EASTERN. Hews of tlie Week from Be yond the Eockies. A JFOLICKltAJf OX TaUAL. Be ta Accused af Bete aateather To Kiad e CrtaiBu Sew Yotx. JnJ.v 6 -New York's faro- i To'ice Captain Williams was pot on trial before tho police hoard to-Lr, on coca plaint of a number of citizen, who charged that he allowed notorious" honses of ill-fame to nu openry ana ouenmveiy hi tiia orecinct. and that he permitted each retorts as that of Tom (loo Id to vio late the excise lav. Her. Father Praetor testified that when certain tioterioas dis- repatabte women were arraigned in po lice conrt on hia (Praetori's) complaint, Capt. William appeared and testified that he knew nothing against them. On behalf of the captain, Lawyer titeener testified that n illiams waa not in the po lice court ahen the cases referred r were examined, and the prisoners were discharged bv consent of Father Praetori, who at knofed,ed there waa no evidence against them. Capt. Williams tertiSed on hia own be half to the ellect that since he became captain of the police precinct the area infested by disreputable houses had been greatly restricted and tlieir numbers largely reduced. He offered to show that one of the complainant owned nooses which are used for immoral pur poses, twit the offer, was declined. I.te cinion waa reserved. HE WONT UO. Clrvetuad Declines to Visit St. Loui. and fttatee tho Ueaaaa Why. Washington, July 7. Under date of July 4th, President Cleveland writes to Mayor Francis, of St. Louis, ttta in? that ooaccoaotof hostile expression on the part of certain members of the (i. A. K. m regard to the propriety of hi visitinj: St. Louis At the time of the nationol en campment, he had decided not to make the visit, lfe refuses to believe that the . A. It. deem it part of their mission to com pans any olyrt by attempting to coerce the executive, yet as certain ex pressions indicate an intention to mar an occasion that should be harmonious, he would submit to insult rather than disap point the citizens, if he a!one were con cerned. If, however, any are determined to denounce him and his acts at the en campment he believes they should le permitted to do x unrestrained by his presence. He concludes by extending hearty thanks lor the kindness of the citizens. Texas Fever la Nebraska. Chicago, July 7. A special from Lin coln, Neb., says: The state veterinarian received a disp.itch yesterday, announc ing that notwithstanding Nebraska's ritsid quarantine Texas fever has broken out at Tekamah, Burt county, and over thirty cattle have died since yesterday. It is only now known that a thousand head of Texas cattle were unloaded at Tekamah in April, getting into the state, it is sup posed, through the connivance of some quarantine official. TKRKIFIC EXPLOSION. Celluloid Work Blowa Kky Uigh, aad two . Persona Killed. Arlington, N.J., July ft. Six of nine one-story brick buildings, covering an entire square, occupied by theCollenite Manufacturing Co., were demolished by an explosion yesterday. To persons were killed and eeveral orient wounded. The company make collars, cuffa, knives, and other article, from celluloid. The explosion was caused by careless handling of gun cotton by an employee. Ilia body was torn and' thrown into a neighboring field. Mi A. T. Mutch more, another victim, waa pinned down by the debris of a demolished building and burned to a crisp by a fire which fol lowed the explosion. Probably a dozen other emplovees are more or less serious ly injured, but not fatally. The works were in the middle of the village, an. I there is scarcely a whole pane of gU within a quarter of a mile, and in .toy houses are otherwise damaged. 150,000. FIELD AND (iOl LO. Tfc Former ays the Manhattan !! Was Kqaare. Nr.w York, July S. Th, follow ing let ter explains itself: To the Agent of the Associated pre.-w Dear Sir; So many conflicting reports having been circulated in regard to the late sale of the Manhattan railroad eto.