The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1884-1892, July 01, 1887, Page 1, Image 1

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YOL. XXXVn-No. 20.
1I8W3 of tlie Week from Be-
yond Hie Rockies. ; '
grraral Fcneat Convicted of Election
. fiMrft by a DtltlBM CMrt.
BitnKOR, Md.jane 27. The crimi
nal court to-day sentenced Charles W.
Oiren.Isaiah Water. John Brandon, John
B. Fanner and William J. Byrne, jndges
&sd clerk of the election in the First
ward, to two years each in jail. James
II. Hamlin, judge of the election in the
Eighteenth ward, wan sentenced to two
yars ia jail and to pay a fine of $1000.
lJenry ifeintzering forfeited hi bail and
did not appear for sentence. All of these
were convicted of fraud in the last muni
cipal electiona. : The sentence has created
consternation among ward politicians.
There are several more to be tried.
' Ga. Miles TeUffrapha tho War IVpart-
tit of turn SrrBir.
Wasucicrrov, Jnne 27. The war de-
. partment received the following telegram
i from Gen. Howard to-day : Gen. Miles
i sends the following from Ban Carlos, A.
T.: "Lientenant Johnson's sarprim and
capture and the rapid ponrait ef troops
: nave driven tneiKwiiies mckio tne rt-s-
, ervation, where they have surrendered,
and 1 have instituted an invefttigation
i and detailed a general court martial for
i the trial of those guilty of military offen
l M-s, thus ending the present dintnrhan
! CCS."
TIM Sttlni f U Mmwrll Lnt firm at
tm AflseMble In Ki.rr.
Baton, New Mexico, Jr.-ie J7. It is
reported that a call has 1-een issued to
the settlers of the Maxwell land grant to
assemble in force at Baton on August
1st. The call concludes: "If we cannot
in mass meeting assembled without
ram Das set the attention of the nation to
1 th crime committed bv Col. Williamson
In the arbitrary surveying of public land
la the Maxwell grant, then by all means
1a4 was liewat as Mimniia '
fv us am v w ss) a wsj't9
(Signed) CoMMrrrKK or Skttlkbs.
The El4ar the Part of th Piwfi
tloa all In.
Naw Yokk, Jane 27. Jake Sharpe tot
tered into the court room this morning,
looking weary and worn. He passed
terrible night, not even getting as mnch
' sleen as on Saturday night. The first
business of the sesnion was to again ad
journ the June oyer and terminer to
Mondav. July 11 . The prosecution com
pleted their evidence atout 11 o'clock,
ana rented Uie case lor tne people.
The Dolpha In th NerUl WrUI.
Wasiiisotox, Jane 27. On Hcnatur
Dolph's return from Orvgon he will be
Joined by Mrs. Dolph at wmn one of the
snmmer resorts in this nightiorhood
The nrecise locality has not U-en decided
Their daaghter Agnes, who was married
a in mm tMuba m mm i Ti vtt sa Vtttf
journalist of this rity, retnrntHl from her
bridal trip last night. Mie loumi await
ing her a handmme wedding present, the
rut of Senator and 3lrs. Stanford, winch
-consists of a mairnitieent nwklace ami
ar rintrs. chatcLtine of fine brilliants
elegantly set.
In Ut Inlomrt f American Hhlpplag
Cuicaoo. June i7.Coinm'ncing next
1 Wednesday the Lke HUon- and Mi win
f aippl valley (le)iartment of the American
SniDPinzand Inlustrisi ltu will noi.i
convention to device rhenni of Influem
icg legislatim in tehslf uf the revival of
American shipping intreM and the re
storation of tli American naz upon ine
seas. About delegites are expected
Tbev are Bovermrs ol !;, mjyora
cities, merchants and
mein'wrs of the
boards of trade.
aii tit m
Operator arv
(.aanlax tor
Kkw York, June 28. The opening
the stock "market was very exciting this
morning. All big ojerators seem to be
at war with each other. There has been
no time since the days of l-ew, little
and other old-time otters tors, that fndi
vidaals made such efforts riersonady In
the stock exclianse as at the close ymtet-
cay and the opening this morning, iiead
ia was a scene f ereatest excitement
stid bulls did their tiest to fcuptt it, Init
um attacks of the bears wero too rapm
arsa they were forced to give awar. Man
ftallan was the weakest stock, it open
d at 1 per cent. There were no buying
criers whatever, and it declined 2 per
vent, at a time and is now 8 per cent
iratn vesterdav'a close, i arnic Mail
f.-to beinsi ; raided euci-eMullv by the
L4Lts and is now down to 44S. The
r tory is that all tlie big operators are gnn
'Wg for each other.
tlAYAKUti AMItiriOX. .
