VOL. XXXVII No; 22.1 SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY. JULY 15, 1887. I WEEKLY EDITION EASTERN. News of the Week, from Be yond the Rockies. - - . TXBK1BX.E LOW OP LI HI A Taht Cap-laed. and Twenty-seven Oat of Ferry Paoeengera UrawMd, Jfgw York, July 11. The sloopyacht Mystery left Ruflle bar last evening, loded almost to her gunwale with men, women and children. When off Barren Wand, en route for Canareie, the yacht capsized, and only birteen of the lorty souls composing her passengers and crew are known4o have been rescued. Tbe party was made up chiefly of Ger man families resident in Brooklyn and Long. Island City. When the passengers of the Mystery and Chri.tina gathered on the pier to embark for Canande, so many men of the partv showed the effects of tbe beer that they had drank that the skippers thought beet to put the women and children aboard the Mystery, which rates as a much safer boat than her con sort. The women protested, but their protest was unheeded. Capt. Hendrick on, of tbe Mystery, said he was going to get to Canareie first or blow a stick oil. Reef knots were unfastened and a boom dropped just as a squall of considerable violence struck the sail. In a second she was on beam ends, and all the jeople were strolling in a choppy sea. Fully half the drowned people were children. A negro in a row boat put out from the shore, and succeeded in saving seven lives, and a tug which was in the vicin ity saved six. DEMl'SfcY AMI NKVITT. Tk Former Knork the letter Out oq the Tliirtl Kound. Toledo, Ohio, July 11. The long expected glove content h-tween Jack Dempsey, the feather weight champion from California and Chicago, and Frank Nevitt, of this city, occurred at daylight this morning at Bay point, just across the Michigan line. Alout 100 sporting men were present. Three rounds were fought, lasting fifteen minutes. The first round was simply sparring. The second round was hotly contested. Ne vitt struck Iem psey a stunning blow on the temple, breaking his hand, Nevitt re ceiving a terrible blow on the right side. The third round was the bloodiest, Nevitt doing little fighting and acting mainly on the defensive. Him nose was broken and his right eye badly battered by Dempsey. and he received a cnt on the head. The round dosed by Demp sey knocking him out of the ring, Nevitt being unable to rise, and Iempaey Wing declared winner. The match was for $50 a side and gate money. Nevitt is so badly punished that he is seriously ill. A Short Strike. New York, July 11. A general strike for an advance in wages of ice men in the employ of tho Knickerbocker Con sumers and the New York company took placo this morning. The strike only las tod till noon, when the companies granted the men's demand, and the ice limine from which store-keepers and house-keepers had suffered during the forenoon, was brought to an end. The Kanaka Ooeen. New Yosk, July II. A. 1'. Carter, the Hawaiian minister, went down the bay this morning on the revenue cutter, Grant, which has been placed at his service at quarantine, and tjneen Kani olani and her party were taken on the Grant and brought to New York. Tbe queen will leave for San r rancisco en route for tbe Hawaiian Islands Wednes day or Thursday next. Ilanrron I It. Newport. It. I., July 11. The venera ble historian, George Bancroft was poiz ed with a sudden illnets yesterday which cave everr member of his household great concern. A physician was called and remedies administered. Last night he waa reported as being comfortable, with no alarming symptoms. TIIF. KANAKA KKVOLtTf OS. The Relative EfTeetlveaew of the KaIWb aad Americas Fleet la the Ferine. WAsnixoTox, July 12. The depart ment of state is still in official ignorance of the revolution in 1 la wait. First Assis tant Secretary Porter said to-day that the department diil not expect to hear any thing for four or five days yet ; not nntil the dispatches which Minister Merrill had sent on the Mariposa shall hare been sent overland from fan Francisco and re ceived in Washington. One of the prominent officer of the de partment was asked how ranch force the United States had