-k, I think it proper to give through you the facta. My selj and my associates did sell 7X.000 shares of Manhattan stock to Jay (ouid unconditionally, at $1-20 cash per share, and I wish further to Ut explic it thatviou!d has a-tel throughout the transaction in a perfectly straiwhtiorward way, and that the most frind!v feeling exists between ns, I have n? idea of re signing as a director of the Manhattan company, and my opinion as to the fut ure development of the protetty remains . unchanged. Yours faithfully. Cvaca YV. Ftiu. Tmable with If a njrariaa Laborer. Umnmnrs, Pa,, Joly S At 5 o'clock ' re-t reached the sheriff from the West Leicrsing works that a riot had oc curred, ami four of the strikers bad been killed and others badlv injured. The news waa given out, and, altaoagh false, the excited. Hangariana were at once wild. There being no wire to West Lei rsing works it waa necessary to sends special meseenger. and when he returned wah the trnih, that no trouble had oc curred, it waa too late to send word oot aide. Unngariana were ready to take the war path, and it was feared trouble "would result. They were particularly incensed at a posse of rinkerten'a men, and axv the will ftht ikn j.-tv. i being evicted from their homes at Matthews. Saaday Law Deelarad laepoeattvo. St. Lovw, Jnlr Jodgo Noooaa ef the eoart of criminal cormtba to-day dacharsed Joav KchiJ realed for Tiolatiag the ada Iw M Kiwna ia (se w taw is tire. Tula leaves the saloon question in St. Louis as before the repeal of the law of 1857, and am Sunday saloons will be allowed to ran with open doors as before. For three Sundays but few saloons have been open and it was generally hoped that this woald continue. , rwlrcbJId Win Xo Talk. Haduox, Wis., Jnly 8. When ap proached by a representative of the asso ciated press last night relative to the letter of President Cleveland to Mayor Francis of St. Louis declining to visit the city on account of the O. A. It. difficulty, Commander-in-Chief Fairchild declined to express hia views either officially or otherwise, regarding it inconsistent for turn aa commander-in-chief to do so. Deadly Seaarga. Siieboygax, Mich., Jaly 8. Capt. Hal- lock, of the fi&hing tog Messenger, which arrived here yesterday, reports a terrible scourge racing on Cockborn island. Lake Huron. The disease broke oat last week, and from Fridav to Tnesdav nine deaths occurred, and the mortality was seem ingly on the increase. The disease is supposed to be diphtheria. There is no doctor on this island, and the inhabitants are fleeing for their lives. geaatora Coming- ta Oreg-om. Cuicaoo, Jaly 8. A St. Paul special says: Sen ators Vest, Cameron, Allison and Plumb and ex-Gov. Ilaoser, of Mon tana, with their wives, will leave for Portland in a few days for a brief tnp to Alaka. senator V est is in bt. rani, een ator Alliran is at Lake Minnetonka, and Cameron and Haueer are on their way here from riew York. Fire Record for Jane. New Yobs:, July 8. The Commercial Bulletin's Jane fire record shows the largest fire loss in any Jane on record except in 1877, the month of the great fire at St. John, N. B. The total loss is 110,382,100 and is larger than average June fires for ten years previous to 1886 hy nearly 4,0UO,O00. Ha Killed Hia Jailer. IIi'stsvillk, Ala., July 8. This mom ing when Tim Anderson (colored), as sistant jailer, went into the cell of Reed Townsend to carry him his breakfast. Townsend sprang to the door, seized an iron bar used as a fastener and cut Tim s head into jelly. The convict had a grudge against the keeper. Will ot Parade Before Cleveland. Utica, N. Y., July 8. The four Grand Army posts of this city have resolved not to parade, as they had intended, at the Clinton centennial on the 13th, if Presi dent Cleveland is present. The Dry Ooods Trade. New York, July 8. The imports of dry goods at this port for the week end ing to-day were $2,526,000. The amount thrown on the market is $276,000 worth. riling Cp the Karplaa. Wasiiixotox, July 8. Government re ceipts since July 1st amount to $5,577,- 64 and expenditure to $13567,487, or $ii ,()'., in access ot receipts. GKOVIrB BOTHERED. He U la Hot Water Over the Nt. Loala Affair. Cuicaoo, July 9. A Washington spe cial says : The president is still greatly exercised over the miscarriage of a lengthy letter conveying the executive's refusal to visit St. Lovis in September anu the lailure has given new lite to gossip regarding