- EASTEBir. Ilews of the Week from Be yond tlie Kockies. THE TCMBLE IX WHEAT. riaadJac mn W Methtas; AkMt tk attaatioa. Chicago, June 16.Tb exciting wenes c jeaterday atxl lb day beare were not witoeeaed at the opening ot the board tLia morning. A lev who had gathered . in th eallerie before tba opening, sooa tired of the ea!m whkb prevailed, and deoarted. It ru eiren oat that Kershaw would anooaoc at 11 o'clock whether he would be able to meet the claims or sot. It to generally conceded that every thing deend on Kerehaw'a action, fionte members have an idea that be will pall through, bat Uj majority are doubt ful on the subject. Scarcely any trading la being done, and pria are fluctuating at light fractions. There are rumors of impending fail ores, bat everything await the annoanco nsent to be made by Kershaw. In the meantime bosineea ia at a standstill. July wheat opened at 73 and has fluctu ated between that figure and 72. 10:30 a. m. All aorta of rumors are being circulated on 'change in regard to the probable action of Kershaw. It is said a meeting of the directors' board will be held at 10 0 for the purpose of con sidering the situation. An effort is to be made then by the creditois of Kershaw to induce the directors to force Eggleston to assume the responsibility of Kershaw's debts. Eggleston is a millionaire, and it is said has been a special partner of Ker shaw for some time. It is also rumored that a long conference was held in Ar mour's office this morning, at which ef forts were made to induce Armour to put up money toj carry Kershaw through. The result of theconference is not known. THE LAND LAWS. Proposed Chug-en la Relation to Home steads and Desert Land. Washinotos, June 16. Commissioner Xparks has suggested to the secretary of the interior, and the law division has it under consideration, to make the term of residence upon a pre-emption entry twelve instead of six months, as at pres ent. The time of residence upon an entry of this character is fixed by the de partment regulations, although an .im pression seems to prevail that it is a fttfetutory requirement. The law simply commands that a pre-emption entryman shall "prove up" within twelve months, and the limit of residence required has been fixed by the department. The com micwioner is of the opinion that a longer residence will militate against frand and exact more of the entryman in the way of his showing good faith in his inten tions to make the tract his home. The matter is being thoroughly considered by the assistant attorney gent-ral's office. A 11IOAMIST MAKER Married Three Times aad St 11 1 Open to Proposals. Butte, Montana, June 16. A Helena special to the Miner says: Eugene Winz ler was bound over yesterday intbe sum of $500 to await the action of the grand jary, to answer a charge of bigamy. It appears that Winzler had one wife when he was married four years ago in Halt Lake to a woman kuown as Helena Winz ler. Ite left there some time ago and brought her and a three-year-old boy to Helena. Here he followed his trade as this spring Winzler jmt in his time by marrying a MUa Roacalate on April 25th. This event was not discovered until two days age, when several threatening of hie wife gave the particulars to the i lice. Winxler now languishes in jail in default of bail. ACCEPTED BY THE PRESIDENT. Thirty-roar Miles of the Cascade Branch of the 2Vorthera Paelfle. Washikotow, June 16. The president has accepted two sections, aggregating thirty-four miles, of the Cascad- lr.tnch of the Northern Pacific railway in Wash ington territory. THE WHEAT PANIC. The Wheat King Hadly Hmwknl, and the Exettemeat Over. Cuicaoo, June 17. There were no new or sensational developments in the affairs of the burst wheat clique to-day, and none were expected. Kershaw has got no more funds, and will not get any more. The whole affair has now become 00 entangled between the Fidelity Bank change National Dank that whatever funds should come here would probably be swallowed up without doing anybody in trade much good. The affairs of C. . Kershaw A Co. are so desperate that Eg giestoo, iecial partner, whose liability as general partner is claimed, is putting nti property out ot nis nandu, and attach ments and