in the Pacific at pres ent. "We haven't mv," was the reply ; "at least none to speak of. The Pacific t madron with the exception of the Alert, are wooden sloops and carry from six to eight smooth-bore guns, worth as much as a boy's popgun when compared with modern artillery. The Alert U an old vessel of 600 tons and carries four guns. If the fleet were to be mobilised it would t -a aliout ten years, I guess, if it ever .1.1 be done. "The Adams has been at licaolulu since June 14th, tbe Vandal is ' trebly half way between Callas and Hawaii, the Juniata is in Central Ameri t i waters bound to China via Sandwich i ' nils, the Mohican is on tbe west coast ( i 1 xuh America, probably near Peru, t- 3 Iroq-jola la at San Francisco being re I Jszi and the Alert mmt be somewhere Bear the Mohican. - The complement of officers and men carried by the Pacific fleet it aboot 1300 officers and men. VThe force that England has in Pacific waters could be rapidly concentrated. All Teasels are in good condition, boilt af ter the latest models and carry rifled can non of large calibre and, not old smooth bores like we have. Bat I don't think we need fear any danger from England, as I have always understood that a per fect understanding exists between the United States and Enand in regard to Hawaii., Germany might, however, try to have a preponderating influence thereon. .She is now engaged in a colonial policy and is trying to extend her power elsewhere. We can never afford to see any other country obtain overshadow ing influence in Hawaiian affairs, and if necessary to prevent it we should go to war." v 11 KIX I Jf- JOVEBTY. A Wltnea of Llneola'a AalaaUoa Die v v at the Actors' Uom. Phiadelpaia, Pa., July 12. At the Actors' Ilome Sduday, George Gaines Spear, the seteran. comedian, 78 years, who made his first appearance on the stage in the old Fremont theater in 182!), breathed his last, having been confined to his bed nearly four years. The most notable event in 8 pears' life was in being a witness to the tragedy on the stage of 1-ora s theater when 'resident Lincoln fell- a victim to John Wilkes Booth's pintol shot. A Little Old Man Dlea. New York, July 12. Thomas Durand, aged 70 years (colored), known as "Ja panese Tommy," was buried in Ever green cemetery to-dav. He was a dwarf three feet high, and had been exhibited N'fore all the crowned beads of Europe There was no funeral service. The Ittark Jueen iioing Ifouie. New Yore, July 12. Queen Kapiolani kept her hotel to-day and rested previous to going on her journey to Han Francisco this evening. The queen and party will leave in the U p. m. tram, and it is not intended to make any breaks in the jour ney between the two points. A VWIt to lUe Elisabeth. Holland Patent, July 12. President Cleveland and wife arrived here this morning. T'ey walked from the station to "The Weeds." the residence of Miss Elizateth Cleveland, where they were heartily received by the president s sister and his niece, Mary V. Hastings. Eitemtive Colliery on Fire. Pottvim.k, Pa., July 12. Otto, one of the best collieries of the Philadelphia & Reading company, is on tire, and is prob ably doomed to destrnction, entailing a loss approaching iuo.ikki. inree nun dred men and boys will lie thrown ont of employment. A Rlae la Milk Bo-rox, July 12. The consolidation of the three leading firms of milk contract ors in this city was effected to-day, and the consolidation will control the entire milk stiply of the city. Jf.Vr DA VI LIKI. lie lrew Largely oa hl Imaciaatlon la hia Keeent Talk. New York, July 13. In a letter to the Herald ex-Gov. A. G. Cnrtin, of Penn sylvania, says : "There is not one word ,J tnifh in what in aid tr have heen Ut r.xl hv JoflVararm .Da via. about me. I never pardened a desperado with the un derstanding tnat ne wouui aasasmnaie 11. via ami f hail tint Lhff fmmV mrHOII. ally and could not have taken from the IreaKiiry 1(,UUU wnicii lie aueges to nave t4n the reward." Gen. lioger A. lryor says : "That he never heard of anv such association as Davis charges, ami does not blieve the rharzea to be true, lie neueves me in terview a fabrication or