. Almost wtithout adiiwnlinjf voire the committee jresoJwd to take op the Thoebe-Carlisle eontested election ewe, and notice will be issued to the contestants or their at torneys to appear at their next meeting on Tuectlay. . (This is a case in which Thoeie made he run as tlie Ubor candidate for the Fiftieth (this) congress. Mr. Carlisle ran a democrat, receiving 6476 votes, against .rvi5l votes for Thoebe, his oppo nent. The democrats feeling so sure of tieces for Carlisle, made scarcely an uort. When the returns .came in, showing so many votes for Thoebe, and nch a light vote for Carlisle, there was what seemed to be an unnecessary delay in the returns from the outlying coun ties, and the result was considered loobtful;in fact it was thought for a -w'lile that Thoebe was elected. The re- twn.4, however, after a long delay, gave - a majority as above state4 for Carlisle, . friends of rhoebe becu to claim that the returns had beeo "doctored," and Thoebe was virtually forced into a contest upon the?, grounds. As Carlisle is a prorai VrtS member of tbe democratic party, aDd One OI lie trwuera .-wHrCTW, uiu was at that time speaker of the boose, vrreat' was the indignation among the blue-Wooded "unterrified" of Kentucky. The Idea that a representative of the la bor party should overcome tbelr cham 5to waa more than they could stand. .Some racv developments may be looked for in this case. The fact that the Sixth Kentucky district, frooi which Carlisle -cornea, is to overw helmingly democratic, And that the close vote waa due onlv to teBaocratie indifference and neglect, tne democratic nair stand on end. En. AGAIXSr THE PROUI3. JL. atata Coart Declare a Prat) I Law fa- eoasUtational. Sew Yoik, Dec 15. An Aojtsta, Maine; special says the superior court of Kennebec county has declared the law that makes the carmen! of the United States a special tax as liquor seller m . il a a , prima lacte enaence mas iue pax pay ing auch tax is a saloon keeper, and there fore a oublic nuisance, to be unconstitu tional. SXECTIOX BOW. Eight Mem Killed aad Fertjr WMWiei, la a Hexieaa. Town. St. Locis, Dec. 15. Advices just re received from Jamauire, in the southern part of the state of Tamanlipas, Mexico, say that a riot occurred during the elec tion Sunday, and the ballot boxes were destroyed. Eight men were killed and forty wounded. The result is that the mayor will hold over for another term. THE REPUBLICANS. Tne Xatioaal Clnb ef this Party la Seaeloa la New York. Kcw York, Dec 15. -The first national republican club convention met at 11 o'clock to-day. About 1200 delegates, from nearly all the states and territories in the Union, are present. GOV. BOD WELL DEAD. Maiae's Chief Executive Cro Orertlu Dark Klver. IIallowblx, Maine, Dec. 15. Govern or Bodwell died this morning. Ilia death was caused by congestion of the lungs, caused by exposure and overwork. CHAKCES Or ADMLSNIOX. A Mew Terk Herald Cerreapeadeat Thlaka They are Good. Nkw York, Dec. 16. A Washington special to the Herald says : There is ev ery indication that the territories of Da kota, Washington, Montana, and possi bly Utah will be admitted into sisterhood by the present congress. While Utah has adopted a new constitution which prohibits the perpetuity of polygamy within the territory, congress will make provision that in the event of tbe terri tory's admission into the Union as a state this clause of the constitution can not be debarred without the consent of congress. It matters not, however, if they are all admitted at this session they Will not be granted the right of national suffrage till 1892. The same paper says that James A. McKenzie, of Kentucky, will probably be the minister to Mexico. Utah's state constitution. Washington, Dec. 16. A committee of citizens of Utah, headed by Delegate Cain, to-day waited on Speaker Carlisle and Senator Ingalls, and presented to