the controversy. In the statements given out at the white bo'ise yesterday the information that Cleveland, as result of the fiasco, has abandoned his intention of taking a western trip is made prominent. Those who presume to be well-informe', however, do not believe the president will give np his plans tor tho summer and lalL It is well known thm h! hail an elaborate pro gramme of travel prepared, and a hich official sai l yes'erday that it; would be iivel up ;. lit. president, he said, will be lifted to to St. Louis during the f.;-r week in Jc!ober and will accept. He win men proceed trom M. Louis to other point as originally intended. Mrs. Cleveland will accompany him. HANtKI) in erriGY. V Duniniy or the Oovernor or fieorgia llanged for a Murderer Chicago, July 9. A special from Chat tanooga, Tenn., says: Win. Holman was to have been executed yesterday at Ualtoo, Georgia, for the murder of Matilda Holman last December. Gov ernor Gordon commuted the sentence to imprisonment for life. Five thousand jn-ople assembled to witness the hanging, and on leurnin tne action of tho gov ernor they took possession of the town and banned the governor in effigy on the gallows prepared for Holman. Latest reiorU sut? that the military has been ordered to hold itself in teadiness to march against a mob if a riot occurs. Dalton is at the mercy of the mob, and civil officers are powerless to ajucJl the disturbance. A rati for n la Hotel Burned. Cauco, Cel., J uly 0. The large hotel at IWr-tow, junction of the California Southern and Atlantic & Pacific rail road, was set on fire by a fpark from a locomotive and burned to the gronnd this aUernoon. Trains were delayed a coo pi of hours in conseqiience. The es timated to ia $3JfiXM. J"W Tark Stock Market. 2tsw Yoax, Joly 9. The stock market opened weak at declines extending to per cent. Iater the tone nofwewhat iov proved, and at 11 o'clock the market is steady to firm, Uiottgh extremely doll. Daak Mtateaaeat. New Toa, July 9. The weekly bank statement hows s reaerve increase of $2,701,003. Basks hold $d52,000, in excess ef legal role. The raaal Bait. Ji"r Yoax, Joly The bolt that has feka been banking over the bead of Dr. McG'rna haa l!Ua tu f... k.. exceoimnaicated. T rather pearU (ria Oeeaa's vwm Nvara r a 4fwm la 4ieer ataeaa: at oa awrattM of nuu aa4 keva. ?.t aief rate Like IkM la aeaatya awwtb that efciaa Ma ay tae ljiijit airiaaT PACIFIC COAST, News by Telepraph from West of the Eockies. VO CHAKGE. The Bataa oat of Baa Fraaefaea will Be ' aaala 17 ac haa ged. Sax Fkaxcisco, Jnly 7. The Seatbern Pacific yesterday gave notice that until farther orders freight rates would be maintained as at present. The Union Pacific railroad says all its freight rates are printed to expire in Jaly, bat the Southern Pacific's action haa resulted in an order that rates shall be maintained after the 7th nntil otherwise ordered. The agent at the Atlantic and Pacific and Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe says that the transcontinental lines are compelled by their necessities to the same action. AH rates on bis lines will be maintained as they are nntil such time as legal au thorities on a case actually made a role that such rates are onlawf oL "The com panies all," be raid, "rely on the good sense and equitable consideration of the commissioners. If the fourth section were forced against us, with the competi tion of the Canadian Pacific, we would not carry a car of freight in three months. The enforcement of the section would rain ns all. We are willing to ran the risk of oar own action in maintaining rates being approved." COMPLICATION. The Body of the Military Marderer la DinpateJ Sax Fbakcisco, Jnly 7. Indications are that the action of the military author ities in refusing to surrender tbe body of Sam eel M. So per, first sergeant of Troop A, Second cavalry. United States army, shot and killed yesterday morning by Private Bateman, will result in a series of complications. Officers at the Presidio telephoned to tbe morgue yesterday re questing Coroner Stanton to go oat there and bold an inqoesf , so that they could make preparations to bury the sergeant with military honors. The