THE OREGK)N STATESMAN: FRIDAY. DEOMBER 9. 1887. sas. J in , Jh ( ad f was j "tori ? ort, ela- few J Li S ient f se$- J - i,f-r SMILE FROTOCATTOSS. The nearest of kin the napkin. It's oar bosom friend. Ex. Ob, why don't more men pat an enemy into their brains to steal away their months? Pack. A Burlington teacher told one of her , boys that the next time he wrote a com position there mast be some Doint to it. Tbe snbject of hi next disquisition was "Needles." Borlingtoo Free Press. "The climate of New Jersey is salubri ous, is it not T" he asked. "Salubrious ! repeated tbe enthusiastic citizen of that State, "why, stranger, we have ajosqaitos In January." (The Epoch. The Derrick is the only newspaper in town that had a representative on the rotten veranda yesterday when it fell eighteen feet into the creek. We alwava get there with both feet. 1 Oil City Der rick. Voice (from under sofa) "From this time forth, I'sball cease to call you wife: J on have beaten me shamefully, and I are still enough of the spirit of a roan left within me to remain here until you apologize for your conduct." Judge. A Long Island man ate seventy-five clams at one sitting and won one hun dred dollars by the feat. After defraying his funeral expenses there was twenty dollars left. Twenty dollars a day, clear profit, is pretty good wages. Drake's Travelers' Magazine. Buffalo Bill's share of the profit of the , "American Exposition" in . London amounted to seventy thousand pounds sterling, and a position in English society, lie would probably be willing to ex change the latter item for a plug of to bacco. (Minneapolis Tribune. At the Zoo The keeper the lion a large piece o meat. Poet "Does he get that often V Keeper "He get it regularly twice a day." Poet (with clasped hands) "What a boon it would be if I could only get a position as lion here." From the German. "Pshaw," quoth De Sappy, "I don't take much stock in this man Cranium, mind-reader. You can bet he was stumped when be tackled me!" "Yes," replied Miss Breezy, ."he naturally would have a hard time reading your mind unless he used a microscope' Puck. HE DIDN'T DICTATE. A tourist stopped at a log cabin to get a drink of water. ' Noticing very lean steer near the door chewing a rag the teurist, addressing the "landlord," said : "That's a very lean animal." . "Yas, sorter." "Why don't you give him something to eat?" "Ain't he eatin?" "Yes, eating a rag." "Wall, ef rag suit him, all right. I ain't no man to dictate." "He'll not make very good beef." "Reckon not; don't want him for beef. I ride him." "Hide him!" "That's what I said. Some folks mout prefer er boss, but I want er steer. You ughter see him trot. Don t low nothin to pass him on the road. W'y, he's so much iH'rter than anv of the hosses aliout here that when anybody is in a hurry to ;o alter a doctor they generally come lere and git him." I never heard of anything like that beiore. "I reckon not; an' ef you stay round here very long you'll here o' er good many things you never heard o' befo'. Never heard o' ole Mat Thompson swol len n- snake, did your' "No." "Wall, he done It." "What for?" "Snske-hungry, I reckon. I seed him at the time an' I thought that the pro ceedin' was sorter strange, but as I ain't no man to dictate 1 let him go ahead. Yander comes my son-in-law, an' I do know he's less at-count than any feller that ever lived. Look at him sloshin along like a fool." "Why did you permit your daughter to marry him 7 "Didn't I tell you I v a'n't a man to delate 7 1 reckon you d better be gone. A feller that's as hard o' understandin' as you air moot git a man inter trouble." Arkansaw Traveler. CARE OF POULTRY HOUSES. In consideration of the acknowledged value of hen man ore, .as the winter ap proaches, especially In all cases where fowls have had their freedom during the summer, provision should be made for the careful saving of all the manure that Is dropped by the fowls. If dry sand or loam can be secured for spreading over the floor under the perches, there should be a quantity secured in barrels or boxes convenient tor use. There should also be barrels or boxes handy for receiving the accu cumulations as they are gathered tip. If sand or earth are not at hand, sawdust afford an excellent substitute, and, on some accounts, is preferable to anything else, because of being less cold to the feet in freezing weather. The floor