injunctions will be probably Jfot out against him to-day. The cash wheat will not come on the market, so the panic in prices is over. Armour sent to all the banks last night offering to relieve them of what over -cash wheat they held. They all returned the answer that they had no cash wlieat for sale, and did not expect to have any. Only one small lot has been sold so far, and. that was gobbled op off the market. The wheat market opened steady at 73 for Jalv. Brokers in tha tat in r-srwfnl to pick . the men with whom they do boainess, and pay one fourth more to get the names of rich and strong houses. From 73,V July wheat went to 73. 1p. There was little indication of any excitement In the markets as the aeesiao advanced. Wheat and corn were held In about the same positions as on yesterday. - Closing quotations were : Wheat, cash, 7l' ; July, T2 ; August, , scrrs GKowiso Oct or the deal. Chicago, June 17. Suit has been en tered by Jones, McConnick, A Kenneth wmuist alauriee Rosen fe Id A Co. for 145, 0U0: alsotor $25,000 by same plaintiffs mfest C. J. Kershaw A Co, . Byron J. Kctaeary commenced suit of attach ment ajauut Maurice Rosenfeld for 140, t0. V . D. Wadhams A Co. have re- qtsrd all prt5e Jbavtps .Mr9 wil them to dose iiem out. E&U, Iind hkm this afternoon secured an attach ment against Eggteatoo, Kershaw's back er, and will use it against the latter' count in the board of trade elearin,; boose. a A LAKE DISASTER. y Lives Chicago, Jane 17-Tbe steamer Cham plain was burned last night off Charlevoix, Michigan. The boat was running ten miles aa boar, when the flames suddenly started op beneath the engine, driving the engineer from bis post with his clothes on fire. The alarm was given, the sleeping passenger were aroused, and in ten nunotea from the time the boat caught fixe the passengers were all com pelled to lamp into the lake. Toe stew ard says there were fifty-eeven persons on board, including tbe crew. Ut tna num ber, twenty are known to be drowned. and seven are unaccounted for. Those saved floated an hoar and a half, when they were rescued by a yawl and fish boats, from tbe shore. Several of tbe saved were badly burned. Seven bodies have already been recovered. The Cham plain was valued at about $100,000. mU CHUETTLEB. The Coffee Market Is yet Fluctuating-, and a Haass la Troable. New Yoke, Jane 17. The coffee mar ket opened excited, 190 points or nearly two cents per pound below the close yes terdav on all months. It is reported that a large boose is in troable and will probably succumb. ANOTHER TRAIN BOBBEKT. Seventy-Are Thoasaad Dollars Said to Have Beea Secured by tbe Thieves. Galvebtox, June 18. A report has just reached here that the east-bound California express on the southern Pa cific railroad was robbed at 3 a. m. near Flatonia. about ninety-five miles east of San Antonio. The express car was robbed and nobody was killed. It is rumored that the robbers secured $75,000. As tbe train drew op at the station two men with drawn revolvers mounted the engine, covered the engineer and forced him to pull the train to the open prairie, where there were eight or ten men armed with Winchester rifles. The two robbers on the engine stood guard over the man at the throttle, while others went through tbe mail, express and baggage can. Nearly all toe pas sengers were asleep and unaware of what was going on until they were aroused by the robbers. All the passengers were relieved of their valuables, and it is difficult to form any estimate of the money and jewelry secured. It is reckoned at about $5000. The express car and mail pouches 'were also gone through, bat the amount ol money taken is unknown. The total amount secured is now placed at $10,000. The whole country is aroused and sever al posses have gone in search of the robbers. MITCHELL WHIPPED. Jim Carner Knocks Him Oat Eleventh Round. the New York, June 18. The $2000 cham- pionskip of the world, light weight prize fight, between Him Carney, the English champion, and Jimmy Mitcfiell, of Phila delphia, came off Uwt night thirty miles up the sound. Carney won by knocking Mitchell out in the eleventh round. It was a hard fought battle and one of tbe cleverest seen in many years. The time of the fight was