The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1884-1892, May 06, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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    - y"-if ,.wSii-r,
I w w s V -is
CtUTborbe'a eocU had ad tad
l.'t ter (7300, rejrjsrdinj tb lee
koi !a bad Warned la the pact wilh
art ef bitter haired, Gretta planned Into
mtslZcencs witb s foelinj cf ttarjair., .-
It st ebsrcb th tmthfal ere H r.
Carton, thJ yocag jtor, seemed to
haant her with iltaii reproachful glwcm,
sd she tried Dot to ace him or notice bia
look, bat It followed ber boaie, and all
tba week die could think of little else.
Every Sabbath it was moch the same,
aad ooce when Iizxk'Grey very kindly
beared ler to introdoee Mr; Claytoo,
Gretta lifted ber brows in a baagbty stare
"No, thank yoa ; I am lectured enough
"Dear Gretta, I wish yoa wouldn't
talk so Lixxie Bald,, sweetly. "I am
sore Mr. Clayton would not lectnre yoa."
Wouldn't he? Don't be give as scath
ing foctares every' Sanday morning V
Jlad, tnrning, Gretta saw the object of
their conrenMiuoa at her right, with a
Dale face and reproachfnl eyes. She
knew that be bad beard every word of
tnelr conversation, ana lartbermore that
lizzie's attack was premeditated. 8be
gave the young lady an angry, indignant
look, and swept out of church,
Itie summer days merged into autumn,
and Gretta had never yet spoken to Mr.
Clayton. She avoided him stodiooalv.
although she often met him in the abodes
of atckneas and poverty.
It was at Mrs. Lawton's, a poor widow.
that they m;t one Saturday afternoon,
and Uretta rising quietly, laid down the
book that she had been reading and left
the bouse, tier cheeks burned with a
asnse of shame, and she could hardly
choke the tears back. She would have
given all ber earthly possessions and
gone back to the old days of servitude
and shabby attire could it have raised
ber in the estimation of her pastor.
She clasped her hands and leaned over
the railing of the little wooden bridge,
with a desolate pain at ber heart. A
quick, firm step sounded upon the bridge,
and, turning, the girl stood face to face
with John Clayton, who put out his
hands quietly, and, taking hers in bis
. strong clasp, said :
'Gretta Thorne, will you tell me why
yoa bate me?"
'Oh, Mr. Clavton, will you forgive me
for my rudeness? I am so sorry." And
Gretta lifted ber beautiful, flushed, tear
stained face, with a pleading look.
"Forgive you ! Yes, child, if you will
tell me why yoa dislike me so."
"I don't bate you; indeed. I don't.
Bat I am so wicked, or every body calls
me so : and 1 know you think so. because
1 like to dress and make a display. But
1 have been so poor, Mr. (JIayton, and
nobody noticed me ; and Aunt Thorne
wouldn't let me go to church, and 1
thought all that people went for was to
-chow their clothes."
She bad told the whole story in a few
rapid words, and John Clayton under
stood her just as well as you and I do.
lie said:
"You thought so, but you do not think
so now, do you? That is not what yoa
go for" and he clasped the hands a lit
tle closer that Gretta was trying to draw
"No"; and a painful blush suffused
Gretta's face, as she thought what she
did go for, and wondered what Mr. Clay
ton would think of ber if he knew.
A passionate wish rose op in the pas
tor's heart to call this wayward girl his
own ; but he thought of Gretta's $70,000,
and he dropped her hands as though
they had been coals of fire. Hitherto be
had only thought to win her regard ; now
he was more miserable than when she
Iiad so coldly shunned bim.
Gretta noticed the change, but her
pride forbade farther questioning, and
they walked to the village, side by side,
without a word.
A handsome carriage and spirited span
d bays stood at the gate before Mrs.
Thorne's door. Gretta looked up shyly,
with a woman's dread in ber eyes, and
"Will you go in, Mr. Clayton? I am
ore Aunt Thorne will be glad to see
yoa." .
And John Clayton, unable to resist,
followed her into the house.
A handsome, stylish young man roe
op to meet Gretta as she mnw in, nut!
extending his hand, said familiarly :
"I am nappy to meet you again, Gretta,
and have come this afternoon to take you
to town for that prom .wed ride."
"Thank von, I will he ready shortly."
Oretta said, introducing tht gentlemen,
and wondering why Grant Carrol couldn't
have stayed away on that particular
And John Clayton, with a fealois mm
that he had never felt before, watched
the two ride on, and listened to Mrs.
Thome's recital of Gretta's plans for the
The autumn passed slowly away, and
October, with its gay robe, was nearly
alone, when, one morning, Gretta woke
op to learn that she wss penniless. She
was shocked and grieved for a moment,
tat the shock was nothing compared to
the one she felt later in the day, when
J rant Carrol came, asking for a release
from bis engagement. The girl gave the
ring back haughtily, told Bin she was
iclad to beiree, which was true, and then
' went out alooe to battle with ber grief
-and wounded pride,
"Ob, Grant, Grant r abe said, with a
passionate sob, flinging herself, face down,
upon the orchard grass. "X did not
thick yoa would desert me."
