XJbUU OREGON STATESMAN: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16. 1887. THE BLAINE IDEA. The Interriew Creates. Much Comment, PB0MI5EST 5EWSPAPEB 0FIXI05 The Opinions of this Private CMieB across the Sea Talked of More than the President's Messaje. New York, Dec 9. In commenting on Elaine' message, the Times says : "This, then, is the sum of Blaine's policy, and a be is the leader of the republican party at present it moat be taken as the policy of the republicans until tbey re pudiate it, and it wonld be veil for them to hasten to do it. It is not a policy that tber can go before the people with." The Tribnne says: "Blairm in Europe speaks as an American. Cleveland in America speaka as a British manufactu rer, anxious to be admitted without any chares to a share of the best and the lanrest market in the world." The World ears: "The Maine states man'! interriew is in fact a proclamation that Blaine considers himself to be the chosen champion of protection, and that he is ready te enter the presidential lists again as such. President Cleveland stands for the purposes set forth in his raessase. Blaine comes forward as the cUambion of the oooosite idea. The democratic party could not ask for a bet ter issue." The Ban says : "If Brother Blaine en tertains such loose notions of the re la tions between the federal government and the states, it strikes us that be would be a conspicuously unfit person to entrust with the management of the nation's financial affairs." FROM THE RABID AICTI-BLAINJC TRIBUNE. Chicago, Dec. 9. The Tribune, com mentins editorially on Blaine's message, says: "Blaine, as might have been ex pected, has presented high-tariff protec tion from a partisan point ol view as an opposition issue to the president's view on tariff reduction. Blame's interview will have to stand upon its merit, and will be endorsed or condemned in ac cordance with the value of the arguments set forth, and public judgment will not be influenced by the distinguisned name behind them. It is the weakest ground Blaine has ever yet occupied, and no national party can expect to go in'oa presidential campaign on that issue, no matter who may be its leaders. The surplus question roust be settled in some way and in a different way from what it has been settled. It cannot be settled in accordance with the Blaine idea." EASTERN. INTERVIEWED The World Ceta the Idem of Many Con gressmam. New York, Dec. 8. The World has had interviewed over 215 yembers of congress on the tariff and their choice of president. The following summary wil show the result : For republicans First, do you favor the renomination of Mr. Blaine for pres- l.lentT second, if not. state your pre! erence as to a candidate? Third, do yon favor the president's tariff ideas? Fourth, how far would you be willing to go in any reduction of taxation? For democrats First, do you favor the president s tariff ideas? becond, how far would you be willing to go in any re daction of taxation? Republicans On choice for president: non-com mi tal, 40 ; for Blaine, 23; nomi nee of the convention, 17; John Sher man, 8; Harrison, 2; against Blaine, 4; for Urasham, 1 ; Uov. Robinson, of Mas sachusetts, 1 ; total, 08. Cleveland's tariff ideas 93 democrats in favor of Cleveland's tariff ideas; 7 re publicans and 14 democrats non-committal ; 18 republicans and 6 democrats opposed; tlJ republicans in favor of Cleveland's tariff ideas; total, 207. For tariff reform only, democrats, 59, republicans, 9 ; for revenue reform only, democrats 10, republicans 38; for tariff and revenue reform, republicans, 1 ; non- committal, democrats 8, republicans 34 ; against any change, democrats, none; against any change, republicans, 23 ; to tal, 213. POWDERLY TALKS. He Attacks the Western Union and A ove rate n P wi tal Telegraph. Philadelphia, Dec. 8. The third series o! letters addressed by Powderlv to the Knights of Labor is published. It is con fined to an attack on the Western Union Telegraph company, with a recommen dation that the United States be given control of all telegraph lines. The plan