The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1884-1892, July 15, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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'MLzpalT Writes an Inter
estins: Letter.
The Beautiful Trees and Lovely Flow
ers of Bengal A Great
Church Ediflee.
Caloctta (India), May 23, 1837.
En. Statesman : The heat is very op
pressive this morning. As I write, 11 a.
m., the thermometer marks 91 degrees
In the shade. By two or three p. m. it
will be 93 or 98 degrees, with a glaring,
boiling sun touring down, and not a
breath of air, save what one gets by re
maining under the punka. Even then,
after your punkawalla goes to sleep,
you are in danger of melting, nnless he
is suddenly recalled to a sense of his
doty by a glass of cold water thrown on
him, or a shout of " tono, tooo" (pull,
pull). , -
Only the beautiful green trees give re
lief to the weary eye. There are a num
ber of blooming trees here, but the most
beautiful is the regal Poinciana (French
Flamboyant), a large tree in. shape like
our oak tiees, with lovely, delicate, green
foliage and brilliant crimson blooms. In
the early morning, when the bright sun
beams are touching all things with a
golden glory, the Frinciana Regtna lends
a vivid charm to the landscape. This
lovely tree is indigenous to South Amer
ica. There is another tree that has deli
cate, purple blooms like our lilac, another
whose tiny, snowy flowers, fill the air
with delicate fragrance ; but no one I
have met can tell roe the names of these
trees, except a dwarf tree bearing very
fraarrant white flowers. They call this
the lotus tree.
One sees many varieties of crotons
here, often of great beauty, dwarf palms
and wonderfully beautiful ferns, and
other graceful foliage plants, which are
profusely used to decorate churches, halls,
vestibules, dining rooms, ball rooms,
stairways, verandas, doorways, und some
times shady nooks of drawing rooms. I
have not seen any of our graceful fuschias
or begonias since I came to India, and
rarely anv geraniums
The botanical gardens, t'te zoological
cardpna and rorettv. attractive Ivlen gar
dens, are things of beauty and should be
a lov forever to the inhabitants oi Cal
cutta. The botanical gardens are on the
west side of the Hoogbly river. Often
people get up little pleasure parties, char
ter a steam launcn anu go aown, men
across the Hoogbly to these gardens for a
pic nic excursion in the shade of lovely
tropical trees and shrubs ; and again we
go in carriages across the great pontoon
drawbridge which connects Howrah and
Calcutta, through the sleepy little city of
Howrah, through numerous native tii-
lages, where the little bamboo huts are
huddled togeiner, near some noxious i
tank, and always with a Hindoo temple
or Mohammedan mosque conveniently
near. In these villains we see men in
various stvles of coctume. that being gov
erned by the race, caste or occupation of
the wearer, squatted in the doors of their
hats, dissaving their goods and wares
for sale : others engaged in various kinds
of work, happy-faced and contented-
looking. Many of them are seen smoking
tbe " hubbla hubble "a long, oua-iooK-
ing nine, sitting a la Turk. Native women
of the lower castes are usually occupied
in menial labor, and it is marvelous what
immense loads thev carry on their heads.
Iirifi?ht-eved. iollv-looking little children
are seen playing about . Their raiment is
not alwas "comme il faut. row and a quaint old building, with many old as
then we pass pretty English "bungaloes' Bociations and interesting things, of
nestled among trees, lovely flowers and which I hope to tell you at some future
vines. When we enter the large gate time. Now I shaH only say the wall of
leading into the gardens, one is at a loss
which road to take, so many lovely ave-
nues opening up vistas of beauty, each
esque little spots, beautifully adapted to
rest and refresh one after the long, hot
drive. Of the many attractive avenues.
the one of roval natm trees is the loveh
est. that of fan talms the nxt. If one
grows weary of walking or driving, there
IS always a boat on some ot toe minia
ture lakes where one can row at pleasure
Very nrettv and peaceful many of these
lakes look, sleeping under cover of sweet
pink lotus blooms and great green leaves.