exaggeration." Cleveland at Clinton. CuxTos, N. Y., July lo. President Cleveland and party reached Clinton at 10 a. m. to-day. An immense crowd was at the station to greet them. They were escorted to Mrs. U. 1 . Williams' rest dene, where thev were greeted by the members of the Centennial committee and manv venerable citizens, while the parade of six divisions was going over f. . . . n :i.v ' . . IIS ronie. eariv an avanain in the village was crowded with spectators and thev are coming in on every train and by every road. After the parade the president sjwnt an hour in receiving callers at Mrs. Williams' home. Over 30,000 people were present. The tram then mved out and the teople cheered the president and waved their hats as he a aa a stood uncovered and towea nis acsnowi edgments. The "atet Time Vet. New York, July 13. Norman I Mun m's new steam yacht. "Now then." built by Herreshoff, left Newport at 11:22 m. yesterday and arrived at Twenty- fnnrth atreet. this citv. att$:20p. m. mtk ing the trip in wren hoar and four minutes. This is the fastest time for the distance ever made by any steamer in American waters. Cameraw Goiae; to Earope, New York. July 13. Gen. rHmoo Cameron, who is 90 years old, is at the Fifth Avenue hotel. II sails for Rnmn to-morrow.: II ia goina for nlettsure and study. He will visit Glad stone and stndy the Irish question. PACIFIC COAST. News by Telegraph from West of the Rockies. HOSO W LTXCHED. lie Is Takea Out and Hang by a Mob at Col ma. CoLcsa, Cal., Jnly 11. Tbe military guard at the jail was removed shortly be fore midnight, the excitement having ap parently died out. Shortly before 1 o'clock an armed band of 150 appeared at uie Jan, seized the sheriff ana began to search for Hong Di, who was found se creted under the sheriff's bed. He was taken out and marched through China town, where not a light appeared, to the railroad grounds, where a halt was made. V eaver was in the crowd which follow ed and came forward with questions. As this was understood to be Hong's last speech Weaver asked him if he had not always treated him with kindness and done favors for him, and Hong answered, yes, yes." Did 1 not give you a razor and many other things?" asked Weaver in tones of suppressed passion. "Yes," said the Chinaman. Again, as though he were repeating a esson he had learned by note: "What did vou shoot me for then?" demanded Weaver, his voice rinsing out sharply in the death-like stillnetu of the quiet night. Weaver paused a moment to give the Chinaman time to reply, then he arked sharply: "What did y6a shoot Mrs. Uillou for? Hon; l)i evidently tried to speak. His Iij moved, the muscles of his pallid, drawn face quivered convul sively, but no sound came. Again Weaver asked the question, this time with increased emphasis and in a manner which demanded an answer. The wretched coolie stammered a few un intelligible words and thea gasped out: I was drunk with whisky." Several other attempts were made to induce Hong to teak, hut he wan powerless to do so. The word was then given and he swung from a crops bar of the turn table. He was allowed to hang seven minutes. when the body wit lowered. Finding life not entirely extinct he was again sus pended and left there. The crowd dis persed quietly. The lynching was brought on by the verdict of the jury o murder in the sec ond degree. ' NOTES I'KOM ALBANY. Urowaed at ltrownaviUe- The Rocljr of Jack Lermltt Fonal. Ai.banv, Or., July 1. From a j:'ntle- man who returned to-day from I'rowns ville particulars were nsi-ertained of the drowning of a little grahdnon of Noah Shank at that place. On Friday last. with other boys, he w .