"Oretta, Gretta, my darling, what is
The words were, wrung from John'
'Clayton's lips by her distress, and be
leathered her op uhU arms; but Gretta
crew herself awsy saying:
Oh, nothing. Mr. Clayton, only I'm
poorer than I ever was ; the last penny
has gone.
'But you bare Mr. Carrol's love left."
"Ko. I have just learned that my
money was all he cared for. He is like
ererr body else."
" "rh?k God" said Mr. Clayton, and
pin drew her to bis heart. "Thank
Ood, you are again poor, Gretta, for 1
ahoold never have dared to tell yoa that
I love yoa had yoa not been ; and I knew
long ago that yoa did not hate me."
And so Uretta became John Clayton's
wife. New York Journal.
wtr7 " CaUfornia, new cream aod
7 ri? w cheese at Squire Farrar A
Iivkj la North Carc'-a, aa I hava all
tbe Mat winter, my memory trecaesUy
brings back two prominent men cf this
ute who hare pai sway, rzt whoa
biFtory was remarkafctt ta mar j ways.
Tbeie men, timer throws toother
almost csssUr :;Qt lonj pb
lie Lie, dlTred mate, lally oo azaay
points. They lived in each , otter's
society for years, and now in death they
are still united. - '., - .:
Under one monument fa the quiet
little cemetery in the great Tar Heel
state, they lie together awaiting the day
when the sea shall give up its dead, and
when the gentleman with the cork kg will
be seen looking over the odds and ends
of soipe old batue field, or the back yard
of some medical college for his other
For more than half a century these
men ate at the same table and slept on
tha same coach, and yet they agreed in
nothing. They were bound together by
a tie which death alooe could dissolve. ,
: The indulgent reader baa already, no
doubt, discovered that I refer to the late
gentlemen, Chang and Eng, better known
as tha Siamese twins.
These men, like moat Siamese people,
had their origin in Siam, a foreign coun
try of a bright red color on the map of
Aa Siamese alone, or simply as twins,
they would hare attracted little attention,
and even by combining the two and be
coming Siamese twins they would have
died poor, perhaps, but with a connect
ing link which united the two at the base
of the breast bone, they succeeded in
acquiring a large fortune.
They nave proved beyond a doubt, I
think, that genius cannot be acquired. It
la a gift. It cornea not with the seeking.
Had little Cbangie and Engie gone to
school regularly all through their earlier
years ana studied with all their might,
It could not have fitted them for the life
they afterward led, or caused them to at
tract the attention of the whole world.
Nature does not fit every man to be a
Siamese twin.' Science cannot aid him
in becoming one in after years. Close
study and application cannot assist him.
To be a successful twin involves
promptness also. It is a matter that can
not be postponed. And to be a success
ful Siamese twin involves even greater
Chang and Eng were raised up to meet
a certain demand. The crisis came, and
they were there to meet it. They came
at a time when the world was clamoring
for a pair of buff twins united at the
sternum by means of a light yellow, first
mortgage bond.
But Chang and Eng were not happy,
even with their great wealth and the
fame they had acquired working an en
tirely new vein.
Nature, which united them so closely,
had not given thsm the same ideas and
thoughts. They agreed on nothing, it is
One was a Knight of Pythias, while the
other was a Koyal Arch Mason, and
the meetings were on the same evenings.
People who knew them said it was
painful to see the stronger of the two pull
the other twin away to a Knight of Pyth
ias meeting in which be felt no interest,
or snake him to a revival when he wanted
to go to a colored ball.
A neighbor tells me that while Chang
was a Baptist, and believed in immersion,
Eng was a doubter, but had to go in with
bis brother and be immersed through a
hole in the ice.
One wanted to secede at the breaking
out of the war, while the other wanted to
save the country intact and fight under
the starry banner free.
Those who will read the history of this
strange brace of coflee-colored gentlemen,
will agree with me that even though jou
strike the popular feeling and secure toe
public approval as a freak of nature, it is
not all sunshine and gladness.
Chang and Eng, though bound together
through life, could not make" their wives
live together in the same house even, and
so they were compelled to maintain
separate establishments, and go from
one to the other trying to allay discord.
Une of the twins was a good man,
while it is aaii that the other was a very
soccescful sinner. In case of resurrection
it is not yet fully settled how it will be ar
ranged, and the question has frequently
Uen raised since their death whether
they will or will not jointly visit alter
nately the realms of the blessed and the
snorting, squealing precincts of the
I presume there are men who have
pried into the future and know how this
is, but 1 am free to confess that I am
densely ignorant in regard to it.
However it may be, one thing is estab
lished, and that is that the mantle of the
Siamese twins has never fallen upon
those who could successfully take their
E laces for so long a period of time and
eep out competitors as they did.
And yet these are people who claim
that this is the era of progress. Bill Nye
in Boston Globe.