under the perches should be spread with the sawdust or earth so as to catch the droppings, with which they will become mixed, and when the mixture is pretty well charged witi the. manure it should be swept np and pat away for future use. Boxes for sand and ashes for sand baths . should he provided, as hens will be en abled to ward off vermin. A little sul phur mixed with the sand and ashes will assist in the work. If poultry is expected to pay it must be attended to! From the Gerinantown Telegram. A FASHIONABLE FKEAK. A yellow wedding is one of the latet freaks. The bridesmaid are in yellow, the "decorations yellow, the lace yellow, the flowers yellow; everything, in short, bat the bride, who is, of course,all white, wears that jaundiced hue. Tbe effect is somewhat trying, and more suggestive of a rousing bilious attack than the gentle, amorous scene a fashionable marriage ceremony seeks to b. However, any thing for a change. Boston Herald. urn rixu. TJe Dr. Gnnn't Improved liver Pfil for wal low complexion, pimples on tbe face and bll ioasneea. herer sicken or f ripe- Only one or a done Sample tree at Geo. K. Good'. SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE. H, Hetabree, formerly a student of .Willamette university, snd Miss May Ganiere will he married at the M. E. church, East Portland, on Wednesday. January 4th, at 8:30 p.m. Prof, Cooroer, of this city, is not only a finished cornetist, but he is also a com poser of no mean order of ability. Tbe two selections which he rendered on Friday night were of his own composi tion. Invitations have been received bv friends in this citv to the wedding of Miss Sarah Blanch 'Bell to Mr. Robert Davis, which takes place on Wednesday evening, December 7tb, 1887, at Grace church, Astoria, at 7 :30 p. m. scaraisK pabtt. . On the evening of last. Friday, about fifty or sixty of tbe parishioners and friends of Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Dick, of the Evangelical church, assembled at John Knight's, and marched in a bodv to the pan tor's residence, surprising them completely. The exercises of the even ing were of a social nature and were very pleasant. Every body had brought a lunch basket with him, and their con tents made the lunch one of the most agreeable features of the evening. The surprise was intended as an expression of tbe church members', pleasure over the safe return of their pastor from his recent trip east. WHWT CUB. On Monday evening Mrs. J. M. Rosen berg entertained the Salem Whist clnb, in honor of ber father, Mr. J. G. Wright, who is a member. The evening was spent in the interesting game of drive whist, and waa enlivened with ctmIUki -singing. An elegant luncheon was wrrveu ana neariuy appreciated. The first prize for the most excellent plaver was awarded to Mrs. 8. F. Chadwick, the second to Mrs. J. II. Strickler, third to Mrs. E. Breyman, and fourth, or booby, td W. W. Skinner. AH the members of the club were present, with the exception of Mrs. J. G. Wright, absent at Prine ville. They were Mr. J. O. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. E. Breyman, Mr. and Mrs. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick, Mr. and Mrs. Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Mur phy, Mr. and Mrs. Lemon, and guests Mr. and Mrs. Strickler. PLEASANT PASTY. Miss Anna O'Donald entertained very pleasantly a number of her friends at the residence of her father, J. O'Donald, Esq., Wednesday night: The amusements consisted of dancing, cards, and jack straws, in which latter game Chas. Piper proved himself by all odds the most abominable player present. An elegant repast was served at 11, and tbe time afterwards was passed mwt enjoyably in fortune telling and other games.' There were present, Miss Lulu Smith, Miss Grace Piper, Miss Ruth Matthew, Miss Grace (Jillingham, Miss Mollie Hodgkin, Miss Anna Plamondon, Miss Maud Jackson, Miss Lydia Brooks, Miss Pearl Scott, Miss Addie Hartman, Miss Emma Bernard!, Miss Addie Payne; Messrs. Eugene Willis, Chas. ripw. Grant Brooks, Arthur Wilson, Frank Cross, E. L. L. Johnson, Frank Hughes, Iler ert Wilson, Harley Baker, T. J. Potter. A OtKLlSI St'BPBlSB. On Friday night the friends of Sam Adolph and wife "ran in" on them at their elegant residence on State street, after Bam and his family bad all retired, and gave them a veritable surprise. The Crty all pushed their way