The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1884-1892, August 12, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Bill N je Visits a Professional
Star Reader. r
Interesting Information for One Dol
lar Warned to Beware f
I JCertain Bad STen.
"Ring the bell and the door will open,
is the remark made by a email Ubel over
a bell handle on Third avenue, near
Eighteenth street, where Mad. La Foy
reads the past, present and future st so
much a bead. Love, marriage, divorce,
business, speculation and sickness are
there bandied with the most impunity
fey "Mad. La F07, the famous scientific
astrologist," who has monkeyed with the
planets for twenty year, and if she
wanted any information has "read it in
the stars."
1 ran the bell the other day to see if
the door would open. It did so after
considerable delay, and a pimply boy in
knee pants showed me up stairs into the
waiting-room. After a while I was re
moved to the 'consultation room, where
Mad. La Foy, seated behind a small oilcloth-covered
table, rakes op old person
alities and pries into the future stent
Skirmishing about among the planets
for twenty years involves a great deal of
fatigue and exposure, to say Dothing of
the night work, and so Mad. La Foy has
the air of one who baa put in a very busy
life. She is as familiar with planets,
though, as you or I might be with oar
own family, and calls them by their first
names. She would know Jupiter, Venus,
Saturn, Adonis, or any of the other fixed
stars the darkest night that ever blew.
"Mad. La Foy de Uraw," said I, bow
ing with the easy grace of a gentleman
of ttie old school, "would you mind peer
ing into the future for me about a half
dollar's worth, not necessarily for publi-j
cation, et cetera."
"Certainly net. What would you like
to know?
sertHt! be i - . I"
after Xss j-ia la Lj i;i'-s. i t-J
there diy after day kl-l'.x ta year
duties. . Yoa are there early, before any
one else, and I see yoa paring back and
forth, op and down the aisles, sweeping
oat the senate chamber and dusting off
the seats and rejuvenating- the cuspi
dor." v. , .. ,. .
''Ikies this horoscope which yoa are
using this season give yoa any idea as to
wneiner roowy nutters win be scarce
with me next week or otherwise, and if
so, what had 1 btt-r do about it?''
Toward the last of the week yoa will
experience consMerable, monetary pros
tration, bat just as yoa have become de
spondent, at the very tail end of the
week, the horizon will clear op, and a
sluht, dark gentleman, with wide trou
sers, who is a total stranger to you, will
loan yoa quite a sum of money, witb the
understanding that it is to be repaid on
"Then yoa woald not advise roe to go
to Coney Island until the week after
next 7!' ?
"Certainly not."
"Would it be etiquette in dancing a
quadrille to swing a young person of the
opposite sex twice around at a select par
ty, when yoa are bat tuightly acquainted,
but feel quite confident that her partner
is unarmed ?"
"Yes." '
"Does your horoscope tell a person
what to do with raspberry jelly that will
So, not at the present prices."
Ho yoa predict an early marriage.
with threatening weather and strong pre
vailing easterly winds along the Gulf
"Yea, sir." i
"And is there no way that this early
marriage may be evaded 1"
"No, not unle you pot it off till later
in life."
Yea know c:y
"Why. I want to know all I can for the I do not think we have as good "as-
ftn." I a.ii4 in a hanterin tone. "Of trolotrints" now . we used to have
-coarse I dcnot want to know what I al
ready know. It is what I do not know
that I desire to know. Tell me what I
do not know, ma. lam. I will detain you
but a moment."
She gave me hack my large, round
half dollar and told me that she was al
ready weary. She asked me to excuse
her. Hhe was willing to unveil the foture
to me in her poor, weak way, but she
could not guarantee to let a large flood of
light into the darkened basement of a be
nighted mind for half a dollar.
"You can tell me what year and on
what day of what month yoa were born,"
said Madam Da Foy, "and I will outline
your life to you. I generally require a
lock of the hair, but in your case we
will dispense with it."
I told her when I was born and the
circumstances as well as I could recall
"This brings you under Venus, Mercu
ry and Mars. These three planets were
in conjunction at the time of your birth.
You was born when the sign was wrong
and you have had more or less trouble
ever since. Had you been born when
the sign was in the bead or the haart,
instead of the feet, yoa wonld not have
SDread out over the ground so much.
Your health is very cood. as ia the
health of those eenerally who are born
under the same auspices that you were.
