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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1884-1892 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1887)
PACIFIC COAST. Iictts by Telegraph fro: West of the Eockies. Uf Aagelr Small Pax. ' Los March 23. Sine the appearance of email pox here month ago, tbere hare been forty-aix eases, mot of them of the mildt tjpe erf rarioloLd. and nioa deatha. There hav been bat four new cases in the part nina days. At tb present there are sixteen caaeaailof whom will undoubtedly re cover. Vaccination baa been Tigorooaly performed and all possible erecaotiooa taken to prevent matters becoming aeri- osw. Keeklents feel no anxiety ana baxiaem i progressing a usual. Ormgrnm Pacific Steamships. ' Sam FaAcico, March 23. The steam er Willamette Valley, which waa recently purchased in the East by the Oregon D velopment company, Yaqoina bay, ar , rived in port Unlay, after a pasture of sixty-MX days from liaJtimore. hhe is aa iron acrew ateamer of 6'iO ton harden net, and is capable of reaching a apeed of twelve knots per boat. Her cabin has accommodation for eixhty paaaenirera. The Oregon Iteveloptnent company now has two steamers on the line between this city and Yaqoina bay, the Yaquina Lity, a largo iron steamer of 1241 tons, ami the wooden steamer Santa Maria, 3."0 tons, which is nnder charter.' The company has purchased another steamer, which ia called the Eastern Oregon, for merly the City of Pilatka. Hhe was built of iron and steel, by Jhn Roach, in 1883, Her grams tonnage is 883, and she has ae . commodations for seventy cabin pamen- 11. . - 1 . 1 I . . V'crn. nno was laieiy uiieu out in new York with two screws, and can steam thirteen knots per hoar. Hhe left Balti more for this city March 13. On her ar rival the Santa Maria will be discarded. and a steamer will be forwarded three times each week from the com juny'g berth at the seawall, connecting at Ya qoina bay with the Orepnn i'cificand Oregon A California rsi !- for Port land. Cholera. Sas Fsaxcihco, March 24. Tfie press has reliable information that the cholera has wholly disappeared from the Argen tine Republic Kefaaeel to Dxod It o the Stat. Cobvalus, Or., March 24. At a meet ing of the board of trustees of the Corval- lis Agricultural College, held at 2 p. m. to-day, a resolution was passed rescind ing the resolution passed January 29, 185, authorizing the deeding of the agri cultural farm to the state. The vote stood eleven to five, all the M. K. Church South ministers voting aye. There is great indignation expressed by the public over the matter. Smallpox Matter. Los A nobles, March 24. Two new cases of smallpox were reported yester day. Frank Gibson, county recorder, is reported down with it. I lis physician denies it is a case of smallpox. There have been no new cases among the Americans for several days, all those re ported lately being Mexicans. Poktlaxd, March 23. The condition of Mrs. Elwanger is steadily improving. Her wounds are healing, and it is ex pected that she will be able to leave the hospital in about a week. Oh Wa, a citizen of the celestial em pire, was arrested this mornuig for as sault with intent to kill another China man. Fifteen Tear. 1'oktlasd, Oa., March 25. Moras, convicted of manslaughter for poisoning a Russian, was to-day sentenced to serve a term of fifteen years in the peniten tiary. ' THE GOLDKNSOX CASE. Characteristic Condart of Frtaoaer Dar ing; ttc Argument. Ss Fbaxcisco, March 25. To-day witnessed another of those ' exciting scenes which have been so frequent dur ing the progress of the Uoldenson murder trial. Attorney Love, in his argument for the prosecution, referred to the de fendant as having always been a "bad boy, and working for what he will get the gallows. " The prisoner interrupted Love by exclaiming, "You are a d d liar." Turning to Judge Murphy, Love said : " Your honor some one ia creating a d vurbance in the back of the court to. in." "Oh! yon go to h 1!" retort ed tn murderer, as he made a move, to k-are his seat. A deputy sheriff, howev er prevented him, and the attorney