them copies of the state constitution adopted at the last Utah convention. r . . M THE BLAIR EDI'CATIOSAL BILL. The Senate Committee Order a Favorable Report of tbe Measure. Washington, Dec. 16. The Senate committee on education held a meeting to-day and unanimously ordered a favor able report on the Blair educational bill. It will be reported as it passed the senate in the last congress. Canadian Immigration. Ottawa, Ont., Dec. 16. The number of immigrants arriving in Canada from January 1st to November 10th is 138,000, compared with 309,000 for the same period of last year. The namher of pas sengers to the United States from Canada during the same period was 65,000. A IILOODT. FEl'D. The Adam and Caswell Faction in Ken tucky at War A In. Winchester, Ky., Dec. 17. The feud between the Adams and Caswela factions broke out again last Sunday jnight in nark Last le county, when, after church services, Frank Adams was killed by one of the CaswelU. Since then Frank Has elton, James Lunsford, James Townsend, Tom Jackson, and two others whose names are unknown have been killed, while manv others have heen wnnndod and several houses burned. THE VOlXi NAPOLKON. II U Cane I Dlniutmed and lie Want Daw a for the Proaecntlon. New York, Dec. 17. The case azainet Henry S. Ivea. charged br Julias Dexter. of Cincinnati, with stealing a draft for $100,0K) from Cincinnati, Hamilton St Da v ton raiiwav. wasdismissed this mom - irii Tv urn bo will at rsnt tnatitufo rtroceedinas airainst Heifer rlaiminir f 100,1 WO damages for malicious prosecu tion. THE FEDERATION OF TRADES Tbe Meeting Adjourn Sine Die After I'axilng- RemilutionA. Baltimore, Dec. 17. The American federation of trades has adjourned sine die. The convention this morning passed resolutions denouncing the action of the police in various cities for interfer- ing wun me meetings and insisting that the spirit of unlawful oppression displayed towards anarchists be con demned. FIRE IX MIUVAI KEE. It Breaks ont la an Art Ooode Store, Dam an $IOO.OOO. Milwaukee, Dee. 17. A fire this morn ing in Iverson'a art goods store, 425 East VVater street, caused a loss of 1100.000. Quian's book store adjoining was also damaged by water. SECRETARY PRO TEM. nrlcadler General MrFeely War i Eaai- t'l Seat la Hla Afceenee. Washington, Dec 17. The president has designated Brigadier General Mc Feely to act as secretary of war during the absence of Secretary Endicott. Tone bb the tycteta and improve the appetite oy te job aycr-a earaaparuia. il rui mate yoo. leet Ukeanevneraoa. Thoaaand hav toaad health aaa relief from anlTartne bv the nae of UiU froat waea all other neaaa (ailed. Curling iron sad ptaklaf Inai at Mrs. A. H. x arrmr e. HOMELESS MILLIONS. The Yellow Hirer in China . Rampant. MYKIADS 07 PEOPLE STARTIXG. The Mad Torrent of This Earing: River Leaves its Coarse Inde scribable Suffering;. . Sax Fkascico, Dec. 15. The steam ship City of Sydney arrived this after noon from Hong Kong and Yokohama. The Chinese papers give details of a disaster occasioned by the' Yellow river overflowing its banks in the province of Honau, and they describe it as One of the most appalling occurrences in the loss of life and property recorded in recent times. The river broke its banks on Septem ber 28th, southwest of the city of Sching Chou, and not only completely inunda ted that city, bat also ten other populous cities. Tbe whole area is now a raging sea ten to thirty feet deep, where it was before densely populated and a rich plain. The former bed of Yellow river is now dry, and the present lake was the bed of the river centaries ago. Tbe loss of life is in calculable. . " Tbe statement is made by missionaries that millions of Chinese are homeless and starving. Thomas Paton, one of the American missionaries, writing from Honau province under date of October 28th, says: "The newly gathered crops, herbs and