Just before the train started about fifty
little girls and young ladies, each holding
a boquet, made a flank movement on the
bachelor governor, and as be was about
taking bis seat near the middle of the
rear car the order wss given to charge on
the enemy's works, and such a scene of
kissing has never been witnessed in the
metropolis of the north. The Governor
stood the siege bravely, the fire of young
manhood glittering in bis eyes amid the
rattle of osculatory thunder and laughing
of hundreds of fair ones ss they witnrased
the exhilarating scene through the car
windows. As the last one laid her floral
offering on the seat and a kiss on the
Governor's lips he looked up, glorious ex
pectancy pictured en every lineament of
hia countenance, and said: "Come on:
it shall never be said that a 'forty-niner
quailed before the bewitching eyes and
rosy, pouting lips of fair woman ; no, not
a thousand daughters of the Golden West !
From the lied Bluff (CaL)Sentinel.
e .
Delicate persona, and all whose systems have
becoose debilitated should bear Is mind that
Simmons Uver regulator I not a drastic, park
ing medicine, doss sot weekea or depicts lh
..aem e other purgatives do, but seu gently.
It will lavtorsAC like a glass of wins, but is no
intoxicating serenes to lead to Intemperance;
nit r A ' tr !" -"-T'r-ate hsadarhs. aad
generally toae ap the system.
Hen. Alex H. Stephens, of Ga., sari: Vim.
asoas Ursr Rejrslaio la aalld aad salts bis bet
ter thsa score scUre remedies."
Guaranteed a positive ear for Catarrh. Colds
h Head. Hay rrer, Bnse Celd. Catarrhal
heaineac sad Bore Eyes; Heatnres te sease f
Taates sad eaaell, remnrea Bad Tastes sad I'm
f leSMM Breath, malting frees Catarrh. Kasv
sad piftaaaat ta ace. . Km low directions aad a
Core la warrssued by all draggiats.
1X3 XTya rtzzzr i.'r l.l a ccJ
church la Eorth Cartels aad la tLe
course of to Irttrf eoncerainx it to the
Chicle necaaays: ' - v,; . '
ArcAer hymn was then sung by the
entLTeonr:-"Uw boB
far, I joined tt II i Vih my rich falsetto
voice. It had Vs3 yean since music bad
called forth ia isa aa answering melody,
and many month bad passed since say
bird-like voice had floated out upon the
omet air in eons.
After the hymn waa over the pastor
rose and said that while be was glad to
have outsiders drop m at the services of
the Moan. Pisgah Fire-Proof Baptist
church, at any. time,, be would aee that
the next man who tried to hreax np me
meeting waa pot out, if be had to do it
himaelf. .......
I did not loin la einginf the other
Colored people are passionstely fond of
music, bat they do not care much for
classical music
The Ber. Mr. Brown took a text, but I
do not remember what it was. .
Neither did he.
He spoke of various people referred to
In the Bible, and his sermon waa like
Mr. Ward's great panorama lecture
chifl v characterized bv the laree num
ber Of things in it that had nothing to do
with it. -
I remember that he referred incident
all v to Pontine Pilate.
'And what kine of a man was Paun-
chus Pilate?
"What kine of a man would you recken
he wua to look at 7
"Was be tall and slim like a young
"Not much I He wus a biff, broad man
wid double chins onto him as fur as de
eve could reach.
'"Pannchus Pilate!
"Hum dat name over softly to your
selves, kine friends, and see ef you don't
conclude that he was a wide man.
Later on he rebuked the youth of bis
congregation for various kinds ef seem
ingly harmless sports, and rebuked the
parents for permitting them. Among
others he swept across the play ground
with the besom of his wrath and attacked
the game of marbles.
He showed how marbles led to gam'
bling, and gambling to razors, and razors
to the "gallus."
"Moreover, bredren," be added in a
low, tremulous tone, "what do de scrip-
ters sav V
"Do not de blessed word ob de Lord
asaasw vKa aass4 aatltAea as rra Vf a Sr-! A nnf
Baw VWS fsUU awfailS e AiACba IMV V
Tvrmxb, April 27.
Union temperance services, here Sun
day. The S. S. concert proved a success.
They always do.
The Stayton and Mehama mail again
comes via Turner.
The dramatic troupe are to perform
their drama in the dark of the moon.
Dr. J. J. Leavitt, of Wisconsin, is stop
ping here at present and contemplates
locating with as. bo, mote it be.
The mop man is doing a land office
business in our vicinity. We are highly
civilized and believe in neatness.
Mrs. L H. Small is very sick with the
chills, and fears are entertained that
she may have a very serious spell of sick
ness. The telegraph office at Marion has been
closed and F. A. Ford, formerly operator
and station agent there, moved to Wood-
The proceeds of the entertainment and
oyster supper finished paying for the
church bell, besides leaving a surplus of
nve aoiiars in the treasury.
Miss May Sbafer is now teaching the
primary department of our school. May
Bhe give as good satisfaction as did Miss
Msry Mc Kinney, and be crowned with
lanrels by the patrons of the school.
Turner has the baseball fever and will
organise as soon as winter is knocked out
by fair weather. We have as good ma
terial as can be found in the state for a
club, and when fully organised will not
screech at the hoot of the "Owls" or any
other "biro; ' or club.
We have but little nse for a newspaper
as the entire community is almost con
nected by telephone. One can sit in the
drug store (it has a telephone) and listen
to music both vocal and instrumental, at
Wm. lluleary a. Morns', and Benson's
We sat in the store yesterday and beard
some loving mother spanking a naughty
boy, out in the hills, south of town. O.