It U Raid that Hr Wanta Dmwal Jwlr
WAsinsiOTOs. Jnne 28. Secretary
I ta Baj-ard is the latest aspirant fr t
r--t Mi the supreme beneh of Uie Lmted
Vlates. His frieitds a re, raying that he
is tired of politics and that the dignified
retirement of the supreme court justice
ship would be more to his taste than any
other. Mr. Bayard's wishes in this re
spect lately have been made known to
the president with the result, as may be
imagined, of canning; the latter no little
embarraament. While the president de
clines to say what action he w ill take in
toe matter, it is quite generally believed
thai he woo Id like to confer this honor
opoo Secretary L&mar. It is not improb
able that if the president be called upon
to choose between Lamar and Bavard.
he may decide to throw both over and
select a third man. .
A Stage Held p la Msxiew, an4 a Bloody
l Paso, Texas, Jone 28. Stage rob
bing baa spread from Texas and Missouri
to Honor. A few days ago the stage
traveling between fiarac and Santa Anna,
the latter a station on the Honors railroad,
was attacked by six masked bandits.
The stage was occupied by Adolfo Oaray,
two ladies and their servant. Uaray re
sisted and was mortally wounded . The
servant! arm was broken. The two la
dies were tied to the wheels of the car
riage and $2500 was taken by the bandits.
The money was intended to buy goods st
uuaytnas. It was s wliole day before the
party was found, rescued and relieved.
Uaray died at Sarac. The bandits were
tracked and pursued, two being captured
and banged.
The Standard Oil Company Man all 1.1-
aU to Stalko.
1'uiLAjfCLfiUA, June 2H. Striking oil
men made a move yesterday which, if
successful, may renult in a general strike
of all the employes of the Standard Oil
company throughout the country. Over
20.0U0 men would be thus affected. The
strikers held a meeting yesterday and
pasaed resolutions calling on the manu
facturers' committee of the Standard Oil
company to investigate theirjgrievanctfs,
i I . i I I; .
anu in case ni ineir reiwai, apneaung 10
all employes of the Standard Oil com
pany to come to their aid.
A Commaaltr of Farmer Atraltl to work
ia tho Field Alono.
Chicago, June 28. News has reached
Ozark to-day of a foul murder committed
in Douglas county last Thursday. Pera
berton Hutless, while on the way to mill
was shot and instantly killed by an un
known assassin in ambush. Suspicion
rests on a man who received a whipping
by the "Bald-knobbera" last summer,
and the motive of the assassin Is suppos
ed to have been revensrel The greatest
excitement prevails in the vicinity of the
murder, and farmers are said to be work
ing their crops in squads, no man being
willing to risk himself alone in his field.
Kite Milliou Coming Over In the t
Tea Day.
New Yirk, June 2. Ueports of the
shipment of l,non,Yr)ia gold have had a
good effect in the market, and "shorts
have irrnerally Ijeen covered. Foreign
banks report a la ore numlier of bills
offering, and a further deMine in ex
change rates is considered probaole
They estimate the shipment of gold from
Knrope in the next ten i.irs at nve kiiii
ions. Money is still scarce and call loans
are being made at rate equal to thirty
n-r cent per annum.
A rETRl t TI K Fl It K.
Srt eral llaadrrd Thousand Dollar Worth
or Property Iwtru)ed.