into the house fore Sam knew what was happening, and his ejaculations, "Mammy (mean ing Mrs. Adolph,) "Mammy, vats de matter; vats np mid der beebles, tell me dot?" created a big laugh. However he soon took in the situation and the vis itors, and the evening was spent very pleasantly in dancing, and the discussion of a bountiful luncheon that the party had brought with them, and of tbe choicest selections from Mr. Adolph' well stocked wine cellar. There were present Wm. Anderson, wife and daugh ter, Henry Haas, wife and two daughters, Mr. Aroidon and wife, Geo. Shreiver and wife, Wm. Chambers and wife. R. Ford and wife, and M. tiwinn and Ed. Wade. PRAISE YOUR WIFE. Praise your wife, man ; for pity's sake give her a little encouragement; it won't hurt her. She doesn't expect it; it will make ber eyes open wider than they have for the last ten years ; but it will do her good for all that, and you, too. There are many women to-day thirsting for a word of praise and encouragement. You know that if you can take from a drawer a clean shirt whenever you want it some body's fingers have toiled. Why don't you come out with it heartily. "Why how pleasant you make things look, wife," or "I am obliged to von for taking so much pains." If ynd gave a hundred and sixteenth part of the com pliments you almost choked tbem with before they were married ; if you would stop the badinage about whom you are going to have when No. 1 is dead (such things wives may laugh at, but they sink deep sometimes), fewer women would seek for other sources of happiness. Co lumbus Telegram. REWARDED FOR HIS TROUBLE. As the audience was leaving tbe theater an over-dressed would-be dude threw away the cigar he had just lighted, and raising hi hat to a charming-looking, but unprotected American lady, he said : "Can I call a cab?" A faint look of astonishment on the lady's face was followed by a smile and a faintly murmured : "Merci." When the cab was secured the gentle man, handing the lady in. asked in an insinuating tone of voice: "Where shall we drive to?" The lady gave an address, and while the male part? communicated the same to the drjver she stepped inside, closed the door, and telling the coachman to drive on, presented 'he insinuating stran ger with a two-sou piece. The horrified look on the man' face a he gazed steadily at the coin was a study for an artist. Pari Gauloi. HOW TO BCTT AHD WHAT to but. There fa anmat bf ng fo CTuMfT in the CHy expenses for the household asoessitieB, which In the AKgregai of the year amount to a good deaL The ethics of buying and eeQing seem to be for the vendor to get all he can, and fat the purchaser to see that he don't get too much. But what is too tnnchf It is almost a profound question, and presents the strange paradox that the dearest in many things is often the cheapest. Certainly this fa so In food where health is involved, and in reme dies which nature health after it ha been impaired. It ts certainly so in clothing ; for a cheap suit that will hardly last one season is dearer than the one which will last two sea sons, the difference ia price being reasonable. So in shoes, and the Ilk. Recurring to the items of food and health, undoubtedly the most important, it is fbtOM that villainous adulteration is what renders it cheaper, in much that is sold, and men are known who hare spent thousands to be cared of 'I', have suffered years of agony, and bsv trifled away their substance on worthless remedies. That which is testified to by thousands as be ing an absolute cure, and permanently effica cious, is cheap at any price in comparison with such as have no virtue, and which pro long raftering. A case in point is the follow ing: "Sew Bloom held, rV, April 28, 1886. Tbe Charles A. Voeeler Co., Baltimore, Md. Gentlemen : For more than thirty years I had been afflicted with rheumatism so severe I had to use morphine to secure rest at night. Spent hundreds of dollars with physicians and for remedies without benefit Fire years ago I tried St. Jacobs Oil, and it effected an entire and permanent cure. I have not been troubled with it since. Cold or damp weather does not aftect me at all. I desire to give it my unqualified Indorsement J. E. Bonsall. clerk cl the several courts of Perry county. Pa." The point her fa not so much what Mr. Bousall paid for the great remedy for pain, for the price is a mere bagatelle, but that