PeoDle who are born under the reign of
the crab are apt to be cancerous. You,
however: have great lung power and
wonderful eaetrio possibilities. et, at
times, you would !e easily upset. A
strong cvclone that would unroot a
court house or tip over a through train
wuitil alust nnat rnii in unite of Your
broad, firm feet if the wind got behind
one of your ears.
"You will be married early and you
will be verv hannv. though your wife
will not eljov herself very math. Your
wife will be much happier during her
second niarriaite.
"You will prosper better in business
matters without forming any partner
ships. Do not go into partnership with
a small, dark man who has neuralgia
and a fine yacht. He has abundant
mn hut he will iro through you like
an electric shock.
Tuesdays and Saturdays will be your
moat fortnnate davs on w Inch to borrow
mrmoT of men with lik'ht hair. Mondays
snd Thursdays will be your best days for
approaching dark men.
I.ook out for a lowot man aeeompan
iiwt bv an offuR rat. both of whom are
MiL'iimil in the newspaper business.
If is crafty and bald headed on his
father', side. He prints the only paper
that contains the full text of nis speecn
m t foatimnniaU and dinners riven to
other people. Do not loan him money
on hit acmnnt.
" You would succeed well ft musician
or an inventor, but yoa would not 1:0 wen
as a twt Yon have all the keen sensi
bility and strong passion of a poet, but
too haven't the hair. 10 not try pot-sy
In the future I yoa very prosjierous.
Yoa are on the lecture platform speaxtng.
toy. Well, scarcely a week passes t-it
I do not go into the country boUniiicj.
That day I went to Gbteaevid, where, as
yoa know, the marshy meadows are rich
in curious plants, infusoria, and diatoms.
I was returning, and was almost in Dub
lin with my box fall of rare specimens,
on which I expected to make a report
that woald astonish the botanical society,
when I saw a little girl certainly not more
than five or six years old, who was all
alone, crying as if her little heart woald
break. I apptoached her, bat at sight of
me she redoubled her cries. I could see
that the little one was lost, and that she
did not know where to go; so I spoke to
her kindly, and, by dint of promising her
unlimited bonbons, got her to tell me
that her name was Lizzie, and that she
lived near Beresford Place, in Lower Ab
bey street. I took her band, and we soon
started off, talking like old friends. She
wss a beaut if nl child, fresh and rosy, with
great, candid eyes and fair hair, which
was cat short over her eyes and fell in
golden ringlets about her shoulders. She
trotted bravely along, her soft, little hand
holding my great, ragged paw confidingly.
As we walked she told me remarkable
tales, in which figured a big, black horse,
a little knife, a doll, and a number of
people I did not know.
Lizzie was afraid she would be scolded
when she arrived at home, but she was
not. and I I was received with trans-
"Thank vou." I said, risinz. and look- ports by her mother, who was half dis-
. .. t . 1 . ... . 3
tracted. .Never was gratuuae expressed
so heartily and pleasantly. Who was I,
where did I happen to find ber. and a
-. -
thousand like Questions were showered
upon me.
"Oh, Mr. Furniss," said the mother,
"yousre the savior of my child. How
ran we express our eratitudei We are
not rich, but such a debt cannot be paid
in gold. How happy my husband will be
to repeat my thanks to yoa.' He i still
at his office, but will yoa do as a great
kindness: will vou honor our humble
board to-morrow 7 I shall have a savant
here like vorself. and you two will enjoy
each other's company, I am sure; and
my husband will be so happy to have
I thanked her lor me invitation, anu
ing out the window, over a broad sweep
of undulating alley and wind swept roof
ing; "and now, how much are yoa oat
on this?"
"What's the damage?"
"Oh, $1."
"But, don't you advertise to read the
past, present, and future, for only fifty
"Well, that is where a person has bad
other information before in his life, and
has some knowledge to begin with ; but
where I fill op a vacant mind entirely,
and store it with facts of all kinds and
stock it op so that it can do business for
itself, 1 charge a dollar. I can not thor
oughly refit and refurnish a mental ten
ement, from the ground up, for fifty
Astrolosgist can not crawl
and pry into the future as they
three or four thousand yean ago.
liILL .Nl E.
A novel under the cunous
"The Wasp" is just published,
have a bad end.
"Emilie," asks the teacher,
animal attaches himself the
name of
It must
most to I
v. f I promised to be on hand
1 . . . .... W
1 At t lie antxnniea nonr 1 was novn
v 1 . . . .... . . .
into their modest parlor, ana yoa may oe
sure the husband's gratitude was no less
warmly expressed than- the wife's. And
little Lizzie threw her arms around my
neck, and showered on me the innocent
caresses of a happy child. I seemed, in
deed, to be one of the family.