of placing the stock! of the only telegraph system in the Union in the bands of for eign capitalists fowderiy thinks is omi nous of impending danger, and he cites the recent crisis in France as an example of monarchical interference with republi can institutions. He argues that the government can do the telegraphing1 of the country as successfully as it does the mail carrying, and ridicules the idea that it would amount to anything as a politi cal factor, because there are only about 17, (XX) telegraphers in the United States. .THE CHEROKEE. They Swear In a Chief and an Assistant . end las tall Then In Ofltr. St. Loci, Dec. 8. The latest informa tion from the Indian territory is that the patience of the IXwning party having iiecome exhausted waiting lor the senate to count and declare the vote of the elec tion for chief and assistant chief of the nation, last evening they swore in Judge .Mays as cniei and .Nam Mwith as assistant chief, and llwn conducted them to the executive office, wtierw the late Chief iiuanynead was apprised of the situation and was rennested to neafnll t which he did. Notwithstanding this ir regular, if not revolutionary, way of intro ducing the chief into office, no disturb ance ensued, and Chief Mays says that oruer snail be fully preserved. KOTABLK DEATH. The Feaadsr of the Cathelle Benedictine Order Pass Away. PrrrsBcao, Dec. 8. Archbishop Abbott Boniface Trimmer, of the O. 8. B., founder of the Benedictine order in the TT :J - AA . m fir Vlruvnt'l Abbey, West Moreland county, this I after a lingering illness, aged morning, 78 years. THREE BLACK BRUTES. They Are ant Appropriately Caught amd . Lyme bed. OmosTenn., Dec. 8. Adam Charles and Andy Miller and Wm. Smith were lynched near Rivers, Tenn., yesterday. Tber were neeroes and criminally assaulted a 10-vear-oId girl in a lonely wood. The child will probably die. OCT ON BAIL. The Bed Eyed Anarchist Herr Breathe Free Air Again. Most New York, Dec. 9. Application was made to-day in the supreme court for ad mission to bail of Jobann Most, in 'whose ease an appeal had been taken from the iudzment of the court of general sessions. The application was granted and Most was released on 15000 bail. THE BCBBEB TRUST." It la Expected to St retell Aroaad Whole Bosiae. the New York. Dec 9. Manufacturers of rubber boots and shoes have, after repeat ed unsuccessful efforts, concluded the formation of a trust. All of the larger companies have signified their intention to enter the trust, and it is believed the smaller companies will also join them. The Fight Off. Boston, Dec. 9. 'Stakes in the Carney- McAuliffe figbt were withdrawn to-day, and the fight is entirely off. BANGED . FOB MURDER. A Mexican Refuse to Wear the Black Cap mad Die Game. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 10. At Uvalde, Texas, at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Cruse Roderidguex was hanged for the murder of Pancho Gariaa who was called to his door early one morning in 1885. and shot in cold blood. Roderidguex asked that he be shot as he had been a soldier. This being denied him, he re fused to wear the black cap. BE3CP8ET AND REAGAN. The Former Kaoeke the Latter Oat li Twelve Baaads. llcjrraa's Ponrr, N. Y., Dec. 10. It is reported here that Jack Dempaey and Reagan fought on Long Island early this morning, and that Dempsey knocked Reagan out in twelve rounds. THE II. a o. Samuel Spencer Elected ita President A "Salary Grab." Baltimore, Dec. 10. Samuel Spencer, president of the Baltimore &' Ohio Rail road company. His salary is said to be (25,000. Robert Garrett received only 4000. . . TEACHING JOHN CHINAMAN. Philadelphia Kvening Bulletin : Forty hard working Chinamen attended Sunday school every week at the Kev. Dr. Hemp hill'! west Arch street Presbyterian church, and the young ladies of the con gregation find the duty of instructing them both novel and pleasant. Few of the Mongolians have any knowledge of the English language, and the greatest difficulty experienced is in getting them to understand it. V ith the view of giv ing them thorough