trees are all swept away. The country was covered with fine winter braid, wh'ch is gone, and this implies the complete destruction of next year's crop. Bread ! bread ! is the cry of thousands whe are on the river banks. The benev olent go in boats and throw bread among the masses here and there, but it is noth ing compared with their requirements. Tbe mass of people is still being increased by continual arrivals ef those even more hungry than the last. There they sit, stunned, hungry and deserted, without a rag to wear or a morsel of food. Mat huts are being erected for them to the west of this, but what will be the suffer ing in two months I cannot conceive. The misery is increased owing to the bit ter cold weather." fThe Hoang-Ho, or "Yellow river," is one of the principal rivera of China. It is 2800 miles in length, and rises in Thibet, flowing first in a northeastern di rection into Mangolia, then in a southern and southeastern direction through China proper, and entering into the Yellow sea in latitude thirty-four degrees north. Its course is winding and tortuous, it cur rent rapid and turbulent, and when it reaches the lowland it becomes unman ageable, and is scarcely navigable. The immense amount of yellow clay which it carries along with it, and from which it has received its name (Hoang-Ho, mean ing "Yellow river"), is deposited partly at its mouth, partly along; its bed. This, not only the level of its witters, but even the level of its bed, is higher than the surrounding land, which must be pro tected against its inundations by immense levees. It has cost the Chinese govern ment each year $7,000,000 to keep these levees in good repair, and an extensive system of canals has been devised and constructed in order to lead parts of its waters into other river beds, and prevent tbe devastations with which it has con stantly threatened one of the moet fer tile provinces of the empire. Its princi pal aflluent is Hoei-Ho. In 1853 the Hoang-Ho broke from its old courne and began pouring its waters into the Yellow sea by a mouth some hundreds of miles north of its former one. Ed. - PACIFIC COAST. ALRANT WILL CELERRATE. She Will Get Ont a Hand, Have a Boa Are. and Make feipeechea. Ai-baxy, Or., Dec 16. The citizens' committee this evening made arrange ments for Albany's participation in the celebration of the O. & C. spike driving. The strokes of the hammer as recorded by telegraph will be sounded on the fire bell, followed by the ringing of the church belts of the city. On the arrival of the train Sunday evening the visitors from California will be met by a delega tion of citizens, hort speeches will be made. There will also be a band of mu sic and a bonfire at the depot. Mayor Weatherford accomianied the excursion train from Portland this evening. SHIFPIXO DISASTER Storm A Ion a the Cuul Caw e Heavy Heaa. Mksdociso, Dec. 16. The schooner Z. B. Her wood went ashore at Navario last night. The schooner Bobolink parted some of her lines at litis place, broke her capstan, and broke a sailor's leg. Tbe leg had to be amputated. Twenty thousand feet of lumber was washed off the deck. The Yaqnina cannot get out of Fort Bragg harbor. Tbe sea is very heavy. A WIFE BEATER. ' He Appears la the Portland Police Court, ' and la HeM to Amtwer. Pobtlaxd, Or., Dec 16. Thomas Wal ters, an engraver, living on Fourth and Baker streets, answered in the police court this morning to a charge of drunk and disorderly and assault and battery upon his wife, Mrs. Katie Walters. He was bound over in the sum of $100 to appear before the grand jury. THE AJfTIQCE. Mrs. Peachblow V -How long has your bill been running? Collector Two months, ma'am, and I Irs. P. V. Only two months! Take it away. Take it away. I never look at any thing that is not old. I am a collec tor of antique. Kametaber that th mirror, brtuhea, and combe la the ftae slash toilet