Ther are like nond lilies, only much lar-
eer. and dn not lie oil the water, but
grand tall stems above their
hev are beautiful enough to
stand on
leave. Thev
deck the hower of anv uueen. In thse
cmnlena o-rowa the largest banyan in In
din. Picnickers generally take "timn"
(lunch) under the green canopy made by
the spreading branches of this magnih-
cent tree, which extends over a circum
ference of 286 yards. This tree is a spe
cies which sends down aerial roots, strik
ing into th raand and forming new
trunks, which again make fresh branches
that mi throw oat rootlets until a col
onnade of arboreal pillars are created,
roofed with a vault of dark glittering
green, which is grandly wonderfuland
ahrttil.l h iMn to be appreciated. There
kitiiua .n (ha Melon, ahera are erasn
- i i ..-. fern
vaicn Diwnwi urre iu ibauii-i. r--
1 f I MM t 1 I , v . VI J.l
t . i i- ji . i. : i h.tiiiw brnoar
itmiM traductions of nature these un-
eannv nUnts. but after visiting the 6plen-
dkl green houses in the suburbs of the
it aiwi sMeincr then, in the perfection of
exquisite bloom, I acknowledgedmany of
them were beautjiai oeyona owripw".
odd ihtntra thouith thev are. which grow
without roots, clambering over rotten bits
of wood, or on trunk i of trees, rarely giv
ing us flowers and leaves at the same
time. Here were great masses of tangled,!
tinsJirhtlv lookinsr vines, hanging from a
rough piece of old wood, with perhaps
here and there a lovely flower growing
AnnmtrA Others were great cluster?
of vines and beautiful, delicate blooms of
all colors and odd. fantastic shapes. They
" , . v i i t.
riJMdw very ex peSi ve
he thorn I am told ther are found
poking wild in the forest near Dar
joling. The zoological gardens near the city
contain many rare, lovely trees, throbs
and flowers; pretty walks and lakes; bat
are chiefly devoted to animals of almost
all known species, except elephants and
camels. Birds of brilliant, beantifal
Elamage are seen here from almost erery
ind, hot outside In the suburbs and the
city we hare only the aancy rook and the
Qgly kite, a few smaller binds of no par
ticular beauty ; and now that the rainy
season Is fast approaching, we see the
large, ungainly adjutant, perched in sol
itary, solemn meditation, on the British
lion, over the great gateway at Govern
ment House, or on the high walls of
large buildings. They Tanish with the
close of the rainy season. The natives
never kill or harm any of the birds, and
are remarkably loath to kill even a
cockroach, believing in the transmigra
tion of souls. What a novel idea that a
cockroacry should possess a soul the
soul of some defunct native! The
nights are oppressively hot, and our fitful
slumbers are broken By the dismal howl
of the jackal, that prowls unmolested
through our streets.
Ht. Paul's cathedral here is a fine spec-
imen 01 cnorcn arcnitecture, ana was
consecrated in OcVur. 1847. The
building is 247 feet Ion', eighty-one feet
wide, and, at the transepts. 114 feet wide.
The steeple is 201 feet in height. The
waiis 10 tne top ot tne battlements are
i . . f . ... ....
nny-one feet. There is an inclosed ve
randa at the west end over which is the
cathedral library, consist in z mainly of
roots bequeathed by JtJisbop Wilson
The vestibule is thirty by twenty-two.
and the lantern beneath the tower twenty
seven feet square. The nave is 127 feet
by sixty-one. The east window (the
crucifixion after a dentin by West) is the
gift of the dean and chapter of indsor,
and it was originally a present from
George III to St. George's chapel, Wind
sor, but it was never placed there. The
original cost of the beautiful window was
tuuu pounus. me communion plate in
use at present was a present fom Her
Majesty Uueen ictoria.
The cathedral is presided over by the
representative head of the Protectant
church in India, as being bishop of Cal
cutta and metropolitan. Reginald Heber
was once bihhop of Calcutta, and died in
1822. His beautiful and well known
"From Greenland's ley mountains.
From India's coral strand,"
Has immortalized his name. There is
a splendid figure of Bishop Heber kneel
ing in full canonicals in the cathedral,
which originally stood in St. John's
church. There are a number of mural
tablets and monuments of great interest
in the cathedral. In the west vestibule
are memorials to the Karl of Elgin, and
to the Honorable Chief JuKtice Normam,
who was stabtied to death on the steps of
the town hall in 1871, bv a fanati-al
East Indian who ass displeased with
some ruling of the jude. and who was
subsequently hanged. There is a tablet
with sixteen bronze medallion portraits
of officers who fell during the mutiny. In
the south transept is Lady Canning's
monument in marble and mosaic work.