coroner an swered that if they desired him to take charge of the case they would bave to surrender the body, but it is highly im probable that they will do so, as they have in previous instances had inquests held at tbe reservation. Bateman is still in the guard house and he will have to be tried by the United States authorities un less be is surrendered to the civil author ities, and they do not feel inclined to ask for bis surrender to them. "DOWN IN THE MIKE." Aa Expert' Oplaloa of the Work Going- On. Virginia, Nev., July 7. Lieut J. Wrin kle, tbe civil engineer who does all the underground surveying in the mines on tbe Comstock lode, returned vesterday from the White Pine country. Yesterday afternoon he descended to the 1500 foot level in the Consolidated California and Virginia mine with Superintendent Ly man. He says Superintendent Patton is correct in the course in which he is driv ing the incline winzes, and tbat connec tion will be made with the Best A Belcher cross cut in sinking between five and six feet deeper and driving that distance fur ther south. This distance should be cov ered in lees than thirty-six hours, but a drill hold may be got through by to-morrow afternoon. Hugh Hendricks, a miner who was slightly injured by a cave in the Ophir mine about ten davs ago, died yesterday from blood poisoning. IIEKBEKT BEECHES. A Dead Man's Papers Offered la Evi dence Against Him. Sax Fbaxcisco, J uly 8. The Chronicle this morning printed a series of letters and affidavits found among the effects of the late Abner L. Blake, formerly in the United States customs service at Port Townsend, who died under mysterious circumstances at Chicago last May, while on his way to Washington. The article shows tbat Blake, who had been re moved from the customs service, held to tbe opinion that H. F. Feecher, son of the late Henry Ward Beecher, who holds a responsible position in the customs service at Port Townsend, had defrauded the government and in one instance had withheld from an informer the amount due him growing out of a large opium seiznre. The seizure in question consist ed of fourteen barrels of opium which was found hidden in the Alaskan bay, having been placed there by the steamer Idaho. The seized opium was sold by the govern ment for $32,000, of wb ch the informer, (J. M. Rouse, was to have received about $16,000. In the papers of Blake it is shown that a Chinaman named Ah Foy, of Victoria, was substituted as dummy informer and was given a small sum of money. These and other serious charges of irregulari ities were made by Blake to officials at Washington, but no attention being paid to them Blake started east with them, but was induced to stop at Chicago and there died at the hospital. In a letter written by House from Chicago he ex presees the belief that Blake there met "Bill" Minty, formerly employed on the steamer Evangel, run by Beecher, and that he met foul play, r.-sulting in his death, to prevent exposure. All of Blake's papers fell into the Chronicle's hands and it prints them in ex ten so. Among these are a number of affidavits charging that Beecher paid ont various amounts for expenses and for govern ment supplies in each instance collecting more from the government than he paid. A DISAGREEABLE STORM. raatastle Freaka of the neaaeete la Art- Tpcsos, Joly 8. A simoon visited this place yesterday afternoon. The Leavens became overcast, making it dark as sight. A terrible avalanche ef aand came noon the city and was followed hy a horriean, accompanied by thunder and lightning. Fully six inches of wafer fell in half as boor, flooding the streets. The damage to property i anite extensive, scarce! v a home beim- left snir. fared. Manv rmiJd- iegs had their roofs rorncJetelv taken cff. I The wall ef number el residences were blown down. Several eauealitiea . hare bees resorted bet aeoe ef a sericas - tare. Garaaaw-Newapaaejr Troaala, . Pobtlaxd, Or., J nly 8 Dr. J ohn Folk man, editor of the Staata Zeitcng, took great offense at an article that was pab liahed in the Freie Presse last evening, and to-da caused tbe arrest of tbe pab lisbets of that paper, Messrs. Cart Von Otterstedt, and Bruno Sittig, on a charge