forty-one minutes and forty seconds. This" is the first time Mitchell has ever been knocked out. THE WORLD'S BALLOON'. It is Safely Landed Near Centralis. Illi nois. St. Lortu, June 18. A telegram from the World's balloon correspondent, Duffy, says they were compelled to land at Hoff man, near Centralis, Illinois, at 8:15 last night. Aeronaut Moore received a very painful injary before starting yesterday. This and the giving out of gas was the cauMe assigned for tbe descent. None of the other occupants were injured and the balloon was securely anchored without a tear. KNIMCOTT CENSLBED. The President Thinks He Was the Cause of the Flag Episode. Washington, June 13. It is stated that Secretary Endicott is about to tender his resignation owing to a letter of cen sure sent him by the president Monday in regard to his course in the flags epi sode. A Half Million for Sara. New York, June 18. Sara Bernhardt gave her final performance here last night. The grand total realized from 252 per formances in America is one million dol lars, half of which is clean profit each to manager and star. Crude relrolrnm for Fnel. rrrrsBiHo, June 18. The fiot train ever run west of the Alleghany moun tains with crude petroleum as the only fuel was tbe mail train west on the Penn sylvania road that arrived here laet night. Here is a little story, from the Leeds, England, Mercary: Everybody knows that Sir llenrv Hawkins has the deserved reputation of being a very witty man as well as a keen judge. The ether day he very neatly combined these two qualities at the expense of a prisoner who, I should think, if lie was at all sensitive, would preferably have experienced a severe sen tence to such a severe speech. The pris oner, it appears, pleaded guilty to a charge of larceny, and then, on second thoughts, withdrew the plea and declared himself to be innocent. The case was tried, and the jury, affected by this amiable uncer tainty on the part of the accused, kindly acquittedhira. Then said 8ir Henry HawKins. in that calm, clear, cutting voice of his: "Prisoner, a few minutes ago yon said yon were a thief : now the jury say you are a liar. Consequently you are dis charged!" Aperi8c for liver and kidnev com-, plaint Pfunder's Oregon Blood ftuifier. Chamois skin in a variety at D. W. M attfeew A Co. drug ttor. - ; ,1 PACIFIC News by Telepraply from West of the Rockies. ELECTRIC STREET CARS. The Street Cars to ho Ran by Lightning;, ia Sas Fsaxcisco, Jane 15. On an im provised railroad track, the first trial was made yesterday of s new car which is to be worked by electricity. Tbe engines supplying the electricity were some dis tance from the track, and from tbe elec tric motor a wire was ran in the street in a covered drain between the tracks, the wire passing into a shuttle whkb con nected with two more wires that were at tacbed to an engine placed in the middle of the car. The experiment was entirely succesafuL The inventor turned a small handle which set the car in motion. Tbe car went slowly down the trade and returned without a hitch. Tbe car was then again ran down the track, this time at a greater speed, and back, with suc cess. Speaking of speed, the inventor said: "We only have permission to travel at the rate of twelve miles an boor, and so shall construct our cars that they shall have an average speed of eight miles. The rate traveled to-day was not over six miles, but with this electric sys tem we can get any rate of speed ww de sire. Preparations are being mads to extend this system on some of the long runs." BUSINESS DULL. The Bottom Knocked oat of the Hotel Business la 'Frisco. Sam Francisco, Jane 16. Hotel keep ers are the most gloomy lot of business men to be found in San Francisco, owing to an unprecedented falling off in travel to this city. One month ago they were crowded for accommodations, and to-day they sigh for tbe traveler that does not come. Men who have been in business since San Francisco was an infant city declare that there has never been a time when the bottom has so thoroughly dropped out of their business. "I have been here for thirty-five years," said the proprietor of one of the leading hotels, "and never saw any thing to equal the present." THE TOIRMAMENT. Rescues 