The dinner was a merry one, the sa
vant seemed to be an interesting man
in brief. I passed an excellent evening.
The air had been heavy the whole day,
man?" Emile (after some reflection) I and in the evening a storm came on.
"The leech, sir." Thunder-claps succeeded one another
... . - 1 I without interruption, and tne ram ten in
11 a as warm as an oven in iiere-, . wki. : tK f
. . . 1 a a t 1 luiicilio v v as v mvi aw wmw a,w a-av v
said a citizen as ne enverea a iawj er s . . mfTnPlktinir heat, or of
office. "So it should be, for it is here 1 1 .. . . . . . T ...
as a . . t J A I luo n sasa a. aioava x us saw . w
matte my oreaa," saia me man 01 aee a. m,Un.halv . t not breathe comfort-
Two knots an hour isn't such badlablv. I was about to set out for home,
time for a clergyman," smilingly said the I however, for it was late and my house
minister to himself, just alter he had 1 was at some distance; dui tney insisiea
united the second couple. that I should stay. It wonld be fooliBh to
A certain doctor having heard a village W ,
poet repeat some verses on a . Riding 8uef; that f felt
wife was so de hshted with them as to remain and pass the night i.
request a copy "There is no necess ty bwpiub!e houe. They ceremoni-
for that," said the poet; "you have got 1 coducte,i me to mv room, and
the original. .;Bi.l m cood niirht. I remem-
An Alsatian woman goes to confess : ber, even, that Lizzie had fallen asleep in
"Father, I have committed a great sin." J her father's arms, and that I kissed her
'Well!" "1 dare not say it; it is too httle cheek, paled by eieep. ana neruim-
srrevious. " "Wrae, come, courage. 1 1 pica nine arms.
ceed her eyes, wtkh seeded to me
to be bold, taipUcaUe, cruel, murderoaa.
T The door erened. bet as sorUy as the
scratching of a moose, I bit my lips till
the btood came, to keep from crying oat.
Now a man stepped in with gliding tread,
with infinite precautions to avoid touch
ing the furniture. - It seemed to me as if
I could see the cruel; clutching fingers
gliding over my clothes, searching my
pockets. ' Then the steps came nearer
seemed to graze me. I felt that the man
was bending over the bed ; that he struck
one fierce blow. Then I knew nothing
When I recovered consciousness, the
room nad become sueni agaia. &ai
fright held nn nailed to the spot At
lencth I decided to escape, and with what
caution yoq can imagine. On tiptoe I
1 . 1 1 . - i 1 1 . ,
gamea me aoor, which naa n oven
closed. Not a sound, not a breath. Feel
ing tar way, I passed into the ball. I
waited to see a bead thrust suddenly from
out the shadows, a knife gleam in the
dark. But no; the brute, glutted with
I de
The first volume of IIUl's Oregon Code
will be oat this week, and the second vol
ume by Aug. 25th. - : -
Powers has been held to answer in the
stun of 11,500 for the mordes of Dan No
lan, at Walla Walla. , , :
The Georzia boose passed the "color '
line" bill by 124 to 2, the latter being !
colored republicans. .
Aa engineer party of the C. P. railroad
will moat likely be sent out right away to
survey into Eastern Oregon.
A Greek nsmed Nicolo Povolieldo stab
bed and killed a fellow-prisoner in San
Francisco Jail. He was a powerful fel
low ana bad to be snot before three dep
uty sheriffs could overpower him.
A crazy Irishman tried to blow op the
British ship Queen, of the National line,
at New York. He said he was one of a
band that intended to blow op every ves
sel bearing the British flag, now afloat.
August 4.
The wheat "bull clique" lost $6,000,000
crime, slept without remorse,
scended the stairs, drew the bolt of the I In wheat deal collapse,
M I I W l.t .1. - LI I I
aoor, ana, oau uusung, wuu iuc uiwu
frozen in my veins, 1 tell into tne gutter
of the deserted street.
Doctor Bertram bad listened to my re
cital with the deepest interest.
" And there I found yoa, Mr. t urniss,
and in what a state I Could you recog
nize the boose?"
" Yes." I replied : " bat to what end?"
" Well, let me cure yoa, and we shall
then eo together to the house of these
Eight days later the doctor and I stood
in Lower Abbey street. I recognized the
terrible boose. All the blinds were
drawn ; In front of the door a placard was
placed, bearing the legend: " loLt."
