The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1884-1892, September 02, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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    TKUfc; OREGON 5TATJ23iULN : lIimLY, GCPTEMIIISIL 2, 1 887.
Xews of the Week from Be
yond the Rockies.
A, Very Xvn Escape frena AasrtJser
FrlghtXalRallway Herrer.
Dsxvgx, Col., Aog. 25. An accident
ouiur red to the east boond Union Pacific
at Sand creek bridge, ten miles
east of here, at 12 o'clock last night,
resnltinsr n the death of engineer iLister
son, and the serious wounding of two or
three train men. ' The Union Pacific and
Ute Darlington bridges cross Sand creek
tlmost parallel and within a few feet of
each other, and when the engineer of
the Union Pacific train, which leaves
here about thirty minutes ahead of the
Darlington train, was within s few feet of
the bridge he was horrified to see that a
flood in the earlv part of the evening had
washed away the middle section. The
fireman jamped into the stream where
he stock and was taken oat half an hoar
later in an nnuonsctoos condition, and
msj die. Engineer Masterson grabbed
the lever and reversed the engine jast as
it plunged into the water with the bag
sage car on top. His body was bnried in
the sand and has not yet been recovered.
The engine was completely submerged
in the sand. Baggageman Breedlore was
badly injured by falling trunk. An old
erman woman living near heard the
cries of the frightened people, rushed oat
with lantern and stopped the approach
ing exprens on the Burlington road with
in a few feet of the bridge, probably av
inr other lives, as the bridge of tbts road
was also in a dangerous condition.
The Cgly l't Chief WhU to Talk to a
Big BwlM Mm.
Olkswooii Springs, Colo., Aug. 23. A
courier arrived at 4 o'clock this morning
and the following message was sent to
CSovernor Adams by Major Brooks :
"Guwwooi Sprisoh, Colo., Aug. 25,
4 :10 a. rn. To Governor Adams, Pen
ver: Major Ieslie has Colorow corralled
with 200 buck. They want- to see a bit
white man ; won't talk to a cowboy. The
whites want a little fight. The soldiers
must go back or have a little fight. Ken
dall has only fifty-two men. This is
positive. All other information on this
point is false. F. M. Keardon,. brigadier
"Jlexwood Sprisoh, Aug. 25, 5 a. m.
To Governor Adams, Denver, Colo.:
Flease come to Glenwood Springs im
mediately to meet General West and
County Commissioners Gregory and
Reynold. Ad emergency exists which
requires your presence there at once."
Priny UmaU Prohio.
IIarrikbcro, Pa., Aug. 35. Simeon B.
Chase was nominated by the prohibition
convention by acclamation for supreme
judge, and Capt. D. C. Irish for state
A aother Delay.
Whitehall, N. Y., Aug. 25. Jodge
Potter has granted a stay of proceedings
in the Sharp case.
The Country Wants It, bat the Cenadlaa
rac!fi Doctat.
New York, Aug. 2d. Premier Nar
quay, of Winnipeg, was here yesterday,
in the interest of the new railway being
boilt in Manitoba from Winning to the
U. 8. boundary line. "The country
-wants this road," be said, " and the peo
ple are all interested in it. The Canadian
Pacific oppoaes it, bcane it will give us
s choice of markets between Montreal
and the Unit States, but that choice is
neeeaflary for the growth of the country.
As regards commercial union with the
United Ftates, the matter is not much
talked of at present in Manitoba. It is
one of the questions of the future."
OI1XIOX AT MOT-REAL., Aug. 20. The report tele
graphed from Toronto to New York that
Sir John Macdonald has asked that im
perial troops be sent to Winnipeg, al
though every where regarded u Lle.
has had the effect of waking tip
to the gravity of the situation, which
many predict will end in a diernt.4i.Hi of
the confederation. iYovincial Tre-urer
Larivere, referring to the report, said to
day he hoped it was true, for then Win
nipeg would give them a royal welcome,
because they would bring money into
the country. Popular feeling here ha
greatly changed the pan few daya, and
ia now wholly on the side of Manitoba.
Twa Martlerecs Captured la Tea-Nw
oa a tiaa-Roat.
BaowxsviLLK, Tex., Aug. -JO. Lore n so
Vela, the celehtated bandit recently cap
tared up the river, was brought back yes
terday and placed in jail at Matamoraa.
This man and Bill Cruse, a noted half
breed Mexican and negro ruffian from
Austin, Texas, were the men who mur
dered Sheriff Martin and Collector
Henry, of Stave county, several years
ago, for whom a reward of 81500 was
Sered. They are said to have been un
ter the protection of state authorities at
Tamaulipaa ever since. They are incar
cerated on a gun-boat down the coast.