The windows are tintetl blue to tone
down the glare of the sunlight. The
splendid great organ is from London, and
the choir is one of the best trained in
India. The original cathedral of the
dioces was old St. John's, which was
erected about 1710. During the cyclone
and earthquake in 1737, the magnificent
steeple of Old St. John's sank into the
ground without breaking. In Uur-
ing the sacking of Calcutta by Surajah
Doulah, nawab of Bengal, the church
was destroyed. It stood in the north
west corner of Palhousie square, about
fifty yards from old Fort William, on the
east side of the ravelin, where tne
bodies of the victims of the Black Hole
were thrown one sad morning in June,
1756. When Clive and Watson retook
Calcutta in 1757, the church was a mass
of ruins, and the English residents met
for worship in a temporary building in
old Fort William. The present St. John's
was commenced in 1784, was consecrated
in 1784. and continued to be the cathe
dral church of the diocese until the build
ing of St. Paul's cathedral. St. John's is
nt. John's church is covered with tablets
to the memory of distinguished men who
I bravely laid down their lives to build up
Captain Stephen Taylor, of Boston,
spent a good deal of time at Honolulu,
says the transcript, between one voyage
and another, snd was always treated as
a person to whom a great deal of consid
eration was due. He visited the royal
family quite often and was there received
by bis majesty. King Kamehameha, who
American and English remdents, on terms
of absolute equality
One day there was a stale procession
in tbe streets ot iionoiuiu, snu uie n
Uvea had gathered from all over the
kingdom to do honor to royalty. Among
the crowd and leaning nonchalantly
airainst a tree with a quid in his mouth
and his big Panama hat on his bead, was
Captain Stephen Taylor. i'reentiy tnere
arae a blare ot liorns on uie street, anu
head of the roval procession came in
viw. Otf went the headgear ot sucb ot
the natives as had any headgear, but
iwwiti "
I to the other cheek.
1 IBiri i MWm Tl m M 1 V r,vm -
I . , i .. .. i - t.
I ins ciDUin TournMiru uu i-vii.
an r.nguwi -
"Hadn't vou better uncover, captain V
"No!" said he. "1 never took off my
hat to a niciter vet. and never wiu.
It was a rude speech, but not meant
insultingly quite evidently, for the next
moment tbe royal party came quite
.he-mat. and Captain Stephen, still with
his Panama set nonchalantly on the back
of his head, called out cheerily to ine
"Hello. Aleck!"
The king looked an instant at the cap
tain, and then cailea out in quite
cheery a tone: -"Hello.
Aad the cortege moved on amid the ap-
. , . . " . . -
I rin oi uie crow a. cooTincinjjj ww tjie-
iisiman that a Boston- sea captain was at
least as great a man as a King ot iiawa
July 6.
The price of pig iron remains the same.
A soldiers' home is to be built in Cali
Blaine was entertained at dinner in
London by Henry Irving.
A man named Polly, from Los Angeles,
hanged himself, near Seattle.
The editors of Washington territory
bare formed a press association.
They are still smusgUng Celestials over
the line, from British Columbia.
France and Germany are again making
faces at one another, across the line.
A lot of earth, a hotel, and many cot
tages, fell into a lake in Switzerland, and
at least 100 persons perished.
The citadel of Quebec caught fire early
Thursday morning, and there was an
enormous loss of stores and guns.
Christianson. the Pern. Indiana, mur
derer, was taken out and treated to a
social necktie party, lie was nicely
There is a terrible drought in tlie east
ern portion of Colorado, and many set
tlers are liable to be compelled to leave
their homes.
They found an infernal machine in tbe
ticket office of tbe Canadian ratine rail
road, at Ottawa. They are after the
owner, with a search warrant.
July 7
A gang of burglars afflicts Seattle.
The German crown prince is much
There are good reports from the Alaska
The Geo. W. Elder is laid up for re
pairs at 'Frisco.
American" party is being organ-
ized and strengthened in California.
Another reduction in fares by steamer
from San Francisco to Portland is looked
for soon.
Frank Callahan, a stereotyper on the
San Francisco Examiner, was killed by a
bale ot sacks falling on him.
Gladstone made another powerful
speech for home rule, in tbe house of
commons, and characterized that meas
ure as the -only hope for Ireland.
The Southern Pacific's line into east
ern Oregon, To a junction with the North
ern Pacific, will he hastened by tbe
vigorous policy of the new management
of the Union Pacific, so it is thought in
financial and railroad circles in Ban Fran
July 8.