-.. boat riding on the Calapooia and fe'.i out of the boat and was washed down by the current and drowned before ttie boys could row to his assistance. The boy's mother is a widow lady residing in Brownsville, and he was a grandson of Noah Shank of Crawforda ville. Your readers will remember that a little over a year a:ro Jack Lermitt was drowned in the Ijule North Fork of the Santiam. and that although diligent seart h was made the tody could not be found. A gentleman from Fox valley states that a few days n'nce two boys were fishing in the mer lelow Mayton, when they found tne remains of a man. A brother of Iermitt was notified, and seeing the skeleton, upon which enough of clothing remained to render identifica tion possible, recognized the remains as tliose of his brother. The remains were taken to Mehama and interred. Ilea llolladay'a FaaeraL Portland, Or., July 11. Many old residents of Portland, both men and women, gathered at the cathedral this morning to witnes the funeral services over the body of the late Ben Holladay, according to the rites of the Catholic church. The imposing high pontifical mass was celebrated for the eternal repose of the soul, after which the re mains were laid to rest in St. Mary's cemeterr in Kast Portland. Quite a large cortege attended the corpee to the 5 rave. Tlie pall tiearers were Senator ohn H. Mitchell, lhr. B. N orris, Hon. Henry Failing, Hon. Jdhn Carson, Judge C. It. Bellinger, Hon. James K. Kelly, Hon. Geo. 11. Williams, Hon. Cyrus A. Dolph. It was at first thought to have the body embalm! and sent back Fast to be laid by the ret of the family, but this was reconsidered, ami his remains will lie in the earth of the state for whose early prosperity be did much. Mea of War for Hoaolala. Sa Fraxcim'o, July II. Orders have been issued by the navy department to the United States men of war attached to the Pacific squadron to prepare to go to Honolulu for nervier if required. In junctions are imperative on every availa ble Teasel, and it i intimated that if necessary the Asiatic squadron will be sent on. If such is tbe case more federal war ships will be concentrated at Hono lulu than at any place for many years. ANOTHER DtCAM PER. A Narrow tlaac KaJIraod Co a a to r De parta for the - hpriag-a.. Poetlaxo, July 12. The latest Port lander to join the financially embarrassed fugitives is Charles Goold. for many years a conductor on the Narrow gauge railroad. He was esteemed in this city as an hon est, upright man, far above doing any thing that wvald reflect upon hia envia ble reputation, r.ven now u eannot of said that he is a rascal ; he is merely a victim of unfortunate business ventures, and didn't have tbe heart to face the music, as far aa can, at present, be learned. Borne time ago, it is stated, he formed co-partnership with A. E. Potter to con duct the Occidental restaurant, and while in that business he is said to have ex hausted bis means, as tbe concern did not pay. I la took no active interest in the business, continuing as conductor on the railroad. The avalanche of bills that came in which the firm were unable to pay staggered Goold and he "lit out." There was a report to the effect that his decamp ing was prompted by domestic difficul ties, but that is not true. Before leaving he wrote his wife a letter stating that he was financially embarrassed and could not bear tbe consequent trouble. He contemplated going to California, and as soon as he was settled there he would send for her. He had to take the step he did for his individual peace of mind. Goold said he regretted it, but there was no alternative for him. THE KANAKA BEUELXJOX. The Small, Seven-by-alae King-do i Thor- oagnly Ag-Hated. Sax Fbancihco, July 13. The anxious ly awaited Honolulu steamer Tbe Au stralia, arrived this morning, but contrary to all expectations, brought nothing start ling of the condition of affairs in the cap ital of the Hawaiian kingdom. F.x-Pre-mier Gibson, who was arrested by the Honolulu Ki flea for embezzling fjin.i and imprisoned, was soon released and al lowed to go to his home under police sur veillance, where h was to remain until Wednesday, July fith, when he will be arraigned before the jolice judge on the cliarge above named. On Satarday morn ing, two days after the mass meeting, the town presented a more quiet aspect. At an early hour the following notice was issued from headquarters : "Citizens are requested not to turn out under arms thin day. Guard of Honolulu Hi ties will be dismissed at 10 a. m., as every thing is quiet." Tuesday's Daily Bulletin says: Busi ness was resumed this morning. The city wore a peaceful