II. P. Cornelius is the inventor of this
series of telephones, and is now devising
a plan for people to bear each other
think, and to smell Deans, onions, etc..
cooking, over the wire. Perry is bound
to make his mark. Gsjvoeb.
One of the saddest facts in connection
with the lives of the people of America is
that they "don't want to bother." That
is to say they don't want to spare time
enough for any thing but money-making
amusement. The house which nsture
has provided is neglected in order to save
enough money to "put into a house"
which has been built with bands. Sleep
is neglected so that personal appearance
may be made at some social gathering.
Digestion is disturbed because there is
no time to be spared so that the machin
ery of the body may have a chance to
Erform its work. Bathing is neglected
cause, for a lack of a more forcible
reason, such men and women have lived
to old age without it. "Too much troub
le to bother" when the body does not cry
aloud for attention. When it does it U
too late. The man whose teeth do not
trouble him would look upon it as a
prodigal waste of time to go to a dentist
and have them cleaned. He baa a brush
and powder, and these aumce, he thinks,
for ail that is required. He doesn't know
that the bard substance which ' forms
around bis teeth is tartar and that the
beth are in danger of permanent injury
when it is permitted to reLiain. Bemuse
"it is too moch trouble to bother," the
house cf clay, which might be made to
"grow in beauty, accumulates the ma
terials of decay. New York Herald of
Carps warpa. aU
the WAite Comer.
reed red to-day at
1 -r
" f i t
4 a- e e -
IUUIUK ttsrsia. itd. irr
utilise as ef r lsr4 aad vbte.
easidaaaffMVM gawd as a-je-j-t rJ e--
HaTStvri'XOr-v Tf TLVU.
f ta vary Clad f ssay 1 bavs
ndasvset -ka -vi T
that aid
mJ - - - . - -- -i m
it. tTfsifin rbeaidtliaTsirtaas I
them tear? patlsats,aa4 gat Ue test results
Bavaw, Co It, Sept. IX MS.
I ta givtaf yoa a awictee ana
m it (Bop Bitten) daseveU.
a alee.
pw u deserves M
(The Kegister .)
- Oassswica. Teh. 11. 1SS.
Hot Bmsi Oe.t ...
tVefiiassl Jtf WTkO 1 Hit
V us) Maaa waa at mt M w w --- - -
Amm wtoa. V. T Vsb. U. IMS.
Boa Bitters are the asos Talnabie medicine I
reerkaew. I ehoald bare any atother ao w
but for thaia.
Utn Jack. If.. Scot 14, 1MBL
X nave been aslns Hop Bitters, and hare re
paired greet benefit from them for liver eoi
alaint and malarial fever. They are superior
bau-r-iu p. If. BAB.XXS.
r alakaxoo, Kick., Teb, 2, 18S8.
flop Brrrras at ra. Co. t
1 know Hop Bitters wOl bear rseommsndlns
honestly. All who nss them confer upon them
toe highest eaeomiams aae kits um ereou
for making cures AU the proprietors claim for
them. I have ken them sine thev were first
offered to the public. They took high rank from
tbe drat, aad maintained it, sad are mors called
for than all others combined. Bo tong- ss thev
eep np their high reputation for parity sad
axciallneas I ahall continue to recommend
them eomethlne; I hays never done before with
any patent medicine. J. J. BABCOCK.
Physician and druggist
a? aho a a. If ft, Tebrnsry t, IMS.
I parehssed fire botUes of your Hop Bitters
rom Bishop dt Co. last fall, for my daughter,
tnd am well pleased with the Bitters. They
lid her more good than sll the medicine she
has taken tor six rears.
' Kt T. sfoCLTJUC
Tbe above la from a very reliable farmer
whose daughter wss ta poor health for seven
x eight years, snd could obtain no relief until
she need Hop Bitters. She Is now In ss good
health ss aay persoa fa this country. We hare
args sales, aad they are making remarkable
cures. W. H. BISHOP dt CO.
John G. Wright,
Garden and Field Seeds,
Onion seta, etc General sgect for-
For western Oregon snd western Washington
tei niory.
S7 atad SZ Commercial 8t Selem, Or
Oreiioii Peach Bitters !
A superlative tonic snd sppetiter. This med
leal beverage la warranted to be free from sny
injurious properties; works direct upnn the tor
pid llrer snd bowels, atomach, kidney and
bladder; snd excellent remedy far chronic
diarrhea, cramp, colic, morning sickness, croup.
cough, sore tnrost ana iom oi sopeute. Manu
factured st Anrasville Marion county, Oregon.
Reristered In patent office November 9th. ISM.
For sale by all druggtita or H. fcUas, propri
etor, anmiTuie, vregon. a
To The Farmers of M&rioa County !
Tbe nodertlgned has opened a hsrdwsrcttore
in Btayton, Marlon county, ana will Keep con
stantly on band, s full saaortmest of hardware,
aa. .nil tffiwiM BAAn.. M n A .Itln. . . .
cartridges, and ammunitions of sll kinds. Will
also sell tne ismons Mitcnei wagons snd bug
gien. snd the renowned "Gale," end "OUrer--chilled
We will not be undersold for eeth. Csll and
tee at before parcbsilnc slaewhere, for we csn
suit yoa in price snd quality.