CwrfU-i latsjultsHss Csmvlct LMwiHm
Hut ti.
Atlanta, Aog. 2ii. At last tlie axe
ha fallen, and lite iniquitous convict
lease system of Georgia will have to go.
Ejr an executive order earned under
CT xtment. Governor (sordon has
c.ed upon the leaeea of penitentiary
c-mjWiea No, 2 and 3 to ilnv rau
wiy their leases shonld not b annated.
and then ia no doubt as to Uw govern-
Cr!tOM dJr ase an
r8d, owing to violation of ju prmi
ks by the lemeea.
WAR wr SLACK v "
fa Bifm Wfcfeea mt wpmmh
Imt Bone, Ark., Aug. 26.-Advice
from Loooke county to-day state that in
tense excitement prevails there, in con
sequence of a serious quarrel between
Clarence Chapman, white, and a negro
named Hunt. It ia feared a collision be
tween the white and black population
will take place,
Gov. HITl Call a Special Teraa of the Sa
pranM Court for the Sharp Caae.
Alb ast, N. Y., Aug. 28. Gov. Hill
to-day granted the application of the
district attorney, and made an order con
vening an extra term of the supreme
court for the city of New York on the
seventh of September next, for the pur
pose of insuring a prompt hearing and
decision in the Sharp case.
Colorow and Um Colorado Militia Hava a
Tnaelaw Several Killod aad Woandod.
Glenwood Springs, Aug. 27., 10 a. m.
The arrival of a courier at this hour
with a report of a fight with the Utes, in
which one white man was killed and
several scouts wounded, created a pro
found impression here. When the news
arrived Governor Adams, who was on
his way to meet Gen. Crook near Meek
er for the purpose of holding a pow wow
with Colorow, and leaves here at day
light, was making a speech at Hotel
Glenwood. lie was speaking on a reso
lution which had just been presented him
on behalf of the citizens, endorsing his
action in ordering out the militia. One
of the officers of the post came into the
room, and walking up to the governor,
whispered something in bis ear. The
governor's countenance grew pale, and
after a moment's pajue, he told the
gathering of what he bad just heard, and
almost immediately left for Gen. West's
headquarters for a consultation. This
news gives a very black outlook to the
peace now won, as it is now believed that
the fight is being waged with unrelenting
fury. Warden, the man who is reported
killed, is a prominent citizen of Grand
Butte, and was a deputy under Kendall.
It is believed the officer opened the ball
against the Utes upon his arrival on the
scene, when they were parting with Les
lie. This engagement being the first
real baptism of blood since the begin
ning of the campaign, the chances are
that a more serious battle occurred to
day and further news is awaited with
Dexyer, Aug. 27. A News special
from Kangely, Colorado, at 10 a. m., by
courier to Glenwood Springs, via Meeker,
saps : The fight occurred in a place six
miles west of Bangley in a little canon
between the mountains. The Indians
had planned an ambush, but the scouts
discovered it and retreated in time. The
Indians then opened fire and Major
Leslie, who commanded the scouts, aug
mented by Major Hooper's Aspen Volun
teers, returned the fire from behind the
rocks. The Indians showed themselves
and fought desperately.
Upon the first concentrated fire of the
troops two Indians fell, and one white
man, Dr. Dumont, of Meeker, with Ken
dall's band, was wounded. For three
hours the battle raged incessantly. Then
the Utes retreated to the timber, and
only skirmish shots were fired during the
day. It continued until 1 o'clock last
night, but no one was injured. Jack
Ward, one of Kendall's men, was shot
down during the first part of the fight.
The whites saw eight Indians dragged
behind the line, and the Indiana were
dead. There were fire whites wounded.
Their names are not known at this time.
Three of them were members of Hoop
er's company. One man was a scout and
two are believed, although not known,
to be soldiers.
After the fight the Indians retreated
and the report comes that tbev were go
ing to pillage the ranches. They were
not heading for the reservation. The
men of the National Guards, and in fact
all the white- are almost on foot ; the
horses are all jUyed out. A courier
paswd here this morning bound for
Slerkfr alter food and hospital supplies.
There is immediate demand for them, as
the men have barely had enough to eat.
He Ia Traveling Incognito--The First
Indian Prince to Croaa the Atlantic.
New York, Aug. 27. Among the pas
sengers on the steamer Adriatic, which
arrived here to-day, is his highness, the
Thakore Sahib, of Limari, K. C. I. E.W.,
traveling incognito as Sir Jswatsinlljee,
K. C. I. K. He is the first Indian prince
to cross the Atlantic to visit this country.