cwu timied his argument. The interruptions of the prisoner created a sensation. Killed while Gaaalae-. Tacoma, March 25. Lawrence R. Fhaw, Jr., and John II. Rice,brothera-in law, who live on a ranch twelve miles from her, in the vicinity of Robinson's Point, were gunning in the woods to-day. Shaw's gnn was accidentally discharged entering the back of Rice's head, killing him instantly. Jt SMALL FIRE. A SerkNM CaaHacTaUen Preveated by Prompt Actio. Pobtlaxd, Or., March 28. At 11 o'clock this morning a general alarm of fire was turned in. It was caused by a fire in the Cremorne lodging bouse, Third and Ash streets. Prompt action of the tire department prevented a big blaze, as the whole block and two adjoining are frame buildings. The cause of the fire was a defective floe. The whole loss will sot exceed fifteen hundred -dollars. Hnmxo fob coal A Party from tasters Oreaa riada Coal l Use Coast Raage Meeatataa. AtBAjrr, Or , March 28. A party. consisting of Frank J. Parker, editor of tna w alia alia Statesman, Charles S. - Miller, and W. W. Ogleeby, of Gilliam county, arrived in this city this evening, from a ionr-days' trip in the Coast range of mountains, searching for coaL The party was given a free passage over the Oregon Pacific railroad, and made a e&refal exumoatum cf t-j xj fax as Yaqoina bay. .They repot Lad ing encouraging lmitcauooa of good com trending toward the sea. - Xle4 aT Tras kb, Oa., SIrch2S. George Smith died here to-day. He was aged 67 years. Warmer Miller Cecal a;. 8 as Fjuxcisco, March 27. The Ex aminer's special from New York to-night says: Ex-Senator Warner Miller, his wile and dauirhter, leave to-morrow for bis trip to the .Pacific coast, tie will stop for a few days in Denver, and after , UNlUlg DIN IIUKIH.V 4iA U MS ViCUU and probably Washing too territory. GOLliENsOJr FOCXD GCILTT. He le Coavlcted ef Marder . Decree. Ia the first 8 as Fbahcoco, March 23. Argu menta were concluded to-day in the case of Alexander Goldenson, charged with the murder of the school girl Mamie Kelly on November 10 last. The court immediately charged the jury, which re tired at 4 KJ7 p. m. Uoldenson. who was present in the court room, was taken to his prison cell, located in the same build ing where the coort was lie Id, to remain there until the jury was ready to report. The court room was full of spectators, wno waited patiently for the verdict. About 4 :45 the jury announced that they were ready to report, and the prisoner . . - ... was sent for. tits face expressed great anxiety as to the result, but he, however, attempted to hide his fears by a vain en deavor to smile. Ten minutes later the jurors filed into court and took their seats. "Have you arrived at a verdict, gentle men of the lory 7" inquired the indue. The foreman, stepping forward, said they had, and then -read : "People versos Alexander Goldenson. The jury in the above entitled case find the defendant nlty of murder iu the first degree. pon hearing the verdict a number of persons attempted a noisy demonstration Several clapped their hands, and others, more demonstrative, stamped their feet. ibis was soon stopped by the judge The prisoner, on hearing the verdict, af fected a pleasant look, and sought encour agement by looking at bis Ibrother. In this, however, be was disappointed, as nis orotners lace was equally as pale as me own. Airs, uoldenson, who has been in constant attendance during the trial, was not present when the verdict was rendered. Judge Murphy announced he would pass sentence next Saturday and men court adjourned. . . - . . A MeXiaaville Appoiatmeat. Saw Fkascisco, March 28. W. T, Bangassert of McMinnville, Oregon, has been appointed postal railway clerk on the route between Portland and Co- burg. Kxearsieaa under the Mew Law. Sax Fbancisco, March 26. It does not appear that the interstate commerce bill is yet fully understood by railroad'mana- gers even. There were certain general conclusions reached at a recent confer ence of railroad managers at Chicago. One of the most interesting was that the law does not prevent the present system of overland