'o. S Win the Engine Race, and Lebanon the Hose Race, Vaucocveb, W. T., June 16. Rescue engine company No. 2, of Astoria, won the steamer-race in 49 seconds ; Astoria, No. 1, 59; Vancoavers, 60. Cameron won the 200-yard foot race. ' Lebanons won the wet test hose race in one minute, eight seconds; Astoria No. 1,1:10 3-5; Rescue No. 2, 1:10)$"; Vancouver, 1 :10 1-5 ; Albany, 1 :10 2-5. The water pressure was awfully poor, and this accounts for the slow time made. ALBANY NEWS. A Man's Hand Badly Mangled Graduating- Exercises and Class. Albahy, Or., June 16. James Moore, an employee in Robinson A West's saw mill, had his left hand mangled this afternoon by contact with a saw, render ing the amputation of his thumb and one finger necessary. The graduating exercises of the Albany college occurred this evening. The graduating class are Percey Kellv, Alba ny ; James F. Powell, Allny ; Frank W. Power, Halsey; James L. Totulinson, Wells. A HORRIBLE DEATH. A Tonne Man Killed at the South End of the Siskiyou Tannel. Ashland, Or., June 16. A horrible accident occurred this afternoon at the south end of the Siskiyou tunnel, result ing in the death of a young man named Joseph Farleigh. lie got between two cars, and the cars coming together canght his bead, crashing it, and driving a bolt into it, which resulted as above stated. NEW STEAMSHIP ROUTE. The Canadlaa Pacific's Portland. Port Moody, aad China Rente. Portland, June 17. The 6teamsbip Sardonyx, of the Canadian Navigation Company, arrived here this morning from Port Moody, and will load at once with freight for the Canadian Pacific railroad and also for China and Japan, connecting at Port Moody with the new line of trans-Pacific steamships put on by the Canadian Pacific company. The Sardonyx brings about 200 tons of mer chandise, consisting principally of rice, hides, etc. There is one small shipment of furniture that came from the East over the Canadian Pacific, the forerunner of much more to follow, it is believed, un less better rates are made over the trans continental lines in tbe United States. A prominent wheat and" flour reporter will ship to Victoria by the Sardonyx on her return trip forty tons of Oregon flour. He proposes hereafter to make Victoria and other British Colombia towns a reg ular market for the products of his mills, and will, in the near future, make flour shipments to China and Japan by the Canadian line. Shippers between Port land and Victoria will welcome tbe Sar donyx, as the rate over this new line of transportation is about $2, as against $3.10 charged by the combination of the Northern Pacific and the O. R. A X. com panies, and also by the Pacific Coast steamship company. THE TOCRNAMENT. Walla Wallas Wla the Dry Test, aad Res cues of Astoria, th Speed Race. Vaxcoctee, W. T., Jane 17. Walla Wallas won the dry test, in forty-six and three-fifths seconds; Astoria No 1, fifty two; Rescue No. 2, of Astoria, forty seven and two-fifths ; Lebanons, rubber base, forty-nine and one-half; Vancoa vers, fifty-two and one-half; Albany s, fiftv-three. The speed race for 200 yards was won by Rescues No. 2, of Astoria, in twenty eight and four-fifths seconds ; Astoria No. I, thirty-one ; Lebanons twenty-nine and foor-fiiihs; Vancouver, twenty-nine and three fifths ; Walla Wallas, thirty. This ends the tournament. A grand ball for the firemen is being held to-night. rrxr-i. C P. Dixe, Dm Lato AaUa this Rail way. Brazenly Pleads -Net Galtty Postlaxi), On., Jane 17. C. P. Dixon, the defaulting agent of the Canadian Pa cific, was arraigned before Judge Stearns to-day, and pleaded not guilty." It is said that Dixon is still living in hopes that his wealthy Eastern friends will come to his rescue. In that event the American Sarety company, who were on bis bond and had to make good the amount of his embezzlement, will not prosecute him: and there is nothing to fear from the Canadian Pacific railroad company, for their claim against him has been satisfied. H. O. Brinstone, tbe utterer of worthless bank checks, also pleaded "not guilty" this morning. ALBANY NEWsT Hotel Property Sold The Ores Pacific Albany, Or., Jane 17. Messrs. Muel ler A Garret sold to-day to Cbas. Pfeiffer the furniture, fixtures," and boainess