of criminal libeL The defendants were arraigned this afternoon before Justice Boshwiler, and waived examination, to answer before the grand jurv. Their bonds were fixed at $500 each, which were furnished. REACHED, BUT HOT KESCTJKD. The Laat Hope of Fladiag the Miners AUve Haa VaaUhod. Vikgixia, Nev., Jnly 9. Superintend ent Lyman came dp from the 1500-foot level of the Consolidated California A Virginia mine this morning, and reports that the drill broke throuico into the Best A Belcher cross-cut about 4 : 30 o'clock. The drill broke through when in about five feet beyond the face of the south drift. From the bottom of the incline s wins blast will be fired, when a bole large enough to admit men will be blown through. YwaixiA, Nev., July 9. At 8 o'clock this morning a blast was fired and a hole broke through the fall size of the drift. 8uperintendant Lyman and several of the miners looked through the opening and found they were in tbe long-sought cross-cut. Lanterns with lighted can dles, held in the opening at arms' length, were instantly extinguished, while the temperature was ss torrid as that of a heated oven. To attempt to remain in tbe cross-cot any length of time without a supply of pure air would be certain death, and the men who looked in were forced to withdraw their heads from tbe opening. Pipes are now being laid into the cross-cot, and a current of pure air will be lorced through them by the com pressor. It will probably be some hours before search can be made for the bodies of the victims. Lyman is positive that they were asphyxiated very soon after tne nre occurred. THE KANAKA REVOLUTION. It haa Actually Opened, aad the People Want a New DeaL Sax Fbakcisco, Jaly 9. The steamship Mariposa, which arrived from Australia this morning, having touched at Hono lulu, brings the important information that the revolution has actually com menced in the Hawaiian king's domin ion. Jane 25th the populace organized by appointing a people's committee, and at once assumed police jurisdiction over the kingdom. Volunteer military com panies joined in the movement and all guns and ammunition arriving on ships from Australia and the United States were seized. A mass meeting of the pop ulace was held June 30th, at which a de mand was made for the downfall of the Gibson ministry and a new constitution or the abdication of tbe king. The king called a meeting of the Amer ican minister and other foreign govern ment representatives on Jane 30th and offered to transfer to them pro tern all power vested in him aa king. They de clined, but advised tbe king to lose no time in forming a new cabinet and con stitution which would meet the demands of tbe people. The king addressed tbe committee appointed by tbe populace an nouncing that Walter M. Gibson and other members of the cabinet had re signed, and appointing William L. Green, prime minister, to form a new cabinet. Ex-Prime Minister Gibson and his son-in-law, F. 11. Hayselden, were arrested by civic troops on July 14 and are now nnder guard. MAKIXO THE ROUNDS. Oregon's Coag-reaamaa Is Entertained at Gervala aad ML Aag-eL Gervais, Or., July 9. Hon. Binger Hermann arrived in the city yesterday, and was driven out into the country to view the beautiful grain fields of French prairie, followed by a visit to Mount Angel, where a most beautiful view was had of the surrounding country from the grand mount. In the evening he was tendered a reception at the hotel here, where a nnmber of citizens escorted by the Gervais brass band, called to pay their respects. In a few well chosen remarks our worthy congressman gave an account of his stewardship daring his term of office, which waa well received on all sides, both by republicans and democrats alike. Mr. Hermann is mak ing a host of friends by visiting hi con stituents throughout the state and ascer taining their wants. STANDS THE TEST. We, the undersigned, citizens of Mari- j on county, being invited to see the new Reeves Oscillating Straw Stacker in oper ation at the farm of David Early, near Macleay, on Jane 27th, say it did all tbat was claimed for it to do, and we are satis fied that it is just what every threshing machine man wants, and