Ill ki.kv. Wis.. June 2H. Fire broke
out in ooe end of Silver treel, the prin
cinal tlHUTHiithfaro of the citv, this morn
ing, and at noon four or five blocks in tle
busine part of the city had leen swept
a nr. The tire was working towards uie
Lake Shore deot at Ia aci-wnnts
and teleirraidtic commnfiication is iuter-
LTta. Tlie fire is now under control
Five blocks of building are reduced to
ashes. Tlie loss is estimated at f 7W,(Vi0.
The Prohibition Law Continues to Worry
AroisTA. Maine. June 2.. tJovernor
Honewcll has sent a communication to
the attorney general of the state and
everv county attorney in tlie state calling
their attention to the fact that a conspir
acy exists to evade the prohibitory law
by an unjustifiable interretation of tlie
I'nited States revenue regulations re
garding tlie sale of - liquors in iiniKJrted
Gckaaes, add calling mmi them u en
ve the law to the fullest ettent.
Deota of n Railroad Man. '
PtEi , lod.r Jiweiti A. A. Talniage,
vice iwesident and general manager of
the Wabah railway, died hern this
morning, of Bright disease, coupled
with dvsentery. He had been suffering
aorue time, ami was on his way to Lake
F-rie for a yachting cruise, hoping to gain
relief. His wife and tsro liyaictans were
with him.
: Tho MnndiSeld Firo.
Makx.ikumn Wis., June 20. The total
loss fnm tlie recent conflagration will
foot up il,150,00d, with inaurance of
about one fourth. Aid in the shape of
money, food, and clothing is pouring into
the stricken city on every train.
News by Telegraph from
West of the Rockies.
It Is to Tm JEractod and Uperatodat YnqaJaa
Bay Aa Iaaportaat Katorpriaa.
Albaxt, Or., June 27. A gentleman
from Yaquina in this city to-day states
that a company consisting of John Mc
Cracken of Portland. Alien Parker of
Yaquina and John Priest, collector of
of customs at that place, has commenced
preparations for opening an extensive fish
canning establishment at Yaquina. Work
was commenced on the building to-day,
which is to be two stories high and thirty
by sixty fset. It will be situated at the
end of the Oregon Pacific dock between
Yaquina City and Parker's mill. The es
tablishment will have a capacity of 1200
dozen cam per day. It will can salmon
principally, this season but they expect
next year to can deep see fih also. The
company has ample means and will go
into business extensively, using the latest
improved machinery. A tin shop will be
started in connection with the buaiief".
They expect to pat upon the market tl.
season 480,000 cans, and the amount ex
pended to do this they estimate at $20,
000. An experienced canner has been
secured from the Columbia. The fishing
grounds of Yaquina offer a good field for
such an enterprise. Allen Parker will be
manager. Mr. McCracken returned to
Portland from Yaquina to-day.
I'pon tho Stan of Water 1
ia tho
Rlvora Generally Falling.
Portlajcd, Oregon, June 27. Snake
river . to-day marks lb feet 4 ,
inches above low water mark, a fall of 13
inches since Saturday. Tlie Columbia
at Celilo is 24 feet 1 inch above low wa
ter, which is a 4 inch fall since Saturday's
report. The rise of 7 inches in the Col
umbia last rnday was felt here yesterday
and tlie river is about 1 inch higher. To
day it has stopped rising and stands at
25.1 feet atove low water mark. The
gutters are so full iun Front street that
in some places it is difficult to step across
them. - These fluctuations may be ex
pected to continue for a few days, but
anp higher water than at present in this
city is improbable.
Hong Kong wa.
Sax Fbaxcisco, June 27. Tlie steamer
San Pablo arrived yesterday, bringing
from Hong Kong advices to June 2d, and
Yokohama news to June 11th. It is
feared that riots will be stirred up against
American missionaries at Chinan Foe.
Several large seizares of opium have
been made at Amov. Deceits at Shun
Tak got away with $10,000 worth of silk.
In the fight with the guards they killed
four and wounded nine. A great drought
prevails at Ning Po.
W lichen With ParalynU.
Albany, Or., June 27. Mrs. A. S.
Nanny, mother of Mrs. (i. F. Simpson,
of this city, was stricken with paralysis
at Shedd this afternoon. She in an aged
lady and her recovery is doubtful.
An Important lerlln In Kererenee to tho
aptnre of Meal In AlaaLan Water.