of the Revere House for $6,000, The latter, who was the former proprietor, will take possession July 1. Chief Engineer. Eckelson, of tbe Ore gon Pacific, returned to-day from the sur veying party on the line in. the Cascade mountains. He states that tbe road is located through Fox Valley, forty-five miles from Albany. The surveyors, he says, will be kept in the field until tbe line is located from Albany to the Mal heur country. ACROSS THE CASCADES. Several Hand red Troops to Go Into the Cascades for ScieaUAc Purposes. Albany, Or., Jane 18. It is learned that about July 1st a government party accompanied by several hundred TJ. S. troops from Vancouver, under the com mand of Capt. Davis,' will be started across the Cascade mountains to Camp Polk. The party will go by way of Al bany over the C. M. W. or Lebanon wagon road. Tbe train will contain eighty or ninety pack horses and several heavily-laden wagons. It is proposed to investigate the glaciers and the geological formation in the vicinity of the Three Sisters, and to obtain a topograpical sur vey of that region for scientific purposes, as well as to give a drill to the men. W. 6. Steel, of Portland, who was en gaged in the Crater lake survey,- and who will be one of the leaders of the party, has already written to ascertain information concerning the feasibility of the route.' The snow on the pass in the Cascades has about disappeared, and the party will find no difficulty in crossing. THF. KANAKA KINO. The Revolution Imminent on tae Sand wich Islands. Saji Francisco, June 18. A gentleman who is familiar with the affairs of the Hawaian government, speaking of the revolutionary condition of affairs in the islands said : "Gibson, present premier, who is tbe real power behind the throne, is ambitious to dethrone the defacto, and he is certain to be the central figure, if not the dictator, in the coming revolu tion. I am certain," tbe gentleman con cluded, "we may expect warlike news from the Sandwich Islands at any mo ment." BEATEN AGAIN. The Willamette, of Portland, Downed by the Seattle. Seattle, W. T., June 18. The second match between Heattles and Willamettes of East Portland, to-day, resulted iu an other defeat for the Willamettes. Score : Heattles, 5; Willamettes, 4. The Wil lamettes leave for Victoria Sunday. North Bound Pusseng-ers. Medford, Or., June 18. Passed Med. ford to-night to arrive over the 0. A C! Mr. Turenburger and wife, Mrs. W. Q. Hill, W. A. Simpson, J. T. Johnson, M. B. Valient ine, W. B. Smith, B. F. Clap ton, Miss F. Johnsoa, A. C. Cristol and wife, U. W. IJppman, B. Hartman, M Barsh, J. W. Wright, and eight immi grants, f Death of a Stork Broker. San Francisco, June 18. S. B. Wake field, one of the wealthiest stock brokers in this city, died this morning from con sumption. AD VI CIS TO K0THEK8. Art you aiatarbed at nlfkt aad brokea of year rest by a sick ehlld afferln sad crying with painot cutting teeta? if so, send, stones and get a bottla of tba Wlnalow! Soothlaf Syrup for Ch Daren's Teething. Ks valns la IncalenUbw It will relieve the poor little nSsror lasinedl ately. Depend open it, Bothers, them ii a mistake about It It eorea dlaentery and dlarr noes, regulates the stosmach aad bowels, eurea wind colic, soften U racoasdooes laflaiBa ttoa, and five tone aadanenry to the whole rvtem. Mrs. WinslowV Soothing Byrav lor ChlMrea's Teething is alsasant to the taste, and U the prescription of one of tbe oldest aad tost female nurses aad pbysiciana la tbe I'd Had States, and Is for sale by ail drug rlsts throuaa the World. Pries cents a bouXa. " 1CBE FOR PILES. Pile are frequently precede! by a sense of weight in tbe back, lolni aad lower part ef tbe abdomen. causing the astlent to suppose be baa snsse affecttoa of tbe ktdaeys or neighboring organs. At times symptoms of Indigestion sre present, natalency. naesdaess ef the stomach, etc. A moisture, like penrpt ration, producing a very disagreeable itching, after getting warm, ! common attendant. Blind. Meed inf. aad itching piles yield at once to the application, of Dr. Boasaako's Pile Remedy, which set 4 it ecv 1T npoa the parts effected, absorbing the turner,, allaying tbe Intense Hchlngjtad effort log a pet msnent cure. Price SO cents. Add