instruction each pupil is placed under the care of a young lady ; for the time being she gives her undivided attention to him. The plan of instruction is to read a verse from the Bible and then have the pnpil go over it word for word, defining each after his own idea of the meaning. The system is good deal like object teaching and is very interesting in its results. A Sun day or two ago after baring read the text one of the younj ladies asked her protege: "How, who is uod 7" Answer : "He, the Great Father." "Father of whom'" "You, me, everybody." "Where does he live?" Pointing upward, "In the sky." "What does trouble mean?" "Cry." "What does sea of trouble mean?" The pupil was silent for some time. Finally a smile of confidence illuminated bis bland countenance as he answered "etsick." HOW SOME MEN WRITE. Bancroft uses a typewriter and steno grapher, but be thinks 259 words a good day's work, and James G. Blaine thought he was doing well when he accomplished 1,500 words of a morning. On of the fastest writers among the public men of to-day is Admiral Porter, whose brain works like the wheel of a dynamo throw ing on sparks at every turn, and whom pencil rushes across the paper at almost a telegraphic speed. Admiral Porter wrote bis history of the United States navy in eleven months, and 'during this time his average was at least 75,000 words a month, or nearly 2.500 won Is a day, including Sundays. The book is as big as a dictionary, and contains from 700,000 to 800.000 words. Durinz many of these days he did not write at all, and R . a. -a . nis average during his working period ran as high as 5000 words a day. Ad miral Porter is fond of writing. He never uses anything now but alead pencil, and he says he cannot think well without he has his pencil in his hand. He bad a slight attack of pen paralysis once, and his band refuses lo act whenever his finger touches the steel of a pen. He began his novel writing for amusement, ana wrote "Allan Dare" without any idea that it would be published, much less dramatized. He stands up while writing, and, when he becomes interested, no works right along for hours at stretch. George Bancroft works only in- me morning. Elaine did bis best work before noon and Logan worked both morning and evening. PACIFIC COAST. KeWS by Telegraph frOE! West of the Rockies. THE STRANDED STEAMER. The Lall In the Gale was Only Tempo rary Still enthe Bench. A lb ast, Or., Dec." 8. The Herald's special from Yaquina this evening says: The lull in the gale was only temporary. It increased during the night and made it impossible to reach the Yaquina City yet from seaward, therefore the removal of her carzo at low water has bezun. The ship stands well the strain of wind and aea to which she is exposed. The gale is the most continued and severe for several years here. BRIDGE WASHED OCT. A gentleman from Scio states to-day that a portion of the bridge on the Nar row uauge railroad across a tributary of the Santiam was washed out by the high water, and trains cannot run. A DOUSE THIEF. A Very Freeh Individual at Albany Geta Into Tremble. Albaxy. Or.. Dec. 8. A man named Sayers, a stranger in the city, stole horse this evening, which was hitched on First street, and took it -to Marshall's liv ery stable, where he pawned it for S3, representing htmsell as its owner, lie then attempted to leave on the night train, bat was arrested and incarcerated in the county lail to await an examina tion to-morrow. WILL NOT RAISE BATES. The Hotel Keeper of Han Francisco Want the Convention? San Francisco, Dec. 8. A special meeting of the hotel keepers' association was held last night. A resolution was unanimously adopted that the hotel keepers of San Francisco pledge them selves not to raise their regular rates in the event of the national democratic com ing to this city. A VOTE OF THANKS. The Captain of the "Bear" Gets n Com plimentary Chrome. Sax Francisco, Dec. 8. The New Bed ford board of trade has forwarded to CapL Healy, of the revenue steamer "Bear," an engrossed document conveying a vote of thanks for the services rendered