The Stanley expedition
Lots of talk over Cleveland's refusal to
go to St. Louis.
Maxwell, murderer ot Preller. must
hang August 2tth.
Tlie Irish crimes bill has pased the
house of commons.
The Compte de Paris tstill cherishes
hopes of being king of France.
Tlie great Lick telescoie, on Mount
Hamilton, is nesting completion.
The thermometer was 100 degn-es in
the shade, at Jacksonville, Otegoti. on
aly 7th.
Oscar J. Harvey, an employee of tlie
treasury department, has been found to
oe a tniei.
There is a strike of section bosses and
other employees on the Walla Walla di
vision of the U. K. 4 .
The track will be graded up to the
Siskiyou tunnel this week, and then
staging will be reduced to twelve miles
Freddy Gebhar It is with Mrs. Langtry
in San Francisco, and it is said she wants
a divorce from her husband, in order to
marry the "king of the dudes.
There is an old blind man who goes
about the streets alone, peddling some
thing. He is a familiar figure, and feels
bis way with a cane, and seems to know
the street well. In crossing tbe streets
it is customary for some one who Is pass
ing to assist the old man across, when he
goes along abort bis business, thankful
for the assistance. There is a congrega-
on the northwest corner of Walter and
Wisconsin streets, and it is really a beau-
tiful sizhtto see tne old blind man come
along there, jabbing his cane on the
sidewalk. He is aa helpless as a man
can well be, but he do sooner shown op
than some one of the boys Jumps to bis
assistance, takes him by the arm -and
leads him safely across the street and
comes back to his business. ro mailer
what the boys may be doing, quarreling.
6irhUne. scuffline. blacking boots or sell-
in sr papers, when the old blind man ap
pears, business and everything is dropped
bv Uie boy who is nearest to mm, ana
tbe sightless man is helped across tbe
street, and the boy is as tender with nis
charge as the best boy in tbe world could
be. Some ladies were standing on that
corner waiting lor a car a few days since,
a wife and daughter of a distinguished
general, who has been ill considerably
himself for Uie past few years, lbe
blind man came along and a little mite of
a boot-black took him by the arm, hut
blacking outfit hanging down almost to
his feet, and was patroiinz tne man
among teams, when tbe young woman
said to her mother: "Isn't it good of that
boot-black to help that bund man? The
two ladies watched them, aad when they
took the car there were tears in the eyes
of the ladies. Just then the boot-black
returned to bis fellows, and as tbe car
went away he yelled. "Shinny on your
own side. Cully." There was human
nature all around that corner for a min
ate. Peck's Sua.
AUcoek'a are tbeooly geaaiae porous planters
All other so-called porous plasters are imtta-
Their saakers ealy get them ap te sell oath
. . ,, . k - .
reptnauoa 01
All so-eailed improvtmeats aad sew iagredl
em. are bcjabof.
N eae baa ever saad aa Improremeat M AH
cork's rorosm Plassi rs.
wbte ywa bay Aixooras Poaora rumx
pa obtain tbe bet pia4era made. . -
Sober Talk Concern inr tbe Episode of
Tharsday Morning--Was the
Sheriff to Blame?
The excitement in Polk county over I
theKeltv lynching has not by anv means
. TTTuti- v - j I
'uwuc"-. u.
who openly uphold the action of the mob,
citizens generally deplore the affair as un-1
fortunate, especially, since tbe law had
, , j , :.i:M I
itself by hanging tbe murderer through
its regular workings. Criticisms upon
tbe action of Sheriff Groves in not taking
greater precautions to prevent such an
occurrence are freely expressed. It is
claimed that a man was sent from near
McCoy by Captain Alexander, who had
been apprised of the contemplated action
of the avengers. The messenger started
in the evening and arrived at Dallas at I
about 10 o'clock n. m. and e-ave to the I
sheriff his message. Mr. Groves prom
ised that the matter should receive his
immediate attention, and the messenger
returned to the farm of Captain Alexan
der snd informed rum that ne bad given
the sheriff due warning. At two o'clock
a. m. Keltv was hung. Sheriff Groves.
however, denies emphatically that he re
ceived any such warning.
The officers have very wIl grounded
suspicions as to who the parties who did
the lynching are. The difficulty is,
though, to make good their suspicions
and lay hold of the right parties.