he was cured permanently after thirty years' suffering. Of course the poor must count cost in everything; but they should reckon on the sound basis that that which is bad is worthless, and that which is the best and will cure, and stay cured, is cheap at any price. PLANTATION PHILOSOPHY. Bof fear an' kin'ness is love. Kin'nes is love fur udder folks; fear is love fur yerse'f. We kain't wholly 'spize de pusson whut likes de same things what we does. We mout hate his ways, but we 'mires his jedgment. Dar nab been some mighty truthful men, but dar neber wns er man dat would tell de zaet truf erbout hisse'f. He is ap'ter try to make yer think dat he is er little better ur er little wn den he is. Some folks has er better wav o' showin' dat da 'presherates yer kin net den udders does. De long-tail houn' ken 'pear ter be er heap gladder den de stump-tail dog, w'en de truf is dat he mout not be ha'f so glad. Arkansaw Traveler. DIAMONDS FOR A SIXGER. Between Miss Lizzie Annandale, the talented contralto of Emma Abbott's Opera company, and the telegraph opera tors of this country there exists a tie of friendship that for earnestness, honesty, and constancy i not only true and effec tive, bat beautiful. In all the larger cities and towns they pay her marked at tention, and repeatedly show their appre ciation of what she did for them in a crit ical time with many acts of kinrinc, but no where does she receive such gifts as the telegraph boys of Omaha.bestow .up on her. It will be remembered that one year ago the Western Union force sent the handsomest floral offering to Miss An nandale that was ever handed across the footlights to any artist, but last night they eclipsed in their outburst all tl.e presen tations that have ever been made to that charming lady. At the close of ber solo number "Hand to Hand and Heart to Heart." in the second act. she not only received a magnificent basket of flowers, but an elegant diamond studded pin. The gift is a star and crescent set with stones ot the first water. This token, the fair recipient says, she will prize as the most valuable piece of property in her possession. It almost took her breath away. Following is her reply to the hoys, and they were nearly all there. To the OmahaTeleirraphers : My very dear friends, collectively and individu ally : Words fail to express the feelings of gratitude and pride I feel in being the recipient of your lovely gifts of flowers and diamonds. I can hardly realize why I should still be so generously re ti rein be red. but it fills my heart wih joy to know I can count my friends so staunch and true Believe me your gift shall al ways be treasured. Wherever I may be my services are always yours to com mand. Yours ever, Ijzzik Axkaxdalk. After the opera was over a numiier of them called on her. THE SEW RULE DIDN'T WORK. It is told in Doston that an order was received in the composing room of the Advertiser, one day last week, that Christian names were to be invariably indicated by initials, the nam in no instance to be printed in full. The next issne contained mention of G. Cleveland. G. Washington, and so on. It is said that the order was revoked when the editor found Don Quixote's squire figur ing on a proof slieet as "8. Panza." Ladle will Sad relief from headache, one tlvenes. swimming ia tbe head, colic poor stomach, rwile-snes. Indigestion, constant r Krtodieal tick headaches, weekneas la the ek or kidney, pais ia the aboaider snd dif ferent porta nl tbe body, s feeHns of lsMttnde and despondency by taking Slmavmn Liver kecslatnr. It U not oopleuMot. U purely ve getable, sad is otrtlajBriout to the dmi delicate cofutUatioo. WHAT AM I TO DO? The BTmptoms of bQIoosness are un happily but too well known. They differ in cunerent individuals to some extent. A bilious man is seldom a breakfast eat er. Too frequently, alas, be has an ex cellent appetite for liquids but none for solids of a morning. Hi tongue will hardly bear inspection at any time; if it is not white ami furred, it is rough at all events. The digestive system is wholly out of order and diarrhea or constipation may be a symptom or the two may alternate. There are often hemorrhoids or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness and often headache and acidity or flatulence. To correct all this if not effect a cure try Greek's AiorsT Flowxb ; it costs but a trifle and thousands