eatee at D. W. Matthewa A Co.1 are made from tvorv. Prleea low down. Up Us? : like a thief at night it sten in upon lis unawares. The. pa tienta hare pains about t!i. chest and sides, and sometime in the back. They feel da! and sleepy; the mouth has i bad taste, especially in th, morning. A sort of sticky slime collects about the teeth. The appetite is poor. There is a feeling like a heavy load on the stomach ; sometimes a faint, all gone sensation at the pit of the stomach which food does not satisfy. The eves are sunken, the hands and feet become cold and clammy. After a while a cough sets in, at first dry, but after a few months it is attend ed with a greenish-colored ex pectoration. The patient feels tired all the while, and sleep does not seem to afford any rest After a tim6 he becomes nervous, irritable and gloomy, and has evil forebodings. There is a giddiness, a sort of whirl ing sensation in the head when rising up suddenly. The bow els become costive; the skin is dry and hot at times ; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; the whites of the eyes become tinged with yellow; the urine is scanty and high colored, de positing a sediment after stand ing. There is frequently a pitting up of the food, some limes with a sour taste and sometimes with a sweetish taste; this is frequently at tended with palpitation of the heart; the vision Incomes im paired, with spots before the 3yes; there is a feeling of great prostration and weaknei. All f these symptoms are in turn iresent. It is thought that learly one-third of our popu lation has this disease in some of its varied forms. It has been found that phy sicians have mistaken the cause oi this disease. Some have treated it for a liver complaint, thers for kidney disease, etc., itc, but none oi these kinds of treatment have been attended with success; for it is really constipation and dyspepsia. It is also found that Shaker Ex tract of lloots, or Mother Sei el's Curative Syrup, when properly prepared will remove this disease in all its stages. Care must be taken, however, to secure the genuine article. IT WILL SELL BETTER THAN COTTOX. i Mr. John C. Ilemptinstall, of Chulaflmiee, Clcbuni Co., Ala., writes: "My wife has been so much benefited by Shaker Extract of Roots or Nigel's Syrup that she sa he would rather be wit Ik nil part of er food than without the nu'dieine. It has done her more good than the dot-tors and :11 other medicines put together. I would ride twenty miles to et it into the hands of any suf ferer if he ean get it in no other way. I In lieve it will hkmi sell in this State better than cotton. TESTIMONY Fl:OM TEXAS. Mrs. S.E. Barton, of Varner, Ripley Co., Mo., writes that sliif had leen long afflicted with lysjiepsia and disease of the urinary organs and was cured by Shaker Extract of Roots. Rev. J. J. Mctruire, merchant, of the same place, who sold Mrs. Barton the medicine, says he has sold it for four years and never knew it to fail. SHE WAS ALMOST DEAD I was so low with 'dyspep sia that -there was not a phy sician to le found wrho could do anything with me. 1 had fluttering of the heart and swimming of the bead. One day I read your pamphlet called "Life Among the Shakers" M'liich described my disease tatter than I could myself. I tried the Shaker Extract of Roots and kept on with it until to-day I rejoice in Rood healtn. Mrs. M. E. Trhsley, Bevier, Muhlenburg Co., Ky. For sale by all Druggists, of address the proprietorA. J. White, limited, 54 Warren SAVED US LEG SCROFULA evrsa poke euniiD ! JLrrnoiru, Oa Aaevst 11, ISSI Taa. Swifv Bfannc Co Atlanta, Oa: nailwn 1 nave been afflicted wtta JeeraUoa of tae ieea ever atace I waa a eaud, the ataaaae andoabtedljr betas nre duaiy, aa my aaotaer Buffered front acroful ana ayatptoaia Aa I advanced to manhood aav imiiiii- 1iiiim nil until the nuUadr naiaa aaiinmina aad palate! bereed a