Sax Francisco, June 2S. Advi-ex re
ceived in this city from Sitka, Alaska,
state that the trial of Captain Morrison,
master of the schooner Laura, for killing
five fur seal in Alaskan waters within
the three-lesmie limit of the whore , was
held in the I'nitei States district court
on June 11th. After the ts:imony of a
number of wilneaee. Judiie Dannon ad
dressed the jury. Hi honor said : That
the repondernce of evidence was un
questionably in favor of the defendant,
who could riot le lield liable for acts com
mitted outside of the tliree-marine-league
limit, as the jurisdiction of the United
States extended only that diatancn, with
the excejrtion of the waters of Retiring
sea, which was atill aa open question.
His honor therefore directed the jury to
return a verdict of not guilty and the de
fendant was liberated. The decision ren
dered is regarded a an important one.
Advices farther state that three Knrlish
schooner seized for violation of laws
sgainwt tne killing of fur-bearing animals
within the territory nf Alaska win soon
lie sold by the maralkJ.
Plead G nitty.
lMTL.xp,(r., June 28. At hurt Harry
O. Bristone, the young Englishman with
the unsavory record, has reaped the son n
whirlwind. In tin circuit court this
morning he withdrew hjs plea of not
guilty to an indictment for obtaining
money under false pretenses by pawing
worthless bank checks, and' pleaded
cuilty. He was ordered to a pi ear to
morrow for sentence. There were alto
gether four indictments against him, hut
in consideration of his confession to the
first District Attorney McGinn recom
mended the dismissal of the three otliers.
A Heavy Salt.
IVktlaxp. Or.f June 28. In tlie cir
cuit court this morning the Portland Sav
ings IUnk la-gan suit agaim-t Thomas and
i'jBmt Huntington. The complaint al
leges that on Augnat 2S, 1886, defendants
made a note payable to the bank, 24,
Out), with intereot st the rate nf ia per
cent., and mortgaged . certain i-rnaerty
to the bank at security. The bank now
sues to foreclose the mortgage to satisfy
its claim of $24,000 principal, $1200 at
torney fees and interest at the rate of 10
per cent, per annum from February 28,
1887. V -
The "Jersey Lily Wants a Divorce.
Sax Fblaxcuco, June 28. Tho state
ment is pabQshed this morning that Gen.
W. H. L. Barnes, of this city, is to begin
a divorce suit for lira. Langtry. Gen.
Barnes ia credited aa saying that the
suit would not be instioated until about
the beginning- of next year, by which
time Mrs. Langtry will bare lived here
over six months, the period required for
legal residence.
rTho Canadian Pari Be
Sax Faaxciscp, Jane 23. It is cur
rently reported in steamship circles that
the Canadian Pacific has nearly com
pleted arrangements with tlie Pacific
Coast steamship company to carry its
trade from this city to Portland and other
coast points to Vancouver and Victoria.
He Snoa tho. Northern 1'aHfle Railroad
., Con pang Car tSTSS KHtnaaaoa.
PotTLAortrr., Jane 29. To-day i n
the circuit court James Poole began an
action against the Northern Pacific rail
road company on the following grounds :
Poole alleges that on August 13, 1885, he
tendered defendant fifty cents lawful
money to par his passage from Helbrook
station to this city, which is the custom
ary charge. .After having tendered the
money, and while he was en route to this
city on a moving train, an employe of
the comjany demanded an additional
25 cents. Poole declining to pay that
sum, the above employe and a brakeman
assaulted and forcibly ejected him from
the train, claiming that he was injured ia
the sum of $2500 by tne conduct of said
servants of defendant.
The complaint is based upon the
ground that the demand of 25 cents to
the usual charge was more than 4 cents
per mile to m traveled ny I'ooie, and
that by making the demand defendant
wilfully violated one of the laws of the
state, entitled: "An set to regulate the
transportation of passengers and freight
by railroad corporation," approved
February 20, 18S..
Plaintiff sties for an additional for
counsel fees.
Tho Two Libel SniU blunt loaed Other
Coart Item Tho Ronnd-honae.