attest it efficacy. WASTK or TISSL'K WITHOUT REPAIR. Vigor begins to decline when dyspepsia uv vades the stomach. The disease, prolonged through aecfaet. entails rierous lass ot flesh sad seriou waste ef the mnscnlar tisane. To lnrigorste thoroughly snd speedily, a sound ftomsehie is required- There is none compar able to II oatettet 'a Stosaaeh Bitters, since it in stitutes, aad. if eominned, perpetuates repair of the tiwnes, which bare declined In balk, vigor, snd elasticity la consequence of noa saslmuation of the food. So time shoo id be lost in beginning the reparative process, nor should there be any delsy in removing those ailment of frequent occurrence, which con tribute to and foster as enfeebled condition of the stomach and nerves, vis : constipation and liver complaint, disorder which the Bitters will assuredly extinguish. It also remedies aud prevents malarial and kidney U-oablva, and is a prime asxiiiary ia the recovery ot strength for convalescent from wsaunc dis ease. PILES CAM BE CCBED. Westvislo, K. T.. Mr 18. IMS. For tfitrty-two year 1 have suffered from piles, both internal and external, with all their attendant agonies, and like many another suf fered from hemorrhoids. All those thirtv-twe year I had to cramp myself to pay doctor aad druggist for stuff that was doing me little or ne good. Finally I was urged by one who bad had the eame complaint, but bad been cured by Brandreth's PUla to try hi cure. I did so, and began to improve, and for tbe past two years I have bad no inconvenience from that terrible ailment. RtCHASD BXKWSTT. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS Hon. Edward A. Moore, Member of Assembly from Richmond county. New York, writes: "Borne two year sgo I was taken with inflam mation of the kidneys. Tbe pain was intense I applied as soon as possible an Allcock' Porn Plaster over each kidney. Wonderful to aay the pain and ianamation began to abate in three hour In two day I was entirely cured. I al ways take great pleasure in recommending All cock'! Plasters; they are certainly tbe best ex ternal remedy known. I used them as chest protector, and found them most efficient" AVLTD'C Sugar-Coatsd r I Ull O Cathartic If the liver be- Qll I Q comes torpid, if the I I n I n 7? i bowels are constipated or if the stomach fails to perform it function properly, use Ayer's Pill. They are Invaluable. For some rears I was a victim to liver Complaint, in consequence ot which I suffered from General Debility aad Indi gestion. A few boxes ot Ayer's Pills restored me to perfect health. W. T. Brlghtney, Henderson, W. Va For years I have relied more upon Ayer's Pill than anything else, to Regulate my bowels. These Pills are mild In ac tion, and do their work thoroughly. I have used them, with srood effect, in case ot Rheumatism and Dyspepsia. O. F. Killer, A ttle borough, Mas Ayer's Pills cured me of Stomach and Liver troubles, from which I had suffered for Tears. I consider them the best pills made, and would not be without them. Morris Gates, Downs rille, M. Y. I waa attacked with BlUou Fever, which was followed by Jaundice, and was so dangerously fll that my friend despaired of my recovc ry. I commenced taking Ayer's Fills, and soon regained ray customary strength and vigor. John C. Pattison, Lowell, Nebraska. Last spring I suffered greatly from a troublesome humor on my tide. In spite of e rery effort to cure this eruption, it In creased until the flesh became entirety raw. I waa troubled, at tbe same time, with Indigestion, and distressing plo ia The Bowels. By the advice of a friend X began taking Ayer's Pills. In a short time I was fre from pain, my food digested properly, the sores on my body com men oca healing, and. in leas than one month, I was cured. Samuel D. White, Atlanta, Ja I have long used Ayer Fills, in my family, and believe them to be the beat pi lis made. & C Daruen, Oarden, Miss. My wife and little girl were taken with Dysentery a few days ago, and I at once began giving them small doses of Aver's Pills, thinking I would call a doctor if the disease became any worse. In a ahort time the bloody discharge stopped, all pain went away, and health was restored. Theodore Eating. Richmond. Va. ft Ayer's Pills, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayr Si o . lwIl. Mas. Sold bv eH JW-- l- Me.OrlM. :(! A) J. Rotan Is now carry! og the largest sfck of all kinds of furniture ever brooght to Marion connty. wnica ne is selling at lower price than any body. Observe some of the price. Flat Mrssai salt. .... $0. 