look, and there was not tbe least sign of war around. The Gazette of the same day had the following editorial : "We advocate stren uous, merciless, and thorough investiga tion of all, especially pecuniary, transac tions in this wh4 reign, and we call for legal punishment of the wrong-doer. W. M. Gibsen and his tool Hayselden." Mondav night the report was current that Gibson was going to leave the king dom clandestinely, in order to prevent any such undertaking. Suuaaa oi citi zens undertook the surveillance of his residence and the city front. He did not leave his house. The l'nitel Workmen. Portland, Or., July 1.1. The ninth annual session of the A.O. V. W. grand lodge of Oregon and Washington territo ry convened thia morning in their hall at the corner of Third and Alder streets, known as Schneider s hall, Grand re corder I). T. Wheeler in the chair. The morning semion was occupied in admit ting representatives from the various lodges. A Iresolution was passed that the grand lodge meet at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. The reports of the grand master workman, grand recorder, grand receiv er, grand medical director and finance committee were submitted. There are seventeen representatives in attendance on the lodge. Refaae to Htgm. Los Akoeles, July 13. Car drivers and conductors in the employ of the Los Angeles Cable Railwsy company went out yeeieruay sooner man 10 sign a new agreement presented by the company. The clause to which thev particular! v ob jected is one holding them responsible for damages. There has been no disorder whatever, and none is anticipated. For every vacancy there has been fully ten applicants. Xo Fone4atloa. El Paso, July 13. Circulars giving a story of the alleged arrest aad imprison ment of A. 1. Bird and his opera troupe at Paso Pel Norte were circulated here yesterday. The most reliable informa tion indicates there is no truth whatever in the allegations contained in these cir culars and that they are only intended to cause trouble between Mexican and American net tier" on the 1 "order. DIB.VT FKF.EZK HIS TOXGUF.. "Talking about tbe days when passes were issued," said a tornado-voiced man. as be vigorously pulled at a dock-weed cheroot, "I've seen the time I could go from Chicago to Ht. !oai for one dot tar no rebate at that." "1 can beat that." said a red-whiskered man. "I have seen the time I could go to Louisville lor tuty cents." "Gentlemen," commenced a dry-goods arum mer Each man held his breath in a state of expectancy. "You can all talk about riding cheap. hut tome eight years ago I went down to Nashville to sell a good-sized bill of roods something like a half million dollars to tine man and I got a ticket for five cents, with suit of clothes thrswn in, and, gentlemen, the road fed me on cham pagne and ices all the way." "The ice didn't seem to freeze your tongne, so that it is crippled much, if they did freeze your eheekv pretty hard, ejac ulated ft bystander. , . Miss Famiie Plamnser and Hiss Coop er, of PorUaad, returned doom yester day, navinf, been far tea days the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claud fiatch. FOREIGN. Record of News from Over the Atlantic. NEWS FROM PARIS. . Sehaaebela Givea a Higher roaltloa Pop ularity of General Boalaager. Paris, July 9. M. Scbnaebels, the ar rest of whom by German police came near being casus belli between France and Germany, has been appointed to a higher position at Leon. He wanted to be again placed on the frontier, but this tbe government refused to do. Many houses and newspaper offices were illuminated in honor of Gen. ISou langer, whose departure was delayed for an hour by a crowd numbering 30,000 persons. A number of detectives were sent to Clermont Ferrand with Gen. Hon Langer. It is reported that in an interview with Meinrath. editor of La Itenubliaue. M. Clenceau denied that he had built up the popularity of Gen. Boulantfer. He pro tested against any dictatorship, esjiecial ly of the sword. He would prefer a rad ical statesman at the head of the govern ment, to a general, however brave and patriotic. A Ulaaatrona Flood la Chlaa. Ixixnox, July 