4 224m J. O. C. WCIMER.
that the eoaatjrotinof Marlon comity will
rsfuss to allow any claims on aecouut of pau
per sole parties preaeatlng aald rlxlm. n
prodooe eathonty from aoaue member ni tbe
court for Incurring tbe Indebtedness. 1 hit ho
lies Is made Beeery on sccount of the in
ereaalnc number of bills predated l"f medlral
snd other saaistaaca rendered the county with-
out eutnoniy.
T. C. SHAW, fVmnty Jadga
County CummUtioners.
-204 Commercial surest '
We bare for sale farm of all slaea and nHrea.
ob tbe prairie aad In tbe bills, stork ranches
In the foot hils. Timber leads for mill men In
good locations. Several good farsas the Itae
of tbe Oreeoo Pari 8c railroad la Lisa eooatr,
also tne timber leads. Some very Sue lands
Clone to the city oa either side la parcels
ranging sU along from is to 12S eereao all In
ejuiuratioa. We pare two eoMomers for city
property. Will txrbsnge rood farm. For all
parUeolars sod prices, call at the oAce, x
Commercial street.
V T T ear saws si tsa-sa tl i a tHPa.uwt - - - "
esse m - am'wvsw m iwsv - " a !. 1 1U T
and priced rata lorn rrgeuble. Sower, e lor
es, grsas snd alfalfa a-.J. and ooatalnina ral
M.wi. i h !...(. r. ... . . .w-. .
" m.wm. - hmvuvt, tarn iwawr,
r tha family, mstled free to ell Applicants.
Address E. J. BOWKN. -erd Merchant, MS and
SI7 aaasoma stret-r. Sen Fra&ei-cA T 4 a lm
WCl mske this season st Fish
er's stable. Salem, oa Friders
" IV aad Satordava. and at home
r I tha helance las time. Tsrnt
tU 11 paid wttlila tbe ewna,
SrtUltBuC . GLO. OLEXir.
I -w tilths
JL jb as w
1 "
n -- s.v .-'.' . Proprietor.
' A JiSr -i ' ' t . Siv.-' ". :
ta Use CtrU rl t state of Orcfoa, for
.'Hoa coaaty.
taraa at Csssss, aJ:
r-1 tSH daft.) ' .... .
f.s UUUrd I ss tbe sbove aamed defead
X aai. 1st mi tbe sate el Oregon you
see beret' A to appear aad answer
ueeo pi. e- 'nstyou ta tha abore
- aa , IM ays frosa tbe data of
L ' .wiiL ami -s upon you 1 served
Wte 1 tku 1 e , r J served withla aay
etaea sua y aft i s- t, tbect withla twenty
days LtaU daw cf servlca of thliiam-
moes raesj k. or i served by auUlcauoa.
tea Wy the La ' y ad just, tsst. that betog
IKa Ant Aav af tbe Marular term of sold court.
toUowlDg the sxptrauoa of the time prescribed
la the order for publication of this summons;
saa 11 you ran so to aaswer tor want tnervoi,
the nlalntKr will sod It to the court for the re
lief demanded la said complaint, which is aa
follows, to wit: First for the dlssotnUoa of
the merrisa-s eeurtreet new atstiaa betwe
yourself aad tha defend snt; saooad for tha
ears aad custody of the following namsd min
er ehlidrea. the issue of said merrlaco. to-wlt
Mary Stersns. linnie Bterens, Charley Stevens
snd suis bMTsni; third, for tha costs and
disbursements of said sutt, snd fourth foe such
other sad farther relief sa so tbe court msy
seem joat una suet wua equity aaa gooa con
You are further notified that serrle of this
summoas la amede upou you by poblloation of
tne same, uvea eaea wee a, lor six weeks, 10
tha Oregon Statismas. a weekly newipsper,
wmcn sua oraer ai peoiiouoou wss maaa oy
toe stou. sk r. .nets, joose 01 said court, on
tne una aay 01 March, iw.
AUy's for plft
HKKirr sale.
it virtue of aa execution, daly Issued out af
the honorable circuit court, of the state of Ore
gon, for the county of Marlon, and to me di
rected on the Zid day of April, 1887, upon a
i.uiiucui in nxi a u-ansenpt issuea out Oi the
Justices court of Cbsmpoeg precinct, rendered
on the tth day of February. 1 wherein C. a
Pellsnd wss plaintiff snd Amable Bergevlawas
defendant, said lodgment being for the sum of
Ills. 00, together with eosu aad disbnrsemenu
taxed at ll&ts, and accruing coats and Interest
for waat of personal property to satisfy said
execution I hare levied npon and will sell at
puDiic suction 10 tne nighest bidder, lor cash
ui 11 arm, om
Satarday, the SSth day of May, 1S87,
at tha door of the county court house, ta Salem.