All the parties to tbe lynching were
strangers to Depew, the guard. Tbe
leader, whose countenance be saw
clearly as the imperfect light in tbe jail
and the moonlight outside would permit.
he had never seen before, though he
thinks he would recognixe him if be were
to see him again. Several of the parties
wno remained obi mil e were bubo anmaaa-
ed. but thev were as safe from recognition
by Depew as were their companions who
had taken the precaution to cover their
faces. The leader is described as a low,
heavy set, active man, with a fall sandy
The sublime confidence which the au
thorities felt in Keltv's safety while in
carcerated in the Dallas iail will be shown
when it is stated that on Wednesday even
ing the county commissioners and judge
refused to authorize his removal to Sa
lem for safe keeping, deeming that all
danger of lynching, if, indeed, there ever
had been any. was passed. That same
night the murderer was bung by tbe mob.
Keltv's body was taken to the home
place near McCoy Thorsdav aiternooo,
and buried there at 4 p. m. a
The Department of Superintfnilfiice
Discusses the Merits of Books ou
"Physiology and Hygiene."
Further proceedings of Thursday's
session of the department of superintend
ence of the state teachers' association
have been handed in for publication
The subject of "primary text books on
physiology and hygiene" was taken up
Attention was called to the fact that the
legislature at its last session had instruct'
edthe superintendent of public instruction
to issue special circular to the several
county superintendents requiring them
to select, by vote, primary text-books on
tbe above tonic for use in the public
schools ; and that the said circulars mnt
be issued during the present year, in
view of the importance of having prima
ry text books on the above subject, and
in order that schools may nave me use
of such books during the fall term of
school, it was moved and carried that it
was the sense of this meeting mat the
circulars be issued in time to secure tbe
books for the schools opening in Septem
Tbe examination of primary text
books on physiology and hygiene was
then taken up and the menu of the fol
lowing examined :
First Lessons in Physiology and
Hygiene." by Cbas. K. Mills, A. M., M
I)., published by Eld red ge & Bro.
Pbila. : "Physiology for Boys and Girls"
and "Young Folks' ITiysiology," by Al
bertT. Blaisdell, M. I)., published by
Lee A Sbepard. Boston : The Pathfinder
Kerie-"tle Child's Health Primer"
snd "Hygiene for Young People" pub
lished by A. H. Karnes A Vo ot a. i
"Tbe Child's Book of Health," "tieaiih
Lessons for Beginners," and "Lessons on
the Human Body," by O. M, Brands,
published by Leach, Sbewell A Han born,
own ana ew i ors ; aiso t nmer
of rhrsiology and Hygiene,
aaava m aw
Human Body and its Health,
k. xxr T
Rmith. M. V.. published
by Ivison,
Blake man. Taylor A to., of ew l ork
and Chicago.
rrof. W. I. Lyman, of rorest tirove.
being present, was invited to take a seat
in the convention. Mr. Lyman repre
sented and spoke tuicbly of the rathnnd
er series, published by A. K. Barnes &.
Co., making mention that thin series was
recommended by the V . I . T. I ., and
that one of these books had been written
by Mrs. Hunt, national superintendent of
the W. V. T. L . He alto made favorable
mention of other series. It was stated
that since the several county superin
tendents had been supplied long since
ith the Pathfinder series by the mem
bers oi the W. C. T. I. in this state, and
since the leading series of books under
consideration were the Smith series and
the lath finder series as above, it was
suggested that the examination of these
two series be made more extensive and
exhaustive. With this in view, the
raperiatendente present proceeded to a
more minute examination of these books,
the majority determining in favor of
Smith's ' series. On motion, it
solved that it was the sense of this meet
ing that Smith's series of primary text
books on pbysMMocy aad hygiene are
best adapted for sse in srbool work.
After a brief discussion of other school
subjects, the convention adjourned sins
This meeting of superintendent and
the important discuasmna brought out.
will no doubt be of great service to the
school interests represented.
2. B. Hoaxxa, Reporting Secretary.
.. . utu rnxsL
Co Dr. 6vtt1 Improved Liver PCls for eat
low earn pie law, pimp! oa tb lace aad bt-
Hrasae awvev sicaraa or mm vwy
rt Sample tree at Oeev a. Good's.
Extract from London Court Journal:
"Hon. W. F. Cody (Buffalo Jiill) wa a
close companion of a man named Boone,
who discovered Kentucky in 1869. Mr.