ress. tbe Dr. Bosaako Medicine Co.. Plqoa, O. Sold by Gee. K. Oeod. HOW TO KECLKE HEALTH. Sewriirs Sarmparflla and SUlUngla or Blood and Liver Syrup wtU restore perfect beaUa te the physical organixaUou. it is. indeed, a strengthening tymn. pleasant to take, and has often proven itself u be the beat blood partner ever dUeevered. rffeetaaily curing scrofula, syphilitic ditorder.. sreskaesa of the kidney, ertsipela. tnlri alt rervoue disorders and debility, bilUxis Hu?la!nt. and si) diseases Indicating an ltr:re enndtUoa the Mood, iirer. kidaey. :..aeh, etc it corrects indi gestion. etpec!alr a-bf-a tae complaint la of as exheunti're ft.ring a tendency to lessen the vigor ol Ure bria and nervous ytem. YouH Bad her smiling night aad day, , Although at times she Is not say. Aad should yan wonder why yoa Meet Thls constant smile, regard her teeth. . , She only laughs those gems to ahow, Waich 80Z0DONT makes wane a mew. . c . n. n. t i ; m j eaoetomaro tt cancer. I asvetrisdaaambrrof i but without reorrrtag any Among the number wars The mcrtlcme they appUed wm like Sre to the sore, eaaslag Intense psla. I sew a statement fat the papers tcmng what S. & S. had don for once. Before I had used tbe l neighbors could node that my hraUagup. Xy general health had been bad for two etfcrsoyssjs hsda hacking oouch and spit blood eoatmaaQy. I had, a severe psmtemybrnms. After taking six bottles of a a a my cough left mo aad I grew atootsr thaalhadhasa for asvaral years. Xy csacor has healed overall but a little spot about the i slm of a half dime, and It Is rapidly dhappear. tug. would advtee every one wtta cancer to give S. a. S. a fair trial. Mas. BAJtCT J. HcCONAUOHXT, Ashe Grove, Tippaoaaoe Co., Ind. Feb. M. Wt Swifts Specific Is entirety vogetabls. and seems to car cancers by f oretag out the Impa rities from the blood. Trsstlse on Blood aad i mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., DRAWER 3. ATLANTA, GA. I ESTABLISHED BY NATIONAL AUTHORITY. CAPITAL PAID CP, $7S,OO0. UNDIVIDED P CO FITS, $8,000. THE Capital NATIONAL BANK, Of Salem, Oregon. B 8 Waixack, II CAKrKXTsa. J H ALBtBT, President; Vice President; Cashier DIRECTORS i W T GRAY. J M MARTIN. H CARPENTER, W W MARTI. R S WALLACE. J H ALBERT. T. McF. PATTTON. -LOANS MADE- To farmers on wheat and other marketable produce, consigned, or ia store, either in private Granaries or public warehouses. OOMMEUOI A ii Paper discounted at reasonable rate. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Fran cisco, Portland. London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. miis. f. d. Mcdowell Watchmaker and Jeweler 2ttCommprtla street, Salem. A full line of WATCHES and CLOCKS And jewelry of every description. Repairing a Specialty. tf-AU work In thin line warranted. dw ESTABLISHED IX 1S69. -8ALEM.- TrsDKact a general banking buinet in al its branches. Make loans and draw night and telerraphlc exchange on New York, Chicago, 8sn t'rsncis co, Portlsnd, The Dalle, Eugene City. Aitoria, Albany, CorrallU, Walla Walla, and other towns of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and British Co lumbia. Letters of credit Issued, available in the East ern States. Draw direct on London, Berlin and Hone Kong. Collections made on all points In tbe Pacific North veL NOTICE OP WITHDRAWAL. Notice ! hereby riven, la accordance with the provisions of sec 4 of chap. XXIV ol miscellsaeons lew, (code of Oregon, page 616 ) that tbe National Are and marine insurance company of New Zealand has ceased to do busi ness In the state of Oregon, and that It intenda to withdraw iu capital therefrom, six months after the date of publication of this notice, aa riven below. tiKtnopiii PiagAKb MtaiMK Ikooakcb torT or Ktw Zcalaxd. by Its attorneys, ht K. William. S24im J. D. MAcrnaason. (L.a., NOTICE Or SALE OF PERSONAL PROP ERTY. NOTICE IS HKREBT GIVEN THAT I WILL eauee to be sold la Salem, Oregon, on the Mb day of July, by tbe sheriff of Marion coun ty, one bar borse of about years of age, to satisfy a lien which I have upon said horse for pasturece aad feed aad care of aatri borse from January ath 17 to July fin 17. amounting to tbe sum of IIS 75. The proceed i of said sale wiU be applied to pay said lien aad tbe eort sad