A lb ax v, Or., June 29. The libel suit
of George Rogers, editor of the Salem
Lance, for publishing an article reflect
ing upon the character of O. T. Porter,
was dismissed in tlie circuit court to-day.
George Keeney, convicted yesterday
of an assault on tlie person of Daniel
Kumbangh, was fined $100 this morning.
The libel case of W. K. Boon, editor
of the Oregon Siftinn, of iVrtland, has
been before the grand jury, and they re
turned not a true bill.
Not a true bill was also returned in the
case of Delia Lord for keeninir a bawdv
house in this city, and Geo. Stevens, of
Sweet Home, for perjnry on his home
stead entry.
Tlie contract for brick and construction
of the Oregon Pacific round-house in this
citv will be let at iJorvaliis to-morrow.
John Uottnor, Pluaatinflfd with Lira, Take
a Final Plnna-o.
IWri.Axn, Or., June 29. Information
was this morning lodged with Corner IV
Lin that last evening a man, whose name
is riven as John Itottner. a bankrupt sa
loon keeper, whose place of business had
been on Iifteenth and I streets, commit
ted suicide laat night by drowning. He
was seen st Sherman and Water streets
to throw off his hat and coat, and with
the rest of his clothes on to plunge into
. l r.;tt : . :
uie iiiameiHS rirrr, iwvcr iiiuk optain.
Acquaintances of tlie deceased attribute
his act to domestic and financial trouble.
At noon to-day the remains were recov
ered bv means of erant)Iinir irons, in
twelve feet of water, and removed to the
morgue. Coroner lhL4n held an inqiteot,
beginning at 3 o clock this afternoon.
Maa rraneiaro Ofllrtata Pat on Thoir
hy Small poa Aoaro,
Sax FnAKcisco, June 25. Since tlie
Chinese leper was discovered at San
f Kego, the steamship companies have be
come very cautious, and keep clone watch
on the movements of Chinese ahont their
vessels. It has not been customary to
examine indi vidua la of the race seeking
nasmze from one roast point to another.
bill now the medical men of the steamers
station tltemsel ven by the gang plank and
make observations of those who go aboard
It was thouzht that Uie Haa Diego leper
was trobahly smuggled on board the
Qieen of the Pacific and brought to the
city, but it appears he was not.
The man arrested last week on snaptc
ion of being Pete Olnrn, tlie murderer,
proved to be the wrong man, and be was
discharged Saturday. Sheriff Kinney, of
Idaho, received a telegram from ' the
ftberiflr of Napa county statinc that the
photograph sent was not that of OIen
and he conkl safely he turned looe. Dur
ing the past week fcmr men ana oaring
the doHcription s tUe;u have been ar
rxted, ooe at Hoaeburg, Oregon, one at
Harney valley, Oregon .and one at Toolb
ar ooe, Anson, whikt at taC aerorrnts
Sheriff Taylor, of Bingham county, Idaho
territory, and posse were pursuing a man
whom they were ore was the Napa mar
derer, while Seattle haa recently turned
one loose.
Record of News from Over
the Atlantic
Roriow of Troopa A Hastily Samaaoned
Cahtnot Bf ootlaa.
Loxnox. June 23.-The Prince of Wales,
with Uie kings of Greece, Denmark, Bel
gium, and Saxony, the Crown Prince of
Germany, and several other princes, and
Lord Wolseley and the Duke of Cam
bridge, reviewed 12,000 troops at Alder
shot to-day.
A nastily summoned cabinet meeting
was held to-day to consider the hitch in
regard to the Anglo-Turkish convention
in reference to rrypt. Tne government
is irritated at the opposition to the con
vention on the part of France and Rus
sia. Tho Xaachoator Fire,
Makchkstkb, Jnne 23. The fire
caused by the explosion has been over
come. Great damage waa done to Po
mona palace and many other buildings
to which the flames spread. A fireman
and one girl were killed.
Meeting of Arehhuhopa.
Dcbus, Jane 23. The annual meeting
of Catholic archbishops was held at May-
nooth college to-day. Archbishop Walsh
presided. A resolution was passed de
nouncing the coercion measure before
Ul'XU 11 mil.