I Ie has just come from Kn gland, where
he attended the jubilee as a representa
tive of the princess of KaUyawar, India,
to offer I Jneen Victoria their congratula
tions. He has been decorated by the
queen, and wears the order of the Indian
empire, a jubilee medal and the queen's
miniature. The prince proposes visiting
all the large American cities and places,
and will leave at once for Washington to
pay his reepects to the president.
Another New Complication Come Oat,
aad tho Road Still Delayed. ,
Mostrkal, Aug.. 27. Some new de
velopments iu the Manitoba railway
trouble came to light yesterday. Hugh
Ryan, contractor for the line to the
boan.lary in opposition to tbe Canadian
Pacific, stated to a friend that though the
grading would be finished soon, there
was no likelihood of the road being com
pleted this year, as he was determined
nat to forward rails from here until they
were paid, ami w tlx; Manitoba govern
ment was unable to float the hmds, it
having no cash.
Carolina Ha. Another Attack of tho Apt
and Ahakee Again.
CoLCMsta, 8. C., Aug. 27. A little
after midnight sn earthquake shock or.
curred here, accomptnied by tbe costotu lasting some seconds.
About 5 ocloct a second sod heavier
shock was felt. Tlie motion was niufu
lating. ?Ll!!I!",rsf ar:k-t of ear-
sueet, galea. Or. .nsc iWct per bottle, tf
News by Telegraph from
West of the Eockies.
Laborers on Um Boathern
aad In tit Caaunerioa,
Portlaxd, Or., Aug. 25. The Evening
Telegram says: " In yesterday's issue a
statement was published that G. W,
Hunt, the railroad contractor, had ar
ranged for 1,000 Chinamen to work on
the extension on the Oregon Pacific east
ward from the Bantiam. - Mr. Hunt can
not get 1,000 Chinamen in this town at
present,' said a Chinese contractor last
evening. 'The Southern Pacific took all
the men it could get, and put them to
work in southern Oregon and nartbern
California. Those who have been work
ing in tbe Colombia river canneries will
do fall fishing at Yaqnina bay, Gray's
harbor. Coos bay, Sboalwater bay, and
other places. , There are not over 2,000
Chinamen in Portland, and they are
principally merchants and others who do
not have to work for a living. "
The Price or Seller Options Still Going;
Sax FaAxcisco, Aug. 25. The price of
wheat, seller 1887, dropped to $1.30 this
morning, a full decline of i cents from
yesterday. Trading was very light with
very little outward excitement.
Barley, seller 1887, was 97 cents.
California' Governor May yet Recover
from His 8!cka
Sax Fbascisco, Aug. 25. The latest
reports from Oakland this afternoon say
Gov. Bartlett is much better. The par
alysis is leaving him, his mind is clear,
his speech improving, and bis physician,
Dr. Buckel, has hopes of his ultimate
Hh Loot Ride.
Portland, Or., August 25. Last even
ing as the 5 :20 freight train was entering
the Northern Pacific yard a man named
Charles Mayo, who had been stealing a
ride on the brake beam, jumped from his
place and was caught under the wheels.
His legs were crushed and amputation
was found necessary upon his arrival at
the Good Samaritan hospital. He was a
poor tramp, and died this morning at an
early hour. None here knows' anything
of the luckless fellow.
The Oregon Pacific Has a Big- Fight oa
IU Hands.
Albany, Or. Aug. 26. Suit for right of
way brought by the Oregon Pacific
against T. W. Gentry near Scio as
suming an interesting phase. Recently
an injunction was served by the com
pany's attorneys restraining the owners
of the land from interfering with the
work of the road on the land. To-day,
however, warrants vtere issued from
Justice Humphrey's court for the arrest
of eight of the employes of the Oregon
Pacific engaged on the land in question.
Messrs. Hewitt and Bryant, of this city,
and Til. Ford, of Salem, are the attor
neys for the owners of the land. They
state that these, with a wholesale arrest
of all employes working on.the disputed
land, will be made to-morrow.
The Oregon Pacific company is repre
sented by Flinn A ChamberlainWolver
ton & Irvine and L. Bilyeu. The owners
of tbe land are E. E. McKinnev, J. Sba
fer and Wm. Pearson, residing in Marion
county. They refused to allow tbe rail
road to cross, because they did not con
sider the amount of payment offered for
the riw'bt of way sufficient, which was
about $o0 per acre. The Oregon Pacific
comjiany have also brought suit in the
circuit court for the right to cross the O.
A. C. track in this city.
Of Coarse It la Located la California
Only a Pretended Marriage.