expenses of sale. Done at Salem this 13th day of June. 1M7. MRS. DANIEL CLARK. PPLEGATK A BYLAKD. J. A. APPLE ors at raw. naiem, Oregon, win practice In I tKst AnovtA a Amma. asiu r m. building, over Good s drag store. d w Pi R S ALE. OOOD BLACKSMITH SIIOP and tools, mall noose aad barm a Ln 4a A . rr" .. . .. kwow seewniy. rrtce .e . Address D. A, Humphreys, Macieay. c-t Jm FOR SALE. A PTXL BLOCK OP LAND IX North Salem, la a desirable location. Is su're of Dr. oolden- t-9-ini mi' Ahoat tneaty years nan I amue srig a Btfla Ladd & Rush, Banters, Terrible Snrgical OfSFatica BBBasasaammmBBamwrn S A FATAL MISTAKE. The Cleveland, Ohio, Press, of February 23d, 1883, pub lished an account of a fatal gur gical operation which caused a reat commotion among med ical men througout the whole country, Dr. Thayer, the most eminent surgeon in Cleveland, pronouncing it scandalous. It appears that a Mrs. King had been suffering for many years from some disease of the stom ach, which had resisted the treatment of all the physicians in attendance. The disease commenced with a slight de rangement of the digestion, with a poor appetite, followed by a jeculiar indescribable dis tress in the stomach, a feeling that has been described as a faint, "all gone" sensation, a sticky slime .collecting about the teeth, causing a disagree able taste. This sensation was not removed by food, but, on the contrary, it was increased. After a wjnle the hands and feet became cold and sticky a cold perspiration. Tnere was a constand tired and lan guid feeling. Then followed a dreadful nervousness, with gloomy forebodings. Finally the patient was unable to re tain any food whatever, and there was constant pain in the abdomen. All prescribed rem edies failing to give relief, a consultation was held, when it was decided that the patient had a cancer in the stomach, and in order to save the patient's life an operation was justifia ble. Accordingly, on the 22nd of February, 1883, the opera tion was performed by Dr. Vance in the presence of Dr. Tuckerman, Dr. Perrier, Dr. Arms, Dr.Gordon, Dr. Capner and Dr.I lalli well of the police boarl. The ojeration consist ed in laying open the cavity of the abdomen, and exposing the stomach anu loweIs. When this hail lieen done an examin ation of the organs was made. but to the horror and dismay of the doctors there was no cancer to be found. The pa tient did not have a cancer. When too late the medical men discovered that they had made a terrible mistake; but they sewed the parts together and Iressed the wound that thev had made, but the ioor woman sank from exhaustion and died in a few hours. How sad it must be for the husband of this poor woman to know that his wife died from the effects of a surgical operation that ought never to have lieen performed. lr this woman had taken the proper remedy for Dyspepsia and Nervous Prostration . (for this was what the disease really was),she would have been liv ing to-day. SllAKKItExTRACTOf Roots, or Seioel's Cukativk Si'itrp, a remedy made ex pressly for Dyspepsia or Indi gestion has restored many such cast's to perfect health after all other kinds of treatment have failed. The evidence of its fficaey in curing this class of cases in too voluminous to le published here; but those who read the published evidence in favor of this dyspeptic remedy do not question its convincing nature, and the article has an extensive sale. " EXECCTRIX KOTICE. YOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE At undersigned baa been annoinied by tbe eountv court of Marion county, state of Oregon, eiecuinx 01 ine last will aad testament Ol a. Koblns. deceased, lata of Marion county, Ore gon. AU persona baring claims against said estate are hereby required to present the sane , to me at asy residence Ave miles soutb of Rales, in said county, or to my address. Salem. Marion ronnt, Oregon, wltbln six months from tbte date. M. A. ROBI, . Executrix of the last will aad tests meat ef aobert Kobina. deceased. ' Salem. Oregon, MayZaa, lftft7. 5-Z7-& GLENBR00K WIU makcthl season st Fish--a stable, aalem. oa Fridays i sad Batnrdavs. and at home the bait nee of tbe time. Termf f 12 if paid within the season, . ,G. ;LES. Proprietor. v $13 if not. 4ia ...