I inquired ol the lormer residents urom
a neighbor.
" They have been gone a month and
more." she replied. " It's a ereat pity,
for they were very nice people." Trans
lated for the Argonaut from the r rencn
of Octave Mirbeau.
S ft ' !
Oar llttie on will foar rra of r t"f
SSth last. la May. ISi, as was ttsck4 wii a
very palainl brcakin wot f tb aktsv V
eaUad la a yartieUa wbwtraaMw kiw totafcsas,
four rab. Tha eSU4 iweeived lutie r
good trot aa traaf iw, aa thm kroafciac oot,
upooaad by th phydetaa to bo Sirs la aa
antravated fans, bcaio larger la tiotchoa,
aad nor aad vaoro 4Utrraui. Wo wot Ire- '
SaUy obllroS to got la tas atsht and rwb
hits, wfth oda ta water, ttnmt UaUstoata, ote.
rtaally. wo eallod othor Bhrlciaa, eatil o
Uaa six Md auoaavtoil to euro aim. ail
allko failtns. aad tho child steadily getUV
worvo ana wano. aaui uxxn too wi m i
JqIt, wbB wo begao to givo hiai Ccrtccaa
KcaoLVBirr lBtoraily. and tho CcTicva. aad
Ct'Ticoa Sor oxtoraally. aad by tbo laatof
Aogoat bo waa aoariy woU that wo tavo btaa
oalyono doo of lbs KBuMVtsr aboatevory
cood day for abnat tea daya longer, aad bo
baa Dvr been troubled aiaeo witb tbo borrt
blo naladr. la all, wo used loss thaa ooo balf
of a boaJo of Cvnceaa KaacLVXirt. a Uwio
loa tbaa oao box of Ccnccaa, aad only oat
cass of CencoaA Soar.
U. E. Ktaw, Caynga, U vtngvtoa Co.. HL
Snbertbed sad (worn to beforo aioa tbo Mb.
day of Jaaaary, 1887. CM. Co a, J. P.
Laat vprtng I wai
U. 8. Ensrineer Mendell has estimated
that 1500,000 will be required to improve
Oakland (Cat) harbor.
N. A. Jacobs has been appointed super
intendent of schools in Jackson county,
vice Wm. Priest, deceased.
It is said Mrs. Nellie Sartoris, Gen.
Grant's daughter, is going to return to
New York to make her home.
Allen Francis, formerly U. S. consul at
Victoria, died at. St. Thomas, Ontario,
where he was consul for the United
States. !
It is now thought that the democrats,
finding the Georgia Glenn color-line bill
going to prove a boomerang, will try to
pigeon-hole it in the senate.
The following patents have been grant
ed: Oregon Albert Crum, The Dalles,
miterbox; Lafayette ikedal, Kalem,
eeg beater. Washington territory John
11. Hodie, Seattle, saw-tiling machine.
very tick, beuur eavorod
witb some kind of scrofula Tbo doctor eoold
not help me. I waa advUod to try IboCtmcoaa
Kssolvbvt. I dtd co, aad to a day I grow bai
ter and beuer, until I am aa wall aa over. 1
thick yoa for It very moon, aad would lias to
bars it told to tho public
Kdw. Uorraaa, North Atuebora, Mass.
If r. Trank McClurty say that yonrCtmccaa
Remedies cured his body of a skla dltoaao af
ter several doctors bad failed to belp tho boy.
Ho spent over one hundred dollars with doc
tors, Ccnccaa RtHEDiao eared him.
J. E. Tirrasv, Pleasant Mount, Pa
As I have never seen the following an
ecdote in the Ledger, I will give it to the
Colonel Serrel, of the New York Engi
neers, had the charge of the construction
of the "Swamp Angel," at Morris Island,
"Sam, how's Tallier getting along now
"Oh, so-so. He's putting on too much
style now to please me."
"How's that?"
"Well, he's got a mild attack of dys-
8. C, and being of an energetic constitu- r'' "d be ff 1,8 lt Bnh, dlff5il
Uoa himself, and not afraid to enter h.J1
MUKUIPirU s,iovli a tuaavD uv a-eew vw
swamps, bis surprise can be imagined
when one of his lieutenants, whom he
had ordered to take twenty men and en
ter ahat wimp, said that "he could not
do it the mud was too deep."
Colonel Serrel ordered him to try. He
did so, and returning with his men cover
ed with mud said :
"Colonel, the mud is over my men s
heads: I can't do it."