Has Pikoo, Cal., Aug. 26. A suit for
divorce has been commenced here which
in some respects resembles the notorious
Sharon-Hill case in San Francisco. Tbe
parties are W. B. Stewart, a well-known
southern California capitalist, and Sarah
Stewart, bis wife. The latter, in tbe
complaint, charges defendant with all
sorts of offenses, chiefly cruelty. The
marriage was not of the prescribed char
acter, the parties, according to the wo
man's 'story, simply declaring themseves
man and wife. The result of the union is
three boys aad girls. Tlie community
property is valued in excess of $150,000.
That Canadian Pacific Stenmnhlpa Will
Be Brawn Oft.
San Francisco, Aug. 26. A rumor is
prevalent, emanating from Victoria, B.
C, that owing to lack of freight and non
payment of subsidy by the British gov
ernment steamers running to China from
Vancouver, will shortly be withdrawn.
He Is Reported as a Very Heavy Borrower
From Portland Banks.
Portland, Or., Aug. 27. An evening
paper has the following: Since tbe al
leged departure of Henry Hummer, the
colored messenger of the Bank of British
Columbia, by which institution he had
been employed twenty years, additional
facts respecting his recent doings came
to light this morning. He was a pretty
heavy borrower will be seen by the fol
lowing schedule of his liabilities: Ladd
A Tiitoa, 30T; Bank of British Colum
bia, 4i0: J. W. Brown, 300; D. C. Me
Kercher, fttO; R. B. Curry, 50: Lent A
Young. H"0. These items of indebted
ness do not cover all of Plnmmer's obli
gations, as fresh victims are hourly mak
ing themselves known.
In addition to the above a warrant is
now out for the arrest of Plnntmer, charg
ing him with forging ttie name of A. Fer
rer to a note of $250 on the Portland
Saving bank. It is said that some
greater rascalities oa the part of Plnm
nwr are yet to come to light.
, There some doubt in tbe minds of a
few of Plnmmer's victims as to whether
be baa reallv left town. But be that as it
may, there is no doubt that be will be ap
prehended for the Ferrara forgery and
be compelled V suffer the consequences.
The Eight Oregon Pnclfle Trospasssra Ar
rortsa A Waraa Fight.
Auaxy, Aug. 27. Sheriff D. 8. Smith
and Deputy C. G. Burkhart left for Scio
this evening to arrest the eight employes
of the Oregon Pacific railroad for trespass
on the land over which the lailroad com
pany is contending for right of way. The
warrant was issued from Justice Hum
phrey's court, and the men will be
brought to this city to-morrow and tried
Monday. Xb arrests were made to test
the validity of the injunction served to
restrain tbe owners of the land from in
terfering with tbe work. A formidable
array of counsel has been employed on
both sides, and the suit will be hotly con
tested. The Oregon Pacific company has
deposited $1000 with the county clerk to
aeiray toe expeeses of tne suit.
The Late Wheat Gamble's Resalu Still
Becoming Apparent.
San Francisco, An. 27. Caller Bun
ker announced in the call board of
tbe produce exchange this morning that
Dresbacb & Rosen le Id were unable to
meet the terms of their agreement, made
shortly after the suspension of the board.
two weeks ago. Tbe sale of 10,000 tons
of wheat put up in the agreement as se
curity was authorized. The announce
ment created consternation among brok
ers, and as a result no transactions took
place, brokers appearing extremely blue,
This is virtually an assignment, and in
volves nearly a million on the part of
uresbacn & Kosenfeld, and more on the
part ot otners.
A gentleman who owns a sheep ranch
in Western Texas, and is very wealthy,
came to San Antonio last Saturday with a
friend, intending to remain several weeks
On Sunday be and his friend went to
church. The glergyman gave out his
text: "A good shepherd will not leave
nis sheep." The sheepman from West
ern Texas nudged his companion, and
whispered : "Let's go, Bill, he is hitting
at us," ana out they went. When they
paid their bill at the hotel, they told the
clerk that was not the way to build up
ine wool interest in Texas. Texas
When observed la ens of the Caucasian race
is Indicative of bile in the blood. Who would
be yellow when he or she can exhibit the hoe
of health on cheek aad brow through tbe aid
of Hostetter's 8tomaeh Bitters, an antagonist
at whose onset liver complaint takes refuge In
flight Far upon the tongue, nsasee, sick-head
ache, pains under the right ribs and shoulder
blade aa unpleasantly odorous breath, are
remediable with this benign alterative, which
does not, like a potent cathartic, drench the In
testines or, like the mercurial preparations,
contaminate the blood. Net odIt the liver, bat
the stomach and bowels are aroused, toned and
regaiatM by this flne family medicine, which
has woa the confidence of the resoeotabie elau
ot by startling assertions on Its behalf, bat by
toe consistency oi tne claims maae I or u with
its performance In every Instance when tested.