Marlon county. Oregon, st 11 o'clock a. m., of
ssid day. sll the right, title snd Interest that the
aia Arasbts sergerin baa on or after tbe Mb
uay 01 reoruary, inu, in or to the following
described real estate, to-wlt: Beginning 1LV?
ehalna, 8 IS decrees minutes W of the N. K.
corner of the Theodore Gervsis claim; thence
8 10 degrees 45 minutes W, lta chains to comer
of lou I and s, M. degress W- 14L06 chains
to WiUsmette river, thence K. SlU degree W.,
17 JO chains to corner of lota 4 and s, 8. Sr de
grees UZ7V chains to place of beginning,
containing ziasr acres, situate in Marion conn
ty. state of Oregon,
baled April ito, 1887.
Sheriff Marlon County, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
tne county oi Marion.
Mary E. Elliott, plaintiff.
8. M. Elliott, defendant S .
To 8. M. Elliott, defendant:
X con. you are hereby reouired to snnesr snd
snswer the complaint filed against you in the
above entitled court withla ten days from tbe
aste oi tne serrice ei mis summons upon you.
If served within this county; or. If served in
aay other county of this state, then with in twen
ty days from the dale of tbe serrice of this sum
mons upou you, or if served by publication,
tnen oy tne utn asy oi June, mot, tnst being
the first dsy of the next regulsr term of said
circuit court after the expiration of the time
prescribed in the order for tbe publication of
this summons, and If you fail so to answer, for
warn inereoi, tne piaintin win sppiy to the
court for the relief demsnded in ssid com-
Slaint which Is as follows, to-wlt: First, for the
lssolution of the bonds of matrimony existing
between you snd the plaintiff; secood, that the
plaintiff s name be changed to Mary X. For
ward, aad third, for costs snd disbursements of
this suit.
Yon are further notified that serrice of this
summons Is msde upon you by publication of
the same In tbe OaaooN btatbnman, a weekly
newspaper puoiisnea st esiem, uregou, oy sn
order of the Hon. K. P. Boise, judge of ssid
court, msde at chambers on the lMh dsy of
April. 1887. N. B. Kii IGHT.
4-22-7t Attorney for Plaintiff.
il tne of an execution, decree and order of
sale duly issued out of the Hon. circuit court of
the state of Oregon lor Marlon county, and to
me directed on the lltb dsy of April, 1887,
wherein Gilbert Bros, recovered s judgment,
uccree ana oraer oi sate against A. J. Hsgey,
said judgment being for the sum of 145 1 100
snd interest thereon st tbe rate of ten per cent.
per annum from tbe 12th day of February. 18X6, to
gether with all eostaand disbursement and ac
cruing oou Herein, less the sum of AJ paid
thereon November 1st, 1886, I will sell at pub
lic auction on
Saturday, tbe 14th day of May, 1887,
At the court house door In Salem. Msrion
county, Oregon, st one o'clock p. m. of said day
to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the
aay oi tne right, title and interest which
the said A. J. Hagey had on or after the 28th
day of April. ls (the date of said mortgage) In
snd to tbe following described premises, to-wlt:
Tbe south half of the north half of tbe donation
isna ciaim oi Catherine Hagey and the heirs of
Andrew Hsgey. claim No. fcJt. situated In town-
ship 7 south, rsnge 2 went of Willamette merid
ian. In Marlon county, Oregon.
iatea st osiem this lltb day or April. 1W.
Sheriff Merlon County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given, in accordance with
the provisions of sec. tofchsn. x r TV nf
mlsrellsneous lsw. (oode of Ortgon, page (IS,)
that the Nstlonal fire and marina lnuranna
company of New Zealand has ceased to do busi
ness in tne state oi Oregon, and that it Intends
to wlthdrsw its capital therefrom, six months
after the dale of publication of this notice, as
given below.
Tag National PisgAVb Maxims Ism-bamcb
CoarAsv or 'bw Z sal a so,
by it suorneys,
. ilxxsv E. Williams, (ls.)
azwem i. .v. M Arm -.
adsrslgned hss this dsr br order of the
county court of Msrloa county, Oregon,
been appointed administrator of the estate f
William T. Keion, late of said county .deceased.
All person having claims aaalnct aald ettai
are hereby notified aad repaired to preseat
them, with tbe proper vouchers, to tbe under,
signed st the residence la said Marlon county,
eight mile south-east of Stivertoa, within six
iwiiivpi irora wu oate.
IMted at Jwlem, Oregon, April 6th. i7.
11 1 1 KWII
Admlnlrtrstor of Eitate of WUHsm T. Esto'n,
EXtXTTKlX nor ice.
11 snnmlrSMt kMn.nMl.iMl . -
of the last wlu end teatameut ef Frank U. Me-
wwwu, srerura, oj tne county coon of Msrion
county, Oregon. All person having claim
strains! the estate of said dsxuutant n.niu
to present them with tbe ptoper vouchers, to
i Vi f Tiamc aaism. la said county.
w ssesssa ha NUHLUS 1 1 il IBB aaaaSl astlaWr.
lated aaiem, Oregon, April 2L 17.