by the captain to the. whaling fleet during the past season. ALBANY NEWS. An Aged Man Meet With an Aeciaemt Diphtheria. Albas y, Or., Dec. 9. Wm. A. New- house, aged 74 years, an old resident of this city, while at the Oregon Pacific de- pet this morning for the purpose of board ing a freight train, fell from the platform, a distance of three feet, breaking bis leg at the hip. His recovery is doubuul. C. K. Bears, arrested last night for horse stealing, had an examination be fore Justice Humphrey to-day. He was held in $500 bonds, in default of which be was sent to jail. several new. cases of diphtheria are ranortad in the citv to-dav. It is prob able that the public schools will be closed temporarily to prevent further spread of the disease. A CHICO SCANDAL. A Photographer Imprisoned for Having- Obscene Picture. Chico, Cal., Dec. 9. Ovan Falowsky, a photographer, was arrested here last night on a charge of having obscene pic tures in his possession. A number of pictures found in his gallery were dis played in the justice's court this morn- fri ill 1 I - f women and children of Vnico in a nude state, and also photographs of several young ladies of hitherto respectable standing, in vulgar attitudes. Falowsky pleaded guilty and was sentenced to six months' imprisonment. Citizens are considerably aroused. - MURDERED IN HIS CABIN. An Italian In California Shot Down In Cold Blood. Napa, Cal., Dec. 9. Wm. Taylor has been arrested for manslaughter for killing an Italian named Antone in me Ken- ' w . as a . al 1 woods last Sunday. Taylor and Antone had an altercation, and Taylor went to the latter's cabin and shot him. Taylor and Charles Lange then concocted a story to tell at the inquest. Constable Brown's suspicions were aroused, and be visited the scene, investigated the matter and secured a confession from the witness. Lange, resulting in the full disclosure of the plot. OPIl'M SMUGGLERS. A Wee taa mod Chlmmmaa Arrested at Pert- land and Held to Answer. Portland, Or., Dec. Iff. Mrs. Annie Miner and Charlie Coe, the latter a Chi- . naman, were arrested lo-aay cnargea ith opium smnirgung, and were ex amined before the U. S. commissioner to-day. They were held to answer in the sum ot one thousand dollars each. THE LAST SPIKE. The Eseamlon Mar Vet Start on Friday, the 16th Instant Saw Fbascisco, Dec. 10. The state board of trade wishes it announced that the postponed excursion to witness the driving of the last spike of the Oregon & California railroad will start on nday, the 16th instant, if everything is favora ble up to that time. XOT GCILTT. Cast. Tooey, V. S. A BoeamUy Comrtmtar- tlaled a Portlamd, Eaoaormtod. Pobtlaxd, Or., Dec 10. A telegram from San Francisco states that CapL TnK litt. !,(..h. TT a A - C. J1 not guilty of the charges of drunkenness i wmie on duty, nnoer mucn ne was re cently court martialed in Portland. POOTLIGHT FLASHES. Extracts from MThe Corsair, now be- I ing played at the Bijou theater in New York "He can't speak English, he's been r4nWSne 1 4aK ar K istVsnw wssiauaia ai ua nuwacj "Mop the ship, 1 want to get out and walk." "Four spot takes the tray.' "You're the noisiest burglar I ever burgled with." for a man who talks with his palate you talk with bad taste." "Holdmo- a 'watch.' I'll iust know when to call you.' "Let s pepper bim.be am t worth salt." "A new brand of cigar the 'under taker's hope.' ' Every time you take a puff you can near uie angeis nap meir wings." "n hat a vile dungeon. Tis an awful sell." "Don't with the torch of Hymen tor- tore me." "Take her out of Turkey and Russia (rush her) into Greece." "My heart is broken, but 111 keep the peace." 1 will be calm, thus 1 give up her band and yield the palm." " i ou needn't trouble to send cards or cake." "There's a cow La our telephone "If it's a shaking ache I can't shake." "The big one is a horse pistol, the lit tle one a colt." Did 1 say it was a question of time? I meant eternity." I never made a big haul yet, except by telling the honest truth. I only between times." The lambs will be served in mint sauce long before the first dividend is declared." 