WirrrtUD, N. T., Msy 1&1SA5.
Tor tntrty-two years I bare so Re red from
piles, both internal and external, with all their
attendant agonies, and like many another suf
fered from hemorrhoids. All those thirtv-two
J ears I had to cramp myself to pay doctors aad
rnrgists for stuff that was doing me little or no
JooU. Finally I was nrged by one who had had
he same complaint, bat had beea cared by
Brandretb's Pills to try his ears. I did so, and
began to improve, aad for tbe past two years 1
nave ora no inconvenience irom mat terrible
Ricwap Bxxxett.
This word, which has beea star! as everybody
ia ma iac iwr uie past yearn, ana is now get
tins into everrbodv's month. U a nreDaratinn
for cleansing, beautifying and perserring the
teem sweetening we ore am, ana arresting me
progress ot decay.
For proof that Dr. Gunn't Improved Liver PHI
cure sic a neaaacne, asx your druggist or a
trial package. Only one for a dose. Beg alar
un box jo cents, ooia oy ueo, a. uooo.
The First Sign
Of failing Waith, whether in the form of
Xight Sweat and X r uusncss, or in a
M-iii of General Weariness and Lews of
Appetite, should rugrst the use oi
Ayer's Sarvaparilla. Thi preparation
is iiHt effective for giving tone and
rtrnngih t. the enfei-bled system, pro
moting tbe digestion and axsimilation of
foo.1, rrstcriog tbe nervous forces to
llscir notraal xnlition, and for purify
ing, enriching, and vitalizing the blood.
Failing Health.
Ten Tea" spt my health brpan ti fail.
I wnitrotil.led with a stressing Congh,
Xipht Sweat. Wrakne? j, and Nervous
neM. I frie.l various remedies pre
scribed by Oifierrnt physicians, but
Ieoume an weak ibat I could not go up
stair witlioiit stopping to rest. My
friends recommended ma to try Ayer'a
Horaaparilla, vl.ich I Oid, and I am now
as lies It hv ami strong as ever. Mrs.
. L "William, Alexandria, Minn.
I nave n?ed A ver'a ParvapariTU, In my
family, for rWofnla. and know, if it ia
taken faithfully, that it will tborowhly
eradicate thi terrible dscaae. I have
also prescribed it aa a toni as well as an
alterative, and mrmt say that I honestly
believe it to 1 the best blood medicine
evercotnpoMiHlcd. V. V. Fowler, M. D.,
D. D. 8., (Jrven villa, Tens.
Dyspepsia Cured.
It wonld be impossible for me to de
arrihe what I sallered from Iniiireatkn
and Headache up to the time I began
taking Ayer't Saraapartlla. I was under
the rare vl rations physicians, and tried
a great many kinds el utetiiHne. but
never obtained more tkon temporary re
lief. Alter taking Ayer'a Karsaperilla
for a abort rime, my headache disap
peared, sad my atcwacb performed ita
duties 'more perfectly. To-day my
health ia complete! v restored. Mary
liar ley, Ppringneld, Xasa.
I bare been re;!v benefited by the
fwanrpt one ef Ayer' eWirsanarilla. It
tones aad invigorates thn system, regn
iatea the action of t) iHgeativa and
aaeiinilative organ, and vitalizes tbe
Mood. It L. w.iUurtt doubt, tbe moat
reliable bkl pcrif-r jet diaroversd.
i- 1. Johnson, SSi Atlantic a Venn e,
Brooklyn, K. T. ; w .tj it ,..$.;
: Ayer 8 Saaxaparilb,
' rreperrS by Dr. J.Carer Ca, LwB,Ks.
Pric SI ; !x Wtlla. 3.
Ia the County Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Marion.
Inthepstter of u estate of WUliam T. Eaton,
A K. Waltrlp aad Simeon D. Eaton, and to all
persons interested la the estate of said deced
ent, greeting: whereas applieatloa was made
oa the SUs day of August, 1S87, to the above
named court in doe form of law by Miles Lew
is, administrator of the estate of said decedent
for aa order and license of said conn
authorising and empowering him to sell
the real estate belonging te said deced
ent's estate which la described ss follows: The
sooth half of the north-west quarter and the
east half of the south-west quarter of section
fourteen (It) in township eight (8) south of
range one (1) east of Willamette Meridian,
in Marion county, Oregon, less twenty seres
sold to A T. Gilbert; number of acres belong
ing to said estate, lsa And whereas said court
Szed aa the time and place for you to appear
and show cause if any you have why an order
and license for the sals of said premises should
not issue on Saturday, the Sd day Of September. nine o'clock a. m. of said dav in this
court in the court room In the county conn
" siarron oonniy, vregoa 1 neref ore in
tne name oi tne state oi uregon, yon are Hereby
cited and required to be and a trocar in said
court at said time and place then aad there to
sVow cause if any you have why an order and
license for the sale of said real estate should
not issue to said adminiftrator.