excursions from the east to the Pacific coast. The rate of 60 for round trip to the Pacific coast from Mis souri river points, and S0 for the round trip from Chicago to the eo.ut. tickora t be good for six months, will bold nnder uie general understanding of the law. In fact eiirht excursions are hnnkod tr come to California next month, hut all parties must pay the same rates and there will be no favored classes. The Canadian Pacific and Pacific Mail are outside of the provisions of th hill Railroad officials have little to av that definite concerning the probable effect of the bill. Freight rates are to be higher. The first meeting of the commissioners will lie awaited with much interest on the part of the transcontinental lines. Freight Ratee oa Hope. Sas Fbascisco, March 29. Under the new tariff, as governed by the pas sage of the interstate commerce bill, the rate on hops will be as follows : From Pacific coast terminals to M common points, f 1.75 per 100 pound; to m. uui8 and common points, $1.85 per pounus ; ana to i-nicago and common points, $1.95 per 100 pounds. Portland, Or.. March 30. Fred Blim, barkeeper for Councilman Gerdes' sdtoon in this city, has robbed the safe and skipped. His whereabouts are unknown. The amount taken is unknown. The etruve-Skinner foot-race case will be tried to-morrow. The coroner's inouest on the bodv nf John Cahil', kilted at Albina last nightjs Doing nehi to nay. RoIhtm h i Uurney, convicted of burn ing Idd'n harn at kaat PnrtUnd worn enter iced this morning. Roberts gets six years, ana tsurney eight, five years for arson and three for burglary. ALBANY NEWS. A Thief Captared Albaaj and CorvallU Seekers. Albaht, Or., March 30. A man giv ing the name of Meredith was arrested in this city to-day for robbing Hodges gnn store and Dr. Winters' room, at the Vincent hotel at Corvallis, last night He broke open Dr. Winters' valise and took $100, and stole $65 worth of mer chandise from the junk store. He was taken to Corvallis this morning for trial. The street fakir who has been working Eugene, Salem, Astoria, and other cities of the stabiwith a jewelry game.tcok $200 from people. of this city to-day. Re ports from Corvallis state that he worked that' town this afternoon for a orach larger amount. A CRUEL REJOINDER. "How old would you take me to be, Mr. Snooks?" she lisped, looking unut terable things at him. "I donno," he replied twisting nervously about in his chair." "I'm awfully old, I assure you. I've seen twenty-three summers !" "Then yon ought to wear glasse, be replied, earnestly. "Why. Mr. Snooks? Glasses at twenty three?" "Yes, your eyesight most be bad." "I'm sore I don t know why yon should think so," aha pouted. "Because I'm afrain twenty summers have gone by that yon haven't seen". The Case of tie Eclora, lea, and Faste-pct, rcrzzs Xcmwestera Exchanges. Baker City is to have water works. ' Enterprising citizens of Walla Walla have put cp $20,000 to be used In moving un wrnuriM pruuuni xrom uieir pre est quarters to the new "pen" and main taining them until the legislature meets in December. Baker City Democrat: Should the present fine weather continue a few days longer there will be quite a number of disgusted men about Baker City as they wiunave no reasonable excuse for not going out to work in the mines, and thereby earn an honest dollar. At a meeting of the iaeorporators of the Oregon Southern Pacific Coast A Utah Railroad company, in the parlor of Doug las county bank, at Rose burg, Aaher Marks, of . Marks Uo., was elected president; D. S. Buick, of the Plain- dealer, vice-president ; Charles W. John son, of the land office, secretary ; 8. U. r unt, of Douglas county bank, treasurer. Books will soon be open for subscription to uie capital stock. East Oregon ian : The census of the reservation Indians is completed and foots op over a thousand of all sorts en titled to land. The commissioners think the .average amount to each will be about eighty acres. The Indians have been considering their choice of the reserva tion, and say they mean to have the best of it. Just what the boundaries