newer at words to deacrlbe. My rlgbt lee; pertiealarlr beoanta fearfully lnrolTed, tae left tec Deinc teat pal a run; aneciea. ruaiiy, aboearoarteea ream aeo. tae ajceraoa my rtxfat leg had eaten chroaan the Seen tela tH htw. im ndf ta sen n Ute the doe- 1 ton determined to amputate mj leg below tae knea Tne operation waa aneoeaafullr performed by Dr. iL T.M. HUler. of Atlanta. ana ur. w. r. awi, e uuna o we loetof my lea; gave ate only temporary re bet. The poteon waa atlll la my aratem and aoon beean to ahow tteeU again, la a abort rlarne aleera appeared on my left lea. eoverlnc ft from the knee to tbe tnatep. rraqoeauy wane at worn i oouw oe iracaen by the Mood wbiea ooeed from tbe bote aleera, and the aoree and rettenlnc hole wereao offaaalee that my fellow-workmen eoald not etaad tbe a tench aad woald more away from ate. Laat winter I waa perauaded to try S. ft. S. A a laat effort I aoaeented to do an. aad aboat montae ago 1 pecan taxing tne aoedSo. I of the medlolae, tbe ocTeaatve running began to grow tee and lees aad anally ceased, the Jeers healed, my Seah berams nrm aad solid, and to-day, after oatng sweaty-one a to net the goon enact boulet, I am at hale aad stoat a maa of my area there la Ueorgla. I am seventy -one years on. oat roes now thaa iota 1 1 was hmtr At. 1 web rw Boaada, Kothiag Is to be seea of rrlble dlaiats. or to remind me of the Sorter I eaffered for so maay year, except of the perfeetiy heeien wears. the world tokaow of the almost mlreealoaa oar effected on me brl.Lt, aad I call apon those who wish to know tbe partlcalar directly from me te write, and I will consider It n pleasure aa well as a doty to answer tbelr teiter. I refer to Dr. W. P. Bond, of Llthonta. as to the traih of my very gratefully yo-ir. Da a, Ti satis oa Wood and Skin Dlssass mailed tree. Taa Swrs-r aracinc Co., Drawers, Atlanta, Oa, InvsiiJsllofellSorgicallnslitoIa BUi'Jr'-fVI.O, T .-sr. Mwsialaesl wUk faU Stair af Clsnteem xserUmoe4 aad sUOIlfnl ri;ylcUaa mm& aarceova Car thm treataacat mt all Cars ale Placates. OUH FIELD OF SUCCESS. Croiile Nasal Catarrh Throat and Lsnf Oleeaaea, lawer and Kldner Dlseasea, Atladdor Dissasra, Disease a of Women, Blood Tdisoanes and Nerv nns Affections, cured here or at home, with or without seeing' the patient. Come and see us, or send, ten cents in stamps for our MInTalIda Onldo Uook," which gives all particulars. nervous irooiii if, imps. tencTiNocttirnal i,oaca, andaU norbld Conditions caused by Vonthfal lol lies and Pernicious Soil tary Xractlcea are srxtdily and mrmanentlv cured rr our BpeciaB. Book, poof-paid, 10 eta. la sumps. R opt are, or Breach, rndU BlIPTOHE. wtt cally cured, without the knife. itb jout depunacnoo Ujon isaca. an ana wrcn very jiiiio puio. Houk sent for ten cents In stamps. pile Tinnon sn-J TRirrrnc trr-atml with tho frruatcat sucotw. Booit t for ten cents in sturopn. Address Wobu's Dispbxsart Medicaj. Assoct.tTajft. Ota M.i In fctreet, Buffalo, N. Y, The treatment of many thouannU f cases of tuoee djseaaus peculiar to aWO2VXX3S0r at tbe Invalids' Ilot.-l and 8urical Institute, has f- Diseases cf YcrFL foro4 buve experk-ooo la adaptiasT reuMdiot for toeir cure, and DRi PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription Is tbe result of this rest experieaoe. It to a powerful Reetoratlrv Tonle and Nervine, lmprts vlfor and strength to tbe system, and cures, as II by inacio. Lra. orrhea, or whiten," exceeslve down aenaatlona, chronic concesa tlon, Inflasonaatt on and t I ceratl on of tne womb, Inflammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, Internal beat, and "female weakness. It peonirrtty reUcree and cures rfaneea and wsknH ol Stomach, Indlaea tlon, Itloatlnr, Nerront Prostration and Sleepleaaneaa, la cither aex. PRICE $1.00, afjesss Sold by Tm aTtleta everywbere. Send ten vents in stamps for Dr. Pic roe's ktrro Treatise oa Diseasta of Woiaea, illustrated. .Ysrlf s Blspeasary ISsdlcd lssoclatlsa, 683 llaia Street, BUFFALO. B.Y. SICK-HEADACHE. Itlllona ITeadache, Iiz2inca, Constipa tion, Indtfsstlon, and Billons Attacks. prrmjptiy cured by Dr. Ilereeo Pleaaan-I Inrgatlre Pellets. 