the machine that does our threshing must have one, as it does not only stack the ' straw, but we see it will be a great saving of labor and expense. We advise all threshing men to buy one. Wm. Taylor, C. P. Sbrum, Jos. B. Early, Henry Shram, D. A. Humphreys, I). Early. J. F. Baahor, J. S. Sullivan, G. W. King, J. S. Benson, Al. W. Herren. The above machine is for sale by W. J. Herren A Son, .V State street, Salem, Or. 7-6d2tw2t SATETT fftOM MALARIA. The mnst vigorous eoasUtatloa, aad tbe etronet pbrstqne, are sot proof against a dia ease, the ferau of which iaaprefaete tbe air we breath and tbe water we drink. Tbe tree pre parative, the aareot defease, la to fortify the avatem with a a edict no which ensaana seclfle virtues aa a aalefward aad remedy. Uosteuers titeaiach Bitters is precisely tatssrttele proved areaaelnalve tests to ho so. KoteelToa tfcle eootioeeL wherever nlaaa give birth to tbe aaalartal tafeetloa. bat ta the troptce whore fever aad age eseoawe H atost saaUgwaat trpee tbte laeoatparable, aad de-erviag atedteise baa fnv evar a third of a eentorr, shnwa Its eflteeer. Ch ills aad fever, dumb arte. Mlieoe resaitteat alike yield to he laflneace aad are prewated by tt. Tbe weed fi- H ae piaee fa tbe les leoe of anselbC&ea waoa tale atrlso article Iae4 It ioaea ta tfeiaeh, erone e theHver wfcea alnvrlah. eaa promotes beaMbfo! activity ef toe atdaevs aad bladder. A epe-ifi tor liver sad kidney rotm plaint Prouder OregMi Bleod Peri er. tf. SHILE PLOTOCATI0.NS. Thirty-six Vassar girls have been made bachelors of arts. A bachelor of arts is maid of wisdom. Watertown Times. Before marriage the question a girl assa ner lover mos often is: "Do you really love me?" After marriage tbe query becomes : "Is my hat on straight?" Boston Journal of Education. A 1WWat1aaW aT'V'l f aS VavKw Sftmarimaa liwl aisaas a e y e- law rvuivUUICe USJ a bad "spell," wrote the name of of l be uiosinoos autnor oi "riignm s rrogress ss "John Bunion." Hia publishers sug gested mat it oe put in a loot note. (Li v ing Church. A Providence man astonished his friends recently by saying that he was considerably interested in flowers, and intended that day to plant some "Chris tian Anthems." He meant chrysanthe- muma. irrovidence Journal. Young man (to nfessenger boy). "What did the young lady say when you gave her the flowers 1" Messenger boy -one asxea the young felier who was sittin' on the porch with her if he didn't want some for a buttenhole bouquet." rv vi- u 1 11CW IWSOUU. A judge, joking a young lawyer, said : "If you and I were to be turned into a horse or an ass, which woald you prefer to oei "The ass, to be surer replied the law er; "I've heard of an ass being maoe a juuge, out a norse never." 1 1 he Judge. A Pittsburg jeweler haa devised a neat thing lor ycung ladies which be calls a "seaside" locket. One side can be de voted to holding a tiny photograph, while the other side serves as a receptacle for the fair one's bathing dress. Pittsburg Duueun. "Thrift and economy, mv son." said the old man, "are the important ele ments ot success in this world. Toirether ibey will accomplish wonders." "Then 1 hope, father," responded the young man earnestly, "that you will practice both for my sake." New York Sun. Mra Waliln trt Ttostnn "T Kan, . letter from your Uucle James, Penelope, wiiu wii is ki spent toe summer on ins farm " Penelnnn Mnintilvt thero any society in the neighborhood ?" Mrs. 117 1 ' ... raiuo "i ve neara mm speax oi me Ilnlnteina and (iiiprniuavi f nrua ri m a they are pleasant people." New York "Always with a book in your hand. Miss Breezy," said a Chicago young man smilingly, as he seated himself in tbe parlor for an evening call ; "yoa seem de voted to literature." "Oh, I am," re turned the ynnir lady with genteel en thusiasm, "I read every thing." "What are yon reading now?" "'Old Sleuth he Detective.'" New York Sun. Banko Steerer (to stranger): "Ex .use me, sir, but is not this ' my old friend Mr. Ely, of Rome, New York?" Stranger "No, sir. I am Mr. EUh lea st e i n b ergerblamenthallichtenschwartz coff, of Quod Jyquohogmacbiasmemfrem agog, Me." Bunko steerer excuses him self, but before be can reach his "pal" stranger's name and address bave es caped him. Life. OLD TAURUS WAS llASTKU THEUE. A formidable band of bailiffs visited recently one of the largest farms in the district of North Wales, now disturbed by the tithe war. On presenting themselves at the door of the house the bailiff in quired from the servant if her maoter was at home. "No, he is not," answered the servant. "Is vour raistrecs in?" Yes, 6he is. Do yoa want to see her?" Upon this the mistress of the house, a smart, sprightly woman, made her ap pearance. "Is the master in?" again inquired the bailiffs. "Oh, yes, sure," was tbe ready reply ; -"would vou like me to send him to you?" "If you please, Missus," answered the bailiffs. "Well, you go into the yard and he will be with you, directly." The farmer's wife then closed the front door and passed throuch the back to the farm buildings and un loosed the bull, which came roaring into the yard where the bailiffs were awaiting the "master." "There, that is the mas ter here," called out the dame, as the reresentatives of the ecclesiastical com missioners beat a hasty retreat, mounting the gate and fence with the greatest alacrity. (St. James Gazette. low's Your Liver? Is tho Oriental fcaiutaiior, krv vviii 'that l'ohJ houitli cannot oxi.-t vitli'ut a hoa'thy Livor. YL- n i!.e Li vor in torpM tLt; Hov els are lu ;'. U anl -n-8tiatol, the j'iol lios in tlM p-tomacli nnli ewtM, poisoning the hlool; frequent headache on.suof ; a fooling of lassi tude, deondency and liorvctisna indicate how the wholo system is de range!. Simmons Liver Ilogalator ha. been the means of riTstorinz more tvople to health and happinc-is hy giving tliein a healthy Liver than any aj.-ency known on earth. l acts with .;xtraor a.nary jsiwiraud efficacy. Ncvtsj acest DisteeoiMTtD. Aa a teneraJ tmil v renedy Dyeremla, Torpid Liver, o.Upeioa, e!c I hardly ever aao anything obw, anl bave turrit here dtaappotaWMt la the enet prodnero : It avema to he aitDoot a perfeel cure fer ail disuses of Ue stsaws ad Imwela. a W.J. MetxawY. HanuSi.Ua. O'CTEDEOT CHI aTanhf Tiger, Wort iaaa or Lea of atiaim ji aesaUytsstnr 'J bv the aat of as eatisaiy Mf.'.M Torasi Metarrosj Ppata. epaav. aTntlissanwftul. OorUlaatratoa,paaa book sd lawi- "-'tX, tot aealedv Ty vaaaoeid ! lX.Vt W.lAV.ITbiOCU-JA, - a;pat POINT. Tbey were argning as to the retrainin effect on others of capital punishment. Brown thought that the hanging of ont mnrderer deterred thousands from takinr life. "Nonsense!" was Fogg's rejoinder; "capital punishment has no weight what' ever with the man intent on crime. Look at Ananias and bis helpmeet. They were struck dead for lying. I haven t heard that their terrible punishment his caused the habit of mendacity to lapcs into desuetude." Brown says it is useless to srgue witb a man like Fojrg. who alwavs wanders from the subject. (Boston Transcript. rOB CHOLERA, Diarrhoea, dvsenterv In (limm.rln. .iiv. v els or colic Uke internally from Ive to tea drops of Darbys Prophylactic FUld la a table spoonful ot water every hour or two till 1b Srovement takes place. There la no danger of iking more of it and more frequently It oee sion requires. la chronic eases or when the atomacb refuse to retain everything else, ote injection of the fluid and water. We bare never known a ease that eld not resdny yield to such treatment, and It saved tbe Uvea ef many. MERCHANTS, KKAI THIS. To ehoae auject to the vexations of bulsneta life, dyspepsia and a feeling of debility. Irrita bility and despondency, we tar, uka bimMoaa Lirer Regulator. Tbe Regulator ta free freat any iajations mineral 'ubstaneeinotdUacreiie ble; can betaken any time without Interfering with business or pleasure It is rentle' aafe, aad a good dig ator. It is unequalled In tbeetir ef pllea, constipation, bad breath, aick headacha buu vuiuui cvsnpimiBls. A GOOD M-KSE 8bonld not hesitate to wait upon those 111 wSth socn diseases aa Haaall pog, Cholera or Scarlet Fever. There la little to be feared by persona waiting on the sick tf tbty will use barbr's Prophylactic Fluid freely. In sick room It should be exposed on a pls.te or aa near, and tbe patient fponged off with the fluid dilated. For safety, clean linos and