'lc enttaa-e Bdteada. - - $1 AO. Flat dining etustrs, per set, . $4. AH other food In proportion. Celt snd examine bUateck before baying. In "the Opera Hon block on Court street. Sa lem, oregea. 0-2S-lm-dw s4ti IIM1 4 fWf I TO SsTS, SnasGassfcilS. a t ui cssa 4 ms cr una. A. L. S 4ii K. tr !. The Port Prut Co.. agents. XTYLEROESKCO st. xxruxs, xro. Sajx coinrTty ir AWtCOtJT kOTW. CoTirir rxTwe zj saw OFI it ITTTLa w S. War Iestrris ati it, s&jk.Eiawt's Cstaienat TAKEN CT-BT J. C. BAI. SIX MILIS a-wth of Salem, owe roaa ew, abost twelve years eld. sa brand. Owner picas call or it 3w, and pay chars es. 11 J lw THE BIGGEST r ATTENTION -TO THI Auction of F. Levy's STOCK OP GOODS. le I would not taks this su-p la disposing of my boainesa were it not that I am too deaf to wait on easterners. I will there fore dispose of my entire i stock of aboat S20.000 Wortli Of foods st public sale, commencing on Thursday, November 17th, At 10 o'clock a. m., : And continue every day except Sunday end Thanksgiving day, until the lota of December. Atfer that date if any goods are left we will sell at private sale nntil tbe 17th, and noon that day will sell the remainder in a lump tof ether with my good will to tbe best purchaser. Term of sale: AU sum under fcS. cash; nni ever 125, sis month time on approved' notes bearing eight per cent. Interest. Three per cent, discount for cash oe time purchases. Par tie living outside of the city Who will purchase st the rate of iluo or more per week, I will pay their board np to one dollar per day. Those who know me will understand that I meaa bus lneaa. There will be no reserve. Highest Udder take it. I have a clean Hock, bought on the most reasonable terms, snd a good deal of it imported. No odds and ends or trash rem si as in my stock. My clothing is good and well assorted- In hat I have none but the latest style. In dry goods, have none but choicest goods, ex cept s few lawns. There are also s few piece of plashes, silks, tne shswls and dress patterns snd verv choice ladies' cloaks, staple dry goods, ladle' and gent' furnishing goods, car pel, groceries, queensware, glassware, flne Im ported flit spoons, snd other choice goods to gether with ail ths furniture, safe, mirrors, scales, etc. Don't mis this opportunity, but come pre pared to attend the sale, as this is a rare chance for you. 8. Friedman or John Chase, Auctioneer. F. LEVY, Salem, Oregon. Genera' stent for the tiuardUn Assurance Company, of London. Successor In Oregon to South British snd National Fir snd Marine Insurance Company, of London. MONET (o LOAN on APPROVED SECURITY Principal office, 83 Washington street. DIRECTORS. J. MrCurtu, F. E. Beach, F. M. Wiiiik, F Kogkst, F. K. Aksolo.H. I. PlTTIKa, D. V. OurHasT, J. K. Gill, J. Lobwkubkro. OFFICERS. r. K. BEACH J Mccracken, . . . K. P. EAKHAKT. . . J. LOEWKNbEHG,. E. KVERKIT President. Vice-President. . Secretary and Manaa-er. Treasurer. Assistant Manager. I ESTABLISHED BY .NATIONAL AUTHORITY. XJIK Capita NATIONAL BANK Of Salem. Oregon. CAPITAL PAID CP, $75,000. Mxmit, $s,ooo. RSWiu in. HCaspkhtsb. J H Albbrt President; Vice President: Cashier DIRECTORS I W T GRAY, W W MAKT1K. J M M A KTIJC. R g WALLACK H CARPENTER. , J H ALBERT. T. Met. PATTTON LOANS MAPE- To fanner on wheat and other marketable . produce, consigned, nr in store, either In prirate Granaries or public warehouses. - state anil Cooatty Warrants bought at par. COM ME II CI A L. Paper discounted at reasonable rates. D-xfU drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Fran rises, Portland. Ixmdon, Pari, Berlin. Hong Kong and Calcutta. AL ESTATE, LOAN -AND- INSURANCE AGENCY. Alo office ot the Salem Pottery Company. 1 am acent for the sale of all of the Dundee Mortfdge Co's. farms lu Marion and Polk conn tie. Price very low. aImo several WATER POWERS at Sales and els where. I am laying out In an additioe all of J. L. Parrlsh's Isnd east of Salem, ahnnt IK) acres These lot will be offered for sale by me about December Jth, 1W. Also acre property In !e to suit. Tbe best of fruit aad garden lands, city property of all kind, farm, stock ranehet end timber land. Notary poblie. Abstract made at fair rates. MONEY TO LOAN os Real estate twa to S re years, payable In In stallments If desired. Office over Capital Na tional bank, with S. T. Richardson, sttorney at law, salens. Oreens. U 4 1 w-lm II. V. MATTIIKW. Of IfJTEREST to rjEIl Yajartr YVror. Weakness er Los ef Memory pe maneauy Matin, d kv I awe .