of the new reservation will be are not yet known. The Mountain Sentinel, published at union, union county, which has been In existence 21 years, has suspended. The type and machinery will be moved to La Grande and the Lagrande Journal will be published. Latest advances- warrant the statement that only eight miles of snow shed will be required on the Cas cade branch after the tunnel is done. On the 15th of March the big tunnel was in 1983 feet from Uie east and 1926 feet from the west. Twice in the history of Oregon has it happened that a man has been arrested for that phenomenal crime, stealing a red hot stove. iut never before the present time, in the memory of the writer, has the larceny of a house been reported. Now comes some member of the Mult nomah Rod and . Gun club of Portland and says that a little house that was built by Mr. Buell Lam hereon in the Portland city park for the use of sportsmen in rainy weatber, bas mysteriously disap peared. It is supposed some one in that vicinity bas put rollers nnder the little house, hitched a team to it, and drawn it away. Certainly it has been taken with out the permission of anyone who had a right or title in the building. It cost in construction about $100. TURNER1 ITEMS. Turner is without a physician. Mr. Senders, the Albany horse buyer. is in town. Postmaster Thomas is in the capital city to-day. Mrs. D. II. Close is visiting at Spokane Falls, W. T. Mrs. M. J. Mnrria and dinchtor Aria visited Salem yesterday. Fred. Miller, a good-looking bachelor from Miller's station, is gracing our streets with his presence. Mr. RchmiiU. littln rianchtAr h, ttaA m relapse, aud at this writing is very sick, but not considered seriously. The band bovs will give another one of their side-splitting entertainments on April 8th. Luncheon will be served after the concert. The Star ton and Mehama mail is now carried by the way of the narrow gauge to Aurasville, thence by stage to its desti nation. The kick against the new route is very great as great delay is experi enced from Uncle Sam's change of routes. Ti rkeb, March 29, 1887. WOODBCRN GLEASIKGS. Winter wheat is on the jump. Ploughing has begun on the prairie lands. A new broad gauge depot and a new agent are here. Blue Ribbon club and Good Temnl&ra' lodge are very prosperous. So manv trees are heinr net out that this burg now boasts two nurseries. The school is to be enlarged and an as sistant employed. Mr. Mixe. a Salem man, is giving good satisfaction as teacher. A temne ranee lortnraon Tmuil, nintii resulted in a prohibitory amendment league: Hon. S. Layman, president; A. cnggs, vice president; r. U. Kennedy, secretary ; Marshal' Hicks, treasurer; Mrs. Ray. Mrs. Tooze. Mrs. Cammark. a committee on programme. To hold a public meeting next month. THAT WASBUSLNESS. Omaha sinner How do you like your new minister? Omaha saint Don't like him at all. Ie is not cut out .for a preacher: he ought to have been a business man. i nat s a unit, is it 7" 'Yes. sir: he haa entire! Iaa business ability. Last Honda vharm..h. ed a roaring sermon on hypocrites, and at the close invited all hypocrites ia the congregation to stand np. Of course no one arose. - "I suppose not, but what of that?" "Whv. then he followed hia iilnn).. by passing the contribution box." C0CLD3PT HOLD HER AFTER THAT. "Mamma, does our new rirL Mm. get mad and run away when anyone talks to her?". Why, no, my child; of coarse net. Why. do You ask each a Lmliah '.no tion?" . - MCanae nana had (n KrJA . ! . are uui morning while he told her about the dinner she was to get to day." 7 ,h?QS?. eoPn S hot it would not hold the hired girl any longer. TJT ..Zt I , The foSowinf are the real estate trans actions for the past week, ai recorded ia the office of the county clerk : ' . .. Geo. W. Watt to R. Warner, lots 1 and 2, in fractional bk in Jones' addition to Salem, $125. , - f W. II. Fairish and wife to Freeman and wife, east half of east half of lot 5 of bk 22; $1000. J. II. Albert and wife to E. F. Hatch- ins, lots 7 ard 8 in bk 20, University ad dition to Salem : $300. W.E. Mitchell and wife to Louisa Welch, lot 5 in bk 9. North Salem ; $125 J.W. Hoock and wife to Thoa. W. Rutherford. 