A Red
Devil Pays tho Severest Peaalty
for HU Fiend Uh A eta.
Gi'ymas, Mex., June 24. News has
reached here from Yaqui river that the
Yaaui Chief Anastacio Cuca, one of Ca-
jeme's lieutenants in the late Yaqui war,
has teen executed in the pretence ol Ins
An Keeteatiaatieal Conflict In Hungary
Tho Pope Dlphaed.
Viexxa, June 25. Count Apponyi's
organ, the Posi Naplo, publishes articles
supposed to emanate directly from Car
dinal Simeoul and Count Apponyi, ac
cording to which a kulturkampf is in
pight in Hungary arising from the com
ing conflict lie t ween Hungarian Episco
pate and Premier of its aee, who is ac
cused of distributing Episcopal sees in
accordance with the political merits of
the candidates. It is stated in the article
that the pope has notified the nuncio at
Vienna lie docs not object to present
occupants of sees, but that he does ob
ject to the way in which the prelates are
transferred for the sole purpose of in
creaaing the revenues of some of the
A Trana-Canadlan Line to tho Kaat.
Loxdox, June 25. The government is
considering an offer by which a subsidy
of Jt50,000 yearly will secure three lines
of first-class steamers on a trans-Canadian
route to the east. One line connects
Liverpool and Halifax, and the other two
connect the Pacific terminus of the Can
adian Pacific railway with Australia.
Tho Crimea DHL
ioxuox, June 25 Gladstonians ap
prove of the speedy passage through the
remaining stages of the crimes bill in
order to confine to the seport stage dis
cuasion of only the prominent amend
ments. They will tlien concentrate their
attention on the land bill.
Ell ofl
She Meat the Irex Over the Northern
Vateht Clah Coarse.
( ii.AM,o , June 27. Tlie match race
between U yachts Thisil and Irex was
ailed to-day over tt Northern Yacht
Cbibronrne. Tlie Irex ia allowed aeven
minutes and forty ncconda on the full
ennrae of fifty mi lea.
The Tbintle won the race, covering tle
course in 4 hours H minutes snd 40 sec
ond. the I rex's time bein 4 hours 17
minute and 4d second". The ThiatUt
saved her time from the Irex an I won
by 1 minute and 3 seconds.
wa 'e!e Fiwm London.
IxfSix.x, June 2H. Archbinhop Wal-h
denim th-t he has offered any oppoeitioa
to the -t's purpose to send Moniinor
Perico on mieion to Irelsnd.
M. Miifphy, nationalist member of
pr!iamvt, has commenced proceedinr"
again the captain of her roaj-aty's ahip
Shannon for seizing bin yacht in Kantry
hay but week bet-aase le carried a green
Concootio hy ladtoneile.
Loxnox, Jane 2. Sir f ieorge Trel
yan has published a letter asserting that
(iladdonians have made concessions on
disputed points, snd he will tlierefore in
terpoee no obstacle to the reunion of the
party with liberal union!. He itin
chide : "We will be unable to dVrroy
tike liberal, butthe reunion of tlw liber
al party with nnioniats would serve te
moaierate it pJ-y-, -
A "Mlsed Reception. -
Drsux, Jane 28. Prince Albert Vic
tor of Wales reviewed the troops ia
! rhoenix park to-day. The reception
rivwntbe prince Iry the populace waa a
mixed one, combining cheers snd hisses
Tho Cardinal Stand rp fbV tho Iriah
BUhop, and Taflya Him.
London, June 29. Cardinal Manning
writes to the Times protesting against Its
circulation of the statement from Rome
that the Irish mission ol Mgr. Farsieo
and Mgr. Goaldi eaa been revoked at the
instance of Cardinal Manning and Irish
Bishop Walsh, of Dublin, and branding
the latter two aa active promotora of sep
aratist intrigues. The cardinal says : " I
gladly unite myself with the Irish Bishop
Walsh. He is but slightly known in Eng
land, except in the descriptions of those
who are fanning the flamea of animosity
between England and Ireland. I am
known in England, both to minister! of
the crown and to the leaders of the oppo
sition, and I will leave it to them, who
well know my mind, to answer for me;
and I know the mind of Archbishop
Walsh and will answer for him. We are
neither intriguers nor separatists." The
Times, in an editorial, excuses the first
charge, saying that it had simply repro
duced the dispsich from -Rome. It assures
the cardinal that if it would Judge Arch
bishop Walsh by his own written and
spoken words, he was, in Uie very strict
sense of the word, a separatist. It was
sorry if it had been led to believe thai
Cardinal Manning was a warm supporter
of Gladstone's separatist policy; but if
the facts were so peculiar, no interpreta
tion of its language could alter them.