Witness the Hon. T. C. 8haw. Judge of the
said court, my hand and tbe seal of said court
una sta aay oi August, 1887.
IT VU . County Clerk.
oj uiu. aava, deputy. K U-3W
tor uregon, lor tne county of Marion, ss: 8.
McGhee. nlaintiff. vs. M. O. Uaraord. defend.
nu To M. O. Harbord, defendant: la the
name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby
"Hww appear ana answer tne complaint
Sled against you ia tbt above entitled action on
or before the Sd day of October, 1887, that being
the 1st day of the regular October term of said
court; and if you fail to so answer, for want
thereof the plaiatiff will take Judgment agalast
von for the sum of forty-seven dollars and
thirty cents, with Interest thereon at the rate of
a per cent, per anaum since the 29d day of June,
1887, together with costs and disbursements of
this action. This summons is to be served by
publication for six consecutive weeks ia the
""i vsKwin BTATBsaAV, ny eruer oi Hon,
T. C. Shaw, judge of said court, made at cham
bers, on tbe lth dsy of Aurnst, ia7.
Sl-7t-w Attorneys lor Plaintiff.
Votlce is hereby given, in accordance with
11 the provisions of sec. of chap. XXIV of
miscellaneous laws, (code of Oregon, page 616.)
that tbe Nstioual Are and marine insurance
company of New Zealand has ceased to do busi
ness in the state of Oregon, and that it intends
to withdraw its capital therefrom, six months
after the date of publication of this notice, as
riven below.
The National Fibe An Mabixk Ism sance
Comtast or Kew Zealand,
by Its attorney.
Henry E. Williams, (us.)
S256m J. D. MACrHKKMON. (L.S.,
concern, that the undersigned has been
duly appointed executor of the estate of Jen
nette K. Smith, deceased. All
claims agsJnt ssid estate are required to pre
sent them ui me ai tbe office of Holmes A Har
den, in Salem. Or ec on. with the nroner vouch
ers, within six months from the date hereof.
Executor of said estate.
Dated Aug. , 17. s Jb-bw.
Aad when you get there, visit the .
C. 0. 3D. STORE
Lay in your winter supply of elothes pln, salt,
sua, m wmy H1 UU, tir anywiiiif
else In the line of
Groceries and Provisions
My motto is reliable roods, nnick sales sad
small broStft. HatitfActlrm vmrmniu ah.
on your produce, I want it.
v. ti. iuAsAH, Turner. Oregon.
Oregon Pacific Railroad.
Aceoramndatlnns unrurosssed for com fort snd
safety. Fares and frelcht via Yaaulna and the
Oregon Development Co.'s steamships mach
ess tnsn oy any inner route rietween all points
in the Willamette Valley and Ssn Francrsco.
Daily passenger trains except Sundays,
Leave Ysoulaa J S -flft m
Arrive Corvallis lO fia. m
Arrive Albany 11:15a.m.
Leave Albany
Arrive Corvalllh
Arrive Yauina .
1 :1 p. m.
1 j. n.
..' p. m.
O. A C. trains Connect at Alhanv and Cnrvalll.
Fare between c'nrvsllii and Albany snd 8s n
Francisco, rail and Cabin, tit; rail and steer
age, 9. I
Wt. M. IIOAO. Actlnc G. F. A V. A rent.
General Manager.. Corvallis. Or
It The Farmers of Marion CcDDty !
The underMisfiei tiarffiA1 K..M,inM
In Huyton, Mtrion county, and will keep con
stantly on hsnd. a full assortment of hardware
tkvea mnA tinwiM Am!i mnA .iiiA,
crtridre, and ammunitlena of all kinds. Wil
also sell tbe famous Mitchel wsgons snd bug
gies and the renowned "Gale," and "Oliver
chilled plows.
We will nnA ite nnil.puM fn. . K . .
see us before pnrcbsoing elsewhere, for we can
suit you in price snd quality.
Wheat I limn rert al the ! ,.r. ..v
Ilc warehone r private gransry.
-3-Im Agent New Zealand Insurance fVv.
AddronH JNO. I. COJ.j
"2&-1n For prioe ou board can.
A'nxillN KY AT I A."V,
nttea In Uiawu' Mmk r-mmm ar . A
----- B, J . V. .
drugstore. OnVe hours, f rom to 12 aad 1 to.