Cody married a granddaughter of a dis-
tnguished gentleman, known as billing
Bull Frog. Cody was twice governor of
Chicago and was at one time mayor of
the Arkansaw legislature. 1 I served in
the confederate army, in the command of
f0? JSUer' wno.' g"0" end-
eu new vneaiui aiimujsk ukj turcatcacu
street. After the war Mr. Cody went to
congress from tbe province of Detroit and
introduced a measure for the relief of the
citizens of Buffalo, which gained for him
the name of Buffalo Bill. He has con-
a newspaper edited bv Mark Twain and
Uncle Tom Uabin. a man who is mainly
noted for his negro dialect sketches. Mr.
Cody has a ranch of many acres in St.
i-iouia, wnere ne seeps a targe lot 01 mi
dians and ponies constantly
on nana.
Arkansaw Traveler.
Arc yea slatarbsd at Bight aad brokea of pu
rsst by a sick child Battering and trying wit
pais of entttag tooth? Us. ead etono sac
get a bottle of tb Window's Soothing Syrup for
Children Teething. Ka valse Is iaoaxulaV
Bwin rUv ta poor 11 ttl safforor Immedi
ately. Depend upon tt, mothers, thor la ne
mistake about tt. It cores dlsentery and diarr
hoea, regulates the stomach, sad bowels, carta
wind cone, eoft a the gams, rod uoss Inflama-
Uoo, and gives tone and energy t the who
system. Mr, wiaslow's Soothing Byrea for
Children's Toothing la pleasant to the test, and
is w preeenpooa of one ot tne oldest and beat
female nursea sod physicians la the United
btatea, and Is for sale by ail druggists through
wo swu. moo as oasis a ootua.
Piles are frequently proeede-1 br a sense of
weight iu the bock, loins aad lower rul of the
abdomen, eaoainc the patient to suppose ho has
some asecuon oi tne aianeys or neignoonne
orrans. At times symptoms of IndlceaUoa are
present, flatulency, nneasiaess of the stomach.
etc. A moistnra, like perspiration, producing
is common attendant. Biiad. bieedinc and
Itching piles yield at on re to the application, of
Dr. Bonxaako's Pile Remedy, which acta dliect-
It npon tbe parts effected, absorbing tbe tamorr,
sJlaying tbe intense itchlag,aad effecting a pel -manent
en re. Price M cents. Address, the Dr.
Roaaoko Medicine Co., Piqua, O. Sold br Geo.
a. oeoa.
RcotIU's BarsaperiUa and Stlllingia or Blood
and Llrer Syrup will restore perfect health to
the physical organisation. It is. indeed, a
strengthening syrup, pleasaat to take, and has
eftea proven itself to be the best blood purifier
ever dieerered, effectually earing scrotals.
syphlllua disorders, weakness of the kidneys.
er?ipeias. malaria, an nervoas aisoraers ana
debility, bilious complaints, and all diseases
Indicating aa Impure condition of the blood.
liter, fciaaey. ktomaen, etc It corrects lnj-
esUoa. especially when the complaint is of an
exhaustive nature, having a tendency to lessen
the vigor oi the brain and nervous system.
lion. Edward A. Moore. Member of Assembly
from Richmond county, New l ork, writes:
'Home two years ago l wa taken witn innam-
matiun of the kidneys. The pain was Intenne
applied as soon as poitie au Alicock s for us
Flatter over each kidney. Wonderful to say
the paiu and innamaUon organ to abate in three
sour in two days I was enursjy cured, l al
ways take great pleasure in recommending All-
cock's flatters; they are censlnly the bent et-
ternsl remedy known. I used them as chest
protectors, and found them nmt efficient."
For prooUbat Pr. Uunn's Improved Liver Pills
c ire sick hetaache. ak your arurcist inr a
trial packare. Only one lor a dose. Kegular
sized boa z cents, sola by ueo. k. uooa.
CHArrta I.
I wss taken sick a year ago
With bilious fever."
Mj doctor pronounced me cured, but I got
sick asjaln. with terrible pains In my back and
sides, aad 1 got so bad I
Could not move I
I shrank!
Prom 22 lbs. to 120! I bad been doctoring for
my liver, but It did no good, I did not expect to
live more than three montha I began to nse
Hop Bittera.
DirecUvrny aroetlte returned, my pains left
me, my entire system seemed renewed as if by
magic, and after using several bottles, I am not
only aa sound as a sovereign, but weigh more
than I did before, to Hop Bitters i owe my uie.
iHibiin, Junes m a. nTirsTaic.