'We cornered the Presbyterian mis sionary on those six Chinamen in less than ten days." The headquarters ol my arch enemy JJeath." Wall street has never yet bred its own giants." "V hat right has a man like that to kiss his wife?" aiy near Uornena u this term in addressing you is more warmly affection ate than our short acquaintance would I seem to justify, remember that I am your pastor." "Business? Gamblinz with the anirel ol Death." "Her character is spotless all black. without a white spot on it." a.. . . "... "The ticker kills more men than dyn amite." "Widows ain't Quoted at any such price in the market." "You teach a man how to die? Have you ver shown one how to live?" "1 want this particular widow, and I m bidding against the church militant." "That one kiss was worth every dollar it mat ma All ilia aI)im srill ha nn-tflr " SIR MORE LL MACKENZIE. Three generations ago a Ross-Shire Highlander put a shining about some part of his person and set his face across the Scottish border. His name was Mackenzie. He amaseeM a good fortune, and bis grandson grew into a mad doctor of much ability, but of retiring habits. To this physician, then living at Leyton- stone, 'England, there was born, fifty years ago, a son who was nsmed More 11, after an uncle who perished very credit ably in the loss of the Pegasus. Young Morell was left to run wild in Epping for est to an advanced boyhood, but he pre gresaed well later, took a high degree at the University of London, adjured the retiring habits of bis lather, screwed a brass plate on bis door and took to look ing down people's throats for guineas. His success in private practice was great and immediate, and in a few years after setting up he could give to physicians who had oeen estaDiisnea a me-time n score of patients and a beating. He be came a specialist. He wrote books on "Diseases of the Throat and Nose, and on the "Hygiene of the Vocal Organs." lie founded the hospital for diseases of the throat in Golden Square, obtained all the professional honors in general which throat and nose can Rive, and became the special champion of specialism in medi-j cine as oppuneu tu general imniw iu which capacity he largely developed and amply disolaved the bellicose and con troversial predisposition be has inherited from the original Highlander. A few months asro he was called in to deal with the throat of the crown prince of Ger many, which had baffled all the German doctors; and this he had treated with such success that it has been made tbe oi-casion for conferring upon him the dis tinction of a knighthood. ir Morell is a man of wealth, of capacity and of strong individuality. He has long been the physician and fnend of all singers and actors, and be has a son who is already making a name as a comedian, lie can often see a Joke, which is unusual for a Scotchman. London vanity air. SHE WAS VERY FOOLISH. At one of the receptions given to Mrs. Cleveland in this city last week, the wife of a well-known citizen of Philadelphia found herself for a moment close beside the president's wite, and there was one of those awkward pauses which some times occur, even in polite society. The Philadelphia lady broke in by saying to the mistress of the White House : "I suppose you left Mr. Cleveland at Washington?" Drawing herself np to ber full height Mrs. Cleveland said with haughty dig nity: "Do you reier to the president ( the United States, madame?" (Philadelphia Press. WORTH KNOWING. Alleork'a are tba only fenniae onroai planter ai otaer ao-canea porous piaaicrs arc imita tions. Their aiaker only rat them up to tell on to repotatioa of Alloock . all o-cailod lmproTsaenu sad aew iagTedl enu ara bnmbsn. o ooa baa over mtaoa aa UBprovamaat oa All- eork's Porona Plasters. Whea yoa bay Allcock's Posers rumu row ootaia lo beat Blaster mtaae. THX OCXCX Of PRITEXTIOX. To aatisfaeuoa of feelias ami frost eatehiac any disease, from ariaklng water, from in pure air. frosa s iek person, from eomtaet wtta fool clothier, tnfeetfoo. or eootarioa of any sort, ia complete and all aaxlety