28 ' a r1-' by DruaaistaV FALL G00D ! NEW GOODS ! G00P GOODS ! ailCS F. D. aicDOWELL, flfatctaoaker and Jeweler, tlX Commercial street, 8slem. has jnst receired a new line of fall good, contlstinfof WATCHES and CLOCKS And Jewelry of every description. , - i Prices marked down to the lowest possible margin. . JCCp-Repeirisg a specialty, and all work la this line warranted. . MOXET TO LOAX. BY THE STATE IS nrance eompany pf this city for one, two, threw, or five yesrs. npoo food. Improred firm property located la this county. 7-eS-dw Ceusite Diseases noniDi,ptiRini mentirnition, una natural saprresslons, prolapsus or falllna- of thio atom a, weak bark, antereralon. retroversion, bearini Mi. SHERIFF'S SALE. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT BY T"lu? ? mn utlo. decree and order of sale duly fused out ef tbe honorable clrenu cooit of the ttate ol Oregon for Marion county and to me directed on tne second day o( De cember. 1S7. wherein Irwin Snelder. plaintiff recovered jadrment again Edward S. Ler mit. Wm. Clark. W Ti. Harwell and Loui, Stout, defendanu, aaid jadrment betnt for the urn of W5S.30 In cold coin of the l-nlted State, and interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 17th day of October is:' and the turn of fJUT.Sl attorney! fee, and the ceeta and dlxbaraement of thta auit herein taxed at 134.60, tor ether with accruing cotu and and expense. I will eU at public auction on Saturday, the 7th day or January, 188, At the court house door in Salem. Marion county. Oregon, at one o'clock p. m, of aid day, to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the day of tale, all the right, title and intersex of the defendanu, K. 8. Lermit and Wm Clark, on or after the 28d day of November l! aad to the fellowlnr described r.rrmic to-wit: The south half of the south weet quar ter of section eight (S); also the north half of the north-west quarter of section seventeen (IT) in township nine (9) south of range two (2) eM in the district of lands subject to sale at Oregon City, Oregon, containing one hundred and ixty (10) acres in Marioa county. Oregon. Dated at Salem this December 7, 1W. JNO. W. MIKTO. Sheriff Marion County, Oregon. sHEBim SALK. V-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY VIR i tue of an execution, decree and order of sale issued out of the honorable circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Marian, and to me directed, on tbe 2d day of Nov., 187 wherein Reuben Pettyjohn, plaintiff, recovered s Judgment against Tho. J. Moultan, defend ant, said Judgment being for the sum of $770 snd Interest thereon from the 11th dsy of Oct., 1887, and 50 attorneys lees, and for accruing costs and expenses. I will sell at public auc tion, on Saturday, the 10th dsy of December. 1S7, at the court house door in Salem, Marion county, Oregon, at one o'clock p. m.of said dsy, to the highest bidder for rath in hand on said day of sale, all the right, title and Interest of the said defendant, Tho. J. Mnulton. on er after tlie ih day of February, 1877. in sn to the following described premises, to-wit; Lot No. () two in block No. (17) seventeen as recorded on the town plot of North Balem, in the county of Marion, snd state of Oregon. Dated at Salem, Nov. 7., 1C. JNO. W. MINTO. Sheriff Marlon County, Oregou. A DM I N IKTK ATOR NOTICE. VOTICE IS HEREBY UIVKV TH ATTWF r-v. it dei-Kigned has this day been appointed sd mlnistrator of the estate of Leon W. Smith, de ceased, by the county court of Marion county. Oregon. All persons having claims arain.t said estate ar-i require J to present them with the proper voucher to me at the law office of my attorney. Geo. H. Burnett, in 8alem, Ore gon, within six months from tbe date hereof. Dated December Ut, 1H7. MINNIE N. SMITH, Administrator of the estate of Leon W. Smith. Deceased. ! NOTICE. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE No tice that the South Britikh Fire and Ma rine Insurance Co. of New Zealand desires and Intends to cease doing business in theststeof Oregon, and to withdraw it capital there from. THE 80 IT II BRITISH FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Of New Zealand. By Williams, Acb and Wood, Attorneys. Portland, Oregon, Oct. , 187. 1H4 .?-( NOTICE. VOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT MY WIFE il Julia A., has left my board, care and pro tection without any lust cause or provocation: I therefore forbid all persons trusting or bar boring her on my account, as I shall pay no debts of her contracting after this date. Dated at Chamaoeg, county of Marion, state of Oregon, the 6th dsy of October 1887. 10-H-lmw L. BRIGGS. STOCKHOLDER'S MEK1INU. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK holders of the First National bank of Sa lem, tor the election of directors for the year lhM, and tbe transaction of other legitimate business, will be held at the banking house'of the association on Tuesday, January Wh, 1888, at 4 o'clock p.m. JOHN M01R. 12-13-wtt Cahicr. ? HOWELL, DENTIST. PERSONS DESIK- oflice in Silverton and be informed tlmul mr new pnnTH in niiiui; ruuwr piaiea. All wor- done by me for the past Ave years by the new process has given general satisfsctlon. Teetn extrscted and filling done without pain. Gold filling a specialty. All work guaranteed and done for less money than ever before 8-ii NOTICE THE ANNCAL MEETING OF THE SHAKE holders of The Capital National bank of Salem will be held at its banking house at three o'clock p. m. Tuesday, January 10th, l. J. H. ALBERT. Cashier. Salem, Oregon, Dec. 7th, 17. 12-8-r5t VOTICE TO CREDITORS. HAVING retired il from business, all person knowin them. selves indebted to me are requested to call and tett'e by December I.Hh. '87, after which date all nnpald accounts will be placed In the hsnd of an attorney for collection. M. KAMINSKY. Gervas, Oregon, Nov. 23, 17. 11-25-lra. STRAYED. A BOl'T FOl'R WEEKS AGO. from Paul knnco' nlce fr,fir .Hm k. river from Kalefn I.. v in,M k IKS), heavy with foal; aad one yearling mare colt with one eye out Finder will I paid for trounie by bringing home or sending word. Auurrs am ivoiicn. oaiem, vir. U-9-4tW TOR SALE.- A LARGE STRAW Cl'TTEK, r to be run ly power. Nearlvasaonda new Will be sold and delivered for .at. Inouire at tbe Daniel Clark fsrm. or aMre w T Salem. 12-ifUtmw ' FOR SALE. ABOUT SEVENTY HEAD OF Angora gft. Enatilre of 3. Harritt about two mile northwest of Halem, In Polk county. J-'iiimw Star bicycle, safe, practical and fast. No headers or dangerous fall. 805 miles In 24 hours. Accepted world's records on the road from 150 to sufr miles. World a safety records from 1 te 20 miles on the track. First American machine to make more than 20 miles within the hour. Won all hill climbing contests, both as to speed and grade. Won all first premiums, when la competition, since 1881. Send for cat alogue to Catterlin A Hicks, agents fur Marion. Polk, Yamhill and Linn counties. K State street, Salem, Oregon. 12-9-1 EEMOVED! C. H. Walker baa removed hla carriage trim ming shop to the bonding west oi . Levy's store, nest door to J. M. Forsytbe, Stat street, Salem, Oregon. He keeps on hand buggy tops, boggy and wgon cushion, storm apron and all kinds of carriage trimming matt rial. Bug gy top made to order and repaired. 1216dw-lm. 1 PIANOS AND ORGANS. WHALE (kGALLIHEK Sole agents for Oregon For tbe celebrated Everett planos.and Cloughdc Warren organ. Office and storeroom in Git ben Bro'. bank, Salem, Oregon. Correspon dence solicited. 111-lmdw