M Jm lag dental work d-me skaMild eall at my
oQice la (silver! n and he informed about my
new process of fining rubber piste. All work
done by me for the pt five tears by tbe new
process haw rt"en general sS'Ufset ton. Teeth
extracted aad Siring don without pain. Gold
filling a rpeclsltr. All work ansranteed and
doae for le money titsn ever before. s-12
L of Oregon for Marion county
Joha W. IfeCulloch. 8. . Elliott and E.
. Wileoa, PiainUfla, . I
llf S1 Company. The Salem j
ivrcKusi vapiioi rtour Mill i Compa-1
"y.m'UFimfcstional Bank of
socoffleisi liquidator of the Salem
- ' -i-'-w s swaaAJsl vmps I
ny.Umlted, James Macdonald. True-
tee. wm. Btuart. Tbe Oregon acd ,
T:"" "a,"g K" savings Bank
Of Orea-on. rtavi .wwi.iiu ...
Jonah. W. B. Oilhert, Tilmoa Ford,
" AAuue, James
Talt, Angus Snaw. Alex. Grant. Don-1
aia Koss. Cstharine Ross, Henrv
tiourlsy, Alex. Oourlay, William
onriav, Alex. Kieoll. William Rltch-
;.T,,vc"r"';L1- wakeman
uu nuiism kcio, veiendaaU.
10 me City of Salem Company, The Salem
Oregon ) Capitol Flour Mills company, Um
0 ited, rst KaUonal Bank of Salem. Oregoa.
v-"JF""y. umiteo, jsmet Macdonald, Trus
tee, n Ullam Stuart, The Oregon aad Wash
l?1??"!'",. t4Tinir Bank of Oregoa.
Iavid Oooden X. McDonald. W. B. Gilbert
Tilmon Ford, R. Livingstone. W. N. Ledae!
Jin Tait, Aagus 8 haw, Alex Grant, Don
ald Ross, Catharine Ross. Henry GoarUy.
A1,',x-?,urlmrVWU2lB Goo'Uy. Alex. Niot
coll WillUm Ritchie. P. M. Cochrane. M.
B- Wskeman and WlUiam Reid, the above
named Defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon, Yon are
hereby required to appear and answer the
Complaint filed against you la the above-eaU-tled
suit on or before the first day of the next
regular term of the above-entitled court, being
Monday, October IS, 1SST,
And if you fall so to answer, for wast thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re
lief demanded la the con plaint, to-wlt:
Mrat-Thst the two mortgages given by the
defendant, tbe City of 8alem Company, to the
defendant, William Stuart, for the sum of
$71,M0, and dated Aug. 2, 1888. and recorded re
spectively at page Wet seq. of Book IS, Records
of Mortgsre, records of Marion county, Oregon,
and recorded in tbe records of Folk county,
Oregon, be decreed and declared void as
against the plaintiffs, the City of Salem Com
pany and its creditors aad stockholders, aad
tbe amount remaining unpaid bo decreed aad
declared a lien on the property mentioned ia
ssid mortgages as purchase price, due to the
City of Salem Company from Salem (Oregoa)
Capitol Flour Mills Company. Limited, and
James Macdonald, trustee.superior in right and
prior in time to any and all liens oa said nron-
erty. -----Second-That
the property mentioned la the
complaint snd p-rticularly described iu a deed
of coaveyance from the City of Salem Cent
nan to James Macdonald. trustee, and re
corded in Book 81. pare &M ei seq., records of
deeds of Marion county, Oregon, and also de
scribed in a deed of convevanee frnm d-femd .
ant,Jame Macdonald, trustee, to the defend
ant, the Salem (Oregon) Capitol Flour Mills
Company, Limited, and recorded in Book 33.
page a et seq., records of deeds of Marion
county, Oregon, be decreed and declared to be
held ia truat by tbe defendants, the Salem (Or
egon) Capitol Flour Mills Company, Limited,
and James Alexander Robertson, oBlcicial
liquidator of said Salem (Oregon) Capitol Flour
Mills Company, Limited, to the extent of the
amount due by the City of Salem Company to
iu creditors for the aarment of all elalna
against the City of Salem Company.
Third That the deeds of conveyance from
tbe City of Salem Company to James Macdon
ald, trustee, and recorded at page bA of Book
31, records of deeds of Msrion county, Oregon,
and from James Macdonald, trustee, to the Sa
lem (Oregoni Capital Flour Mills Company,
umiwq, auu reuoruea at pane K et seq. of
Book 33. records of deeds of Marian
Oregon, be decreed and declared void as
against the creditors of the City of Salem Com
pany. Fourth That the amount of the unpaid pur
chase price due from the Salem ( regon) Cap
itol Flour Mills Company, Limited, to the City
of Salem Company be decreed and declared a
lien on said property mentioned in said deeds
superior in time and right to any other lien on
said property.