The Colonel insisted that it must be
done, and told the lieutenant to' make a
requisition for anything that was neces
sary for the safe passage of the swamp.
The lieutenant did make his requisi
tion in writing, and on the spot. It read
as follows :
"I want twenty men eighteen feet
long, to cross a swamp fifteen feet deep.
The joke was a good one. It secured,
however, not a cabit to the stature of the
lieutenant or his twenty men, but rather
his arrest for disrespect to his superiors.
The battery, nevertheless, was built
witb the aid of wheelbarrows and sand.
Like Jonah's gourd, it sprang np in a
fellow put on
Kentucky Journal.
"So vou've been visiting in the city?"
asked Miss Beckv of Aunt Hoxanna.
"I shud so say."
"Had a nice time, too, I presume?"
"I shod so say. Why, I was so com
pletely comflusted at w bat I saw that I
was just ' putrified with astonishment
aU the time I was there."
Ccnccaa. the rreat skla euro, and Cmctu
Soar prepared from it, externally, and Crnro-
sa KEftOLVtST tne new dioco partner, internal
ly, are a tKmlilve euro for overy torn of akla
and blood dlaeaao. from pimplea to scrofula.
Sold every where. Price: Ctrricraa.Meeata;
Ccncrsa Soar, S5 cents; Ccnccaa Resolvent.
11.00. Prepared by Pott ee Dace aso Chemical
Co., Boston.
Srvd for How to Cora Skla DIiimm,'
PLES, Blackbeada,8k!n BtemUhea, aad
Baby Hum ore, use ccnccaa soar.
A Word about Catarrh. ,
"It U the mueouk membrane, that wonderfol
semi-fluid envelope surrounding tho delicate
lUtuet of tbo air and food paagea, that Ca
tarrh makes it trnf hold, unco established.
it eats into tho very vitals, and renders life bat
a long-drawn breath of misery and disease,
dolling the sense of hearing, trammeling tbo
power of speech, destroying tne lacuitr oi
smell, tainting the breath, aad killing the fa
nned pleasures ol taste, insioiousiv, dt creep
ing on from a slmula cold la tho bead, lt as
saults the membranous lining and envelope tbo
boaes. eating through tho delicate ooau aad
causing inflammation, slouEUtng, and death.
Nothing short of total eradication win seeoxe
health to tbo patient, and alt allevtatives aro
simnlv orocrastinated snfferincs. leading to a
SO much style." fatal termination. SaHDroao's Kaoicsl Ccaa.
OJ lunaiaiion ana VJ internal sauisinnuim,
has never failed; even when the disease haa
made frightful inroads on delicate cobsU-
tationa. hearing, smell, aad tasto have beea
recovered, and the disease thoroughly drives
out" ,
SAKbroRti's Radical eras oouists of oae
bottie of the Radical Ccas, one boa CAVaaaa-
al Solvent, and one laraovso Isa Ataa, neat
ly wrapped In one package, witn tun air
Uons price. $1.00.
Fotteb Iau a Chemical Co., Boston.
have married a rriuwian." "Keep him,
my daughter. That's your penance."
The professor w as examining a younx
candidate in law. The subject being in-1
heritance, he said : "When a nephew
inherits money from his uncle what has
he to dor "Nothing in the world, mon
professeur, except to enjoy nimseu.
A dignified eastern sentleman, travel
ing in California, was besieged by a
newsboy on the train to buy some oi nis
papers. After being reiateojy reiusea,
the bov crazed on him for a moment and
said, blandly: "I've got some picture
9 I papers for them as can't read."
The introduction of soap is doing much
tr r-iviliw thw teot)e of the Holy Ind.
- i
A lir anan fctorV has Wn established
on the site of the attcient Sechem, and the
people are bcginni.iir to use it on tneir
tiersons instead of trying to eat it, as
they did st firxt. Along with the intro
duction of soap, o?iir Mrms are going
on. Kefhlehem has been rebuilt, and
the streets sre lighted with gas. cesarea
is having a building boom. ,-Naxareth is
lecomin2 the hea-hiuarters of big olive
oil speculators. Corner lots in Joppe are
going np with a rusii, ana rea ra
Mount Carmel is iargiy new oy spcyu.-
tors for an advance. The ladies of Jeru
salem take sll the Parisian fashion jour
nals, and know all about the latest si) te
if luitdretwing. Glasgow Herald.