comfort in the sick rooaa tbe Fluid la indipensabie. DIPTHER1A. j "I am living In a neighbourhood surrounded with diptheria and was attacked with ale ra ted sore thnML I at once commenced to ase Darbya Prophylactic Fluid, diluted about one half as a gsrgle. when great clou of bard rntaa brane and mucous eame from my throat, and u vm p.a.cu uii. A m 111 H.liarv OI III Oul caryste preventive and cure for diptheria." ....... wrv, I A. TRIED ra ns CRUCIBLE. about twenty years ago I discovered a BfeUe soraoa my check, and the doctor proaouneed Keaacer. I have tried a number ot poyxacUaa, but without reeeivlog any permaaeat beaeflt. Among thsnumbpr were one or twvspsclallsta. Tbenedidne they applied waa like are to the Dora, causing intoase pain. I saw a statement to the paper tening what 8. 8. 8. bad done for otbera a'.m:iarty affiicted. I procured some at osre. Before I had ased the m soad bottle the ncljbbora oocld rotlne tbat aay caaesr waa healing opt, Xj Cfurral hrallb bad been bad for two or tfcree years I had a barring eoagh snl ;it Mood eontlnoaDy. I had a severe pain In my breed After taking atx bottle of K. S. 8. mj eooch left sne aad I grew atoater thati I had been for several years. Xy aaneer lus bralcd ovrr all but a little spot about the site of a hoirdlme, and It Is rapidly disappear- luc. I would advise every one with caaosrte give 8. 8. 8. a fair trlr.L Ha, kaxct j. i:.xKAt;GB-rr. Asb Oiwr. T-i pecsaos Co., lad. Tob. !, IKM. Sirtn'ii Ppwlfia Is entirely vegetable, aad srems to cure cancers by forcing out the Impa rl: Irs from the blond. Treatise oa Mood aad SUs Diseases DiaOrd fro. I THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., DRAWER 3, ATLAKTA, GA. j NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL. "Votice Is hereby given. In accordance with 1 tbe provUion of see. 4 of chap. X XIV of miscellaneous laws, (coda of Ortgon, page (IS,) that tbe National fire and marine Insurance company of New Zealand has ceased to do busi ness in the state of Oregon, and that It Intend ' to withdraw its capital therefrom, six month after tbe date of publication of tbia notice, aa given below. 1'Hg National Flag ab Mtaisa Iaacaaart Conrawv or Nxw Zxalard, by its attorneys, f!aav E. Williams, (us.) SZVfm 1. V. XlACrHKKJtoa. (ut NOTICK OF8AI.P.nr PERSON AL PR4r EKTT. NOTICE Id HEREBY GIVEN THAT I WILL cause to be sold la Salem, Oregon, on tbe th day of Jnly, by the sheriff of Marion coun ty, one hay bor of about year of are, le satisfy a lien which 1 have upon said borsefor paoturace and feed and care of said borse from January Mb 1v7 to July Mh 1(W7, amounting lo tbe sum of $15 75. The proceed of said sale will be applied to pay aaid lien and thaeosM and expense of sale. lMne at salea this 13th day of June, 1M7? 17-tt MRS. DANIEL CLAKE. EXECUTRIX NOTICE, VOTICE 18 HEREBY CIVEN THAT THt IV ondersigned baa been appointed by tbe eountv court of Marion county, state of Oregon, executrix of the last will sad testament of a. Roblna. deeeaaed, late of Marion eoanty. Ore Ron. All persona having claims against said eetate are hereby required to present the sans to me at my residence Ave mile sooth of Sale, la aaid county, or to my address, Salem, Marten count, Oregon, wlthia six months from tbia dale. Is. A. ROBIKS, , Executrix of the last will and testament ef tfobert Robins, deceased. Salem, Oregon, Msy 'AXh, 1&7. A77w STRAYED. ABOirr A MONTH kH), A small iron grey mare, tbtee years old. Aay in formation that will lead to t r recovery win be suitably rewarded. Jobs W. Cetfay. ar leave werd at this office. 7 I lw-dw . R RALZV-OOOD BLACKSMITH fHOF and tnoia. naall bouse and barn, a bwa la t"" meatioi), lor eah or good eeeertty. Price fwo. Address D. A. liumpbrey. Macleay. la E "THAT. A YEARLING F1LLT.DARE IRON grey, twe white bind feet, aa the Clatk MaB, two miles seatbweM ef aWlem. M-w4t . W. I TATZS. FARMERS OR THREBHIBS DESIRIN0 A good team aad aaea aa work throat a bsr vea aa4 tares Ma eaa eseore same by aeeleg A. H. Jsaery, Wbemawa. Of egea. Jlta HONEY TO LOANvBY THE STATE 131 awiaaae eompaay ef tbia etty for ewe, twe, three ev Sve years, epos gaad improved seal es tate iaaa ad fa thaa aeeaMy. -le 1 w-w Je i