9. The Wenchow river in China has overflowed its banks, sub merging miles oi territory. Thousands of persons are believed to have been drowned. The sufferings of survivors are described as terrible. Chu Chow city is submerged, its inhabitants having taken to boats. Submerge! by a Water pout. Loxiwx, July 9. The town of Nagy- Karaly, Hungary, was destroyed by a hurricane and waterspout Wednesday night. The site of the town and adjoin ing district is converted into a vast lake. .Many tiersons lost their lives, the peo ple of the town Wlieved the dav of judgment had come. Illvoree Kuit and Counter-Suit IHitmliifted. London, July 9. Iavid IMenKande, the husband of Violet Cameron, the bur lesque actress, has humbly dismissed the charges he made against Ixrd Ixmsdule, and his suit for divorce based on the charges. Mini Cameron has withdrawn hr counter petition for divorce, lloth cases have accordingly been dinmist-ed. Liverpool (irala Market. Ijvkkpooi., July 9. Hour, supply good ; price steady, 9s 8d. Wheat, hold ers offer freely ; new No. 2 winter, dull, s Rd ; No. 2 spring, dull, 8s 7d. Corn, holders offer s par in el v: price tirm and steady; spot, 3s llld; July, 3s lid; August, 4s IV1; teptemoer, 4s i"4(i. A LJHKKAL OA I.N. Coventry Iot to tbe CSoveranrteat by the Elevation of Eaton to the Peerage. Lou dos, July 11. The result of the election in Coventry on Hatunljiy to fill the vacancy caused by the elevation of Henry William Km ton, conservative, to the peerage, shows a liberal gain, llal lantine. the (Jladirtonian candidate, re ceived 4.229 votes against 4,213 for Col. Katon, the conservative candidate, here asat tbe previous election Henry Wil liam Katon was returned by a majority of 405 over Ballantine. The London standard says the Coven try election should teach unionist' that tlie battle is not over, and that incessant exertions are still necessary to secure the position they have won. "We shall be surprised, however," says the Standard, "if Gladstone's speech on Saturday to hia American admirers does not revive the home feeling in all its original inten sity. No language can add a darker shade to his expressions of sympathy witb the intrigues of American Fenians that are subsidizing treaaon in tbe heart f the British empire." The Times says : "The result of elevating Henry William to the peerage is the lone of Coventry to the government. K-a ton's elevation is an inexplicable and gratuitous blunder, and a warning which must not be neglected." LOSDOX NEWS. I'rleee Kerdlaaad Ooea to A.k the Ccar if He Caa Haee tbe Bela-arlae Tkrau. Ixik, July 11. A dirbatch from Vienna to the Chronicle says Prince Ferdinand, of Saxe-Coburg, started for St. l'eteMbnrg Saturday to solicit the the cz.r'- consent to his acceptance of tlie Bul' irian throne. The government has allowed the Sal tan five 'ys longer in which to consider ratification' of the Egyptian convention. Frank Hugh O'Donnell has begun libel suit against the Times for damages be cause of charges made against him by that journal in its articles on "Pamellinm and Crini'?.' It is rejiorted that Mgr. Scilla has in formed the people til at tlie time had - not arrived to establish a nuciature or apos tolic delegation in London, although some official link between England and the Vatican seemed not only expedient, bet impressive. Leaden Stock Caebauige. Losdox. July 11- In the stuck ex change to-day foreign securities are fiat. Russians are especially affected, and have fallea two per cent., due to articles in the Berlin press Cista voting mvest- naat So fnirfan einrkn. - Other narkata are flat In sympathy with foreign seeori ties, snd ewperiaJly is this the caw with home railroads. Dispatches from Berlin and Paris report weak markets In both cities. A Significant Order. Bebum, July 11. It is reported the Darmstadt court of chancery has sum moned all guardians and trustees having Russian stock under their management to appear before the court within tbe week for the purpose of deciding how they shall otherwise invest money intrusted to them. Jubilee Aftermath. Paris, July 11. Lord Lyons, British ambassador, laid tbe foundation