Chapter IL
"Maiden. Mass.. Feb. 1. 1SAS. Gentlemen
I suffered with attacks of sick headache.
Neuralgia, female trouble for years In tbe
moot terrible aad excruiatlngmanner.
Jfo medicine or doctor could give me relief or
cure, nnUl I naed Mop Bitters.
The first bottle
Hearly eared me;
Tb second made me well and strong as when
a child.
"Aad I have been so to this day.
My husband wss aa invalid for twenty years
wUh ,
Kidney, liver and nrinary complaint.
Pronoanoed by Boston's best pbynirians
Seven bottles of yocr Bitters cured him and
1 know of tbe
"Lives of eight persons'
la my neighborhood tbat have been saved by
your bitters.
And maBy more are uning them with great
oeneSt "They almoal do miracles.
Mrs. E. D. Black.
How tv urr Sirs. Expose yourself day and
sight. et uomncb without exercise, work too
bard without rest, doctor all the time: take all
tbe vile nostrums advertised, and tken yon will
want to know
How to Grr Wkll- which is answered la
three words Take Hop Bitters.
Trlve yer aro I broke down wl:h kidney and
liver enn n slot aad rhenmatlsm.
Since lbn I have boea unable to a aaoot at
all My liver bream bard Ilk wood; my
Umha were nuffed so aad Slled with water.
All the beat physicians aareed that nothing
could sure ma. I resolved to try Hop Biuors;
I nav ased seven bottle: tb hardness ha all
gon from my liver, tbe swelling frommylimba,
and tt worked a miracle la my ease; otherwise
Iwonid bow have beea bow in my grave.
J. W. MwKST, Buffalo, UCl I, liM.
Tokea of the great appreciation I bay ef
t Bitters. I waa affiieted
With infismmalory rheumatism f ! !
For nearly
Sevea year, aad ao medicine seemed to do
i say
rsnd f ! !
I'mII I tried two Bottles of year Rob Bitters.
ad to my swrprW I aaa aa well to-day a ever I
raa. 1 Bop
-Tew asay here sou ad as asecesa"
la this great sad"
Valaabl faedieifMt
Abvob ' wUhlag te kaow more aboat my
ear,. .. .
Can tears By Boareesiaw me. a at.
WUliam. 11 ttB street. Wash. D. C
CleAztsed, Pvxrifled smd Betttl-
fied by the Cuticura Kcmetlles.
Tor elenatag the tkta aad Seal of Mttff-
srimrBusora. lor sjlaytng Itebtag. BaralaMf
sbd Iauamatioa. tat en ring tbe Srst symMoaaa
t-t Eeaeaaa. FaorlasJa, Bulk Crast, Scaid i saa.
erora!a, aad other inherited Ski asvd blood
fHitaiiss. Ctmcvaa, ao areea earn two. sa
Ctmeraa Sosr, aa eaqnisit Skia BeaaUSor,
fitemally. end Crncraa Ksot.vtaT, the new
iUood rurlSer, lateraaiiy. are taiaxume.
I bars suffered all my llfo with akta dheaao
r.f different kinds and save never fen ad per-
ataaent relief, antfl, by the ad vieaot a laoy ma
i ranr nlnahle ftmCTU Kasintaa. f
-re them a tbnroagh trial, aaing si a bottlea of
he crncraa aisoirairr, two ooxes oi vto
or and una eakesof Crncraa Soap, aad tae
,-nalt was just what I had bona told tt vroett
-e a complete enra.
rerercnea, Q.W . Latimer, DrugiUt, Klcbaaoa.
1 was tronhled with Salt Khenm for S liabtr
nf years, so that the skla eaUrely came off one
.M my nanosirom toe anger np w we wnn.
Hied remediee and doctors prescriptions to e
torpoM nntil I eommeneed Ukiag ctmceaa
l(EMKi!KKan4 bow I am entirely cured.
K. T. PARKER, S7S Noethaaaptosi ot, Boston
Have sold a qoanUty of yonr Cntieara Rem-
i-dies. One of my eattomers, Mrs. Heary a lata
ho bad letter on ber bands to sue a aa extent
to cause the skin to peel off, aad lor sight
.-ears she suffered greauy. waa completely eurea
y the nse of your medicines.