Waiter (to gutt wlui iial just finWied
Left alone. I bezan to undret slowly
snd -wander about the room, as one
alwava doea when one sleeps in a strange
place, i felt as if I should smother in
the close atmosphere of the room. Be
fore (renin into bed I wanted to inhale a
little of the outside air, and in spite of
the roaring etorui, I tried to open the
window. It wa a false window I
" Well, well ! " I exclaimed, a little sur
I thought I would remove the chimney
armon : it was a false chimney. I rushed
to the door ; it was locked 1 Fear seized
me. and. holding; my breath. I listened.
Th house was o iiet : all seemed to be
aaWu. Then I inspected the room care-
fullv. atrainine my ears for the least
r,und. On the floor, near the bed, I
noticed snots: it was blood dried and
blackened blood t 1 shuddered, and
cold sweat stood out on my forehead.
Blood ! Why should there be blood there ?
And I saw that a whole sea of blood must
have been spilt there for a great spaoe
around the hard wooden floor had been
freshly scrubbed and scraped. All at
once I cried out. Under the lied 1 had
seen a man, stretched out, motionless as
an overturned statue. I could not cry or
call out. With trembling hands I pushed
the man : be did not more. I seized nim
hv the feet and drew him forth ; he was
dead ! His neck had been closely cut, as
wiLh one stroke of a razor, and the head
bold to the trunk only by a slender liga
I thought I should go mad. But some
thing must be done; the assassin might
come at any moment. I raised the body
to place it on the bed. I made a false
steo. and the livid bead turned over,
awnnar to and fro tor a moment like
Hhakspeare caught the idea and
clothed it in a pretty language when he
made Juliet say: "Parting is such
sweet sorrow that I shall say good night
till it be to morrow." But Lord love you
she never said any thing of the kind ; of
course she didn't. She said something
like this : "But mercy, how late it is
getting 1 There. I must tell you good
night. Uh I did 1 tell you wnat a nice
time we had at Mr. Tybalt's house night
before last? Such fun! 1 thought l
would die a-laughingl What a fello
that Mercutio is 1 How be doea run on
There, vou really must go now. Ix you
- . X ... a . k
remember that day we met at tne bail r
How you did stare at me. there, oon t
sav vou didn't. 1 had on my cream-col
ored satin that night. Do yoa think that
Karah Caoulet is as urettv as they make
7 ' - - ' - - ' I
her out? I don't: but dear me, gooa
night, Romeo. Wait a minute, what was
it I wanted to tell you? Oh, yes; I
kcow now," etc., etc., etc. iBoeton
To postpone, when the duty for I mined late
action is clear, la always unwise. Especially la
tt so when Increasing 111 health calls for a re-
anrt to medication. Diseases of the kidnevs and
bladder are often of swift growth always of
fatal tendency 11 not com Da ten at tne ouuei.
Wo have all even those of us who are not re
marks bly well instructed beard something of
be aanger aueaamg angon aiseaae, oiaoeie,
and other diseases of the kidneys or bladder.
Let no one bo foolhardy enough to procrastl
nate If he percelvea the renal organs to be in
active. Hostetter'i Stomach Bitters are pecul
larly adapted to overcome this Inaction, to suf
flcienllv stimulate, without exciting, the kid
neys and bladder. Infinitely Is this diuretic to
be preferred to the impure and fiery stimulants
of commerce, which prove; the bane of unwary
peraona with a tendency to renal trouble.
Tbey are likewise Incomparable for dyspepsia,
debility, lever ana ague, ana nuiousness.
Arc yoa disturbed at night sad broken of yenr
rest by a sick child suffering and crying with
pain of cutting teothf tf so, toad at onoa and
get a bottle ot tho Window's Soothing Syrup for
Children's Teething. Ha value la lncaieulabw
It wlB rallovo tbo poor tittle, sufferor Immedi
ately. Depend apoa tt, mothers, there ta ne
mistake about It, B euros diaentery and diarr
hoea, regulates tbo stomach and bowel, sum
wind eoUe, softens tbo gaas.reduoos lnflama
Uon, and gives tone and energy t tho whole
system. Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrop for To
Aching backs, hips, and sides, kidney
I and uterine pains, weakness and in
flammation, rheumatic, neuralgic, sci
atic, sudden, sharp, and nervous paiaa,
coughs, colds, and strains relieved la
one minute by that new, original, elegant, and
Infallible antidote to pain aud inflammation),
the Catlrnra AnU-PsIs Plaster. Ifci eta.! ft for
fl; at all druggists or hotter Wug and Chemi
cal Co., Boston.