50.08 ia 1 9 r 2w : $200. J. IL Albert and wife to Harry J. Sin gleton, lot 3 in bk 29, Um verity addition ; 100. 5 J. II. Albert and wife to 8arah A. Singleton, east half of tots 1 and 2 in bk 20. University addition ; $400. Hermann Uohbach and wife to Won. Wadhams and IL A. Elliott, lots 5. 6. 7. and 8 in bk 2, in Butteville, also part of lot 5 in bk 3; $1200. B. F. Hall to Gee. W. Parser, 160.93 acres, 1 7 s r 2 and 3 w: $6500. James W. Jory and wife to J. M. Brown, lot 3 in sec 17, lot in sec. 18, 1 9 srle;$i50. Veronica Leajth to G. W. Shriver. lot 8 inbk 15, in Jones's addition toJSalem ; $600. A a Mai Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh i Catarrh Remedy. Price SO ceDU. For aie oj ron at eon. Thla It the aeaeon for aaekers. They fctte well now. The tpeciet u last the came in Albany, corvaiJU, oalem, ana other puce. DIED. FREEL AND. t In Canby, March 24th, 1887, Mrs. B. R. Freeland, formerly a resident of this city. j, , ,7l PRINGLE. In Sooth Salem, at 10:30 p. . m., March 24th, 1887, in his 83d year, tirgiiK. 1 nn(?lejaf The funeral will take place to-day at 2 o'clock, from the family residence in South Salem, Rey. M. C. Wire officiating. March 24th, 1837, Daniel Taylor, aged about 40 years. Deceased leaves a wife and three children. He was buried yesterday at Aumsville. HAVRE At hnme at WhireaVer flra. 'gon, Feb. 23, 1887, Dora, beloved wife ZZol Thomas Havre, born in Liverpool. r,ouuiu, reo. z-t, i&A), TWnaaed Tal fi9 veara rJ aoo al the - J -a- .-- " time oi nerdeain, and was married on uctnner Zli. IX.H. in Alarlmnn wn Nhe leave a devoted hnahand and twrt irmen children, a boy and girl, who live in this . .. 7 . : . t . .- - - - - -- couniy on uie nome place. SOUTHWICK. In Salem, Friday. March 25, 1887, Mrs. P. Southwick, aged 78 years. Deceased was born in Chautanoua county, New York, Jan. 29th, 1809. " She was the mother of twelve children, six of whom are living, five of them in Salem. They are F. B. .Southwick, M. 8outh wick. Mrs. Ed. Bnggs. Mrs. W. P. John son and Mrs. M. E. GoodelL The funer al will take tlace to-day, from M. E. Goodell's, at the corner of Summer and Chemeketa streets, at 1 o'clock p. m. THE MARKETS. Portland and Salem Markets Cor rected Weekly from Re liable Sources. PORTLAND MARKET. (Wholesale Prices. I Wheat Good Taller. 11.40 per cU: Walla Walla, S1.&2U. oat rer tunnel. h(wc. Flour Standard brands, per bbl. U.50: other brands, toM.2b. Butter Fancv fresh roll, per pound. 25c: common. 1.X&30& r-rits rer doien, I2',c Chickens Quote tXM. according to quality SALEM MARKET. (Buying; Prices. Wheat Gone no. The mill companies here are pay Ins; 72 to 75c per bu. for all rood marketable wheat. Flour Per barrel. M 05 Oats Per bnnhcl. c Barley- Per bushel, 4-Sc. Bran None In market. Shorts Per ton, $1. Chop-Per ton, t JO. Hops Offer! nf all the way from 15 to lSc Errs 10 to l. per doa. Potatoes Per bushel. TSc Corn meal Sc per pound.' Oat meal Rellinf at Mavc. . Cheese e per pound all round. Beans e per lb. Pried apples Per pound. Sc. Pried plume Per pon ad. 6c, Pried peaches Per pound. 10c. Dried prunes Per sound. vaiOc. Butter 2V30e per pouad. Lard -4 ltc per lb. Hams Per pound. 10e. Bacon sides Se per lb. s Shoulders 6e per lb. Shoulders Sugar eared, seUInr, per lb, 10c. Breaktast bacon KUi n at 12V- Hams enrar cured. selQnf . per lb, 15c. Beef eelltDf , mlc Pork-8l0c. Mutton -l0e. Veal W91Vic. Chickens Burinf. 11M(&3 per dot. Hoes Buying, c Beef On foot. 2S. le. Oreen apples Per bushel. 60c' Onions Per busbel. $1.25. Caboare Out of market. Timothy Beed-Per pound, 7c; selllnr. Red Clorer seed Per pound. 14c. waiu CIotst Seed Per poend, 2Sc - I 4 yf sfrTTlf'-rV. I efrau. L.0CT PZuTlZCT L!A!23 Pl-pewd sfa atrfct taemsj teParPy, tl aaa tk. Sa4 Healftifslaesa. Dr. Pnce s Bekiar PevdrrGeateUM Extracts, VaatUa, aavajaai or rsnopaaU. Dr.Prieea la, I emna, sx,asirjt eltrtoaair. n MEM aawa a PRICE n. m:. wade & co., -CARItlAGE COLUMDUS BUGGY CO8 FINE i o Emenon A Fisher Cn.'i been let and carrlare and complete assortment Firrt class good at low prices. Please call and examine belore pur Chasing. 