stone of Victoria chapel in the Iiue Des Bosslns, in honor of the queen's jubilee. Tbe bishop of Tennessee officiated. United States Minister McLane and other dis tinguished Americana were present at the ceremony. A H1GU OLD TIME. The Duke of Portland Givea a Haaqaet, aad Little I'belpa Attend. Loxdox, July 12. The duke of Port land yesterday reviewed the ancient and honorable artillery of Boston, and after wards presided at a banquet given them, United States Minister Phelps and Col. Walker, of Boston, having seats of honor. The lord mayor of Ixmdon, Lord Napier, the Boston delegates, Tilton, of the New York old guard, and others were present. Tlie duke of IWjand offered a toast in honor of Queen ictoria and President Cleveland, Phelps restonding to the toast to President Cleveland. OKANUCMCX CEI.KHKATK. Oration Shiltalaha, and Enthnidaiim the Order or the Day. Drnus, July 12. The 12th of July is being celebrated by Orangemen through out I'lster with unusual fervor. Rev. Dr. Kane presided over a monster gather ing in this city. Many violent speeches were made, and the city was crowded with Orangemen from the rural districts. Several skirmishes have already taken place lKtween Orangemen and Catholics. The police have leen reinforced so as to le prepared for any trouble. The lirmiaa shoot tut a Ahead. Frankfort, July 12. Tlie rifle meet ing here has Wen a great success. Re sults have shown that the old superiority of Hwiss marksmen is gone. Tlie bulk of the prize winners were Southern Ger mans. Marksman Gustars won the em peror's cup. Irt ructlve Fire in Kuaala. Iasixn, July 12. Five hundred and thirteen dwellings, the police oflices, six school bouses snd bank have been burned at Witoptik, Russia, causing a loss of 2,000,000 roubles. Thousands of the city's inhabitants are homeless and num bers jierished. Editor O'llrlrn DetUnt. Ixnim! July 12. Win. O'Brien, edi tor of United Ireland, at Kingston made a speech which was filled with defiance. He said tbat the government would be required to enforce the coercion act in a most barbarous manner before it eonld BUjretu the liberties of the Iriah eojIe. Cholera Inrreaalng. Romr, July 12. Cholera is increasing in Sicily. There have already been 2011 cases at Catania, of which 140 proved fatal. Tlie Neapolitan are alarmed lie cause of tlie arrival in their city of num bers of fugitives from Sicily. Fall of the Beat lie. Paris, July 13. German residents of Paris have leen ordered to remain in doors to-morrow, aa it is feared they will he attacked if they appear on tlie streets during the celebration of the anniversary of the fall of the bastile. The Patriotic league has announced its will to make a demonstration to-morrow at Place de Concorde and Bois do Bologne. It is feared these meetings will give rise to serious disorder. Police authorities am making extensive preparations to main tain peace. The Hall-headed Sultan. Co.NsTAKTi!opi.g, July 13. Tlie sultan persists in his refusal to sign a covenant with Kngland in reference to r.gypt in its preaent form, notwithstanding he is urgently advised to ratify the same by ( Germany and Italy. THE ROOM WAsvKLL STARTED. During tlie course of a sermon in s Dakota town last Sunday harsh creaking was lieard to proceed from under the church. After some lime a movement was felt in the building and several mem bers of the congregation got up and started out, fearing an earthquake was coming. "rnends," said tbe minister, as he stopped his sermon snd leaned on the pulpit, "ray be seated, there is no danger." "But the church is moving and there's something wrong," replied a lady he was very much agitated. s "Ob, that's all right. Bister Brown. You see there are seme workmen under the building with lack-screws, and now they have hitched on to the back end with tm yoke of oxen and are snakirfg the edifice ever on to s back street. In the morning, God willing, work will com mence on this lot on the finest opera house west of Chicago. I tell you, the boom in this town is only joxt nicely started." Dakota Bell. Miss GassM Giery, of Aurora, returned home yesterday mo nis j from short visit to Salem.