-Of Salem. Oregon.-
R 8 WjtLLAf'K,
Vice President; Cashier
T. Mcr. r ATTTOIt
Chltdrea's Teething is pleasant to tbo taste, and
la too pioouiuuoa oi one oi vne oiaon ana
female nurses aad physicians 1b tho United
Statee. and la for sale by all druggists through-
tao worta. rnoe as earns a ootuo.
ScorilTs SaraapaiiUa and Stilllnria or Blood
aad Liver Syrup will restore perfect health to
the nhTilcal oreanisation. It is. Indeed, a
strengthening syrnp. pleasant to take, and baa
prorea Itself to he tbe best Mooa puriner
dlseorered. effectually eunns; scrofula.
farmers on wheat and other marketable
produce, consigned, or In store,
either in pri 7ste
Granaries or public wsrehooses.
Paper discounted at reasons We rate. Drafts
drawn direct on 9W York. Chlcaeo. San Praa
cisco. Portland. London, Paris, Berlin, tloakg
Kong and Calcutta. ,
Large crowds ot people are jusuineat a a . Anytliintr else I can help you to, hideous pendu'om. and then, detat bed
other at the boa-office and trying to get eaun, 7 a (ronj ths trauk, fell on the floor witb a
their money hack. . . . t K' ' dull wound. With mt difficulty I intro-
Tlien I see too riding behind a flexl- (iuest o. doce4 the decapitated bead between the
We horse that must have coat a large Waiter-Kverythtng satisfactory? f . pUced
sum of money. You are smoking a Guest l es. . . it on tbe pillow like that of a sleeping
cintr that hss never been in use be ore. Waiter-ServK-e all that could I de- I? blown out tbe candle.
"Times ain't wot they unter was.
mumbled the o!d family octogenarian
from his emer hv the nre-tlace: times
ain't wot thev uster waf
"What's the matter to-niht, I ncUtT
asked one of a trrouo of maidens by the
Times is chanued : thev am t wot
they nster wax."
Why, what has gone wrong!
"Nuthin. much ; only times ain't
thev aster wax."
"Now. I ncle Oar, leu us wnat tne
matter is. What is it troubles your"
said the voanwst as she paswed Iwr arm
r - V
around the old man s neck.
"Why. Nanrr'edun tuk my sawdust-
box away and put thet shmy lrm pot
thar; and now I bevter go 'n sot 'n ther
stoop n tber back yard ter chaw ter
backer. No, times aim woe tney oaxer
ax, nohow. Tew much style n
comfort.'--Chicago Ledger.
syphilitic dlsordrrs, weakness of the kidneys,
erysipelas, malaria, all nervous disorders and
rfaKliltv. MUms eomnlaints. and all diseases
Indicating aa Impure ennllUon of tne moot, i
Hrer, kldaeys, stomach, etc. it corrects tndl-I
gestioa, especially when tbe onmplaiotis of aa
etbaurtlve Datura, having a tendency to lessen
the vigor of tbo brain aad nervous srstem.
Watchmaker and Jeweler
221 Commercial street. Salem.
A full line of
PHes are frequently precede l ny a sense oil-., . m . . ,tr sitrn
wsiaat la the back, tolas aad lower part of the I V All .11 H.N flllll I I A II K JS
.1-lomew.caoslBElbePatlenttosappo-behaal -a '
some aSection of the kidneys or Dclghboring
srnsa At times irnMnai of Indigestion are
present. Satalencr, aeaslaess of the stomach,
etc. A moisture, like perspiration, producing
And Jewelry ot every description.-
able Itching, after getting wan
Is common attendant, nil at. Meeting ani
wut I a very dlsagrefsh
Then Venus bisects the orbit ot Mara,
and I ias ton vnintr home With VOor DPaO
tied op in the Up-robe, yon and your
spirited horse in tne same ibw"'
"Rut .in ma sm anvthinf for me in
iv-f..tMr Mad. Ia t'ov?" I asked, I flint! He
taking my feet off the table, the better to J Transcript.
watch her feature: aoytoiug y
wookl seera to indicate political prefer
ment, a reward for past services to my
country, as it were? '
No, not clearly. But wat a moment.
Your horoscope begins to get a little
more intelligent. I see you at the door
of the senate chamber Yoo are count
ing over your money snd looking sadly
at a schedule of pri res Then you turn
sonowfully away and decide to boy a
cmI-fiood enoueh. (Goes out.)