2, 284, 2Sb commercial street. a-aood-dsr Over 6,000,000 PEOPLE USE FERRY'S SEEDS H"f TJsv aradaJUlo bathe JeEEOMWIL For 1 88 7 J m be Basiled rsii to an appiiaaata. aad telasti eaMtWstaodiess ..ruitavu. Detroit, Mich. Oil Cake Meal FOR MILCH COWS, Increases the ouantltr and onalltv nf milk far greater than any other feed. We gnsrame one tpn of oil cake meal equal to three tons of bran. FOB HORSES, BEE!" CATTLE, SHEEP, ETC., i It promotes the general health, prevents blind staeecrs In horses, keeps the coat smooth and skin soft, and keeps the aalmal In good condi tion. At present prices It is by far the cheapest feed la the market. For sals by all dealers and by 1 JO-eod w tn o. W. GRAT A SONS, Pioneer Oil Works, Salem, Oregon I am LomiDg Salem,- And will hare the finest photograph outfit on the coast. Persons wishing photographs will do well to wait a few days tf they wish some thing ia the way of photographs that will be truly Srst clam. Prices the same as the other galleries ta Salem. Poaltirely no mil shall make photographs cbaaper la Salem than I win. 1 lll open my rooms some time la April la the new bank block. T. J. CIIERRIXGTON, 3-25-U Photographer. IpIXTXEKY AKDDRK33M AsTIJCG. TOTHE ill ladies: Jua received a new stock of Mill inery aad feecy ex1.. Ass prepared to sjlt ladles in point of qna'.lty and price. Expenses light, heitce esn ell lower tbaa any other MNua. .Please call aad examine stock. Mrs. ssalth, Marios street, between Winter aad Summer. Jtldw VOTiCE. FROM THIS DATE I WILL BE rcponible far do debts execr-t those con tracted by ajylt J. A. HUFFMAN. Salem. Or, March 28, VtSJ. 2dw-6w 4! V J iWaatoekUte XSS J mmmtt Oar. S A., ruM mr rwm sssas ew U I am Mm. 8a.Sss.s.a.a, . . , as H Sense la eae of the IVpartmeule of the BAJUNO POWDER COMPANY'S MANCFACTORT. TUI LaKUftllT IH TUM WOHL.D. Caaaus Dr. Price's Creaa fiakJaf Povdsc REPOSITOKY. - BUGGIES AN1 CARRIAGES, f Rirln ,nHii . i,..k. t. . tbm buyers orrox is ssaesl Sept. mA Harsa, asflk Tea. a 3ia him. a 11 X laches, wit mwmm ' 3,SOO Ulaetratieaia a wkole IHetava ClaUery. GIVES Wfcalssala Priaaat direct tm aesnwasere mm mil ajaada far pereeaal or fWaally sua. Tells kew ta rer, smal srtTes) exact eeet ot eyery tSvtwa; yam sue, eat, drlak, wear, ar mm wttsu Tkeaa 15TV ALTJ A BLB BOOKS rornUOa IjafbrBBatloB glraarj Vaaa the aaarketa mt Use WerLat. We wtU aaaU a eepr FREE tm ajsy staV strasa wpsm reeetpt mt IS eta. ta defray expeatee af aaaillas;. Let sm ssesur tVoaa yaa. BsvaetAOly, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. WTT de 9 Wasash Aveaae, CMsase, lis. Cox Bros., Of Maclear, need money and room, and wUl sell out their entire stock AT COST FOR Must dispote of old stock, and make a general settlement by April 1st. Mo credit during this time. Produce) taken as usual. Customers please eall and settle. 3-4-jtia Maclcat, January IL MS7, THE DI?JOEE St CON Alt O to BKAtTlKtL ErEUBLUMINU ) r .V )-a t -p.fl h T St a ii Ins sad asanhctips; t .l- Wl, a.'i inm Uum aumiUas an4 ttf lU.uUmt snrt. ia diilwaut staaaaad prwstosait all 0r 4- tit nf te i hnuas fr-s. : Kirna P Vrt safaly It null t aB P r : t..r-m, panaWi caaue el two, all lalatsi, x.Trtnit tovfli.ia. Two HwKaw by astwiaa, Owr !. ,y ft-t". ; paava. aaaatly IHaatratail, rrt-r. ?.- f !.; it., . P.: t: HtA i. i 4; "' ' , "n. ASTHIVJA CtJRF.n eg Mail ABTMMA CUSB laatsatly ralieses tha ssast rtnlaist auack end In na anaatietabW sliae WAItlse tmr s M I .r.Bam aaad b takwlatiua. Us aetkai feae aa. or sad rrri aia, ana tnnsUH aaaM ia si amliwrM, A tr.c'.s trial fa. TtB a tHm miti ... L...I r-i I 1 . I Ijaf anraracciarfymiia KompW Yrre U Wstame lr.K.'HlrtM.kft, 1. .SHAW. i. T. GREGG SIUW & GREGG, ATTORNEYS JVT LAW SALEM. OREGOS. tX9" Eeit's -OIRce In Pattoa's block, up stairs oyer it's drug store. r n fl!?KFOR iLI A WEEK AND EXPENS nwua esjpald. Valuable outfit and perUcn larsfrea. r. O. TICK.EHT, Augusta Maine. FOB THE OREGON PEACH BITTERS, CALL oa your druggist or add ret H. K:ass.Anms Tiile, Marlon county. Oregon. 3-2&4W ii i CASH