allayed by the nte of uenys rrcpnyiaeue rata, a oome wtu give more safety, com fort mad eoaSdeaee than all toe doctoring la tae world. V CD 7E D15 OUR GRAVES? "We must eat or we cannot live. This we all know. But do we all know that we die by eating f It is said we dig . our graves with our teeth. How foolish this sounds. Yet it ia f earfulhr true. We are ter rified at the approach of the cholera and jellow fever, yet there is a dis ease constantly at our doors and in our houses far more dangerous and destructive. Most people have in their owii stomachs a poison, more slow, but quite as fatal as tbe germs of those rnldadies which sweep men into eternity by thousands without warning in the times of great epi demics. But it ia a mercy that, if we are watchful, we can tell when we are threatened. The followine are among the symptoms, vet they do sot always necessarily appear in the same order, nor are they always the same in different cases. There is a dull and sleepy feeling; a bad taste in the mouth, especially in the morning; the appetite ia . change able, sometimes poor and again it seems aa though the patient could not eat enough, and occasionally no appetite at all ; dullness and slug gishness of the mind ; no ambition to study or work ; more or less head ache and beiiviiiens in the head; dizziness on iish:g to the feet or moving suddenly ; furred and coat ed tongue; a fr'cnse of a lead on the stomach that nothing removes ; "hot and dry .akin at times ; reuow tinge in the eyes; scanty and fiij;h-colored urine ; sour taste in the mouth, fre quently attended by palpitation of the heart; impaired -vision, with spots that seem to be swimming in the air before the even ; a cough, with a greenish-colored expecto ration ; poor nights rest ; a sticky slime about the teeth and gums; hands and feet cold and clammy; irritable temper and bowels bound up and costive. This disease has puzzled the physicians and ttill puz zles them. It is the commonest of ailments and yet 'the most compli cated and mysterious. - Sometimes it is treated as consumption, some times as liver complaint, and then again as malaria and even heart dis ease. But its real nature is that of constipation and dyspepsia. It arises in the digestive organs and soon affects all the others through the corrupted and poisoned blood. Often the whole body including the nervous system is literally starved, even when there is no emaciation to tell the sad story. Experience has shown that there is put one remedy that can certainly cure this disease in all its stages, namely, Shaker Extract , of Roots or Mother Heitrel s Curative Syrup. It never fails but, nevertheless, no time should be lost in trying other so called remedies, for they will do no good. Get this great vegetable preparation, (discovered by a vener able nurse whose name is a house hold word in Germany) and be sure to get the genuine article. GIVEN UP BT SKVZK doctors. Shaker Extract of Roots or Sei- gel's Syrup has raised me to good health after seven doctors bad given me up to die with consumption. So writes R. F. Grace, Kirkman ville, Todd Co., Ky. EX HEARD OF IT JTJST IK TTMK. "I had been about given np to die with dyspepsia when I first saw the advertisement of Shaker Extract of Roots or Sigel's Syrup. After using four bottles I was able to at tend to my business as well aa ever. I know of several cases of chills and fever that have been cured by it." So writes XIr. Thos. Pullum, of Tay lor, Geneva Co., Ala. . WORTH TS DOIXAJIS A BOTTLE. Mr. Thomas P. Evans, of the firm of Evans & Bro., Merchants, Horn town, Accomack Co., Va-, writes that he had been si?k with digestive disorders for many years and had tried maruv physicians and medi cines without benefit. He began to use Shaker Extract of Roots or Sei- fel's Syrup about the 1st of Jan. 887, and was so much better in three weeks that he considered him self practically a well man. He adds: "I have at this time one bot tle on hand, and if I could not get any more would not take a ten dollar, bill for it" i All druggists, or Address A. 4. "White, Limited. 