Ft I a ta v . rw saw bp
tr?er.,Tx f..u!t wm ad lestameat of Fraak
v. acwnrtii, ueceaseo.
il undersigned baa been appointed by the
county court of Marlon county, at te of Oregon,
executrix of tbe last will snd testament of B. C
Babb, deceased, late of Marion county. Oregon.
All persons hartae claims arainot aald aiata
are hereby required to present the same to ma
at my residence st htayUm. Marion county, Or
egon, la 4 month from tb date of this notice.
auyton, vregoa, April as, lX7.
- - - . JAHKA.UAKR
Xxeentrlx of the lest eCl and testament of B.
m. mud, aeeeased. 4-2-St
TAKK1T IT. ' ' e
A. an a terry one ssddie pongutaddle marked,
white stripe In lace Owner eaa hare same by
I par tug eherree.
B. '. IIALL, ball 'g Ferry
e-ss s
lathaelreuUeourtofUiastsiaof Orrgoa for
Manou aounty.
IL UaDsmeid and JaweyhP- Xally. l.s
Taa aaiem (Oreu) Caattot Ptour tTuiiest
paay Umited, irst Nauoaal baakof C-vL
Jjnwa, JkaClty ef r Company. Wi J
8tut eid ia-a ald ti astea, deCT
To The jm (s. a-oo) Capitol Flour MulsCe.
llmitr First he bank af s, c,t
aad James UeIoaaid trustau, dsiemd-
X gonyouars hereby reoalred to appearand
aaswer the complaint filed against youln the
abojr smUUed aeOoa a or before the Sm dsy
of tbe next regular term of the above tntlUal
.nnri .a alii ... . . . .wa
mw acwau Bowaay IB
June Buxt
m, mi, auMft ii roe Tall s
to snswer for waat thereof tbe plaiatiffewtj
gply to tbe court for taa relief oesaaaded b
. s comsUlut. being the decreelns sdoi-i..
Mint Monday Jane I. Vurr, sad If yoa fall 7,
I nF sal st eTsawTPtsalai i
,TfSm?12?.'"'Clty ef
Selem company to William Stnart, which mil
Is dated tha second da? nf AuruZ
1S88, and duly recorded la the records el aia
ion county, in the state of Oregon, at page U!
J sm. of book U Raaords of llorisgeioi said
Hm?f!0Ml auo ot Orecoa, voTdas agaiws)
ersdttors of tbe City of Salem empanyT
The decreeing snd declaring rold a dead af
conveyance mads by ths City of gal em ecav
pany to Jamee McDonald trustee, which said
deed ta dated taa tenth day of July. 184. aad
d air recorded la tha records ef MarWsooat
in ths state of Oregon, at para oM at acu. i
book SI Records oi bead of said MaTtMaeoua:
ot. ?TToa' against the aredttora af
the City of Salem compaay.
Tbe decreeing and declaring void a deed af
conveyance rives by James McDonald trustee ta
the Salem (Oregon) Capitol Flour Mills com
pany limited, which said dead 1 dated tha first
dsy of July 1M4 and ls duly recorded la the
records of Msrion county la tha statu of Ore
gon at page U et seu. of book SX, Records of
Deeds of said Marlon county, state ot Oregon,
as against the creditors of tha City of Salsas
The decreeing aad declaring void a mortrsge
Cvea by the Saiem (Oregon) Capitol Flour
ills company, UaMted, to tha First National
bank of Salem, Oregon, which aald asortgage is
dated tbe seventeenth day af November, IMS,
and ls duly recorded la the records of Msrion
county, In the state of Oregon at page 661 et
eq..of book 17, Records of Mortgages of said
Marloa county, state of Oregon, as against tha
creditors of the City of Salem company.
That said William Stuart, James McDonald
trustee. First National bank of Salem, Oregon,
aad the Salem (Oregon) Capitol Flour Mills
company, llmltea. be held aad decreed to be
trustee so fsr as they have any Interest la said
property and premises lor the creditors at tbe
City of Salem compaay and for the payments of
tbe judgment of the plaintiffs against the City
of Salem company and that said property ba
msde subject to toe claims snd demands of
these plaintiff and such others as may tola
herein, aad that tha same be sold to satisfy
such demsnds.
That plaintiffs may hsvs their eosts and dis
bursements. That plaintiffs msy hsve such other and
further relief as to this court msy seem meet
and equitable.
You will further take notice that this sum
mons is published In tbe Weekly Obboobbtatbs
mas, pursuant to aa order made by tha Honora
ble ft. P. Holce, judge of tha sbove eutiUed
court, on tbe 19th dsy of April, 1W.
-E-7t Attorneys for plaintiffs.
In the circuit court of tha state of Oregon, for
tbe county of Marion, ss.
Wm.Corbett.D.Msclesr 1
and Kenneth Mscleay, I
partners, doing buaiaess I
under the firm name snd I
style of Corbett dt Ms- I
cicay, Plaintiffs.
O. W. Bradley, Clara
Bradley. J. H. Settlemire
and J. A. Loug hmiller,
To the sbove nsmed defendants:
you arc hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you In tha
sbove entitled suit, within tea dsys from tbe
data pf tha service of this summons upon you.