LoMenod Production Doe not i
laa yot Ia-
rrwaae Priroa,
Maxchchtcr, June 20. Tle Guard
ian's commen-ial article ssys : Business
yesterday was light, desinte the lessened
production. Altogether, the day's exis
tence encourages perseverance. The
movement, which is spreading, slackens
the demand for yarns for home consump
tion and indicatea the current supply hi
sbundant. Offers for India staples do not
improve. ' Native dealers are less in
clined to purchase than laat week, even
at low rates. For minor foreign markets
there is some demand; it does not in
crease. The efforts of producers to get
better price in consequence of advance
in cotton succeed but poorly, although
yesterday's business indicated an in
ereaae in spirit and end a ranee. Bundled
yarn for Japan is in slightly improved
demand, and there have been a few pur
chases for China. For India and other
foreign markets, inquiry is poor.
Jay Gould and Rnanell Mago Finally Down
Cyrna W. Field.
New York, June 20. In regard to the
sale of the block of 50,000 shares of Man
hattan stock by Cyras W. Field to Jay
Gould the Times says: "Jay Gould and
Russel Sage are triumphant. Cyrus W.
Field's scalp has been taken. Field made
a brave fight, but did not realize nntil the
end came that he was to be struck down
in the very house of his friends. The
terrific tumbling given Manhattan stock
settled all questions as to the purpose of
the precious pair, and convictions thus
formed were made indisputable when
early in the panicky time of Friday one
of Field's personal brokers had to go beg
ging around the street for an extension on
his contracts. No hint of this has been
public. Had it been announced during
the troublous scenes of the stock ex
change a sweeping panic could not have
been stayed. It is a generally accepted
belief that Field has been obliged to seek
Gould's favor, swapping a big block of
Manhattan stoc k for needed money. Fifty
thousand shares of this stock, it ia stated,
have been given up by Field. Tlie first
quoted f sice waa $1 .25, but before busi
ness cled it generally panned on Uie
stock exchange that IJ'Sild had lieen
ohligwl only to pay ninety centa a share
for 5.0)10,00(1 he had Ukeu. Probably
the atxrair cmt of thi stt:k to Field was
clone on to f 1 per Miare,"
Ealreutely Mallaaant Type of the
at Key M eat.
Ciik'auo, June 29. Information has
been received of eight additional cases of
yellow fever developed during Uie last
few days at Key Went, Florida, evidenc
iig Uie tajs I spread of tlie dioease. It
is now beyond the control of tlie health
authoritiea. The character of tlie dis
eaae is very fatal. Out of forty-six cases
to-day, nineteen have died.
Tho New orh V neat Morfcet.
New Yohk, June 20. Tlie wheat mar
ket at present is in a very )iecnliar posi
Uon, due wholly to manipulation, both
here and in tlie West. Tlie strangest
part of the sit nation was that there was
no excitement. J cne delivery advanced
fully two rents per buihel. based on a
covering by the shorts' last evening.
Tlie ruling price was V2l cents per bush
el, and np to noon to-day V0 cents waa
retched with very little trading. Joly
Moid off a trifle, where later months show'
a slight gain. Speculation, generally
speaking, is very moderate.
Tn TaACfiraa AaonciAriox. rte
legislative hall in the capitol building ia
being placed in readiness for tlie state
tesclterB' association to be held here next
week. The pictures of the governors will
be hung on the side walls of the room,
while the ends will be decorated with
500 specimens of Oregon work from the
Portland public schools. Indications are
that about four hundred teachers from
diSerent parts of the state will be in at
tendance at the association.