54 Warren St N.T. Star bicycles, safe, practical and fast. Ko headers or danreroa falls. Kb miles in M boars. Accepted world's records on tbe road from ISO to Su5 miles. World's safety records from It 20 miles om tbe track. Pirst Aasericaa macblae to make more taaa 39 miles within tbe boar. Woo ail bill cHmbinr contests, both sa to speed and trade. Won all first premiums. when in competition, since 1&S1. Send for cat- si ocas to Cattertia m Hicks, seem for Marlon. Polk, Tarn bill and Una counties. IfiO Stat street, Salem, Oregon. 13-a-iw iR BaLX HOKfiZ, TWO 8KATXD, CAR- ruure and side saddle. For sale oa aocottnt of departare. Inquire at 251 Ferry street. . l-e. How a Dying Child IVas Saved ! CSrcao, Raan.loa Co, lam, Sept. It, IST7. The following is s tree accooat of what your a a a assdoae for oar U-'le asogbter. Rastt. now foar years old. .When II moutaaoid a lamp appeared on aerbset. which siowtygrew larger. The family physidaa thought It was eaassd by a ptecs of broken glsss or needle, bat failed to bring anything to light. The ; cbfM became feebler all the tune, seeming to I Ice tbe as of bee leg, sad finally quit walk ; Ing entirely. The middle Soger and thumb of either head became enlarged, the Sash bs. eomtaghard. The hip Joints became tavolr ed,so that whea seventeen months old sh eottld not stand, having lost the aw of leg sad arm. Partial curvature of the spins else followed. The aervoas system wss wrecked, muscles contracted, and there wss general wasting of flesh and mnsela. At eighteen months of age she was placed esder the tissfissntof a prominent physidaa of Bos ton, Mass.. bat at the end of tea moatbsshe had declined to snch a degree that she wm In a dylag eoadttloa. This was In April, im We took the child away not knowing what to do. Ia this dreadful dilemma we were ovsr-psrsaaded by friends to try "oa bot Os' of SwtfTs Sractno, which wedld, aad before It had all been taken we saw a eaaare far the better taker symptoms. Ws kept It sp, aad have done so to that day. aad wot keep M ap, tf the Lord wills, for many days toeosas, for It has btoaght oar dying Basel to life, to vigor, to strength sad beaitk afais. The sihea hae of her chsefcs has changed to a rosy ttafc. She Is able to walk say where. her laagoor aad mslsnwhoty save named away, aad she Is now a blithe, cheerful, hap py romping ealld. Baooid yoa wtsh to tn creass yoor testlmoaisU of proof of the vtrtoe of a a a. our names and what we have eald I bat a porttoa of what w owe to you, should yoa wish te ass them. Kindly yours. Baa. r. Swift. 1 esaravna X. Swrrm ft P. a Boa M. Treatise on Blood and Skla Disease mailed free. Taa S wiFTSractFic Co Drawer aAtlaata,Oa SHERIFF'S SALE. VOTICI IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BT i virtue ef aa execution, decree and order of sale duly Issued out ef the honorable circuit court of tbe state of Oregon for Marion county, and to me directed on toe second day of De cember, 18K7, wherein Irwin Sneider, plslntlff. recovered judgment against Edward S. Ler mH, Wm. Clsrk, W. B. Harwell and Urals Stout, defendsnts, said Judgment being for the sum of atl5o..K) in gold coin of the Cnited States and interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent. per annum from the I7tb day of October, 1W, and the sum of $207.91 attorneys tee, and the cestaand disbursements of this suit herein , taxed at $34.60, together with accruing costs and ' and expenses, 1 will sell at public auction on Saturday, the 7th day of January, ISSS, At tbe court bouse door In Salem. Marion county, Oregon, at one o'clock p. m. of said day, to tne ntgnest oiaeer lor en in nsnd on tbe dsy of sale, all the right, title and intenett of tbe defendants, E. a. Lermit and Wm. Clark, on or after the 23d dsy of November, -A lMHA.ln and to the fallowing described premues. to-wit: Tbe south bslf of tbe south west qusr- ' ter of section eight (); also tbe north half of tbe north-weft quarter of sectioa seventeen (1T in lowimsip nine (V) soutn oi rang two m east in the district of lands subiect to sale at Oregon City, Oregon, containing one hundred and sixty (1m) acres in Marion county, uregon. lated at Salem tbls pecember 7, 17. J NO. W. MIKT0, Sheriff Marion County, Oregon. SHKBirrs BALK. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY VI 11 tue of an execution, decree snd order of sale Issued ont of tbe honorable circuit eonrt of the state of Oregon, for tbe eounty of Marian, snd to me directed, oa the Al dsy of Nov., Itv7. wherein Reuben Petiyjohn, plaintiff, recovered a Judgment against Thos. J. Moultan. .defend ant, said Judgment being for tbe um f 1770 snd I nte rent thereon from the 11th day of On., lh7. and $60 attorney fee, and for sr ruing costs snd expenses. I will sell at pnblic suc tion, on Haturdsy, tbe 10th day of Pecember, 1W7. at the court bouse door In Salem, Marlon county, Oreson. at one o'clock p. m. of said dsy, to tbe highest bidder for cash in hand on ssid dsy of sale, all the right, title and Interest of the said defendant. Thos. i. Moulton.on ar after the Wh dsy of February, 177, in sn to tbe following described premises, u-wii; l o. (J) two in blck No. (17) seventeen as recorded on the town plot of North Salem, in tbe county of Marlon, and state ol Oregon. Dated at Salem, Nov. 7., l7. JNO. W. MIXTO, Sheriff Marion County, Oregon. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CK 1 deraigned has tbls dsy been appointed ad ministrator of tbe estate of Leon W. Smith, de ceased, by the county court of Marlon county. uregon. ah persons naving claims against said estate are required to present them with the proper vouchers to me at tbe law office of my attorney, ueo. tt. Burnett, in rtaiem, ure gon, within six months from the data hereof. Dated December 1st, ibh7. MINNIE N. SMTTH. Administrator of the estate of Leon W. Smith, Deceased. 1-9-wdt NOTICK. mo WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NO 1 tic that the South BriUsh Fire and Ma rine lasursnce Co. of New Zealand desires snd intends to cease doing business in the state of Oregon, and to withdraw iu capital there- . from. THE SOUTH BRITISH FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY of New Zealand. By Williams, Ach and Wood, Attorneys. Portland, Oregon, Oct. 6, 1X87. 10-14 VA NOTICK. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT MY WIFE il Julia A., hat left my board, care and pro- tectioa without any lust cause or provocation; I therefor forbid all persons trastisig or bar- boring ber on my account, aa I shall pay BO debts of her contracting after this date. Dated at Chemeoeg, county of Marlon, state of Oregon, the eta day of October 1W. 10-14-lmw L. BRIGGi. IU HOWEIX, DENTIST, i PERSONS DE8IB ! Ing dental work done should call at my office In Silvertoa and be Informed shout my new process of Suing rubber plates. All work done by me for the past Sve veers by tbe new process has given general satisfaction. Teeth extracted and filling done without pain. -Gold filling a specialty. All work guaranteed and done for less money than ever befere. S-I2 NOTICK. rPKE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE 8HARE 1 bolder of Tbe Capital National bank of Salem will be held at IU banking house at tbrcs o'clock p. m. Tuesday, January loth, 1. . H, ALBERT, Cashier. Palem, Oregon, Dec. 7th, 1M7. la-s-ar&t VOTICE TO CREDITORS. HAVING retired il from business, all persons knowing them selves Indebted to me sre requested to eall nd tett'e by December IJith. W7. after whk.h date all unpaid accounts will be plsced In the bands of an attorney for collection. M. KAMIN8KT. Gervas. Oregon. Nor. 23, 1W. 11 25-lm. VOTICE.-ALL INDEBTED TO ME PLEA8E 1 eall snd settle before tbe first of January. , If not settled Interest will be charged on all o roonls that have run over six mont. 139 "tat street. Salem, Oregon. N. S, PARKER. I2-e-2w-1mw 0 IUTERE8T DEQ Kanry Vigor, Weaknese or Loss ef Memory pc maneotly lustmid bv the aee of aa entuwly w remedy. TIs Yerka ftaatai from Spsla. Ppsa kh Trachea never fall. OuriiluBSjated.aSpa.eUws aad teatimonia), (srnt sealed). Every ea should It. VOS RAEF IBOtHEK t AA CW frSFa-rk snmee. w l awku n a, a