CS.Mt, vrag isi, wuki,uiih
for the last year I have bad a speeiee of Itching
scaly aad pimply humors oa my face to wa lea i
rmveappneaagresimany metoousoi hwikiii
wfthont snreoaa, and which waa speedily aad
entirely cored by C in era.
WebaveaoldyoarCtmcraaRsasoisa for tbe
ut six years, and no medlciaes oa our shelves
g . ve better sat I f action.
Crncraa Rxarons are sold verywhero.
Price, CcncciA. 60 cents, kisolvsmt, f L;
Soan. cents. Prepared by the Porrta Daco
ins Cstsicn Co., Boatea. Mass. kkiw
How to Cwre bktsi Ulssasee."
- -r) T T T j CI Pimples, Skin Blemtsbes, aad
ITJl U Do.Baby Uumora, cured by Con
era a Soar. 7
Catarrb la iu destrncttva fore steads next to
tudnadonbtedlyleadsonto consumption. It Is
therefor singular that those afflicted with this
fearful disease should not mala It tbs object of
their live to rid tbemselv of 1L Deeeptlv
remedies concocted by tgaoraat pretenders to
medieal knowledr have weakened the Confi
dence of the great maioiUyof sufferers in all
advertised remedies, iney become resignexi so
alifeot misery rather thaa lortor thomeal vea
with drn birul pauiauve.
But this wiu never do. catarrn mast ee met
tt ererr atace and combated with all onr mlahi.
In many cases Ue dlMsse has assnmed danger-
'ills symptoms. Tbe bones and cartilage of the
tioe, tbe organs ot hearing, of seeing aad tast
ing ao affected aa to be nae1s, the avnia an
elongated, tbe throat so Inflamed and Irritated
as to produce a constant ana imtaung oouga.
Sanfnrd's Radical Cure meets every phase of
Catarrh, from a simple head old to the most
loathsome and destructive stages. It la local
and constitutional. Instant la relieving, per
manent In curing , sale, economical ana strer-
Each package contains on bottle of the Rad
ical Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent, aad ao
Improved lahaler. with treatise; price, L
Potter Drag Cbemicai Co., nostoa.
J And that weary, Uf eleas, all-gon sei
oil aetion ever oresent with thoea of 1b
i m - - . ...
l . aamed kidneys, weaa baea ano toiaa,
I Jk aching bine and sides, overworked or
worn out br disease, debility or dissipation, are
relieved la one mlBOto and speedily eared by
the Cullcura Anti-Pain Plaster, a sow, original.
(legant and infallible antldot to pal a ana IB-
n a in mall o a. At all drufigikta, xa eta; Bv log
U , or of Potter Irug Co , Boston.
C a, 13 i t il
)f Salem. Oregon.
R 8 WsLLsrg.
HCaarKSTga. J H A Li kit.
Vice President; Caahler
P resident;
T. Her.
farmers on
wheat and other marketable
conslaned, or in store.
ellber in prlrate
Granaries or public wars house. -
C O M M E It O.I A L
Paper discounted at reasonable rates. PrafU
drawn direct on New York, Chicago, Han Frea
cinco, Portland. London, Paris, Berlin, Kong
Kong and Calcutta.
Trsesaet a geaeral banking bnslBes la aL Iu
Make lana and draw sirht aad televraphlo
xchanreToB New York, Chicaao, Saa rraoeie
eo, Portlaod. Tbe Dalles Eugene City, Astoria,
Albany. Corral lis, w alia w sua, aauotner towns
sf Washington, Oregon, Idaho aad British Co
lombia. Letters of credit iasaed. available la to East-
era States.
Draw, direct oa London, Berlin and uong
Collection mad oa all palate la tb raeis
Mm i:
Every owe'e dnty is to not allow tb liver, tha
stomaeb and ttia kidneys, tare groat orgaaa.
to beonme clogged or torpid, and ta Urn expel
all impurities of the blood. The Oregon Blood
Punier, a purely yegetabio enmpoocwl, ta The
Remedy to care all disease of tb kidaeys sb4
liver, also thos eaosed by Impure blood as bil
loasBeaa, noBstipatlva, sick headache, dyspep-
VM, am, ri, pv wi tow ikih, t' wm m
tim, etc Try it and you will Sad It always
victorious In its bsutc with dlaesee. Hvli every
where, gl Wpet botUe. Hi botU fur t-OB.
td for apnag aaefe lor a good two horse
I. P. oral re of J. Ocl. on tail sxwih-east
ofsaleas. - 7--dw-tw