If served within this county; or, if served in
ary other county of this state, then within
twenty dsys from the date of the service of this
summons npon you: or. If served be onhlica.
tion.then by the 13th day ofJune. 1887.that betas
the first dar of tbe next regular term of said
court, following tbe expiration of the time
prescribed in tbe order for publication of this
summons; and if you fail so to answer, forwent
thereof the plaintiffs will apply to the court for
the relief demanded In said complaint which is
a follows, to wit; Firr, thst tha mortgage man
timed in said complaint be foreclosed, and the
isoa meniienea. in sai a mortgaira aad com
plaint which Is described as follow, to wit:
Lot No. 4, In block No. 4, In tbe town of Wood
burn, county of Marlon, and state of Oregon ss
shown by the msps and olsts thereof, be sold
according to law, and the proceeds of such sale
oe eppuea to tne payment of plaintiffs judg
ment mentioned In said comnlaint. Second
That tha liens or claim of said defendants, J.
H. Settlemire and J. A. Loughmlller, oa or to
said land above described be barred, foreclosed
and decreed subsequent and subject to
said mortgage lien of plaintiffs. Third: That
plaintiffs have judgment sgalnstaald defend
ants, o. W. Bradley and Clara Bradley, for the
sum of $870.21, and interest thereon since
December 9th. ISM. at the rate of tea oer cent.
per annum, amounting to IJU6.66, and for 1 107 AO
attorney, fees, besides the costs and disbnrse
menu of this suit. Fourth: That la tbe event
said land when sold falls to bring a sufficient
amount to pay plaintiffs demand Including the
costs of this suit, and of sale, then that plain
tiffs bare Judgment over against ssid defend
ants, ti. W. and Clara Bradley, foYtbs amount
of any deficiency, and fifth: For such other
snd further relief as msy seem Just snd eouita
ble to tbe court. You snd each of you are
further notified that service of this summons Is
msde upon tbe defendsnts, o. W. Bradley and
Clara Bradley, by publication of the ssme once
each week for six weeks In the Oregon Stavss
m am, which said order of publication was msde
by the Hon. R. P. Boise, judge of said court, oa
ths 26th dsy of April. 187.
Plfls. Attorneys.
MHtvBirra SALK.
ll tns of sa execution and decree duly Issued
out of tbe Hon. Circuit Court of tbe State of Or
egon for Marl on count v, and to me directed oa
tbe 22d day of April, l7 wherein Milton W.
Smith, plaintiff, recovered a judgment aad de
cree against Jane Weston, defendant, said
Judgment being for the sum of three hundred
ull.a.ilLUnill.M l.
" - - "-' w tva. ,iwr ISSIWIB
st the reta of ten bar cant. Humai.
- - W www p-e wt ww mJ sum a s aSaw w tS 9 W
11, sod tiuo as attorneys fees, and their
costs and disbursements bereia taxed at t2JW.
I have levied upon aad will sell at public sac
livu i'is
Saturday, tha SSth day of Kay, 1SS7.
At the Court house door la Salem. Marlon
county, Oregon, st II o'clock a. m. of said day
to tbe highest bidder for cash in hand on tbe
dsv of sale, all lha rlrht till. nA t-i...
of tae defendant, Jane Weston, a or after tha
2Kb day of July. IMA aha data of said Jodg-
tu in ,nv w iuw following ueacriDea prem
.ll: Beiof the donation land claim of
I .A J .1 WtefA. I a. ft f - a.. - . .
.'..w nwH i h mtmtm couair auu state oi
Oregon, claim No. 46. aad beiBK nana ixnlMii
4snd7lntownblp4SK 1 W. and claim No.
44. belnv parts of sections 1 and 12 la township
4 s R 2 W, bounded as follows: Beg Inning st a
point 2.07 chains south of the S B corner of said
seeUoa s and m onlng theaeti oaat 27.94caalas ;
Ibeitce north 10 degrees Ml minutes west, .7
chal a; thence north 81 degrees 66 minutes east,
14AK ebsins; thenee aortb 43.00 chains; thence
south a degrees west, 13 chains; thence south
M degrees west. 7Ai chains, thence south 77 de
grees 45 minute west, 10 chains; thence aorth
8o degrees 4 miaate west, tMJ chains; thence
north 76 degrees 4 miaatee we. 2S.A7 chains:
thence north 89 degrees SO minutes west, 10 .69
chains; thence south 46.0 chains, and thence
east .Z chain to the place of beginning.
vww a twinrns, piu as, act, .
Sheriff Marl on County, Oregon.
it It mar concern that the undaraisnad .
cutoraof the etata of Alfred Hoveaden, de
ceased, have filed their final account la tha
county onrt of Marloa county In the state of
Oregon, and thst Mondsy, the tb dsy of June,
,iww a. m. of said dsy has bees
8xed br the court ae tbe time for bsHi the
same and objections thereto, at tee county
court room, in tae court house la Salem, in said
county of Msrion, and that the same will be
passed upon by said court at ssid time and
latea IhU April 20th. 17.
sauah a uiivrDrv
Co-executors of tha estate snd last will and tes
tament oi Alfred Hoveodea deceased. .
Tllmon Ford and W. H. Kaiser, attorneys for
sxceators. . 4-22-fit