Wonder what in thunder that fellow was
so Inquisitive for?
Waiter The old wooden-headed skin-
ouldn t take a hint inoaaoa
I slipped under the bed. I did an this
mechanically, without thought of defense
or safety ; it wss instinct that prompted
me not intelligence or reflection.
My teeth chattered; my hands were
tr with a thick moisture : I felt as if I
had rone to bed in a charnal house.
I remained there, in that awful fear,
minutes, boors, months, rears, centuries
X do not know bow long. I lost all
kU rjf time and dace. All was silent.
v,art You say the moon was not eut,
and yet yoo distinguished Um prisoner's yroak without the noise of the storm and
featnrea. How do you ezptaia u r
Witness--Why. yoa see. your Honor,
the sky was as full of es at a city
milkmaid's skimmer, and the stars
hocie through tbe worn-otst Haces.
the whistling of we wind cam to me
softened and aad, like moans. Acouja
. I. tK. who
wss comingwho was there, perhaps. pot a rjarbed wire fence 'round his chick
la that stale M borror 1 iroold only en coop, aah."
Uotbam man "What! You voted
against my old friend, De (rooder
Sambo "Yes, sah. De Goods may've
been good 'nough w'en be lived in the
norf, bat he's got mighty mean an' unpa
triotic since he moved down souf."
O. M. "Well, well! What do yoa
charge hiaa with specially?"
H"Innllin' d eolo'ed folks, ash 1"
G. Vf. "Impossible! He was an orig
inal aholitioniid.'
8. "Cant heh dat. sah. He done
getting waraa.
Dieedinr and
Itch lag pile yield atosvee to the application, f
n. Honsanso s Pile Remedy, which acta ouecv
lr t poa the parts effected, absorblngtbe to mnrr.
ml u .Ine the iatease Itchlncand efrncting a pet
minn. Price aa) centa. Address, the br.
H-r-anko Med lei ae Co., rioa, O. Sold by be.
K. hmmL !
K.miM aad sedatlrea murder sleep: tbe
m.n.iirl aosor Is aooa followed bv ill ef facta.
Simmons Liver Keghiator remove the cease of
restlessness and sleeplessness try regniatiac
the Sow els. p ostabltshinc good SigOsUow aad
"7 bare been a great sufferer from dyspepsia
aad loss of sleep. As snoo aa I Ifl the lea4 ner-
voua I take a aoae ot simmooa user snraiswr,
aad sleep all ight.r ,.,,.
aa. H. B v a ST.tirlji wold ville.Ga.
Rcnairiag a Specia
Alleoek's are the only genuine porous plasters
All other s called porous ptaaters aro lmita
Their makers only get them up to sell oa tbo
AU so-called Improvemeaas aad new lagredi-
jio owe baa over mad aa Improveaeat oa A1V
MMk'a Simiu Pfcaatera.
whoa tou bay Awx3oci poaocs PLasraas
yoa ebtala tbe boat plasters made.
For proof that Dv. Ouna's Improved Urer Pills
eriro atck hoadocho, aak year druggist for a
trial package- Only oao for a dose. Regwiar
slaed hot ceata. Sold by t eo. s. to4.
Ail work la this line warranted.
payersof Marloa ooaaty. ttrecoa, that tho
hoard of EVuallatioa win meet at me ourv
baose. ta Salem, said county, nm tbo last Moa
day ta Aagws. Va, to wit, tho th day, at ala
o'clock a. m.. aad poMtcly eommeneo tho e-
sjBiBatloa of tbe assessment as retaroea PT utm
Assessor for tho year 17. cor recti as ail errors
lota, or other proporty. Said board will remaia
ta session from day to day for oao wek only.
Therefore all Ui payers or persons owalng pro
perty la said county aro hereby notified to bo
aad appear at tbo list ana puce eire men
tioned, aad show cause. If aay they nave, why
their assessments should not remaia aa taken
by tbs Asaaaaor. m ' t ' -
Assessor, Martoa eoomy, Oregon.
Iiated at Halom, tbo id Awgo4. tS7. dwtd
K cxwvv Of the good lWa.ef fl'j
iiie are sorrowiaiiy a
ahsaa em seeoaat of lynepaia.
Pygpepsix Tablets will cure Dyir-r; ,
Iadgsstlew aad Cosstrpatioa; soli a t
poxtdve cwaraatwe a ti and W esU.t
Geo. E. Good, drtrgai.