-if aa estowty e-w rwnedy. Tse Vertsa tawta froes Spain, ftpaa fcss) Trork. as vrrrt fail. Our tilaatrsted, St page book aad WsmwmtU. tseot seated. Every snaasboaid Parts Piavrav Jmw aawfcT 'ftf MONEV TO LOAN -BY THE STATE IN-ses-anee eomsany of (his eitv for one. two. 1 three, or five year, upon good, improved farm " property located la this county. 7-30-dw V'sii sosisr IE liiii'Mitel&pilInstflE! BUFFALO, XT. "!r- iseal wttfc s fan aWaff eT atxsrtea4 aad ttflXfal rityssciaaa fet the treat as I ef GUn FIELD OF SUCCESS. Caxreele Nasal Catarrh. Threat ansl E-wsis Disease. Liver aOdatem iiwim, nisastr uii EM sea t onaew, Bloo4l ttlaeasee aad Ner as Alieetlene. cured here or at home. run or without awto tbe patient. r us. or Sf-od ten certs in at ami Invalids GaUd ttOvfcV nt. Come and amp for our which a-tne ill particulars. narrows veeiutr. iaspe CewdUlomt causea DJ B 01 1 SI I sola llee and Peratctoaa SolU tary I'ractlcew are speedily and nss main nils cured bv auf Specialists. Boost, post-paid, li eta. ia stamps, Raptwre, or Breach, radU Drstcsf I oallr cured, without tbo half a. Dwlv&ta I witnout ocpenaenoe tlPOD tnjssus, and with Terr little arasairi ItrMih? sWtr, wViem wstra. Maanel la stamps, ' PILE TTJTHOIl and BTRICI'I' It ES treated with the greatest suenws. Book sent for ten cents ha stamps. Address Worijj's Disntx aky c.Ai. AfiSOUAXlWOKi Mala Street, Buffalo, H. Y. ITttie treatment of man? thousands of cases of those diseases peoullar to We: strat I AVO XbT.X337 mit-n' at tbe brands Hotel and aaassHBssse Survival Inntttuts. hsa af. fordd larjro ezpetiouoe la ''pip: remedies for their cure, sod DIt. PXERCCO Favorite Prescription Is tbe result of this vast experience, Tt Is a fmspfnl nxlAHtlu and Nervine, Imparts vicor and etn-oirth SBDBr tin. BrolsDsi falllns; ot lite ante version, retroversion, hearlnfa' down sensations, chronic eon res tlon, Inflaannaavtlon and nlceratlen of the worn, inflaanmatlon. pain and tenderness In ovaries, Internal heat, and "leraale vreahneae. s'i I'm; nveUrv: v jsj saiivs wjiw iw an jb u ssf nd Weakness of Stomach, Indlassa tlon, nioatlnsr, Nervone Prostration, and Sle-eplesanesa, In either sex. PRICE $1.00, ?V ZSSSi Held by Drnfalsts ererrwhere. Send ten cifits in stamps for I -r. Ileroe'B laive Treatise on XiawaM of Women, illustrated, Hcrtf a Dispensary UtM isscclillaa, eeS ZZaln Btreet, BTJTFAL0, H.T. SICK-HEADACHE, nillone TIeadaehe, Ilea, Indlfeatlon, J i rox ssnst iiiiiud. jmssatcsts, r f y nmmptlr cured by ar. . f a la.ssl cnrsratire r-eiieis. to cTit a rtnl. by In legist a -ANNUAL- Broken Suits in Clothing. We shall offer a (treat variety ot clothlns In broken snlts at price never before offered In Salem. We have also on hand men' tioy' and youths' full suits in great variety, which will be sold at VERY LOW PRICES. The stock is all new and desirable. Please call and examine roods and prices. Sale will commence Saturday, October 2!Kh, and will con tinue from day to day nntil tbe ENTIRE STOCK IS CLOSED OUT. Farmers' store, la the New I tank block, SS7 Commercial st reetHalem. l2-lm Forstner, Tiffany & Co FALL GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! GOOD GOODS ! 3IKS F. I. McDOAVELL, Watchmaker and Jeweler, 221 Commercial street, Salem, has jnut received a new line of (all foods, consisting of WATCHES and CLOCKS And Jewelry every description, Price marked down to tbe lowest possible msrrtn. Ga-RplrlB( s specialty, and all work in this line warranted. - . .a . i W rv Vv o ti tbat are f retf ul, peeving, -JVXV' vv'r cross, or troal.ld with Windy Colic, Teething l'aina, or Stomach Ilsordert, can Le relieved at once by using Acker's Baby Boot her. It contains do Opium or Morphine, hence is safe. Price i. j cent. Bold by Geo. E. Gar I, druggist. V nVo c Blood Elixir Is the on I. xv'vV' Blood lieniedy goarav teed. It I s a positive core for Ulcers. Em ( tioos or t jphiluic Poisoning. It purifies the whole svKteta, and banishes a!. KheamalW aad Iteuralgie paias. Wo gvarantee a. Sold bv Geo. E. Good, drugst. -orrhea, or whltea,f -excessive f lowina, palnfwl measimstlon, an, nataral asDsrsulsiis. srniaMiii as fCrCa. ear w w , m w. CLEARANCE W