Fifth That the mortrare from defendant
the Salem (Oregon) Capitol Flour Mills Com
pany, umitea, to tne First FaUonal Bank of
Salem, Oregon, and particularly described In decreed and declared to be
postponed In time and right to tbe lien on said
property lur purchase price, and he decreed
snd declsred void as to the creditors of the
City of Sslem Comnanv. and that the Firmt Na
tional Bank of Salem. Oreron, to be decreed
and declared to have taken said property sub
ject to tbe lien of the City of Halem Company,
vivuiw.ra auu swcauoMiers, I or purchase
price, and be postponed to tbe same.
Sixth That there be an accounting decreed
between tbe City of Salem Company and the
Balem (Oresnn) Capitol Flour Mills Compaay,
LimiW, and the amount tine to the City of
Salem Company be aMiertnlned.
Seventh That there be an account stated as
to what is due on ssid mortgages from the City
Of Halem Company to William Btusrt
Elchth That said lien may be foreclosed and
said premises sold to satisfy the same, and thai
defendants and all persons claiming by.
through or under them or either of them, sub
sequent to the ssme upon said premises, either
as porchaaers. Incumbrances wr otherwise, msy
be forever barred and foreclosed of aill right,
claim or equity of redemption in said premises
and every part thereof,
Ninth That plaintiffs or any other party to
to this suit may become a purchaser at said
sale, and that the purchaser be let into posses
sion of said premises on the production of a
deed of conveyance therefor.
Tenth For costs and disbursements of this
Eleventh For such other snd further relief
aa msy seeinmeei and equitable to this honor
able court.
You will also take notice that this summons
is published in the Weekly statesman pursu
ant to an order of tbe lion. R. T. Boise, Judge
of tbe above-entitled court, made at cham
bers, on tbe llh day of A ngust, 1Mb7.
:2-7tw Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregoa U t
Marion County:
JohnConser, aa Executor ofl
the last Will and Testament
of Mncy Conser, deceased,
8. C. Corser, Lewis Conser. I
Delos Conser, Wsyne Con- i
ser. r. W. Hunsaker and
Robert Waddel, Defend ts. J
To 8. C. Conser, one of the defendants above
named :
1 You are hereby required to appesr and aa-sw-
r the complaint of tbe plaiatiff in the
abeventltled suit now on file with the clerk
of said court oy the first day of the next regular
term of said court, to be begun and held on tbe
Second Monday ef October, 1887
And If you do not. Judgment will be taken
against you for want of such answer.
You are further notified if you fail to answer
as above required, the plaintiff will apply to
the court for a decree directing the following
described real property to be sold, to-wlt: Com
mencing at s point 81 73 chains south of the N.
K. corner of the Donation Land claim of Jacob
Conser and wife, being claim No. 63, Tp. 10 8.,
ft. JW.; thence wet 44-100 chains on south
boundary of Mrs. Pheby Watson's land; thence
sooth m degrees minutes west 18 66100
chains to tbe southwest corner of tbe tract
owned by Mrs. Watson: thence south 84 links;
thence went 12 24-100 ebslns to the northwest
corner of block No. 23 in the town of Jefferson:
thence sontu ltf 50-100 chains to the southwest
corner of block 21; thence esst 11 22100ehalns
to tbe east boundary of the towa olst aad Lewis
Jones' wet line of land deeded to him by A.
R. Cosoer. asstrnee of Conser A Rnrnette:
thence north j 4J-100 chains to the northwest
corner oi tne Jones tract: thence east 27-100
chains along Jenea' north line to his northeast
corner thence north 17 7 100 chains to the
place nf beginning, containing 7 6.V 100 acres:
save snd except has No. 1. , a. 4. 4, 10. U, 12. M
snd 14. In block No. 2X. deeded to W. S and J. '
W. Cnuer. Mar . !;. and that tnanrneeeds of
. . "ya- avopeiTsoo, omciat liquidator
of the Salem (Oregon) Capitol Flour Mills
, such sale he applied, first to the payment of
i the cowl sad dUburnements of this suit. aad.
j second, U the payment to tbe plaintiff of
the sum of 81.377.76, with accruing laler
jrat thereon from Aug. la. lH7. st per
: cent, per annum, and for Judgment agaiast you
! for said sum of 11,377.70. and the eou and dis
i bttrwment. of this suit: and that the rights of
each and all of the defendant ia the above de
scribed premises be forever barred and fore
closed, aad for such other relief as shall scent
Just to equity.
PobiUhed by order of Con. S. F. Boise, Jodre
of ssid court, which order hcers date Aog. aL
' s taVw Tt Attorneys for Plaintiff.